package Carp::Reply; use strict; use warnings; # ABSTRACT: get a repl on exceptions in your program use Reply 0.24; use Reply::Config; =head1 SYNOPSIS perl -MCarp::Reply or use Carp::Reply (); sub foo { # ... Carp::Reply::repl(); # ... } =head1 DESCRIPTION Carp::Reply provides a repl to use within an already running program, which can introspect the current state of the program, including the call stack and current lexical variables. It works just like L, with the addition of some commands to move around in the call stack. The package and lexical environment are set to the package and lexical environment of the current stack frame (and are updated when you use any of the commands which move around the stack frames). The lexical variables are aliased to the variable in the stack frame, so if the repl is invoked manually (not through a C<__DIE__> handler), you can actually modify the contents of lexical variables to use when the repl closes and the app starts running again. You can start a repl at any given point in your program by inserting a call to C in your code. In addition, the default C method for C installs a C<__DIE__> handler which automatically launches a repl when an exception is thrown. You can suppress this behavior by passing an empty import list, either via C or C. If the repl was invoked manually (via calling C), you can resume execution of your code by exiting the repl, typically via C. If it was invoked via the C<__DIE__> handler, there is no way to resume execution (this is a limitation of perl itself). =head1 COMMANDS =over 4 =item #backtrace (Aliases: #trace, #bt) Displays a backtrace from the location where the repl was invoked. This is run automatically when the repl is first launched. =item #top (Aliases: #t) Move to the top of the call stack (the outermost call level). =item #bottom (Aliases: #b) Move to the bottom of the call stack (where the repl was invoked). =item #up (Aliases: #u) Move up one level in the call stack. =item #down (Aliases: #d) Move down one level in the call stack. =item #list (Aliases: #l) Displays a section of the source code around the current stack frame. The current line is marked with a C<*>. =item #env Displays the current lexical environment. =back =cut sub import { my $package = shift; $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { print $_[0]; repl() }; } =func repl Invokes a repl at the current point of execution. =cut sub repl { my $repl = Reply->new( config => Reply::Config->new, plugins => ['CarpReply'] ); $repl->step('#bt'); $repl->run; } =head1 BUGS No known bugs. Please report any bugs through RT: email C, or browse to L. =head1 SEE ALSO L =head1 SUPPORT You can find this documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Carp::Reply You can also look for information at: =over 4 =item * MetaCPAN L =item * RT: CPAN's request tracker L =item * Github L =item * CPAN Ratings L =back =cut 1;