package Bread::Board::Declare::Meta::Role::Attribute; use Moose::Role; # ABSTRACT: base attribute metarole for Bread::Board::Declare use List::MoreUtils 'any'; use Moose::Util 'does_role', 'find_meta'; use Bread::Board::Declare::Meta::Role::Attribute::Container; use Bread::Board::Declare::Meta::Role::Attribute::Service; =attr service Whether or not to create a service for this attribute. Defaults to true. =cut has service => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Bool', default => 1, ); # this is kinda gross, but it's the only way to hook in at the right place # at the moment, it seems around interpolate_class => sub { my $orig = shift; my $class = shift; my ($options) = @_; # we only want to do this on the final recursive call return $class->$orig(@_) if $options->{metaclass}; return $class->$orig(@_) if exists $options->{service} && !$options->{service}; my ($new_class, @traits) = $class->$orig(@_); return wantarray ? ($new_class, @traits) : $new_class if does_role($new_class, 'Bread::Board::Declare::Meta::Role::Attribute::Service') || does_role($new_class, 'Bread::Board::Declare::Meta::Role::Attribute::Container'); my $parent = @traits ? (find_meta($new_class)->superclasses)[0] : $new_class; push @{ $options->{traits} }, 'Bread::Board::Declare::Meta::Role::Attribute::Service'; return $parent->interpolate_class($options); }; no Moose::Role; 1;