" based on Eidolos's .vimrc, at http://sartak.org/conf/vimrc " General options {{{ " Miscellaneous {{{ set nocompatible " indentation FTW.. also plugins FTW! heh filetype indent plugin on " automatically flush to disk when using :make, etc. set autowrite " automatically read in external changes if we haven't modified the buffer set autoread " Gentoo disables modelines by default set modeline " always join with just one space, even between sentences set nojoinspaces " don't move the cursor to the start of the line when changing buffers set nostartofline " call CursorHold autocommands (and write swap files to disk) more often set updatetime=2000 " strip leading comment characters when joining multiline comments set formatoptions+=j " }}} " Display {{{ " color! syntax on " lines, cols in status line set ruler " display more information in the ruler set rulerformat=%26(%y%r%m\ (%n)\ %.7l,%.7c\ %=\ %P%) " display the number of (characters|lines) in visual mode, also cur command set showcmd " don't display the current mode, since airline does that set noshowmode " a - terse messages (like [+] instead of [Modified] " o - don't show both reading and writing messages if both occur at once " t - truncate file names " T - truncate messages rather than prompting to press enter " W - don't show [w] when writing " I - no intro message when starting vim fileless set shortmess=aotTWI " status line set laststatus=2 " display as much of the last line as possible if it's really long " also display unprintable characters as hex set display+=lastline,uhex " give three lines of context when moving the cursor around set scrolloff=3 " don't redraw the screen during macros etc (NetHack's runmode:teleport) set lazyredraw " highlight all matches, we'll see if this works with a different hilight set hlsearch " highlight matching parens for .1s set showmatch set matchtime=1 " threshold for reporting number of lines changed set report=0 " I generally don't want to have to space through things.. :) set nomore " word wrapping set linebreak " only show a menu for completion, never a preview window or things like that set completeopt=menuone " hide the mouse in the gui while typing set mousehide " fold only when I ask for it damnit! set foldmethod=marker " visually indicate wrapped lines set showbreak=> " enable concealing if has('conceal') set conceallevel=2 concealcursor=i endif " Language specific features {{{ " Bash {{{ " I use bash let g:is_bash=1 " }}} " C/C++ {{{ " use c syntax for header files, rather than c++ let c_syntax_for_h=1 " highlight doxygen let g:load_doxygen_syntax=1 " }}} " LaTeX {{{ " I only use LaTeX let g:tex_flavor="latex" " }}} " Perl {{{ " POD! let perl_include_pod=1 " color quote marks differently from the actual string let perl_string_as_statement=1 " perl needs lots of syncing... let perl_sync_dist=1000 " highlight sub signatures, not just prototypes let perl_sub_signatures=1 " }}} " PostScript {{{ " highlight more things in postscripts files let postscr_fonts=1 let postscr_encodings=1 " }}} " }}} " }}} " Improve power of commands {{{ " backspace over autoindent, end of line (to join lines), and preexisting test set backspace=indent,eol,start " tab completion in ex mode set wildmenu " when doing tab completion, ignore files that match any of these set wildignore+=*.o,.git/*,.svn/*,blib/* " exclusions {{{ function! s:set_excludes() if filereadable("dist.ini") for line in readfile("dist.ini", '', 10) let name = matchstr(line, '\s*name\s*=\s*\zs.*') if name != "" exe 'set wildignore+=' . name . '-*/*' break endif endfor endif endfunction autocmd BufReadPost * call set_excludes() call set_excludes() " }}} " tab completions should ignore case if exists("+wildignorecase") set wildignorecase endif " remember lotsa fun stuff set viminfo=!,'1000,f1,/1000,:1000,<1000,@1000,h,n~/.viminfo " more stuff to remember set history=1000 " add : as a filename character (allow gf to work with http://foo.bar/) set isfname+=: " tab completion stuff for the command line set wildmode=longest,list,full " always make the help window cover the entire screen set helpheight=9999 " fall back to syntax completion when possible if has("autocmd") && exists("+omnifunc") autocmd FileType * \ if &omnifunc == "" | \ setlocal omnifunc=syntaxcomplete#Complete | \ endif endif " ; is easier to reach than \ let mapleader = ';' let maplocalleader = ';' " enable persistent undo if has("persistent_undo") set undofile set undodir=~/.cache/vim/undo endif " case insensitive searching, unless i type a capital letter set ignorecase set smartcase " }}} " Make vim less whiny {{{ " :bn with a change in the current buffer? no prob! set hidden " no bells whatsoever set vb t_vb= " if you :q with changes it asks you if you want to continue or not set confirm " 50 milliseconds for escape timeout instead of 1000 set ttimeoutlen=50 " send more data to the terminal in a way that makes the screen update faster " more importantly, wraps lines at the terminal level so that copying a single " line that spans multiple screen lines works properly set ttyfast " }}} " Indentation {{{ " normal sized tabs! set tabstop=8 " set to what i like (see #2 in :help tabstop) set shiftwidth=4 " if it looks like a tab, we can delete it like a tab set softtabstop=-1 " no tabs! spaces only.. set expandtab " < and > will hit indentation levels instead of always -4/+4 set shiftround " new line has indentation equal to previous line set autoindent " configure cindent for my coding style set cinoptions+=:0,l1,g0,(0,W1s " }}} " }}} " Colors {{{ " default colorscheme {{{ if has("gui_running") colorscheme torte else set background=light set t_Co=256 endif " }}} " word completion menu {{{ highlight Pmenu ctermfg=grey ctermbg=darkblue guifg=grey guibg=darkblue highlight PmenuSel ctermfg=red ctermbg=darkblue guifg=red guibg=darkblue highlight PmenuSbar ctermbg=cyan guibg=cyan highlight PmenuThumb ctermfg=red guifg=red highlight WildMenu ctermfg=grey ctermbg=darkblue guifg=grey guibg=darkblue " }}} " folding {{{ highlight Folded ctermbg=black ctermfg=darkgreen guibg=black guifg=green " }}} " hlsearch {{{ highlight Search NONE ctermfg=red guifg=red " }}} " color end of line whitespace {{{ autocmd InsertEnter * syn clear EOLWS | syn match EOLWS excludenl /\s\+\%#\@!$/ autocmd InsertLeave * syn clear EOLWS | syn match EOLWS excludenl /\s\+$/ highlight EOLWS ctermbg=red guibg=red " }}} " conflict markers {{{ match ErrorMsg '^\(<\||\|=\|>\)\{7\}\([^=].\+\)\?$' " }}} " fonts {{{ if has('win32') || has('win64') || has('win32unix') set guifont=Lucida_Console elseif has('unix') set guifont=Monospace\ 8 endif " }}} " }}} " Autocommands {{{ " When editing a file, always jump to the last cursor position {{{ autocmd BufReadPost * \ if &filetype != 'gitcommit' && line("'\"") > 0 && line("'\"") <= line("$") | \ exe "normal g`\"" | \ endif " }}} " Update ctags after writing {{{ autocmd BufWritePost * if filereadable('tags') | silent exe "!ctags -a %" | redraw | endif " }}} " Prompt to create directories if they don't exist {{{ autocmd BufNewFile * :call ensure_dir_exists() function! s:ensure_dir_exists () let required_dir = expand("%:h") if !isdirectory(required_dir) call ask_quit("Directory '" . required_dir . "' doesn't exist.", "&Create it?") try call mkdir( required_dir, 'p' ) catch call ask_quit("Can't create '" . required_dir . "'", "&Continue anyway?") endtry endif endfunction function! s:ask_quit (msg, proposed_action) if confirm(a:msg, "&Quit?\n" . a:proposed_action) == 1 exit endif endfunction " }}} " Try harder to keep syntax highlighting in sync {{{ autocmd BufEnter,CursorHold,CursorHoldI * syntax sync fromstart " }}} " Update zsh history when editing a new file - see 'vim' wrapper in .zshrc {{{ if $SHELL =~ 'zsh' && exists('g:_zsh_hist_fname') let s:initial_files = {} autocmd VimEnter * call init_zsh_hist() autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead * call zsh_hist_append() autocmd BufDelete * call remove_initial_file(expand("")) autocmd VimLeave * call reorder_zsh_hist() function! s:remove_initial_file (file) if has_key(s:initial_files, a:file) unlet s:initial_files[a:file] endif endfunction function! s:get_buffer_list_text () redir => output ls! redir END return output endfunction function! s:get_buffer_list () silent let output = get_buffer_list_text() let buffer_list = [] for buffer_desc in split(output, "\n") let name = bufname(str2nr(buffer_desc)) if name != "" call add(buffer_list, name) endif endfor return buffer_list endfunction function! s:init_zsh_hist () for fname in get_buffer_list() let s:initial_files[fname] = 1 call histadd(":", "e " . fname) endfor call delete(g:_zsh_hist_fname) endfunction function! s:zsh_hist_append () let to_append = expand("%:~:.") " XXX these set buftype too late to be caught by this... " this is broken, but not sure what a better fix is if &buftype == '' && to_append !~ '^\(__Gundo\|Startify\|\[denite\]\)' if !has_key(s:initial_files, to_append) if filereadable(g:_zsh_hist_fname) let hist = readfile(g:_zsh_hist_fname) else let hist = [] endif call add(hist, to_append) call writefile(hist, g:_zsh_hist_fname) endif endif endfunction function! s:reorder_zsh_hist () let current_file = expand("%:~:.") if filereadable(g:_zsh_hist_fname) let hist = readfile(g:_zsh_hist_fname) if !has_key(s:initial_files, current_file) call filter(hist, 'v:val != current_file') endif call add(hist, current_file) call writefile(hist, g:_zsh_hist_fname) endif endfunction endif " }}} " start with the current fold open {{{ autocmd BufReadPost * normal zv " }}} " disable syntax highlighting for huge files (it's really slow) {{{ autocmd BufEnter * if line('$') > 20000 | syntax off | endif " }}} " regularly check for autoread {{{ autocmd BufEnter,CursorHold,CursorHoldI * silent! checktime " }}} " Misc {{{ autocmd BufWritePost *conkyrc silent exe "!killall -HUP conky" " }}} " }}} " Remappings {{{ " Keep the current selection when indenting (thanks cbus) {{{ xnoremap < >gv " }}} " M to :make {{{ noremap M :makek " }}} " Painless spell checking (F11) {{{ function! s:spell() if !exists("s:spell_check") || s:spell_check == 0 let s:spell_check = 1 setlocal spell spelllang=en_us else let s:spell_check = 0 setlocal spell spelllang= endif endfunction noremap :call spell() inoremap :call spell() " }}} " diff between current file and its original state {{{ let s:foldmethod = &foldmethod let s:foldenable = &foldenable let s:diffwindow = 0 function! s:diffstart(read_cmd) if s:diffwindow != 0 return endif let s:foldmethod = &foldmethod let s:foldenable = &foldenable let filetype = &filetype vert new let s:diffwindow = winnr() set bt=nofile try exe a:read_cmd catch /.*/ echohl ErrorMsg echo v:exception echohl NONE call s:diffstop() return endtry let &filetype = filetype diffthis wincmd p diffthis " why does this not happen automatically? normal zM endfunction function! s:diffstop() if s:diffwindow == 0 return endif diffoff! exe s:diffwindow . 'wincmd w' bdelete let &foldmethod = s:foldmethod let &foldenable = s:foldenable if &foldenable normal zv endif let s:diffwindow = 0 endfunction function! s:vcs_orig(file) " XXX: would be nice to use a:file rather than # here... let dir = expand('#:p:h') if filewritable(dir . '/.svn') == 2 return system('svn cat ' . a:file) elseif filewritable(dir . '/CVS') == 2 return system("AFILE=" . a:file . "; MODFILE=`tempfile`; DIFF=`tempfile`; cp $AFILE $MODFILE && cvs diff -u $AFILE > $DIFF; patch -R $MODFILE $DIFF 2>&1 > /dev/null && cat $MODFILE; rm $MODFILE $DIFF") elseif finddir('_darcs', dir . ';') =~ '_darcs' return system('darcs show contents ' . a:file) elseif finddir('.git', dir . ';') =~ '.git' let prefix = system('git rev-parse --show-prefix') let prefix = substitute(prefix, '\n', '', 'g') let cmd = 'git show HEAD:'.prefix.a:file return system(cmd) else throw 'No VCS directory found' endif endfunction nnoremap ds :call diffstart('read # normal ggdd') nnoremap dc :call diffstart('call append(0, split(s:vcs_orig(expand("#:.")), "\n", 1)) normal Gdddd') nnoremap de :call diffstop() " }}} " Arrow keys {{{ noremap gk noremap gj inoremap gk inoremap gj " }}} " Nopaste {{{ function! s:nopaste(visual) if a:visual silent exe "normal gv:!nopaste\" else let pos = getpos('.') silent exe "normal :%!nopaste\" endif silent normal "+yy let @* = @+ silent undo " can't restore visual selection because that will overwrite "* if !a:visual call setpos('.', pos) endif echo @+ endfunction nnoremap p :call nopaste(0) xnoremap p :call nopaste(1) " }}} " better version of keywordprg {{{ function! Help(visual, iskeyword, command) let iskeyword = &iskeyword for kw in a:iskeyword exe 'set iskeyword+=' . kw endfor if a:visual let oldreg = @a " XXX this seems to not include the end of the selection - why? normal `<"ay`>gv let word = @a let @a = oldreg else let word = expand('') endif let &iskeyword = iskeyword exe &helpheight . 'new' set modifiable exe 'call ' . a:command . '("' . word . '")' try silent %s/\%x1b\[\d\+m//g catch /.*/ endtry try silent %s/.\%x08//g catch /.*/ endtry normal ggdd set bt=nofile set nobuflisted set nomodifiable endfunction function! s:man(word) exe 'silent read! man -Pcat ' . a:word set ft=man endfunction nnoremap K :call Help(0, [], 'man') xnoremap K :call Help(1, [], 'man') " }}} " ;= to align = signs {{{ function! s:align_assignments() " Patterns needed to locate assignment operators... let ASSIGN_OP = '[-+*/%|&]\?=\@= :call align_assignments() " fix this to work in visual mode properly "xnoremap = :call align_assignments() " }}} " editing binary files {{{ nnoremap :%!xxd nnoremap :%!xxd -r " }}} " keystroke reducers {{{ " tags nnoremap nnoremap autocmd CmdWinEnter * nnoremap " 'e' instead of 'c' for change nnoremap e c nnoremap E C " 'r' instead of '^R' for redo nnoremap r " buffer switching nnoremap H :bp nnoremap L :bn " clear the search highlight nnoremap / :nohl " easier commands nnoremap , : xnoremap , : nnoremap ! :! xnoremap ! :! " writing, quitting nnoremap :w nnoremap \ :q nnoremap :bd " allow some commands to work regardless of keyboard mode nmap ) 0 nmap g) g0 nmap \ " }}} " auto-append closing characters {{{ inoremap { {} inoremap { {}O inoremap {} {} inoremap } strpart(getline('.'), col('.')-1, 1) == "}" ? "\" : "}" inoremap ( () inoremap ) strpart(getline('.'), col('.')-1, 1) == ")" ? "\" : ")" inoremap [ [] inoremap ] strpart(getline('.'), col('.')-1, 1) == "]" ? "\" : "]" inoremap ' strpart(getline('.'), col('.')-1, 1) == "\'" ? "\" : col('.') == 1 \|\| match(strpart(getline('.'), col('.')-2, 1), '\W') != -1 ? "\'\'\" : "\'" inoremap " strpart(getline('.'), col('.')-1, 1) == "\"" ? "\" : "\"\"\" " }}} " tab for completion {{{ inoremap inoremap " }}} " Miscellaneous {{{ " have Y behave analogously to D rather than to dd nnoremap Y y$ nmap g_ g0 autocmd BufEnter * exe "nnoremap T :e " . expand('%') " }}} " }}} " Plugins {{{ " ale {{{ let g:ale_lint_on_text_changed = 'normal' let g:ale_lint_on_insert_leave = 1 let g:ale_history_enabled = 0 let g:ale_history_log_output = 0 " }}} " airline " commentary {{{ map x :Commentary " }}} " denite {{{ autocmd VimEnter * call denite#custom#map('insert', '', '') autocmd VimEnter * call denite#custom#map('insert', '', '') if executable('ag') autocmd VimEnter * call denite#custom#var('file_rec', 'command', ['ag', '--hidden', '-l', '.']) autocmd VimEnter * call denite#custom#var('grep', 'command', ['ag']) autocmd VimEnter * call denite#custom#var('grep', 'default_opts', ['--hidden']) autocmd VimEnter * call denite#custom#var('grep', 'recursive_opts', []) autocmd VimEnter * call denite#custom#var('grep', 'pattern_opt', []) autocmd VimEnter * call denite#custom#var('grep', 'separator', []) endif nnoremap t :Denite -direction=dynamictop buffer file_rec nnoremap b :Denite -direction=dynamictop buffer nnoremap ff :Denite -direction=dynamictop grep:.::! nnoremap fh :Denite -direction=dynamictop help nnoremap ft :Denite -direction=dynamictop filetype " }}} " ft-bzl " git " go " gundo {{{ if has("python") nnoremap U :silent GundoToggle let g:gundo_help = 0 let g:gundo_preview_bottom = 1 else let g:gundo_disable = 1 endif " }}} " ledger " multiple-cursors " neosnippet {{{ let g:neosnippet#snippets_directory = '~/.vim/snippets' let g:neosnippet#disable_runtime_snippets = { '_' : 1 } let i_tab = maparg("", "i") let i_stab = maparg("", "i") let s_tab = maparg("", "s") " XXX *surely* this eval isn't actually necessary imap \ neosnippet#expandable_or_jumpable() ? \ "\(neosnippet_expand_or_jump)" : \ eval('"\' . i_tab . '"') imap \ neosnippet#expandable_or_jumpable() ? \ "\(neosnippet_expand_or_jump)" : \ eval('"\' . i_stab . '"') smap \ neosnippet#expandable_or_jumpable() ? \ "\(neosnippet_expand_or_jump)" : \ eval('"\' . s_tab . '"') " }}} " perl " puppet " rainbow {{{ let g:rainbow = 1 let g:rainbow_paren = 1 let g:rainbow_brace = 1 " }}} " rust " startify {{{ let g:startify_list_order = ['dir', 'bookmarks', 'commands'] let g:startify_files_number = 7 let g:startify_commands = [ \ {'t': ['Open file', 'Denite -direction=dynamictop buffer file_rec']}, \ {'ff': ['Grep', 'Denite -direction=dynamictop grep:.::!']}, \ {'fh': ['Help', 'Denite -direction=dynamictop help']}, \ ] let g:startify_change_to_vcs_root = 1 let g:startify_custom_indices = [ \'!', '@', '#', '$', '%', '^', '&', '*', '(', ')' \] let g:startify_custom_header = [] let fortune = system('fortune -n200 -s ~/.fortune | grep -v -E "^$"') let g:startify_custom_footer = [''] + map(split(fortune, '\n'), '" ".v:val') let g:startify_skiplist = ['^/usr/share/vim', '/.git/'] for file in [ '.gitignore', expand('~/.gitignore') ] if filereadable(file) for line in readfile(file) let line = substitute(line, '#.*', '', '') if line != '' && line[0] != '!' let line = substitute(line, "[~.]", "\\\\&", 'g') let line = substitute(line, "\\*\\*", ".*", 'g') let line = substitute(line, "\\*", "[^/]*", 'g') let line = substitute(line, "?", ".", 'g') call add(g:startify_skiplist, line) endif endfor endif endfor " }}} " terraform {{{ let g:terraform_fmt_on_save = 1 " }}} " textobj {{{ let g:Textobj_defs = [ \['/', 'Textobj_paired', '/'], \['\|', 'Textobj_paired', '\|'], \['f', 'Textobj_fold'], \[',', 'Textobj_arg'], \] " }}} " Load plugins that don't use vim's format {{{ runtime macros/matchit.vim " just loading this directly from the plugin directory fails because language " syntax files override the highlighting " using BufWinEnter because that is run after modelines are run (so it catches " modelines which update highlighting) autocmd BufWinEnter,FileType * runtime plugin/rainbow_paren.vim " }}} " }}}