package Bread::Board::Declare::Role::Service; use Moose::Role; # ABSTRACT: role for Bread::Board::Service objects =head1 DESCRIPTION This role modifies L objects for use in L. It holds a reference to the attribute object that the service is associated with, and overrides the C method to prefer to return the value in the attribute, if it exists. =cut =attr associated_attribute The attribute metaobject that this service is associated with. =cut has associated_attribute => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Class::MOP::Attribute', required => 1, weak_ref => 1, ); =method should_create_typemap Whether this service will create a type mapping, when it is added to a container. =cut sub should_create_typemap { return shift->associated_attribute->typemap; } around get => sub { my $orig = shift; my $self = shift; my $container = $self->parent_container; my $attr = $self->associated_attribute; if ($attr->has_value($container)) { return $attr->get_value($container); } my $val = $self->$orig(@_); $attr->verify_against_type_constraint($val, instance => $container) if $attr->has_type_constraint; return $val; }; =method parent_container Returns the Bread::Board::Declare container object that this service is contained in. =cut sub parent_container { my $self = shift; my $container = $self; until (!defined($container) || ($container->isa('Bread::Board::Container') && $container->does('Bread::Board::Declare::Role::Object'))) { $container = $container->parent; } die "Couldn't find associated object!" unless defined $container; return $container; } no Moose::Role; 1;