path: root/crawl-ref/source/rltiles/dc-mon/unique/mara.png
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* New (rakshasa) unique: Mara, Lord of Ilusions.Jude Brown2009-12-241-0/+0
This re-uses several ideas from the Emerald Eye FR, and implements the spell "Mislead": this grants the "Misled" status effect to the player, and causes on-level monsters to appear (glyph, name and tile) to be other monsters. Only their appearance is changed. Healing potions and rain remove this status effect. Mara also has a beefed-up version of the Rakshasa clone spell: it instead creates an "exact" clone (slightly altered spells list, and non-unique status for his clones). Only two will ever be created at once. Finally, he has the spell "Summon Player Ghost". This spell creates a ghost of the player (though marked as a summon, meaning that it (shouldn't) register a milestone, though it will be treated as a self-ghost kill) that is hostile. Only one of these should be existant at any one point in time. I'm pretty sure that I haven't broken anything, but would definitely appreciate someone sanity-checking this commit. Known minor issue: Kirke's summon ugly things being cast while having the Misled status causes them to show up with no glyph.