path: root/crawl-ref/source
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'crawl-ref/source')
17 files changed, 649 insertions, 617 deletions
diff --git a/crawl-ref/source/ b/crawl-ref/source/
index 44f4cd0393..e71f432229 100644
--- a/crawl-ref/source/
+++ b/crawl-ref/source/
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
#include <sstream>
#include "clua.h"
+#include "l_libs.h"
#include "abl-show.h"
#include "artefact.h"
@@ -593,7 +594,6 @@ extern void luaopen_kills(lua_State *ls);
void luaopen_you(lua_State *ls);
void luaopen_item(lua_State *ls);
void luaopen_food(lua_State *ls);
-void luaopen_crawl(lua_State *ls);
void luaopen_file(lua_State *ls);
void luaopen_options(lua_State *ls);
void luaopen_monsters(lua_State *ls);
@@ -623,7 +623,7 @@ void CLua::init_lua()
- luaopen_crawl(_state);
+ cluaopen_crawl(_state);
@@ -1784,573 +1784,6 @@ void luaopen_food(lua_State *ls)
luaL_openlib(ls, "food", food_lib, 0);
-// General game bindings.
-static int crawl_mpr(lua_State *ls)
- if (!crawl_state.io_inited)
- return (0);
- const char *message = luaL_checkstring(ls, 1);
- if (!message)
- return (0);
- int ch = MSGCH_PLAIN;
- if (lua_isnumber(ls, 2))
- ch = luaL_checkint(ls, 2);
- else
- {
- const char *channel = lua_tostring(ls, 2);
- if (channel)
- ch = str_to_channel(channel);
- }
- if (ch < 0 || ch >= NUM_MESSAGE_CHANNELS)
- mpr(message, static_cast<msg_channel_type>(ch));
- return (0);
-static int crawl_formatted_mpr(lua_State *ls)
- if (!crawl_state.io_inited)
- return (0);
- const char *message = luaL_checkstring(ls, 1);
- if (!message)
- return (0);
- int ch = MSGCH_PLAIN;
- if (lua_isnumber(ls, 2))
- ch = luaL_checkint(ls, 2);
- else
- {
- const char *channel = lua_tostring(ls, 2);
- if (channel)
- ch = str_to_channel(channel);
- }
- if (ch < 0 || ch >= NUM_MESSAGE_CHANNELS)
- formatted_mpr(formatted_string::parse_string(message),
- static_cast<msg_channel_type>(ch));
- return (0);
-LUAWRAP(crawl_more, more())
-LUAWRAP(crawl_mesclr, mesclr())
-LUAWRAP(crawl_redraw_screen, redraw_screen())
-static int crawl_input_line(lua_State *ls)
- // This is arbitrary, but anybody entering so many characters is psychotic.
- char linebuf[500];
- get_input_line(linebuf, sizeof linebuf);
- lua_pushstring(ls, linebuf);
- return (1);
-static int crawl_c_input_line(lua_State *ls)
- char linebuf[500];
- bool valid = !cancelable_get_line(linebuf, sizeof linebuf);
- if (valid)
- lua_pushstring(ls, linebuf);
- else
- lua_pushnil(ls);
- return (1);
-LUARET1(crawl_getch, number, getch())
-LUARET1(crawl_kbhit, number, kbhit())
-LUAWRAP(crawl_flush_input, flush_input_buffer(FLUSH_LUA))
-static char _lua_char(lua_State *ls, int ndx, char defval = 0)
- return (lua_isnone(ls, ndx) || !lua_isstring(ls, ndx)? defval
- : lua_tostring(ls, ndx)[0]);
-static int crawl_yesno(lua_State *ls)
- const char *prompt = luaL_checkstring(ls, 1);
- const bool safe = lua_toboolean(ls, 2);
- const int safeanswer = _lua_char(ls, 3);
- const bool clear_after =
- lua_isnone(ls, 4) ? true : lua_toboolean(ls, 4);
- const bool interrupt_delays =
- lua_isnone(ls, 5) ? true : lua_toboolean(ls, 5);
- const bool noprompt =
- lua_isnone(ls, 6) ? false : lua_toboolean(ls, 6);
- cursor_control con(true);
- lua_pushboolean(ls, yesno(prompt, safe, safeanswer, clear_after,
- interrupt_delays, noprompt));
- return (1);
-static int crawl_yesnoquit(lua_State *ls)
- const char *prompt = luaL_checkstring(ls, 1);
- const bool safe = lua_toboolean(ls, 2);
- const int safeanswer = _lua_char(ls, 3);
- const bool allow_all =
- lua_isnone(ls, 4) ? false : lua_toboolean(ls, 4);
- const bool clear_after =
- lua_isnone(ls, 5) ? true : lua_toboolean(ls, 5);
- // Skipping the other params until somebody needs them.
- cursor_control con(true);
- lua_pushnumber(ls, yesnoquit(prompt, safe, safeanswer, allow_all,
- clear_after));
- return (1);
-static void crawl_sendkeys_proc(lua_State *ls, int argi)
- if (lua_isstring(ls, argi))
- {
- const char *keys = luaL_checkstring(ls, argi);
- if (!keys)
- return;
- for ( ; *keys; ++keys)
- macro_buf_add(*keys);
- }
- else if (lua_istable(ls, argi))
- {
- for (int i = 1; ; ++i)
- {
- lua_rawgeti(ls, argi, i);
- if (lua_isnil(ls, -1))
- {
- lua_pop(ls, 1);
- return;
- }
- crawl_sendkeys_proc(ls, lua_gettop(ls));
- lua_pop(ls, 1);
- }
- }
- else if (lua_isnumber(ls, argi))
- {
- int key = luaL_checkint(ls, argi);
- macro_buf_add(key);
- }
-static int crawl_sendkeys(lua_State *ls)
- int top = lua_gettop(ls);
- for (int i = 1; i <= top; ++i)
- crawl_sendkeys_proc(ls, i);
- return (0);
-// Tell Crawl to process one command.
-static int crawl_process_command(lua_State *ls)
- const bool will_process =
- current_delay_action() == DELAY_MACRO || !you_are_delayed();
- if (will_process)
- {
- // This should only be called from a macro delay, but run_macro
- // may not have started the macro delay; do so now.
- if (!you_are_delayed())
- start_delay(DELAY_MACRO, 1);
- start_delay(DELAY_MACRO_PROCESS_KEY, 1);
- }
- lua_pushboolean(ls, will_process);
- return (1);
-static int crawl_playsound(lua_State *ls)
- const char *sf = luaL_checkstring(ls, 1);
- if (!sf)
- return (0);
- play_sound(sf);
- return (0);
-static int crawl_runmacro(lua_State *ls)
- const char *macroname = luaL_checkstring(ls, 1);
- if (!macroname)
- return (0);
- run_macro(macroname);
- return (0);
-static int crawl_setopt(lua_State *ls)
- if (!lua_isstring(ls, 1))
- return (0);
- const char *s = lua_tostring(ls, 1);
- if (s)
- {
- // Note that the conditional script can contain nested Lua[ ]Lua code.
- read_options(s, true);
- }
- return (0);
-static int crawl_read_options(lua_State *ls)
- if (!lua_isstring(ls, 1))
- return (0);
- const char* filename = lua_tostring(ls, 1);
- Options.include(filename, true, true);
- return (0);
-static int crawl_bindkey(lua_State *ls)
- const char *s = NULL;
- if (lua_isstring(ls, 1))
- {
- s = lua_tostring(ls, 1);
- }
- if (!s || !lua_isfunction(ls, 2) || lua_gettop(ls) != 2)
- return (0);
- lua_pushvalue(ls, 2);
- std::string name = clua.setuniqregistry();
- if (lua_gettop(ls) != 2)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Stack top has changed!\n");
- lua_settop(ls, 2);
- }
- macro_userfn(s, name.c_str());
- return (0);
-static int crawl_msgch_num(lua_State *ls)
- const char *s = luaL_checkstring(ls, 1);
- if (!s)
- return (0);
- int ch = str_to_channel(s);
- if (ch == -1)
- return (0);
- lua_pushnumber(ls, ch);
- return (1);
-static int crawl_msgch_name(lua_State *ls)
- int num = luaL_checkint(ls, 1);
- std::string name = channel_to_str(num);
- lua_pushstring(ls, name.c_str());
- return (1);
-static int crawl_take_note(lua_State *ls)
- const char* msg = luaL_checkstring(ls, 1);
- take_note(Note(NOTE_MESSAGE, 0, 0, msg));
- return (0);
-#define REGEX_METATABLE "crawl.regex"
-#define MESSF_METATABLE "crawl.messf"
-static int crawl_regex(lua_State *ls)
- const char *s = luaL_checkstring(ls, 1);
- if (!s)
- return (0);
- text_pattern **tpudata =
- clua_new_userdata< text_pattern* >(ls, REGEX_METATABLE);
- if (tpudata)
- {
- *tpudata = new text_pattern(s);
- return (1);
- }
- return (0);
-static int crawl_regex_find(lua_State *ls)
- text_pattern **pattern =
- clua_get_userdata< text_pattern* >(ls, REGEX_METATABLE);
- if (!pattern)
- return (0);
- const char *text = luaL_checkstring(ls, -1);
- if (!text)
- return (0);
- lua_pushboolean(ls, (*pattern)->matches(text));
- return (1);
-static const luaL_reg crawl_regex_ops[] =
- { "matches", crawl_regex_find },
- { NULL, NULL }
-static int crawl_message_filter(lua_State *ls)
- const char *pattern = luaL_checkstring(ls, 1);
- if (!pattern)
- return (0);
- int num = lua_isnumber(ls, 2)? luaL_checkint(ls, 2) : -1;
- message_filter **mf =
- clua_new_userdata< message_filter* >( ls, MESSF_METATABLE );
- if (mf)
- {
- *mf = new message_filter( num, pattern );
- return (1);
- }
- return (0);
-static int crawl_messf_matches(lua_State *ls)
- message_filter **mf =
- clua_get_userdata< message_filter* >(ls, MESSF_METATABLE);
- if (!mf)
- return (0);
- const char *pattern = luaL_checkstring(ls, 2);
- int ch = luaL_checkint(ls, 3);
- if (pattern)
- {
- bool filt = (*mf)->is_filtered(ch, pattern);
- lua_pushboolean(ls, filt);
- return (1);
- }
- return (0);
-static const luaL_reg crawl_messf_ops[] =
- { "matches", crawl_messf_matches },
- { NULL, NULL }
-static int crawl_trim(lua_State *ls)
- const char *s = luaL_checkstring(ls, 1);
- if (!s)
- return (0);
- std::string text = s;
- trim_string(text);
- lua_pushstring(ls, text.c_str());
- return (1);
-static int crawl_split(lua_State *ls)
- const char *s = luaL_checkstring(ls, 1),
- *token = luaL_checkstring(ls, 2);
- if (!s || !token)
- return (0);
- std::vector<std::string> segs = split_string(token, s);
- lua_newtable(ls);
- for (int i = 0, count = segs.size(); i < count; ++i)
- {
- lua_pushstring(ls, segs[i].c_str());
- lua_rawseti(ls, -2, i + 1);
- }
- return (1);
-static int _crawl_grammar(lua_State *ls)
- description_level_type ndesc = DESC_PLAIN;
- if (lua_isstring(ls, 2))
- ndesc = description_type_by_name(lua_tostring(ls, 2));
- PLUARET(string,
- thing_do_grammar(ndesc, false,
- false, luaL_checkstring(ls, 1)).c_str());
-static int crawl_article_a(lua_State *ls)
- const char *s = luaL_checkstring(ls, 1);
- bool lowercase = true;
- if (lua_isboolean(ls, 2))
- lowercase = lua_toboolean(ls, 2);
- lua_pushstring(ls, article_a(s, lowercase).c_str());
- return (1);
-LUARET1(crawl_game_started, boolean, crawl_state.need_save)
-LUARET1(crawl_random2, number, random2( luaL_checkint(ls, 1) ))
-LUARET1(crawl_one_chance_in, boolean, one_chance_in( luaL_checkint(ls, 1) ))
-LUARET1(crawl_random2avg, number,
- random2avg( luaL_checkint(ls, 1), luaL_checkint(ls, 2) ))
-LUARET1(crawl_random_range, number,
- random_range( luaL_checkint(ls, 1), luaL_checkint(ls, 2),
- lua_isnumber(ls, 3)? luaL_checkint(ls, 3) : 1 ))
-LUARET1(crawl_coinflip, boolean, coinflip())
-LUARET1(crawl_roll_dice, number,
- lua_gettop(ls) == 1
- ? roll_dice( 1, luaL_checkint(ls, 1) )
- : roll_dice( luaL_checkint(ls, 1), luaL_checkint(ls, 2) ))
-static int crawl_random_element(lua_State *ls)
- const int table_idx = 1;
- const int value_idx = 2;
- if (lua_gettop(ls) == 0)
- {
- lua_pushnil(ls);
- return 1;
- }
- // Only the first arg does anything now. Maybe this should
- // select from a variable number of table args?
- lua_pop(ls, lua_gettop(ls) - 1);
- // Keep max value on the stack, as it could be any type of value.
- lua_pushnil(ls);
- int rollsize = 0;
- lua_pushnil(ls);
- while (lua_next(ls, table_idx) != 0)
- {
- const int weight_idx = -1;
- const int key_idx = -2;
- int this_weight = lua_isnil(ls, weight_idx) ?
- 1 : (int)lua_tonumber(ls, weight_idx);
- if (rollsize > 0)
- {
- rollsize += this_weight;
- if (x_chance_in_y(this_weight, rollsize))
- {
- lua_pushvalue(ls, key_idx);
- lua_replace(ls, value_idx);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- lua_pushvalue(ls, key_idx);
- lua_replace(ls, value_idx);
- rollsize = this_weight;
- }
- lua_pop(ls, 1);
- }
- lua_pushvalue(ls, value_idx);
- return 1;
-static int crawl_err_trace(lua_State *ls)
- const int nargs = lua_gettop(ls);
- const int err = lua_pcall(ls, nargs - 1, LUA_MULTRET, 0);
- if (err)
- {
- // This code from lua.c:traceback() (mostly)
- const char *errs = lua_tostring(ls, 1);
- std::string errstr = errs? errs : "";
- lua_getfield(ls, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, "debug");
- if (!lua_istable(ls, -1))
- {
- lua_pop(ls, 1);
- return lua_error(ls);
- }
- lua_getfield(ls, -1, "traceback");
- if (!lua_isfunction(ls, -1))
- {
- lua_pop(ls, 2);
- return lua_error(ls);
- }
- lua_pushvalue(ls, 1);
- lua_pushinteger(ls, 2); // Skip crawl_err_trace and traceback.
- lua_call(ls, 2, 1);
- // What's on top should be the error.
- lua_error(ls);
- }
- return (lua_gettop(ls));
-static const struct luaL_reg crawl_lib[] =
- { "mpr", crawl_mpr },
- { "formatted_mpr", crawl_formatted_mpr },
- { "more", crawl_more },
- { "mesclr", crawl_mesclr },
- { "random2", crawl_random2 },
- { "one_chance_in", crawl_one_chance_in },
- { "random2avg" , crawl_random2avg },
- { "coinflip", crawl_coinflip },
- { "roll_dice", crawl_roll_dice },
- { "random_range", crawl_random_range },
- { "random_element", crawl_random_element },
- { "redraw_screen", crawl_redraw_screen },
- { "input_line", crawl_input_line },
- { "c_input_line", crawl_c_input_line},
- { "getch", crawl_getch },
- { "yesno", crawl_yesno },
- { "yesnoquit", crawl_yesnoquit },
- { "kbhit", crawl_kbhit },
- { "flush_input", crawl_flush_input },
- { "sendkeys", crawl_sendkeys },
- { "process_command", crawl_process_command },
- { "playsound", crawl_playsound },
- { "runmacro", crawl_runmacro },
- { "bindkey", crawl_bindkey },
- { "setopt", crawl_setopt },
- { "read_options", crawl_read_options },
- { "msgch_num", crawl_msgch_num },
- { "msgch_name", crawl_msgch_name },
- { "take_note", crawl_take_note },
- { "regex", crawl_regex },
- { "message_filter", crawl_message_filter },
- { "trim", crawl_trim },
- { "split", crawl_split },
- { "grammar", _crawl_grammar },
- { "article_a", crawl_article_a },
- { "game_started", crawl_game_started },
- { "err_trace", crawl_err_trace },
- { NULL, NULL },
-void luaopen_crawl(lua_State *ls)
- clua_register_metatable(ls, REGEX_METATABLE, crawl_regex_ops,
- lua_object_gc<text_pattern>);
- clua_register_metatable(ls, MESSF_METATABLE, crawl_messf_ops,
- lua_object_gc<message_filter>);
- luaL_openlib(ls, "crawl", crawl_lib, 0);
// File operations
diff --git a/crawl-ref/source/ b/crawl-ref/source/
index 4461a99748..27898f1b81 100644
--- a/crawl-ref/source/
+++ b/crawl-ref/source/
@@ -306,20 +306,21 @@ void init_dungeon_lua()
lua_stack_cleaner clean(dlua);
- luaL_openlib(dlua, "dgn", dgn_lib, 0);
- luaL_openlib(dlua, "dgn", dgn_build_lib, 0);
- luaL_openlib(dlua, "dgn", dgn_event_lib, 0);
- luaL_openlib(dlua, "dgn", dgn_grid_lib, 0);
- luaL_openlib(dlua, "dgn", dgn_item_lib, 0);
- luaL_openlib(dlua, "dgn", dgn_level_lib, 0);
- luaL_openlib(dlua, "dgn", dgn_mons_lib, 0);
- luaL_openlib(dlua, "dgn", dgn_tile_lib, 0);
- luaL_openlib(dlua, "crawl", crawl_lib, 0);
- luaL_openlib(dlua, "debug", debug_lib, 0);
- luaL_openlib(dlua, "file", file_lib, 0);
- luaL_openlib(dlua, "you", you_lib, 0);
- luaL_openlib(dlua, "los", los_lib, 0);
+ dluaopen_crawl(dlua);
+ luaL_openlib(dlua, "dgn", dgn_dlib, 0);
+ luaL_openlib(dlua, "dgn", dgn_build_dlib, 0);
+ luaL_openlib(dlua, "dgn", dgn_event_dlib, 0);
+ luaL_openlib(dlua, "dgn", dgn_grid_dlib, 0);
+ luaL_openlib(dlua, "dgn", dgn_item_dlib, 0);
+ luaL_openlib(dlua, "dgn", dgn_level_dlib, 0);
+ luaL_openlib(dlua, "dgn", dgn_mons_dlib, 0);
+ luaL_openlib(dlua, "dgn", dgn_tile_dlib, 0);
+ luaL_openlib(dlua, "debug", debug_dlib, 0);
+ luaL_openlib(dlua, "file", file_dlib, 0);
+ luaL_openlib(dlua, "you", you_dlib, 0);
+ luaL_openlib(dlua, "los", los_dlib, 0);
dlua.execfile("clua/dungeon.lua", true, true);
dlua.execfile("clua/luamark.lua", true, true);
diff --git a/crawl-ref/source/ b/crawl-ref/source/
index b50a407a49..5f248e8dc8 100644
--- a/crawl-ref/source/
+++ b/crawl-ref/source/
@@ -1,9 +1,24 @@
+ * File:
+ * Summary: General game bindings.
+ */
#include "AppHdr.h"
+#include "clua.h"
#include "dlua.h"
#include "l_libs.h"
+#include "cio.h"
+#include "delay.h"
+#include "directn.h"
+#include "format.h"
#include "initfile.h"
#include "itemname.h"
+#include "macro.h"
+#include "message.h"
+#include "notes.h"
+#include "player.h"
#include "stuff.h"
#include "view.h"
@@ -12,6 +27,578 @@
#include <time.h>
+// User accessible
+static int crawl_mpr(lua_State *ls)
+ if (!crawl_state.io_inited)
+ return (0);
+ const char *message = luaL_checkstring(ls, 1);
+ if (!message)
+ return (0);
+ int ch = MSGCH_PLAIN;
+ if (lua_isnumber(ls, 2))
+ ch = luaL_checkint(ls, 2);
+ else
+ {
+ const char *channel = lua_tostring(ls, 2);
+ if (channel)
+ ch = str_to_channel(channel);
+ }
+ if (ch < 0 || ch >= NUM_MESSAGE_CHANNELS)
+ mpr(message, static_cast<msg_channel_type>(ch));
+ return (0);
+static int crawl_formatted_mpr(lua_State *ls)
+ if (!crawl_state.io_inited)
+ return (0);
+ const char *message = luaL_checkstring(ls, 1);
+ if (!message)
+ return (0);
+ int ch = MSGCH_PLAIN;
+ if (lua_isnumber(ls, 2))
+ ch = luaL_checkint(ls, 2);
+ else
+ {
+ const char *channel = lua_tostring(ls, 2);
+ if (channel)
+ ch = str_to_channel(channel);
+ }
+ if (ch < 0 || ch >= NUM_MESSAGE_CHANNELS)
+ formatted_mpr(formatted_string::parse_string(message),
+ static_cast<msg_channel_type>(ch));
+ return (0);
+LUAWRAP(crawl_more, more())
+LUAWRAP(crawl_mesclr, mesclr())
+LUAWRAP(crawl_redraw_screen, redraw_screen())
+static int crawl_input_line(lua_State *ls)
+ // This is arbitrary, but anybody entering so many characters is psychotic.
+ char linebuf[500];
+ get_input_line(linebuf, sizeof linebuf);
+ lua_pushstring(ls, linebuf);
+ return (1);
+static int crawl_c_input_line(lua_State *ls)
+ char linebuf[500];
+ bool valid = !cancelable_get_line(linebuf, sizeof linebuf);
+ if (valid)
+ lua_pushstring(ls, linebuf);
+ else
+ lua_pushnil(ls);
+ return (1);
+LUARET1(crawl_getch, number, getch())
+LUARET1(crawl_kbhit, number, kbhit())
+LUAWRAP(crawl_flush_input, flush_input_buffer(FLUSH_LUA))
+static char _lua_char(lua_State *ls, int ndx, char defval = 0)
+ return (lua_isnone(ls, ndx) || !lua_isstring(ls, ndx)? defval
+ : lua_tostring(ls, ndx)[0]);
+static int crawl_yesno(lua_State *ls)
+ const char *prompt = luaL_checkstring(ls, 1);
+ const bool safe = lua_toboolean(ls, 2);
+ const int safeanswer = _lua_char(ls, 3);
+ const bool clear_after =
+ lua_isnone(ls, 4) ? true : lua_toboolean(ls, 4);
+ const bool interrupt_delays =
+ lua_isnone(ls, 5) ? true : lua_toboolean(ls, 5);
+ const bool noprompt =
+ lua_isnone(ls, 6) ? false : lua_toboolean(ls, 6);
+ cursor_control con(true);
+ lua_pushboolean(ls, yesno(prompt, safe, safeanswer, clear_after,
+ interrupt_delays, noprompt));
+ return (1);
+static int crawl_yesnoquit(lua_State *ls)
+ const char *prompt = luaL_checkstring(ls, 1);
+ const bool safe = lua_toboolean(ls, 2);
+ const int safeanswer = _lua_char(ls, 3);
+ const bool allow_all =
+ lua_isnone(ls, 4) ? false : lua_toboolean(ls, 4);
+ const bool clear_after =
+ lua_isnone(ls, 5) ? true : lua_toboolean(ls, 5);
+ // Skipping the other params until somebody needs them.
+ cursor_control con(true);
+ lua_pushnumber(ls, yesnoquit(prompt, safe, safeanswer, allow_all,
+ clear_after));
+ return (1);
+static void crawl_sendkeys_proc(lua_State *ls, int argi)
+ if (lua_isstring(ls, argi))
+ {
+ const char *keys = luaL_checkstring(ls, argi);
+ if (!keys)
+ return;
+ for ( ; *keys; ++keys)
+ macro_buf_add(*keys);
+ }
+ else if (lua_istable(ls, argi))
+ {
+ for (int i = 1; ; ++i)
+ {
+ lua_rawgeti(ls, argi, i);
+ if (lua_isnil(ls, -1))
+ {
+ lua_pop(ls, 1);
+ return;
+ }
+ crawl_sendkeys_proc(ls, lua_gettop(ls));
+ lua_pop(ls, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (lua_isnumber(ls, argi))
+ {
+ int key = luaL_checkint(ls, argi);
+ macro_buf_add(key);
+ }
+static int crawl_sendkeys(lua_State *ls)
+ int top = lua_gettop(ls);
+ for (int i = 1; i <= top; ++i)
+ crawl_sendkeys_proc(ls, i);
+ return (0);
+// Tell Crawl to process one command.
+static int crawl_process_command(lua_State *ls)
+ const bool will_process =
+ current_delay_action() == DELAY_MACRO || !you_are_delayed();
+ if (will_process)
+ {
+ // This should only be called from a macro delay, but run_macro
+ // may not have started the macro delay; do so now.
+ if (!you_are_delayed())
+ start_delay(DELAY_MACRO, 1);
+ start_delay(DELAY_MACRO_PROCESS_KEY, 1);
+ }
+ lua_pushboolean(ls, will_process);
+ return (1);
+static int crawl_playsound(lua_State *ls)
+ const char *sf = luaL_checkstring(ls, 1);
+ if (!sf)
+ return (0);
+ play_sound(sf);
+ return (0);
+static int crawl_runmacro(lua_State *ls)
+ const char *macroname = luaL_checkstring(ls, 1);
+ if (!macroname)
+ return (0);
+ run_macro(macroname);
+ return (0);
+static int crawl_setopt(lua_State *ls)
+ if (!lua_isstring(ls, 1))
+ return (0);
+ const char *s = lua_tostring(ls, 1);
+ if (s)
+ {
+ // Note that the conditional script can contain nested Lua[ ]Lua code.
+ read_options(s, true);
+ }
+ return (0);
+static int crawl_read_options(lua_State *ls)
+ if (!lua_isstring(ls, 1))
+ return (0);
+ const char* filename = lua_tostring(ls, 1);
+ Options.include(filename, true, true);
+ return (0);
+static int crawl_bindkey(lua_State *ls)
+ const char *s = NULL;
+ if (lua_isstring(ls, 1))
+ {
+ s = lua_tostring(ls, 1);
+ }
+ if (!s || !lua_isfunction(ls, 2) || lua_gettop(ls) != 2)
+ return (0);
+ lua_pushvalue(ls, 2);
+ std::string name = clua.setuniqregistry();
+ if (lua_gettop(ls) != 2)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Stack top has changed!\n");
+ lua_settop(ls, 2);
+ }
+ macro_userfn(s, name.c_str());
+ return (0);
+static int crawl_msgch_num(lua_State *ls)
+ const char *s = luaL_checkstring(ls, 1);
+ if (!s)
+ return (0);
+ int ch = str_to_channel(s);
+ if (ch == -1)
+ return (0);
+ lua_pushnumber(ls, ch);
+ return (1);
+static int crawl_msgch_name(lua_State *ls)
+ int num = luaL_checkint(ls, 1);
+ std::string name = channel_to_str(num);
+ lua_pushstring(ls, name.c_str());
+ return (1);
+static int crawl_take_note(lua_State *ls)
+ const char* msg = luaL_checkstring(ls, 1);
+ take_note(Note(NOTE_MESSAGE, 0, 0, msg));
+ return (0);
+#define REGEX_METATABLE "crawl.regex"
+#define MESSF_METATABLE "crawl.messf"
+static int crawl_regex(lua_State *ls)
+ const char *s = luaL_checkstring(ls, 1);
+ if (!s)
+ return (0);
+ text_pattern **tpudata =
+ clua_new_userdata< text_pattern* >(ls, REGEX_METATABLE);
+ if (tpudata)
+ {
+ *tpudata = new text_pattern(s);
+ return (1);
+ }
+ return (0);
+static int crawl_regex_find(lua_State *ls)
+ text_pattern **pattern =
+ clua_get_userdata< text_pattern* >(ls, REGEX_METATABLE);
+ if (!pattern)
+ return (0);
+ const char *text = luaL_checkstring(ls, -1);
+ if (!text)
+ return (0);
+ lua_pushboolean(ls, (*pattern)->matches(text));
+ return (1);
+static const luaL_reg crawl_regex_ops[] =
+ { "matches", crawl_regex_find },
+ { NULL, NULL }
+static int crawl_message_filter(lua_State *ls)
+ const char *pattern = luaL_checkstring(ls, 1);
+ if (!pattern)
+ return (0);
+ int num = lua_isnumber(ls, 2)? luaL_checkint(ls, 2) : -1;
+ message_filter **mf =
+ clua_new_userdata< message_filter* >( ls, MESSF_METATABLE );
+ if (mf)
+ {
+ *mf = new message_filter( num, pattern );
+ return (1);
+ }
+ return (0);
+static int crawl_messf_matches(lua_State *ls)
+ message_filter **mf =
+ clua_get_userdata< message_filter* >(ls, MESSF_METATABLE);
+ if (!mf)
+ return (0);
+ const char *pattern = luaL_checkstring(ls, 2);
+ int ch = luaL_checkint(ls, 3);
+ if (pattern)
+ {
+ bool filt = (*mf)->is_filtered(ch, pattern);
+ lua_pushboolean(ls, filt);
+ return (1);
+ }
+ return (0);
+static const luaL_reg crawl_messf_ops[] =
+ { "matches", crawl_messf_matches },
+ { NULL, NULL }
+static int crawl_trim(lua_State *ls)
+ const char *s = luaL_checkstring(ls, 1);
+ if (!s)
+ return (0);
+ std::string text = s;
+ trim_string(text);
+ lua_pushstring(ls, text.c_str());
+ return (1);
+static int crawl_split(lua_State *ls)
+ const char *s = luaL_checkstring(ls, 1),
+ *token = luaL_checkstring(ls, 2);
+ if (!s || !token)
+ return (0);
+ std::vector<std::string> segs = split_string(token, s);
+ lua_newtable(ls);
+ for (int i = 0, count = segs.size(); i < count; ++i)
+ {
+ lua_pushstring(ls, segs[i].c_str());
+ lua_rawseti(ls, -2, i + 1);
+ }
+ return (1);
+static int _crawl_grammar(lua_State *ls)
+ description_level_type ndesc = DESC_PLAIN;
+ if (lua_isstring(ls, 2))
+ ndesc = description_type_by_name(lua_tostring(ls, 2));
+ PLUARET(string,
+ thing_do_grammar(ndesc, false,
+ false, luaL_checkstring(ls, 1)).c_str());
+static int crawl_article_a(lua_State *ls)
+ const char *s = luaL_checkstring(ls, 1);
+ bool lowercase = true;
+ if (lua_isboolean(ls, 2))
+ lowercase = lua_toboolean(ls, 2);
+ lua_pushstring(ls, article_a(s, lowercase).c_str());
+ return (1);
+LUARET1(crawl_game_started, boolean, crawl_state.need_save)
+LUARET1(crawl_random2, number, random2( luaL_checkint(ls, 1) ))
+LUARET1(crawl_one_chance_in, boolean, one_chance_in( luaL_checkint(ls, 1) ))
+LUARET1(crawl_random2avg, number,
+ random2avg( luaL_checkint(ls, 1), luaL_checkint(ls, 2) ))
+LUARET1(crawl_random_range, number,
+ random_range( luaL_checkint(ls, 1), luaL_checkint(ls, 2),
+ lua_isnumber(ls, 3)? luaL_checkint(ls, 3) : 1 ))
+LUARET1(crawl_coinflip, boolean, coinflip())
+LUARET1(crawl_roll_dice, number,
+ lua_gettop(ls) == 1
+ ? roll_dice( 1, luaL_checkint(ls, 1) )
+ : roll_dice( luaL_checkint(ls, 1), luaL_checkint(ls, 2) ))
+static int crawl_random_element(lua_State *ls)
+ const int table_idx = 1;
+ const int value_idx = 2;
+ if (lua_gettop(ls) == 0)
+ {
+ lua_pushnil(ls);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ // Only the first arg does anything now. Maybe this should
+ // select from a variable number of table args?
+ lua_pop(ls, lua_gettop(ls) - 1);
+ // Keep max value on the stack, as it could be any type of value.
+ lua_pushnil(ls);
+ int rollsize = 0;
+ lua_pushnil(ls);
+ while (lua_next(ls, table_idx) != 0)
+ {
+ const int weight_idx = -1;
+ const int key_idx = -2;
+ int this_weight = lua_isnil(ls, weight_idx) ?
+ 1 : (int)lua_tonumber(ls, weight_idx);
+ if (rollsize > 0)
+ {
+ rollsize += this_weight;
+ if (x_chance_in_y(this_weight, rollsize))
+ {
+ lua_pushvalue(ls, key_idx);
+ lua_replace(ls, value_idx);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lua_pushvalue(ls, key_idx);
+ lua_replace(ls, value_idx);
+ rollsize = this_weight;
+ }
+ lua_pop(ls, 1);
+ }
+ lua_pushvalue(ls, value_idx);
+ return 1;
+static int crawl_err_trace(lua_State *ls)
+ const int nargs = lua_gettop(ls);
+ const int err = lua_pcall(ls, nargs - 1, LUA_MULTRET, 0);
+ if (err)
+ {
+ // This code from lua.c:traceback() (mostly)
+ const char *errs = lua_tostring(ls, 1);
+ std::string errstr = errs? errs : "";
+ lua_getfield(ls, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, "debug");
+ if (!lua_istable(ls, -1))
+ {
+ lua_pop(ls, 1);
+ return lua_error(ls);
+ }
+ lua_getfield(ls, -1, "traceback");
+ if (!lua_isfunction(ls, -1))
+ {
+ lua_pop(ls, 2);
+ return lua_error(ls);
+ }
+ lua_pushvalue(ls, 1);
+ lua_pushinteger(ls, 2); // Skip crawl_err_trace and traceback.
+ lua_call(ls, 2, 1);
+ // What's on top should be the error.
+ lua_error(ls);
+ }
+ return (lua_gettop(ls));
+static const struct luaL_reg crawl_clib[] =
+ { "mpr", crawl_mpr },
+ { "formatted_mpr", crawl_formatted_mpr },
+ { "more", crawl_more },
+ { "mesclr", crawl_mesclr },
+ { "random2", crawl_random2 },
+ { "one_chance_in", crawl_one_chance_in },
+ { "random2avg" , crawl_random2avg },
+ { "coinflip", crawl_coinflip },
+ { "roll_dice", crawl_roll_dice },
+ { "random_range", crawl_random_range },
+ { "random_element", crawl_random_element },
+ { "redraw_screen", crawl_redraw_screen },
+ { "input_line", crawl_input_line },
+ { "c_input_line", crawl_c_input_line},
+ { "getch", crawl_getch },
+ { "yesno", crawl_yesno },
+ { "yesnoquit", crawl_yesnoquit },
+ { "kbhit", crawl_kbhit },
+ { "flush_input", crawl_flush_input },
+ { "sendkeys", crawl_sendkeys },
+ { "process_command", crawl_process_command },
+ { "playsound", crawl_playsound },
+ { "runmacro", crawl_runmacro },
+ { "bindkey", crawl_bindkey },
+ { "setopt", crawl_setopt },
+ { "read_options", crawl_read_options },
+ { "msgch_num", crawl_msgch_num },
+ { "msgch_name", crawl_msgch_name },
+ { "take_note", crawl_take_note },
+ { "regex", crawl_regex },
+ { "message_filter", crawl_message_filter },
+ { "trim", crawl_trim },
+ { "split", crawl_split },
+ { "grammar", _crawl_grammar },
+ { "article_a", crawl_article_a },
+ { "game_started", crawl_game_started },
+ { "err_trace", crawl_err_trace },
+ { NULL, NULL },
+void cluaopen_crawl(lua_State *ls)
+ clua_register_metatable(ls, REGEX_METATABLE, crawl_regex_ops,
+ lua_object_gc<text_pattern>);
+ clua_register_metatable(ls, MESSF_METATABLE, crawl_messf_ops,
+ lua_object_gc<message_filter>);
+ luaL_openlib(ls, "crawl", crawl_clib, 0);
+// Non-user-accessible bindings (dlua).
return dlua_stringtable(ls, SysEnv.cmd_args);
@@ -70,7 +657,7 @@ std::string _crawl_make_name(lua_State *ls)
LUARET1(crawl_make_name, string, _crawl_make_name(ls).c_str())
-const struct luaL_reg crawl_lib[] =
+static const struct luaL_reg crawl_dlib[] =
{ "args", _crawl_args },
{ "mark_milestone", _crawl_milestone },
@@ -82,3 +669,7 @@ const struct luaL_reg crawl_lib[] =
+void dluaopen_crawl(lua_State *ls)
+ luaL_openlib(ls, "crawl", crawl_dlib, 0);
diff --git a/crawl-ref/source/ b/crawl-ref/source/
index 4a52860822..ac7ca63654 100644
--- a/crawl-ref/source/
+++ b/crawl-ref/source/
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ LUAFN(_debug_test_explore)
return (0);
-const struct luaL_reg debug_lib[] =
+const struct luaL_reg debug_dlib[] =
{ "goto_place", debug_goto_place },
{ "flush_map_memory", debug_flush_map_memory },
diff --git a/crawl-ref/source/ b/crawl-ref/source/
index 3555c541b8..e640177406 100644
--- a/crawl-ref/source/
+++ b/crawl-ref/source/
@@ -1491,7 +1491,7 @@ LUAFN(_dgn_reuse_map)
LUAWRAP(_dgn_reset_level, dgn_reset_level())
-const struct luaL_reg dgn_lib[] =
+const struct luaL_reg dgn_dlib[] =
{ "reset_level", _dgn_reset_level },
diff --git a/crawl-ref/source/ b/crawl-ref/source/
index a13a59f56a..bb51b62bf4 100644
--- a/crawl-ref/source/
+++ b/crawl-ref/source/
@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ static int dgn_fill_disconnected_zones(lua_State *ls)
return 0;
-const struct luaL_reg dgn_build_lib[] =
+const struct luaL_reg dgn_build_dlib[] =
{ "grd_table", dgn_grd_table },
{ "width", dgn_width },
diff --git a/crawl-ref/source/ b/crawl-ref/source/
index 73574309fe..f776f5c402 100644
--- a/crawl-ref/source/
+++ b/crawl-ref/source/
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ static int dgnevent_arg2(lua_State *ls)
PLUARET(number, dev->arg2);
-static const struct luaL_reg dgnevent_lib[] =
+static const struct luaL_reg dgnevent_dlib[] =
{ "type", dgnevent_type },
{ "pos", dgnevent_place },
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ static const struct luaL_reg dgnevent_lib[] =
void luaopen_dgnevent(lua_State *ls)
- luaopen_setmeta(ls, "dgnevent", dgnevent_lib, DEVENT_METATABLE);
+ luaopen_setmeta(ls, "dgnevent", dgnevent_dlib, DEVENT_METATABLE);
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ static int dgn_dgn_event(lua_State *ls)
return (retvals);
-const struct luaL_reg dgn_event_lib[] =
+const struct luaL_reg dgn_event_dlib[] =
{ "dgn_event_type", dgn_dgn_event },
diff --git a/crawl-ref/source/ b/crawl-ref/source/
index 1b109e7243..bedac0fde3 100644
--- a/crawl-ref/source/
+++ b/crawl-ref/source/
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ LUAFN(_dgn_is_opaque)
return (1);
-const struct luaL_reg dgn_grid_lib[] =
+const struct luaL_reg dgn_grid_dlib[] =
{ "feature_number", dgn_feature_number },
{ "feature_name", dgn_feature_name },
diff --git a/crawl-ref/source/ b/crawl-ref/source/
index 4fb101d4e3..4f9cebd86c 100644
--- a/crawl-ref/source/
+++ b/crawl-ref/source/
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ static int dgn_create_item(lua_State *ls)
return (0);
-const struct luaL_reg dgn_item_lib[] =
+const struct luaL_reg dgn_item_dlib[] =
{ "item_from_index", dgn_item_from_index },
{ "items_at", dgn_items_at },
diff --git a/crawl-ref/source/ b/crawl-ref/source/
index c72b09174e..a5237096f1 100644
--- a/crawl-ref/source/
+++ b/crawl-ref/source/
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ LUAFN(dgn_set_level_type_origin)
-const struct luaL_reg dgn_level_lib[] =
+const struct luaL_reg dgn_level_dlib[] =
{ "br_floorcol", dgn_br_floorcol },
{ "br_rockcol", dgn_br_rockcol },
diff --git a/crawl-ref/source/ b/crawl-ref/source/
index a464a4fb50..ca1eef82a5 100644
--- a/crawl-ref/source/
+++ b/crawl-ref/source/
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ LUAFN(dgn_dismiss_monsters)
luaL_checkstring(ls, 1)));
-const struct luaL_reg dgn_mons_lib[] =
+const struct luaL_reg dgn_mons_dlib[] =
{ "set_random_mon_list", dgn_set_random_mon_list },
{ "mons_from_index", dgn_mons_from_index },
diff --git a/crawl-ref/source/ b/crawl-ref/source/
index 05b6df309b..2a47a333bc 100644
--- a/crawl-ref/source/
+++ b/crawl-ref/source/
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ LUAFN(dgn_rtile)
-const struct luaL_reg dgn_tile_lib[] =
+const struct luaL_reg dgn_tile_dlib[] =
{ "lrocktile", dgn_lrocktile },
{ "lfloortile", dgn_lfloortile },
diff --git a/crawl-ref/source/ b/crawl-ref/source/
index 5e204dbceb..78eb10f289 100644
--- a/crawl-ref/source/
+++ b/crawl-ref/source/
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ static int file_unmarshall_meta(lua_State *ls)
return (0);
-const struct luaL_reg file_lib[] =
+const struct luaL_reg file_dlib[] =
{ "marshall", file_marshall },
{ "marshall_meta", file_marshall_meta },
diff --git a/crawl-ref/source/l_libs.h b/crawl-ref/source/l_libs.h
index aca91d8699..663b378832 100644
--- a/crawl-ref/source/l_libs.h
+++ b/crawl-ref/source/l_libs.h
@@ -9,23 +9,29 @@
#include "clua.h"
+ * Loaders for clua.
+ */
+void cluaopen_crawl(lua_State *ls);
* Libraries and loaders, accessed from init_dungeon_lua().
-extern const struct luaL_reg crawl_lib[];
-extern const struct luaL_reg debug_lib[];
-extern const struct luaL_reg dgn_lib[];
-extern const struct luaL_reg dgn_build_lib[];
-extern const struct luaL_reg dgn_event_lib[];
-extern const struct luaL_reg dgn_grid_lib[];
-extern const struct luaL_reg dgn_item_lib[];
-extern const struct luaL_reg dgn_level_lib[];
-extern const struct luaL_reg dgn_mons_lib[];
-extern const struct luaL_reg dgn_tile_lib[];
-extern const struct luaL_reg file_lib[];
-extern const struct luaL_reg los_lib[];
-extern const struct luaL_reg mapmarker_lib[];
-extern const struct luaL_reg you_lib[];
+extern const struct luaL_reg debug_dlib[];
+extern const struct luaL_reg dgn_dlib[];
+extern const struct luaL_reg dgn_build_dlib[];
+extern const struct luaL_reg dgn_event_dlib[];
+extern const struct luaL_reg dgn_grid_dlib[];
+extern const struct luaL_reg dgn_item_dlib[];
+extern const struct luaL_reg dgn_level_dlib[];
+extern const struct luaL_reg dgn_mons_dlib[];
+extern const struct luaL_reg dgn_tile_dlib[];
+extern const struct luaL_reg file_dlib[];
+extern const struct luaL_reg los_dlib[];
+extern const struct luaL_reg mapmarker_dlib[];
+extern const struct luaL_reg you_dlib[];
void luaopen_dgnevent(lua_State *ls);
void luaopen_mapmarker(lua_State *ls);
@@ -34,6 +40,8 @@ void luaopen_ray(lua_State *ls);
void register_monslist(lua_State *ls);
void register_itemlist(lua_State *ls);
void register_builder_funcs(lua_State *ls);
+void dluaopen_crawl(lua_State *ls);
* Macros for processing object arguments.
diff --git a/crawl-ref/source/ b/crawl-ref/source/
index b4d0f86fa1..e83c9358c7 100644
--- a/crawl-ref/source/
+++ b/crawl-ref/source/
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ LUAFN(los_cell_see_cell)
PLUARET(number, cell_see_cell(p, q));
-const struct luaL_reg los_lib[] =
+const struct luaL_reg los_dlib[] =
{ "findray", los_find_ray },
{ "cell_see_cell", los_cell_see_cell },
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ LUAFN(ray_pos)
return (2);
-static const struct luaL_reg ray_lib[] =
+static const struct luaL_reg ray_dlib[] =
{ "accx", ray_accx },
{ "accy", ray_accy },
@@ -100,6 +100,5 @@ static const struct luaL_reg ray_lib[] =
void luaopen_ray(lua_State *ls)
-// luaopen_setmeta(ls, "ray", ray_lib, RAY_METATABLE);
- clua_register_metatable(ls, RAY_METATABLE, ray_lib, lua_object_gc<ray_def>);
+ clua_register_metatable(ls, RAY_METATABLE, ray_dlib, lua_object_gc<ray_def>);
diff --git a/crawl-ref/source/ b/crawl-ref/source/
index 98c2323546..2e25a2ff2b 100644
--- a/crawl-ref/source/
+++ b/crawl-ref/source/
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ static int mapmarker_move(lua_State *ls)
return (0);
-const struct luaL_reg mapmarker_lib[] =
+const struct luaL_reg mapmarker_dlib[] =
{ "pos", mapmarker_pos },
{ "move", mapmarker_move },
@@ -30,5 +30,5 @@ const struct luaL_reg mapmarker_lib[] =
void luaopen_mapmarker(lua_State *ls)
- luaopen_setmeta(ls, "mapmarker", mapmarker_lib, MAPMARK_METATABLE);
+ luaopen_setmeta(ls, "mapmarker", mapmarker_dlib, MAPMARK_METATABLE);
diff --git a/crawl-ref/source/ b/crawl-ref/source/
index 4ecf0ef0cc..95149cb772 100644
--- a/crawl-ref/source/
+++ b/crawl-ref/source/
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ LUAFN(you_losight)
return (0);
-const struct luaL_reg you_lib[] =
+const struct luaL_reg you_dlib[] =
{ "hear_pos", you_can_hear_pos },
{ "x_pos", you_x_pos },