path: root/crawl-ref/source/util/quickstart.tex
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diff --git a/crawl-ref/source/util/quickstart.tex b/crawl-ref/source/util/quickstart.tex
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+++ b/crawl-ref/source/util/quickstart.tex
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+\usepackage{mathpazo} % optional [sc] fuer real small caps
+\newcommand{\key}[1]{{{\texttt{\textbf{#1}}}}} % this does nasty things to underscores
+\newcommand{\sex}[1]{{{\textbf{#1}}}} % \sec already defined
+ {\usecounter{abccounter}
+ \setlength{\topsep}{0ex}
+ \setlength{\partopsep}{0ex}
+ \setlength{\listparindent}{0ex}
+ \setlength{\itemsep}{0ex}
+ \setlength{\parsep}{0ex}
+ \setlength{\leftmargin}{2em}
+ \setlength{\labelwidth}{2em}
+ \setlength{\parskip}{0ex}
+ }
+ }{\end{list}}
+\dungeon\ \crawl: Very short introduction}
+Crawl is a large and very random game of subterranean exploration in a fantasy
+world of magic and frequent violence. Your quest is to travel into the depths
+of the Dungeon (which is different each time you play) and retrieve the Orb of
+Crawl is a game of the 'roguelike' type, one of the descendants of Rogue. Its
+graphics are simple but highly informative, designed to be understood at a
+glance, and control is exercised largely through one-keystroke commands.
+\sex{Starting Out} \para
+After starting the program you will be greeted with a message asking for your
+name. Don't spend too much time over this, as your first character will
+\emph{not} last very long (sorry, but it's true).
+Next you are given menus of species and character classes from which to
+choose. A dwarf, orc, ogre, or troll Fighter is a good bet. Elves are quite
+fragile, humans are pretty average at everything, and the weirder species are
+mostly too tricky for beginning players. Finally, you may be given a choice of
+weapons. I suggest an axe (axes are fun).
+Now you are in the game. The game screen has three parts: \\
+The \textbf{Map} takes up the upper left part of the screen. In its very
+centre is the \key{@} sign which represents You. The coloured parts of the map
+is the area you can see, while places that you have visited before but cannot
+currently see are shown in grey. \\
+The \textbf{Message box} is the large part of the screen below the map. It
+describes all events as they happen. \\
+The \textbf{Stats area} contains information about your character.
+\sex{Exploring} \para
+Try walking around, using either the numeric keypad (try numlock off and on)
+or the \key{hjklyubn} keys. To move in a given direction until you reach
+something interesting or see a hostile creature, press \key{Shift-direction}.
+If you want to know what a certain character on the screen represents, use the
+\key{x} (examine) command to get a short description. Climb staircases with
+the \key{<} (up) and \key{>} (down) commands. Doors are opened simply by
+moving into them. Sometimes doors are hidden, and must be searched out by
+standing next to walls and resting (a number of commands do the same thing:
+\key{5} or \key{Shift-numpad-5} rest/search for a while, whereas \key{s} and
+\key{.} (period) do so for just a single turn).
+The Dungeon gets more dangerous (but more interesting!) as you go down. If you
+get lost, you can access a map of the whole level you are on with the \key{X}
+command, which uses the whole screen.
+\sex{Items} \para
+After walking around for a while, you will no doubt come across some items
+laying around (you may come across some monsters as well; for help in dealing
+with them skip to the Monsters section). This table lists the most basic item
+types that appear and typical commands to use them:
+\sex{Symbol} & \sex{Item type (typical commands)} & \sex{Comments} \\
+\key{(} & Weapons (\key{w}ield) & Move into monsters to attack them.\\
+\key{)} & Missiles (\key{f}ire) & Wield a bow to fire arrows. Press \key{f?} for help.\\
+\key{[} & Armour (\key{W}ear and \key{T}ake off) & Can be cursed, like weapons and jewellery. \\
+\key{\%} & Food, corpses (\key{e}at and \key{c}hop up) & Dangerous chunks are coloured. \\
+\key{\$} & Gold & There are shops down below. \\
+\key{?} & Scrolls (\key{r}ead) & Scrolls mostly affect your environment.\\
+\key{!} & Potions (\key{q}uaff) & Potions affect you, in good or bad ways. \\
+\key{=} & Rings (\key{P}ut on and \key{R}emove) & Rings can be helpful as well as malignant. \\
+\key{"} & Amulets (\key{P}ut on and \key{R}emove) & Amulets can be even subtler than rings. \\
+\key{/} & Wands (\key{Z}ap) & Identify these by zapping at monsters. \\
+\key{+} & Books (\key{r}ead, \key{M}emorise and \key{z}ap) & Press \key{z?} for information on spells.\\
+\key{$\backslash$} & Staves and rods (\key{w}ield and e\key{v}oke) \hspace{0.2em}
+ & Rods carry spells but they are very rare.
+%\key{\}} & Miscellaneous items (e\key{v}oke) & These will turn up only later. \\
+Some vital commands are given next. For a full list of commands, press \key{??}.
+Don't be scared by the abundance of commands, you will only need a handful at
+the beginning.
+\sex{Most basic commands for new players} \\
+\key{i} lists inventory \\
+\key{d} drops items \\
+\key{g} or \key{,} pick up items from the ground \\
+\key{gg} or \key{,,} for pickup menu \\
+\key{x} examines a seen monster (has help on \key{?}) \\
+\key{X} looks at the whole level (has help on \key{?}) \\
+\key{>} goes deeper one level \\
+\key{S} saves the game \\
+\key{?} prints the help screen
+\sex{Somewhat advanced commands} \\
+\key{p} prays (press \key{\^} for god information) \\
+\key{Ctrl-P} shows previous messages \\
+\key{Ctrl-F} searches for items dungeon-wide \\
+\key{G} provides automated travel between levels \\
+\key{o} provides automated exploration \\
+\key{\#} dumps character to the file \texttt{name.txt} \\
+\key{=} reassigns inventory or spell letters \\
+\key{m} checks your current skills \\
+\key{Ctrl-D} saves macros and key maps
+You will often want to get information on a particular item. If it is on the
+ground, use the \key{x} command. If it is in your inventory, press \key{i},
+followed by the item's slot key.
+\sex{Monsters} \para
+You will also run into monsters (most of which are represented by letters of
+the alphabet). You can attack a monster by trying to move into the square it
+is occupying.
+When you are wounded, you lose Health (displayed near the top of the stats
+list); these return gradually over time through the natural process of
+healing. If you lose all of your Health, you die.
+To survive, you will need to develop a few basic tactics: \\
+ Never fight more than one monster at a time if you can help it. Back
+ into a corridor so that they fight you one-on-one.
+ If you are badly wounded, you can run away from monsters to buy some time.
+ Try losing them in corridors, or as a very last resort find a place where
+ you can run around in circles to heal while the monster chases you.
+ Remember to use projectiles before engaging monsters in close combat.
+ Rest between encounters. Pressing \key{Shift-numpad-5} or \key{5} make
+ you rest for a while (you will stop resting when fully healed).
+ Learn when to run away from things you can't handle --- this is important!
+ Often, it is wise to skip a dangerous level.
+\sex{Death} \para
+Before long, you'll probably end up dead.
+Death in Crawl is permanent; you cannot just reload a saved game and start again
+where you left off. The \key{S} (save) command exists only to let you leave a game
+part-way through and come back to it later.
+Well, that's it for the quick-start guide. This should help you through your
+first few games, but Crawl is extremely (some would say excessively) complex
+and cannot be adequately described in so short a document. So when you feel
+ready to start playing with magic, skills, and religions, browse the manual.
+Happy Crawling!