package App::Termcast; use Moose; # ABSTRACT: broadcast your terminal sessions for remote viewing with 'MooseX::Getopt::Dashes'; use IO::Select; use IO::Socket::INET; use JSON; use Scalar::Util 'weaken'; use Term::Filter; use Term::ReadKey; use Try::Tiny; =head1 SYNOPSIS my $tc = App::Termcast->new(user => 'foo'); $tc->run('bash'); =head1 DESCRIPTION App::Termcast is a client for the L service, which allows broadcasting of a terminal session for remote viewing. =cut =attr host Server to connect to (defaults to, the host for the service). =cut has host => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', default => '', documentation => 'Hostname of the termcast server to connect to', ); =attr port Port to use on the termcast server (defaults to 31337). =cut has port => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Int', default => 31337, documentation => 'Port to connect to on the termcast server', ); =attr user Username to use (defaults to the local username). =cut has user => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', default => sub { $ENV{USER} }, documentation => 'Username for the termcast server', ); =attr password Password for the given user. The password is set the first time that username connects, and must be the same every subsequent time. It is sent in plaintext as part of the connection process, so don't use an important password here. Defaults to 'asdf' since really, a password isn't all that important unless you're worried about being impersonated. =cut has password => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', default => 'asdf', # really unimportant documentation => "Password for the termcast server\n" . " (mostly unimportant)", ); =attr bell_on_watcher Whether or not to send a bell to the terminal when a watcher connects or disconnects. Defaults to false. =cut has bell_on_watcher => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Bool', default => 0, documentation => "Send a terminal bell when a watcher connects\n" . " or disconnects", ); =attr timeout How long in seconds to use for the timeout to the termcast server. Defaults to 5. =cut has timeout => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Int', default => 5, documentation => "Timeout length for the connection to the termcast server", ); =method establishment_message Returns the string sent to the termcast server when connecting (typically containing the username and password) =cut has establishment_message => ( traits => ['NoGetopt'], is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', lazy_build => 1, ); sub _build_establishment_message { my $self = shift; return sprintf("hello %s %s\n", $self->user, $self->password); } sub _termsize { return try { GetTerminalSize() } catch { (undef, undef) }; } =method termsize_message Returns the string sent to the termcast server whenever the terminal size changes. =cut sub termsize_message { my $self = shift; my ($cols, $lines) = $self->_termsize; return '' unless $cols && $lines; return $self->_form_metadata_string( geometry => [ $cols, $lines ], ); } has socket => ( traits => ['NoGetopt'], is => 'rw', isa => 'IO::Socket::INET', lazy_build => 1, init_arg => undef, ); sub _form_metadata_string { my $self = shift; my %data = @_; my $json = JSON::encode_json(\%data); return "\e[H\x00$json\xff\e[H\e[2J"; } sub _build_socket { my $self = shift; my $socket; { $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $self->host, PeerPort => $self->port); if (!$socket) { Carp::carp "Couldn't connect to " . $self->host . ": $!"; ReadMode 0 if $self->_has_term && $self->_term->_raw_mode; sleep 5; ReadMode 5 if $self->_has_term && $self->_term->_raw_mode; redo; } } syswrite $socket, $self->establishment_message . $self->termsize_message; # ensure the server accepted our connection info { my $select = IO::Select->new($socket); my ($r, undef, $e) = IO::Select->select( $select, undef, $select, ); for my $fh (@$e) { if ($fh == $socket) { ReadMode 0 if $self->_has_term && $self->_term->_raw_mode; Carp::croak("Invalid password"); } } for my $fh (@$r) { if ($fh == $socket) { my $buf; $socket->recv($buf, 4096); if (!defined $buf || length $buf == 0) { ReadMode 0 if $self->_has_term && $self->_term->_raw_mode; Carp::croak("Invalid password"); } elsif ($buf ne ('hello, ' . $self->user . "\n")) { ReadMode 0 if $self->_has_term && $self->_term->_raw_mode; Carp::carp("Unknown login response from server: $buf"); ReadMode 5 if $self->_has_term && $self->_term->_raw_mode; } } } } ReadMode 5 if $self->_has_term && $self->_term->_raw_mode; return $socket; } before clear_socket => sub { my $self = shift; Carp::carp("Lost connection to server ($!), reconnecting..."); ReadMode 0 if $self->_has_term && $self->_term->_raw_mode; }; sub _new_socket { my $self = shift; $self->clear_socket; $self->socket; } has _needs_termsize_update => ( traits => ['NoGetopt'], is => 'rw', isa => 'Bool', default => 0, ); has _term => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Term::Filter', lazy => 1, predicate => '_has_term', default => sub { my $_self = shift; weaken(my $self = $_self); Term::Filter->new( callbacks => { setup => sub { my ($term) = @_; $term->add_input_handle($self->socket); }, winch => sub { # for the sake of sending a clear to the client anyway syswrite $self->output, "\e[H\e[2J"; $self->_needs_termsize_update(1); }, read_error => sub { my ($term, $fh) = @_; if ($fh == $self->socket) { $self->_new_socket; } }, read => sub { my ($term, $fh) = @_; if ($fh == $self->socket) { my $got = $term->_read_from_handle( $self->socket, "socket" ); $self->_new_socket unless defined $got; if ($self->bell_on_watcher) { # something better to do here? syswrite $self->output, "\a"; } } }, munge_output => sub { my ($term, $buf) = @_; $self->write_to_termcast($buf); $buf; }, }, ); }, handles => [ 'run', 'input', 'output' ], ); =method write_to_termcast $BUF Sends C<$BUF> to the termcast server. =cut sub write_to_termcast { my $self = shift; my ($buf) = @_; my $socket = $self->socket; my $select = IO::Select->new($socket); my (undef, $w, $e) = IO::Select->select( undef, $select, $select, $self->timeout, ); my $err; for my $fh (@$e) { if ($fh == $socket) { $err = 1; } } if (!$err) { for my $fh (@$w) { if ($fh == $socket) { if ($self->_needs_termsize_update) { $buf = $self->termsize_message . $buf; $self->_needs_termsize_update(0); } return $self->socket->syswrite($buf); } } } $self->clear_socket; return $self->write_to_termcast(@_); } =method run @ARGV Runs the given command in the local terminal as though via C, but streams all output from that command to the termcast server. The command may be an interactive program (in fact, this is the most useful case). =cut __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable; no Moose; =head1 TODO Use L to make configuration easier. =head1 BUGS No known bugs. Please report any bugs through RT: email C, or browse to L. =head1 SEE ALSO L =head1 SUPPORT You can find this documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc App::Termcast You can also look for information at: =over 4 =item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation L =item * CPAN Ratings L =item * RT: CPAN's request tracker L =item * Search CPAN L =back =cut 1;