path: root/crawl-ref/source/util/taglet.lua
diff options
authorSamuel Bronson <>2011-09-16 18:51:28 -0400
committerSamuel Bronson <>2011-10-02 21:35:10 -0400
commit9e328095cce532e08a98a7ab5bc687f8bbca7177 (patch)
treeb43427fab936455ea5dd95be416af89469e4ca29 /crawl-ref/source/util/taglet.lua
parent4e0000f428ccb8397e455517ad8deeb8934e6456 (diff)
Use our own taglet/doclet instead of making dummy .cc.luadoc files.
For now, our doclet monkey-patches itself over the standard one, so that we can use the standard template files unaltered. (They hard-code the full module name all over the place. Very messy.)
Diffstat (limited to 'crawl-ref/source/util/taglet.lua')
1 files changed, 486 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/crawl-ref/source/util/taglet.lua b/crawl-ref/source/util/taglet.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1aa03c776d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crawl-ref/source/util/taglet.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,486 @@
+-- @release $Id: standard.lua,v 1.39 2007/12/21 17:50:48 tomas Exp $
+local assert, pairs, tostring, type = assert, pairs, tostring, type
+local io = require "io"
+local lfs = require "lfs"
+local luadoc = require "luadoc"
+local util = require "luadoc.util"
+local tags = require "luadoc.taglet.standard.tags"
+local string = require "string"
+local table = require "table"
+--module 'luadoc.taglet.standard'
+module "util.taglet"
+-- Creates an iterator for an array base on a class type.
+-- @param t array to iterate over
+-- @param class name of the class to iterate over
+function class_iterator (t, class)
+ return function ()
+ local i = 1
+ return function ()
+ while t[i] and t[i].class ~= class do
+ i = i + 1
+ end
+ local v = t[i]
+ i = i + 1
+ return v
+ end
+ end
+-- Patterns for function recognition
+local identifiers_list_pattern = "%s*(.-)%s*"
+local identifier_pattern = "[^%(%s]+"
+local function_patterns = {
+ "^()%s*function%s*("..identifier_pattern..")%s*%("..identifiers_list_pattern.."%)",
+ "^%s*(local%s)%s*function%s*("..identifier_pattern..")%s*%("..identifiers_list_pattern.."%)",
+ "^()%s*("..identifier_pattern..")%s*%=%s*function%s*%("..identifiers_list_pattern.."%)",
+-- Checks if the line contains a function definition
+-- @param line string with line text
+-- @return function information or nil if no function definition found
+local function check_function (line)
+ line = util.trim(line)
+ local info = table.foreachi(function_patterns, function (_, pattern)
+ local r, _, l, id, param = string.find(line, pattern)
+ if r ~= nil then
+ return {
+ name = id,
+ private = (l == "local"),
+ param = util.split("%s*,%s*", param),
+ }
+ end
+ end)
+ -- TODO: remove these assert's?
+ if info ~= nil then
+ assert(, "function name undefined")
+ assert(info.param, string.format("undefined parameter list for function `%s'",
+ end
+ return info
+-- Checks if the line contains a module definition.
+-- @param line string with line text
+-- @param currentmodule module already found, if any
+-- @return the name of the defined module, or nil if there is no module
+-- definition
+local function check_module (line, currentmodule)
+ line = util.trim(line)
+ -- module"x.y"
+ -- module'x.y'
+ -- module[[x.y]]
+ -- module("x.y")
+ -- module('x.y')
+ -- module([[x.y]])
+ -- module(...)
+ local r, _, modulename = string.find(line, "^module%s*[%s\"'(%[]+([^,\"')%]]+)")
+ if r then
+ -- found module definition
+ logger:debug(string.format("found module `%s'", modulename))
+ return modulename
+ end
+ return currentmodule
+-- Extracts summary information from a description. The first sentence of each
+-- doc comment should be a summary sentence, containing a concise but complete
+-- description of the item. It is important to write crisp and informative
+-- initial sentences that can stand on their own
+-- @param description text with item description
+-- @return summary string or nil if description is nil
+local function parse_summary (description)
+ -- summary is never nil...
+ description = description or ""
+ -- append an " " at the end to make the pattern work in all cases
+ description = description.." "
+ -- read until the first period followed by a space or tab
+ local summary = string.match(description, "(.-%.)[%s\t]")
+ -- if pattern did not find the first sentence, summary is the whole description
+ summary = summary or description
+ return summary
+-- @param f file handle
+-- @param line current line being parsed
+-- @param modulename module already found, if any
+-- @return current line
+-- @return code block
+-- @return modulename if found
+local function parse_code (f, line, modulename)
+ local code = {}
+ while line ~= nil do
+ if string.find(line, "^[\t ]*%-%-%-") then
+ -- reached another luadoc block, end this parsing
+ return line, code, modulename
+ else
+ -- look for a module definition
+ modulename = check_module(line, modulename)
+ table.insert(code, line)
+ line = f:read()
+ end
+ end
+ -- reached end of file
+ return line, code, modulename
+-- Parses the information inside a block comment
+-- @param block block with comment field
+-- @return block parameter
+local function parse_comment (block, first_line)
+ -- get the first non-empty line of code
+ local code = table.foreachi(block.code, function(_, line)
+ if not util.line_empty(line) then
+ -- `local' declarations are ignored in two cases:
+ -- when the `nolocals' option is turned on; and
+ -- when the first block of a file is parsed (this is
+ -- necessary to avoid confusion between the top
+ -- local declarations and the `module' definition.
+ if (options.nolocals or first_line) and line:find"^%s*local" then
+ return
+ end
+ return line
+ end
+ end)
+ -- parse first line of code
+ if code ~= nil then
+ local func_info = check_function(code)
+ local module_name = check_module(code)
+ if func_info then
+ block.class = "function"
+ =
+ block.param = func_info.param
+ block.private = func_info.private
+ elseif module_name then
+ block.class = "module"
+ = module_name
+ block.param = {}
+ else
+ block.param = {}
+ end
+ else
+ -- TODO: comment without any code. Does this means we are dealing
+ -- with a file comment?
+ end
+ -- parse @ tags
+ local currenttag = "description"
+ local currenttext
+ table.foreachi(block.comment, function (_, line)
+ line = util.trim_comment(line)
+ local r, _, tag, text = string.find(line, "@([_%w%.]+)%s+(.*)")
+ if r ~= nil then
+ -- found new tag, add previous one, and start a new one
+ -- TODO: what to do with invalid tags? issue an error? or log a warning?
+ tags.handle(currenttag, block, currenttext)
+ currenttag = tag
+ currenttext = text
+ else
+ currenttext = util.concat(currenttext, line)
+ assert(string.sub(currenttext, 1, 1) ~= " ", string.format("`%s', `%s'", currenttext, line))
+ end
+ end)
+ tags.handle(currenttag, block, currenttext)
+ -- extracts summary information from the description
+ block.summary = parse_summary(block.description)
+ assert(string.sub(block.description, 1, 1) ~= " ", string.format("`%s'", block.description))
+ return block
+-- Parses a block of comment, started with ---. Read until the next block of
+-- comment.
+-- @param f file handle
+-- @param line being parsed
+-- @param modulename module already found, if any
+-- @return line
+-- @return block parsed
+-- @return modulename if found
+local function parse_block (f, line, modulename, first)
+ local block = {
+ comment = {},
+ code = {},
+ }
+ while line ~= nil do
+ if string.find(line, "^[\t ]*%-%-") == nil then
+ -- reached end of comment, read the code below it
+ -- TODO: allow empty lines
+ line, block.code, modulename = parse_code(f, line, modulename)
+ -- parse information in block comment
+ block = parse_comment(block, first)
+ return line, block, modulename
+ else
+ table.insert(block.comment, line)
+ line = f:read()
+ end
+ end
+ -- reached end of file
+ -- parse information in block comment
+ block = parse_comment(block, first)
+ return line, block, modulename
+-- Parses a file documented following luadoc format.
+-- @param filepath full path of file to parse
+-- @param doc table with documentation
+-- @return table with documentation
+function parse_file (filepath, doc)
+ local blocks = {}
+ local modulename = nil
+ -- read each line
+ local f =, "r")
+ local i = 1
+ local line = f:read()
+ local first = true
+ while line ~= nil do
+ if string.find(line, "^[\t ]*%-%-%-") then
+ -- reached a luadoc block
+ local block
+ line, block, modulename = parse_block(f, line, modulename, first)
+ table.insert(blocks, block)
+ else
+ -- look for a module definition
+ modulename = check_module(line, modulename)
+ -- TODO: keep beginning of file somewhere
+ line = f:read()
+ end
+ first = false
+ i = i + 1
+ end
+ f:close()
+ -- store blocks in file hierarchy
+ assert(doc.files[filepath] == nil, string.format("doc for file `%s' already defined", filepath))
+ table.insert(doc.files, filepath)
+ doc.files[filepath] = {
+ type = "file",
+ name = filepath,
+ doc = blocks,
+-- functions = class_iterator(blocks, "function"),
+-- tables = class_iterator(blocks, "table"),
+ }
+ local first = doc.files[filepath].doc[1]
+ if first and modulename then
+ doc.files[filepath].author =
+ doc.files[filepath].copyright = first.copyright
+ doc.files[filepath].description = first.description
+ doc.files[filepath].release = first.release
+ doc.files[filepath].summary = first.summary
+ end
+ -- if module definition is found, store in module hierarchy
+ if modulename ~= nil then
+ if modulename == "..." then
+ modulename = string.gsub (filepath, "%.lua$", "")
+ modulename = string.gsub (modulename, "/", ".")
+ end
+ if doc.modules[modulename] ~= nil then
+ -- module is already defined, just add the blocks
+ table.foreachi(blocks, function (_, v)
+ table.insert(doc.modules[modulename].doc, v)
+ end)
+ else
+ -- TODO: put this in a different module
+ table.insert(doc.modules, modulename)
+ doc.modules[modulename] = {
+ type = "module",
+ name = modulename,
+ doc = blocks,
+-- functions = class_iterator(blocks, "function"),
+-- tables = class_iterator(blocks, "table"),
+ author = first and,
+ copyright = first and first.copyright,
+ description = "",
+ release = first and first.release,
+ summary = "",
+ }
+ -- find module description
+ for m in class_iterator(blocks, "module")() do
+ doc.modules[modulename].description = util.concat(
+ doc.modules[modulename].description,
+ m.description)
+ doc.modules[modulename].summary = util.concat(
+ doc.modules[modulename].summary,
+ m.summary)
+ if then
+ doc.modules[modulename].author =
+ end
+ if m.copyright then
+ doc.modules[modulename].copyright = m.copyright
+ end
+ if m.release then
+ doc.modules[modulename].release = m.release
+ end
+ if then
+ doc.modules[modulename].name =
+ end
+ end
+ doc.modules[modulename].description = doc.modules[modulename].description or (first and first.description) or ""
+ doc.modules[modulename].summary = doc.modules[modulename].summary or (first and first.summary) or ""
+ end
+ -- make functions table
+ doc.modules[modulename].functions = {}
+ for f in class_iterator(blocks, "function")() do
+ table.insert(doc.modules[modulename].functions,
+ doc.modules[modulename].functions[] = f
+ end
+ -- make tables table
+ doc.modules[modulename].tables = {}
+ for t in class_iterator(blocks, "table")() do
+ table.insert(doc.modules[modulename].tables,
+ doc.modules[modulename].tables[] = t
+ end
+ end
+ -- make functions table
+ doc.files[filepath].functions = {}
+ for f in class_iterator(blocks, "function")() do
+ table.insert(doc.files[filepath].functions,
+ doc.files[filepath].functions[] = f
+ end
+ -- make tables table
+ doc.files[filepath].tables = {}
+ for t in class_iterator(blocks, "table")() do
+ table.insert(doc.files[filepath].tables,
+ doc.files[filepath].tables[] = t
+ end
+ return doc
+-- Checks if the file is terminated by ".lua" or ".luadoc" and calls the
+-- function that does the actual parsing
+-- @param filepath full path of the file to parse
+-- @param doc table with documentation
+-- @return table with documentation
+-- @see parse_file
+function file (filepath, doc)
+ local patterns = { "%.lua$", "%.luadoc$", "" }
+ local valid = table.foreachi(patterns, function (_, pattern)
+ if string.find(filepath, pattern) ~= nil then
+ return true
+ end
+ end)
+ if valid then
+ logger:info(string.format("processing file `%s'", filepath))
+ doc = parse_file(filepath, doc)
+ end
+ return doc
+-- Recursively iterates through a directory, parsing each file
+-- @param path directory to search
+-- @param doc table with documentation
+-- @return table with documentation
+function directory (path, doc)
+ for f in lfs.dir(path) do
+ local fullpath = path .. "/" .. f
+ local attr = lfs.attributes(fullpath)
+ assert(attr, string.format("error stating file `%s'", fullpath))
+ if attr.mode == "file" then
+ doc = file(fullpath, doc)
+ elseif attr.mode == "directory" and f ~= "." and f ~= ".." then
+ doc = directory(fullpath, doc)
+ end
+ end
+ return doc
+-- Recursively sorts the documentation table
+local function recsort (tab)
+ table.sort (tab)
+ -- sort list of functions by name alphabetically
+ for f, doc in pairs(tab) do
+ if doc.functions then
+ table.sort(doc.functions)
+ end
+ if doc.tables then
+ table.sort(doc.tables)
+ end
+ end
+function start (files, doc)
+ assert(files, "file list not specified")
+ -- Create an empty document, or use the given one
+ doc = doc or {
+ files = {},
+ modules = {},
+ }
+ assert(doc.files, "undefined `files' field")
+ assert(doc.modules, "undefined `modules' field")
+ table.foreachi(files, function (_, path)
+ local attr = lfs.attributes(path)
+ assert(attr, string.format("error stating path `%s'", path))
+ if attr.mode == "file" then
+ doc = file(path, doc)
+ elseif attr.mode == "directory" then
+ doc = directory(path, doc)
+ end
+ end)
+ -- order arrays alphabetically
+ recsort(doc.files)
+ recsort(doc.modules)
+ return doc