package Bot::Zulip::Chess; use 5.020; use feature 'signatures', 'postderef'; use experimental 'signatures', 'postderef'; use Moose; no warnings 'experimental::signatures'; no warnings 'experimental::postderef'; use Chess::Rep; use JSON::PP; use Path::Class; use Try::Tiny; use WebService::Zulip; has api_key => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', required => 1, ); has api_user => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', required => 1, ); has bot_name => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', required => 1, ); has streams => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'ArrayRef[Str]', required => 1, ); has white_player => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', predicate => 'has_white_player', clearer => 'clear_white_player', ); has black_player => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', predicate => 'has_black_player', clearer => 'clear_black_player', ); has _zulip => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'WebService::Zulip', lazy => 1, default => sub ($self) { my $zulip = WebService::Zulip->new( api_key => $self->api_key, api_user => $self->api_user, ); # XXX move this into WebService::Zulip $zulip->{_ua}->post('', {subscriptions => encode_json([ map { +{ name => $_ } } $self->streams->@* ])}); $zulip }, ); has _queue => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'HashRef', lazy => 1, default => sub ($self) { $self->_zulip->get_message_queue }, ); has _chessboard => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Chess::Rep', lazy => 1, default => sub ($self) { my $board = Chess::Rep->new; my $record = $self->_record_file; if (-e $record) { chomp(my @lines = $record->slurp); $self->white_player(shift @lines); $self->black_player(shift @lines); for my $turn (@lines) { my ($white, $black) = split ' ', $turn; $board->go_move($white) if $white; $board->go_move($black) if $black; } } $board }, clearer => '_clear_chessboard', ); has _record_file => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Path::Class::File', lazy => 1, default => sub { file('') }, ); has _temp_move => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', ); sub run ($self) { while (1) { $self->step } } sub step ($self) { my $res = $self->_zulip->get_new_events( queue_id => $self->_queue->{queue_id}, last_event_id => $self->_queue->{last_event_id}, dont_block => 'false', ); for my $event ($res->{events}->@*) { next unless $event->{type} eq 'message'; my $message = $event->{message}; next if $message->{type} eq 'private'; my $bot_name = $self->bot_name; my $content = $message->{content}; next unless $content =~ s/^\@\*\*$bot_name\*\*//; $content =~ s/^\s*|\s*$//g; my $response = $self->handle_move( $message->{sender_full_name}, $content ); my $to = $message->{type} eq 'private' ? $message->{sender_email} : $message->{display_recipient}; $self->_zulip->send_message( content => $response, subject => $message->{subject}, to => $to, type => $message->{type}, ); } $self->_queue->{last_event_id} = $self->_zulip->get_last_event_id($res); } sub handle_move ($self, $player, $move) { if (!$self->players_turn($player)) { return "It's not your turn!"; } else { if ($self->needs_new_player) { $self->set_new_player($player); } return try { my $res = $self->_chessboard->go_move($move); my $parsed_move = $res->{san}; if ($self->needs_new_player) { $self->_temp_move($parsed_move); } else { $self->_record_file->spew( iomode => 'a', $parsed_move . ($self->_chessboard->to_move ? "\n" : " ") ); } $self->draw_state; } catch { s/ at .* line .*//r; }; } } sub needs_new_player ($self) { return !$self->has_white_player || !$self->has_black_player } sub set_new_player ($self, $player) { if (!$self->has_white_player) { warn "$player is now playing White"; $self->white_player($player) } elsif (!$self->has_black_player) { warn "$player is now playing Black"; $self->black_player($player); $self->_record_file->spew( $self->white_player . "\n" . $self->black_player . "\n" . $self->_temp_move . " " ); } else { die "Both players are already full"; } } sub draw_state ($self) { my $board = $self->format_board =~ s/^/ /gmr; my $status = $self->_chessboard->status; if ($status->{mate}) { $board .= "CHECKMATE\n"; $self->reset_board; } elsif ($status->{stalemate}) { $board .= "STALEMATE\n"; $self->reset_board; } elsif ($status->{check}) { $board .= "CHECK\n"; } my $to_move = $self->current_player; if ($to_move) { $to_move = '@**' . $to_move . '**'; } else { $to_move = "A new opponent"; } $board .= $to_move . " (" . ($self->_chessboard->to_move ? 'White' : 'Black') . ") to move\n"; return $board; } sub current_player ($self) { my $method = $self->_chessboard->to_move ? 'white_player' : 'black_player'; return $self->$method; } sub players_turn ($self, $player) { return if !$self->has_black_player && $self->has_white_player && $self->white_player eq $player; my $expected_player = $self->current_player; return 1 if !defined($expected_player); return 1 if $expected_player eq $player; return; } sub reset_board ($self) { $self->_record_file->move_to(time() . ".game"); $self->clear_white_player; $self->clear_black_player; $self->_clear_chessboard; } my %pieces = ( p => "\N{BLACK CHESS PAWN}", P => "\N{WHITE CHESS PAWN}", n => "\N{BLACK CHESS KNIGHT}", N => "\N{WHITE CHESS KNIGHT}", b => "\N{BLACK CHESS BISHOP}", B => "\N{WHITE CHESS BISHOP}", r => "\N{BLACK CHESS ROOK}", R => "\N{WHITE CHESS ROOK}", q => "\N{BLACK CHESS QUEEN}", Q => "\N{WHITE CHESS QUEEN}", k => "\N{BLACK CHESS KING}", K => "\N{WHITE CHESS KING}", ); sub format_board ($self) { my $board = $self->_chessboard->dump_pos; for my $piece (keys %pieces) { $board =~ s/$piece/$pieces{$piece}/g; } $board =~ s/\+/\N{BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL}/g; $board =~ s/\|-/\N{BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT VERTICAL AND RIGHT}-/g; $board =~ s/-\|/-\N{BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT VERTICAL AND LEFT}/g; $board =~ s/\|/\N{BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT VERTICAL}/g; $board =~ s/-/\N{BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT HORIZONTAL}/g; $board = "\N{BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DOWN AND RIGHT}" . ("\N{BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT HORIZONTAL}\N{BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DOWN AND HORIZONTAL}" x 7) . "\N{BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT HORIZONTAL}" . "\N{BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DOWN AND LEFT}" . "\n" . $board . "\n" . "\N{BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT UP AND RIGHT}" . ("\N{BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT HORIZONTAL}\N{BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT UP AND HORIZONTAL}" x 7) . "\N{BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT HORIZONTAL}" . "\N{BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT UP AND LEFT}" . "\n A B C D E F G H\n"; my @board = split "\n", $board; my $n = 1; for my $i (0..$#board) { my $prefix = $i % 2 == 1 && $i < 16 ? (9 - $n++) : " "; $board[$i] = $prefix . $board[$i]; } join("\n", @board) . "\n" } __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable; no Moose; 1;