[ { "Command": [], "Constant": [], "Constructor": [], "Deprecated": [], "Field": [], "Function": [], "Method": [ { "def": "ReloadConfiguration:bindHotkeys(mapping)", "desc": "Binds hotkeys for ReloadConfiguration", "doc": "Binds hotkeys for ReloadConfiguration\n\nParameters:\n * mapping - A table containing hotkey modifier/key details for the following items:\n * reloadConfiguration - This will cause the configuration to be reloaded", "name": "bindHotkeys", "parameters": [ " * mapping - A table containing hotkey modifier/key details for the following items:", " * reloadConfiguration - This will cause the configuration to be reloaded" ], "signature": "ReloadConfiguration:bindHotkeys(mapping)", "stripped_doc": "", "type": "Method" }, { "def": "ReloadConfiguration:start()", "desc": "Start ReloadConfiguration", "doc": "Start ReloadConfiguration\n\nParameters:\n * None", "name": "start", "parameters": [ " * None" ], "signature": "ReloadConfiguration:start()", "stripped_doc": "", "type": "Method" } ], "Variable": [ { "def": "ReloadConfiguration.watch_paths", "desc": "List of directories to watch for changes, defaults to hs.configdir", "doc": "List of directories to watch for changes, defaults to hs.configdir", "name": "watch_paths", "signature": "ReloadConfiguration.watch_paths", "stripped_doc": "", "type": "Variable" } ], "desc": "Adds a hotkey to reload the hammerspoon configuration, and a pathwatcher to automatically reload on changes.", "doc": "Adds a hotkey to reload the hammerspoon configuration, and a pathwatcher to automatically reload on changes.\n\nDownload: [https://github.com/Hammerspoon/Spoons/raw/master/Spoons/ReloadConfiguration.spoon.zip](https://github.com/Hammerspoon/Spoons/raw/master/Spoons/ReloadConfiguration.spoon.zip)", "items": [ { "def": "ReloadConfiguration:bindHotkeys(mapping)", "desc": "Binds hotkeys for ReloadConfiguration", "doc": "Binds hotkeys for ReloadConfiguration\n\nParameters:\n * mapping - A table containing hotkey modifier/key details for the following items:\n * reloadConfiguration - This will cause the configuration to be reloaded", "name": "bindHotkeys", "parameters": [ " * mapping - A table containing hotkey modifier/key details for the following items:", " * reloadConfiguration - This will cause the configuration to be reloaded" ], "signature": "ReloadConfiguration:bindHotkeys(mapping)", "stripped_doc": "", "type": "Method" }, { "def": "ReloadConfiguration:start()", "desc": "Start ReloadConfiguration", "doc": "Start ReloadConfiguration\n\nParameters:\n * None", "name": "start", "parameters": [ " * None" ], "signature": "ReloadConfiguration:start()", "stripped_doc": "", "type": "Method" }, { "def": "ReloadConfiguration.watch_paths", "desc": "List of directories to watch for changes, defaults to hs.configdir", "doc": "List of directories to watch for changes, defaults to hs.configdir", "name": "watch_paths", "signature": "ReloadConfiguration.watch_paths", "stripped_doc": "", "type": "Variable" } ], "name": "ReloadConfiguration", "stripped_doc": "\nDownload: [https://github.com/Hammerspoon/Spoons/raw/master/Spoons/ReloadConfiguration.spoon.zip](https://github.com/Hammerspoon/Spoons/raw/master/Spoons/ReloadConfiguration.spoon.zip)", "submodules": [], "type": "Module" } ]