""" general config """ set mapleader=; nnoremap """ interface """""""" " single line status/command bar set go-=C """ scrolling """""""" map H :bp map L :bn map J 20j map K 20k """ completion """"""" " disable autocompletion entirely set au= " when completing, only show 5 at a time set maxitems=5 """ hints """""""""""" " anchor hint typeahead to the start of words set hintmatching=wordstartswith " prettier hint numbering highlight Hint -append font-size:11px;font-weight:bold;background:#fff;border:1px solid red;color:#000;font-family:monospace """ panorama """"""""" " backspace to open panorama map """ search engines """ " default to using the 'g' search keyword set defsearch=g """ find """"""""""""" " highlight all matches, but let them be hidden set hlfind nmap / :nohlfind " vim:ft=vim: