#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use Test::Requires 'Test::TCP'; use App::Termcast; no warnings 'redefine'; local *App::Termcast::_termsize = sub { return (80, 24) }; use warnings 'redefine'; pipe(my $cread, my $swrite); pipe(my $sread, my $cwrite); test_tcp( client => sub { my $port = shift; close $swrite; close $sread; { sysread($cread, my $buf, 1) } my $tc = App::Termcast->new( host => '', port => $port, user => 'test', password => 'tset'); $tc->write_to_termcast('foo'); syswrite($cwrite, 'a'); { sysread($cread, my $buf, 1) } ok(!$tc->meta->find_attribute_by_name('_term')->has_value($tc), "pty isn't created"); }, server => sub { my $port = shift; close $cwrite; close $cread; my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(LocalAddr => '', LocalPort => $port, Listen => 1); $sock->accept; # signal to the client that the port is available syswrite($swrite, 'a'); my $client = $sock->accept; my $login; $client->recv($login, 4096); is($login, "hello test tset\n\e\[H\x00{\"geometry\":[80,24]}\xff\e\[H\e\[2J", "got the correct login info"); $client->send("hello, test\n"); { sysread($sread, my $buf, 1) } my $buf; $client->recv($buf, 4096); is($buf, 'foo', 'wrote correctly'); syswrite($swrite, 'a'); }, ); done_testing;