path: root/crawl-ref/source/dat/clua/lm_fog.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'crawl-ref/source/dat/clua/lm_fog.lua')
1 files changed, 184 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/crawl-ref/source/dat/clua/lm_fog.lua b/crawl-ref/source/dat/clua/lm_fog.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d1106101fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crawl-ref/source/dat/clua/lm_fog.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+-- lm_tmsg.lua:
+-- Fog machines.
+-- There are three different "pure" ways to use a fog machine marker:
+-- 1) Repeatedly lay down medium to large clouds on top of the marker
+-- and let them pile up on one another. (One of the cloud grids in
+-- the gfirst laid cloud has to decay away before this is this really
+-- starts working.
+-- 2) Perform random walks from the marker and place a single-grid cloud
+-- at the destination of each walk.
+-- 3) Place a single-grid cloud on the marker and let it spread out.
+-- Comibining these different methods, along with varying the differrent
+-- parameters, can be used to achieve different effects.
+-- Marker parameters:
+-- cloud_type: The name of the cloud type to use. Defaults to "thin mist".
+-- walk_dist: The distance to move over the course of one random walk.
+-- defaults to 0.
+-- pow_min: The minimum "power" (lifetime) of each cloud; defaults to 1.
+-- pow_max: The maximum power of each cloud; must be provided.
+-- pow_rolls: The number of rolls of [pow_min, pow_max], with the average
+-- value uses; increasing the values makes the average value more likely
+-- and exterme values less likely. Defaults to 1.
+-- delay, delay_min and delay_max: The delay between laying down one cloud
+-- and the next. 10 is equal to normal-speed player turn. Either
+-- delay or delay_max and delay_min must be provided. Providing just
+-- "delay" is equivalent to delay_min and delay_max being equal.
+-- size, size_min and size_max: The number of grids each cloud will cover.
+-- Either size or size_max and size_min must be provided. Providing
+-- just "size" is equivalent to size_min and size_max being equal.
+-- spread_rate: The rate at which a cloud spreads. Must either be
+-- -1 (default spread rate that varies by cloud type) or between
+-- 0 and 100 inclusive.
+-- start_clouds: The number of clouds to lay when the level containing
+-- the cloud machine is entered. This is necessary since clouds
+-- are cleared when the player leaves a level.
+FogMachine = { }
+FogMachine.__index = FogMachine
+function FogMachine:_new()
+ local m = { }
+ setmetatable(m, self)
+ self.__index = self
+ return m
+function FogMachine:new(pars)
+ if not pars then
+ error("No parameters provided")
+ end
+ if not pars.pow_max then
+ error("No pow_max provided.")
+ end
+ if not (pars.delay or (pars.delay_min and pars.delay_max)) then
+ error("Delay parameters not provided.")
+ end
+ if not (pars.size or (pars.size_min and pars.size_max)) then
+ error("Size parameters not provided.")
+ end
+ local m = FogMachine:_new()
+ m.cloud_type = pars.cloud_type or "thin mist"
+ m.walk_dist = pars.walk_dist or 0
+ m.pow_min = pars.pow_min or 1
+ m.pow_max = pars.pow_max
+ m.pow_rolls = pars.pow_rolls or 3
+ m.delay_min = pars.delay_min or pars.delay or 1
+ m.delay_max = pars.delay_max or pars.delay
+ m.kill_cat = pars.kill_cat or "other"
+ m.size_min = pars.size_min or pars.size or 1
+ m.size_max = pars.size_max or pars.size
+ m.spread_rate = pars.spread_rate or -1
+ m.start_clouds = pars.start_clouds or 1
+ m.countdown = 0
+ return m
+function FogMachine:do_fog(marker)
+ local x, y = marker:pos()
+ if self.walk_dist > 0 then
+ x, y = dgn.random_walk(x, y, self.walk_dist)
+ end
+ dgn.apply_area_cloud(x, y, self.pow_min, self.pow_max, self.pow_rolls,
+ crawl.random_range(self.size_min, self.size_max, 1),
+ self.cloud_type, self.kill_cat, self.spread_rate)
+function FogMachine:activate(marker, verbose)
+ local _x, _y = marker:pos()
+ dgn.register_listener(dgn.dgn_event_type('turn'), marker)
+ dgn.register_listener(dgn.dgn_event_type('entered_level'), marker)
+function FogMachine:event(marker, ev)
+ local _x, _y = marker:pos()
+ if ev:type() == dgn.dgn_event_type('turn') then
+ self.countdown = self.countdown - ev:ticks()
+ while self.countdown <= 0 do
+ self:do_fog(marker)
+ self.countdown = self.countdown +
+ crawl.random_range(self.delay_min, self.delay_max, 1)
+ end
+ elseif ev:type() == dgn.dgn_event_type('entered_level') then
+ for i = 1, self.start_clouds do
+ self:do_fog(marker)
+ self.countdown = crawl.random_range(self.delay_min, self.delay_max, 1)
+ end
+ end
+function FogMachine:write(marker, th)
+ file.marshall(th, self.cloud_type)
+ file.marshall(th, self.walk_dist)
+ file.marshall(th, self.pow_min)
+ file.marshall(th, self.pow_max)
+ file.marshall(th, self.pow_rolls)
+ file.marshall(th, self.delay_min)
+ file.marshall(th, self.delay_max)
+ file.marshall(th, self.kill_cat)
+ file.marshall(th, self.size_min)
+ file.marshall(th, self.size_max)
+ file.marshall(th, self.spread_rate)
+ file.marshall(th, self.start_clouds)
+ file.marshall(th, self.countdown)
+function FogMachine:read(marker, th)
+ self.cloud_type = file.unmarshall_string(th)
+ self.walk_dist = file.unmarshall_number(th)
+ self.pow_min = file.unmarshall_number(th)
+ self.pow_max = file.unmarshall_number(th)
+ self.pow_rolls = file.unmarshall_number(th)
+ self.delay_min = file.unmarshall_number(th)
+ self.delay_max = file.unmarshall_number(th)
+ self.kill_cat = file.unmarshall_string(th)
+ self.size_min = file.unmarshall_number(th)
+ self.size_max = file.unmarshall_number(th)
+ self.spread_rate = file.unmarshall_number(th)
+ self.start_clouds = file.unmarshall_number(th)
+ self.countdown = file.unmarshall_number(th)
+ setmetatable(self, FogMachine)
+ return self
+function fog_machine(pars)
+ return FogMachine:new(pars)
+function fog_machine_geyser(cloud_type, size, power)
+ return FogMachine:new {
+ cloud_type = cloud_type, pow_max = power, size = size,
+ delay_min = power , delay_max = power * 2
+ }
+function fog_machine_spread(cloud_type, size, power)
+ return FogMachine:new {
+ cloud_type = cloud_type, pow_max = power, spread_rate = size,
+ size = 1, delay_min = 5, delay_max = 15
+ }
+function fog_machine_brownian(cloud_type, size, power)
+ return FogMachine:new {
+ cloud_type = cloud_type, size = 1, pow_max = power,
+ walk_dist = size, delay_min = 1, delay_max = power / size
+ }