Install instructions for Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup (DCSS) -------------------------------------------------------- (Last updated on 20060926 for Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup 0.1.1.) Building Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup --------------------------------- Crawl Stone Soup is known to compile successfully on the following platforms as of version 0.1.1: - Any Unix with a recent gcc (and g++), GNU make and libncurses, including Linux and Mac OS X. - MS-DOS (with at least 32M RAM). - Microsoft Windows NT/2000/XP. The game will also run on Windows 9X and ME. The only supported compiler is gcc (available on almost all Unixes, and as djgpp for DOS, and MinGW for Windows). Other platforms are unsupported, but you should be able to build Crawl on pretty much any operating system with a modern C++ compiler and the curses library. Optional libraries ------------------ Crawl can be built with some optional features: * Sounds * Regular expressions * Lua support Sounds must be enabled by editing AppHdr.h (uncomment SOUND_PLAY_COMMAND on Unixes or WINMM_PLAY_SOUNDS on Windows). Regular expressions require libpcre on non-Unix operating systems. On Unixes, the standard POSIX regular expression support is adequate for Crawl's needs. Lua support requires liblua, which you can build by downloading the sources from On most Unixes, you can also use the native package management system to easily install lua. Makefile system --------------- Crawl uses a selector makefile (under source/makefile) to control what platform it's building for. Your first step in building Crawl should be to edit source/makefile and point it at the correct platform makefile. For instance, if you're building for Windows, you'd use MAKEFILE=makefile.mgw to build with MinGW for Windows (# is used for comments in makefiles). Consult the operating-system specific sections for detailed information on building Crawl. Building on Linux (or other Unixes) ----------------------------------- * Make sure you have gcc and GNU make. This is especially important on non-Linux Unixes such as Solaris (Solaris cc might work, but it's not been tested). * Make sure you have libcurses or libncurses. If you're using libcurses, edit makefile.lnx to match. * cd to the source directory (you can safely ignore the and scripts). * Edit makefile and make sure that MAKEFILE=makefile.lnx is uncommented and all other MAKEFILE= lines are commented out. * Run make to build the normal (non-wizard) Crawl. * If you have Lua, you can edit AppHdr.h and uncomment // #define CLUA_BINDINGS then add -llua to your LIB = line in makefile.lnx, and rebuild to compile with Lua support. Building on Mac OS X -------------------- You can follow the Linux instructions to build Crawl (but note you still need to install Xcode to get gcc and make), or alternatively you can use Xcode. * Make sure Xcode is installed. Xcode should be available on the OS X install DVD if you haven't already installed it. * Open the Xcode project under the "source" directory. * Hit Build in Xcode. Building on Windows ------------------- NOTE: Building for Windows+MinGW on Windows 9x/ME may work, but we've not tested it. You may be better off using the DOS build instructions if you're on 9x/ME. We've also not tested or updated the makefile for Borland C++. We strongly recommend using MinGW if possible. * Install MinGW from The MinGW 5.0.2 installer is best so you don't have to fiddle with individual packages (you can mess with the individual packages if you like to, of course). * Make sure you have g++ and mingw32-make in your path. * cd to the the Crawl source directory. * Build Crawl by running mingw32-make MAKEFILE=makefile.mgw * If you have Lua and/or libpcre, you can edit AppHdr.h and uncomment these lines: // #define CLUA_BINDINGS and // #define REGEX_PCRE Note that there are multiple // #define REGEX_PCRE lines in AppHdr.h - find the one in the Windows-specific section. * Add -llua and -lpcre to the LIB line in makefile.mgw as: LIB = -lwinmm -static -llua -lpcre and build Crawl to include Lua and regex support. * When you're done, you should have crawl.exe under a "rel" subdirectory. Building on DOS --------------- * Install djgpp from Don't forget to include C++ support when the Zip picker asks for what you want. You may also have to download GNU make as a separate package. It's important to follow the install instructions carefully, because bad installs can produce rather confusing error messages. * Make sure gxx and make are in your PATH. * cd to the Crawl source directory. * Build Crawl by running make MAKEFILE=makefile.dos * If you have Lua and/or PCRE, edit makefile.dos and change this line: CFLAGS = -D$(OS_TYPE) $(EXTRA_FLAGS) to CFLAGS = -D$(OS_TYPE) $(EXTRA_FLAGS) -DCLUA_BINDINGS -DREGEX_PCRE Add -llua and -lpcre to the LIB line in makefile.dos, like so: LIB = -llua -lpcre then build Crawl. * When the build is done, crawl.exe should be in the source directory. ***************************************************************************** Optional Libraries ------------------ Lua --- NOTE: When linking in Lua, the makefile LIB line usually looks like this: LIB = -llua If you're using Lua older than 5.1, though, the Lua library comprises of *two* libraries: liblua and liblualib (yes, confusing), so you need LIB = -llua -llualib Getting Lua: On Unixes your package management system is the best way to get Lua. Make sure to install the development headers and not just the naked library. On Windows, Lua binaries are available on You should find links to get binaries from On DOS, you get the joy of compiling Lua yourself. It's not hard, and you can use the existing Windows support in the Lua makefiles with some minor modifications, but you may be better served using the official Crawl Stone Soup binaries if you want Lua with your Crawl and don't want to compile Lua. PCRE ---- On Unixes, you're better served by the existing POSIX regular expression support. If you want PCRE, your package management system is again your best bet. Remember to install development headers, not just the plain library. On Windows, PCRE binaries are available from On DOS you get the joy of building PCRE yourself. It's a little more annoying than building Lua (you have to roll your own makefile), but not by much.