# bells in any window get sent to the terminal set -g bell-action any # lots of scrollback set -g history-limit 4096 # use ^F rather than ^B for the prefix key set -g prefix ^F # hide the statusbar by default set -g status off # display window titles set -g set-titles on # keep windows in order set -g renumber-windows on # use vi keybindings setw -g mode-keys vi set -g status-keys vi # colors setw -g mode-bg cyan set -g status-bg blue set -g status-fg green set -g message-bg green # fast escape set -g escape-time 50 # keybindings bind f send-prefix bind ^F run 'tmux choose-tree -Nwf"##{==:##{session_name},#{session_name}}"' bind ^N new-window bind ^D detach-client bind ^[ copy-mode bind { copy-mode bind Enter run 'tmux capture-pane -p | open-link' bind -T copy-mode-vi v send-keys -X begin-selection bind -T copy-mode-vi ) send-keys -X start-of-line bind -T copy-mode-vi _ send-keys -X back-to-indentation bind -T copy-mode-vi y run "tmux send-keys -X copy-selection-and-cancel; tmux run -b 'tmux-clipboard copy primary'" bind -T copy-mode-vi ^C run "tmux send-keys -X copy-selection-and-cancel; tmux run -b 'tmux-clipboard copy clipboard'" bind ^V run "tmux-clipboard paste clipboard" unbind ^B %if #{||:#{==:#{host},hush},#{==:#{host},st-doy1.local}} # set up default sessions new-session -s work -c "${HOME}/work" new-session -s chat -c "${HOME}" new-session -s main -c "${HOME}" new-session -s docs -c "${HOME}" new-session -s misc -c "${HOME}" %endif