#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use Test::Moose; { package Role1; use Moose::Role; use MooseX::Bread::Board; has role1 => ( (Moose->VERSION < 1.9900 ? (traits => ['Service']) : ()), is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', value => 'ROLE1', ); } { package Parent; use Moose; use MooseX::Bread::Board; with 'Role1'; has foo => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', value => 'FOO', ); has bar => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', block => sub { my $s = shift; return $s->param('foo') . 'BAR' . $s->param('role1'); }, dependencies => ['foo', 'role1'], ); } { package Role2; use Moose::Role; use MooseX::Bread::Board; has role2 => ( (Moose->VERSION < 1.9900 ? (traits => ['Service']) : ()), is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', value => 'ROLE2', ); } { package Child; use Moose; use MooseX::Bread::Board; extends 'Parent'; with 'Role2'; has baz => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', value => 'BAZ', ); has quux => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', block => sub { my $s = shift; return $s->param('foo') . $s->param('bar') . $s->param('baz') . $s->param('role1') . $s->param('role2') . 'QUUX'; }, dependencies => ['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'role1', 'role2'], ); } with_immutable { { my $parent = Parent->new; ok($parent->has_service('role1'), "parent has role1"); ok($parent->has_service('foo'), "parent has foo"); ok($parent->has_service('bar'), "parent has bar"); my $child = Child->new; ok($child->has_service('role1'), "child has role1"); ok($child->has_service('foo'), "child has foo"); ok($child->has_service('bar'), "child has bar"); ok($child->has_service('role2'), "child has role2"); ok($child->has_service('baz'), "child has baz"); ok($child->has_service('quux'), "child has quux"); } { my $parent = Parent->new; isa_ok($parent, 'Bread::Board::Container'); is($parent->role1, 'ROLE1'); is($parent->foo, 'FOO'); is($parent->bar, 'FOOBARROLE1'); } { my $parent = Parent->new(role1 => '1ELOR', foo => 'OOF', bar => 'RAB'); isa_ok($parent, 'Bread::Board::Container'); is($parent->role1, '1ELOR'); is($parent->foo, 'OOF'); is($parent->bar, 'RAB'); } { my $parent = Parent->new(role1 => '1ELOR', foo => 'OOF'); isa_ok($parent, 'Bread::Board::Container'); is($parent->role1, '1ELOR'); is($parent->foo, 'OOF'); is($parent->bar, 'OOFBAR1ELOR'); } { my $child = Child->new; is($child->role1, 'ROLE1'); is($child->foo, 'FOO'); is($child->bar, 'FOOBARROLE1'); is($child->role2, 'ROLE2'); is($child->baz, 'BAZ'); is($child->quux, 'FOOFOOBARROLE1BAZROLE1ROLE2QUUX'); } { my $child = Child->new( role1 => '1ELOR', foo => 'OOF', bar => 'RAB', role2 => '2ELOR', baz => 'ZAB', quux => 'XUUQ', ); is($child->role1, '1ELOR'); is($child->foo, 'OOF'); is($child->bar, 'RAB'); is($child->role2, '2ELOR'); is($child->baz, 'ZAB'); is($child->quux, 'XUUQ'); } { my $child = Child->new( role1 => '1ELOR', foo => 'OOF', role2 => '2ELOR', baz => 'ZAB', ); is($child->role1, '1ELOR'); is($child->foo, 'OOF'); is($child->bar, 'OOFBAR1ELOR'); is($child->role2, '2ELOR'); is($child->baz, 'ZAB'); is($child->quux, 'OOFOOFBAR1ELORZAB1ELOR2ELORQUUX'); } } 'Parent', 'Child'; done_testing;