package Bread::Board::Declare; use Moose::Exporter; # ABSTRACT: create Bread::Board containers as normal Moose objects use Bread::Board (); =head1 SYNOPSIS package MyApp; use Moose; use Bread::Board::Declare; has dsn => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', value => 'dbi:mysql:my_db', ); has dbic => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'MyApp::Model::DBIC', dependencies => ['dsn'], lifecycle => 'Singleton', ); has tt => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'MyApp::View::TT', dependencies => { template_root => dep(value => './root/templates'), }, ); has controller => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'MyApp::Controller', dependencies => { model => 'dbic', view => 'tt', }, ); MyApp->new->controller; # new controller object with new model and view MyApp->new( model => MyApp::Model::KiokuDB->new, )->controller; # new controller object with new view and kioku model =head1 DESCRIPTION This module is a L extension which allows for declaring L container classes in a more straightforward and natural way. It sets up L as the superclass, and creates services associated with each attribute that you create, according to these rules: =over 4 =item If the C<< service => 0 >> option is passed to C, no service is created. =item If the C option is passed to C, a L service is created, with the given value. =item If the C option is passed to C, a L service is created, with the given coderef as the block. In addition to receiving the service object (as happens in Bread::Board), this coderef will also be passed the container object. =item If the attribute has a type constraint corresponding to a class, a L service is created, with the class corresponding to the type constraint. =item Otherwise, a BlockInjection service is created which throws an exception. This allows services to be created for the sole purpose of being set through the attribute, without requiring a default to be specified. Note that C<< required => 1 >> is still valid on these attributes. =back Constructor parameters for services (C, C, etc) can also be passed into the attribute definition; these will be forwarded to the service constructor. See L for a full list of additional parameters to C. If C<< infer => 1 >> is passed in the attribute definition, the class in the type constraint will be introspected to find its required dependencies, and those dependencies will be automatically fulfilled as much as possible by corresponding services in the container. See L for more information. In addition to creating the services, this module also modifies the attribute reader generation, so that if the attribute has no value, a value will be resolved from the associated service. It also modifies the C method on services so that if the associated attribute has a value, that value will be returned immediately. This allows for overriding service values by passing replacement values into the constructor, or by calling setter methods. Note that C/C doesn't make a lot of sense in this setting, so they are explicitly disabled. In addition, multiple inheritance would just cause a lot of problems, so it is also disabled (although single inheritance and role application works properly). =cut my (undef, undef, $init_meta) = Moose::Exporter->build_import_methods( as_is => ['dep'], install => ['import', 'unimport'], class_metaroles => { attribute => ['Bread::Board::Declare::Meta::Role::Attribute'], class => ['Bread::Board::Declare::Meta::Role::Class'], instance => ['Bread::Board::Declare::Meta::Role::Instance'], }, role_metaroles => { applied_attribute => ['Bread::Board::Declare::Meta::Role::Attribute'], }, base_class_roles => ['Bread::Board::Declare::Role::Object'], ); sub init_meta { my $package = shift; my %options = @_; if (my $meta = Class::MOP::class_of($options{for_class})) { if ($meta->isa('Class::MOP::Class')) { my @supers = $meta->superclasses; $meta->superclasses('Bread::Board::Container') if @supers == 1 && $supers[0] eq 'Moose::Object'; } } $package->$init_meta(%options); } =head1 EXPORTS =head2 dep dependencies => { foo => dep('foo'), bar => dep(value => 'bar'), } This is a helper function for specifying dependency lists. Passing a single argument will explicitly mark it as a dependency to be resolved by looking it up in the container. This isn't strictly necessary (the dependency specifications for L have a coercion which does this automatically), but being explicit can be easier to understand at times. This function can also take a hash of arguments. In that case, an anonymous service is created to satisfy the dependency. The hash is passed directly to the constructor for the appropriate service: if the C parameter is passed, a L service will be created, if the C parameter is passed, a L service will be created, and if the C parameter is passed, a L service will be created. Note that these anonymous services cannot have dependencies themselves, nor can they be depended on by other services. =cut sub dep { if (@_ > 1) { my %opts = ( name => '__ANON__', @_, ); if (exists $opts{dependencies}) { confess("Dependencies are not supported for inline services"); } if (exists $opts{value}) { return Bread::Board::Literal->new(%opts); } elsif (exists $opts{block}) { return Bread::Board::BlockInjection->new(%opts); } elsif (exists $opts{class}) { return Bread::Board::ConstructorInjection->new(%opts); } else { } } else { return Bread::Board::Dependency->new(service_path => $_[0]); } } =head1 BUGS No known bugs. Please report any bugs to GitHub Issues at L. =head1 SEE ALSO L =head1 SUPPORT You can find this documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Bread::Board::Declare You can also look for information at: =over 4 =item * MetaCPAN L =item * Github L =item * RT: CPAN's request tracker L =item * CPAN Ratings L =back =begin Pod::Coverage init_meta =end Pod::Coverage =cut 1;