This document is about the development process of Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup. It aims to help people interested in contributing to the project to do so. Stone Soup, by its very nature, is a community-driven project. Participation is valued, wanted, and appreciated, and indeed, is what Stone Soup thrives on. Development communcation channels --------------------------------- The official development channels of are the mailing lists crawl-ref-discuss and crawl-ref-devel. Additionally, an issue tracker is used at SourceForge, and there is an IRC channel, ##crawl-dev, on Freenode. We are currently in the process of migrating the issue tracker from SourceForge to self-managed Mantis on As the dust settles, this document will be adjusted accordingly. Mailing lists ------------- crawl-ref-discuss is where most of the discussion about the project, game design and so on takes place. The mailing list is open to subscription and the archives can be read freely. For new posters there's a moderation process where the first posts are approved to be not spam/otherwise inappropriate before the e-mail address is approved. crawl-ref-devel is a closed list for team personnel decisions, primarily the proposal and voting for giving out commit rights and access to this list. There are also two other non-discussion mailing lists: crawl-ref-commits and crawl-ref-builds. crawl-ref-commits generates automatic summary messages of code changes, and can and should be used for reviewing commits. Commit messages also document development and decisions. People with new commit access will be on moderation on c-r-c, but that their messages will be approved and they will be added to the list when the administrator(s) get around to it. The replies to commit mails should be posted to crawl-ref-discuss. crawl-ref-builds generates automatic summary messages from Crawl BuildBot. Again, the replies should go to crawl-ref-discuss. The SourceForge tracker ----------------------- The SourceForge page has issue trackers for bugs, feature requests, patches and support requests. Issues can be filed and comments on issues can be added by anybody without a need for SourceForge account, although signing your submissions with a name or nickname is preferred. Please search the tracker for similar items and duplicates before submitting a new item. Note that it is often better to use the filter bar (the Keyword field especially) than the tracker search for this (best to check with both though). Developers can assign issues to themselves or other developers. Self-assignment is used if the developer is working on the issue. Assigning to someone else is used if something's in their area of expertise or assigner wants their opinion. Either way, the reason for changing the assignment should be mentioned in the message. For feature requests, priority is used generally like this: 5 is the starting point, where there is not yet developer opinion if the suggested change/addition is supported. At priority 6 and above, the FR is seen as desirable. At priority 4 and below, the FR is considered ok but not essential. At priority 1, the FR is considered as turned down and to be closed soon. When closing, good ideas (often from comments) should be saved to other (possibly new) FRs. IRC --- The IRC channel ##crawl-dev on Freenode is dedicated to Dungeon Crawl development. The channel is open to any participants but the discussion is expected to center on development. The channel is a bit less formal/official than the mailing list and the tracker. However, the turnaround for question is usually considerably shorter so it is usually a good place to come to if you have ideas for patches or, for instance, vaults. Also, users with +v have commit access, so if you have a patch which is ready to commit you can poke them about it. Developers often discuss what they are working on on the channel and request comments before commits. Therefore the channel is logged to archive discussion and decisions made there. Development team structure and decision policy ---------------------------------------------- The development team consists of a large variety of people: all have commit access, and administrators have the ability to grant commit access to new people. As mentioned in the section on mailing lists, this is usually discussed privately on the crawl-ref-devel mailing list. Administrators will make final design decisions where necessary, or where there is confusion or debate. All participation is welcomed and encouraged. From time to time there will be tensions or even clashes among developers. Minor ones (e.g. "Can we remove pizzas?") can be quickly sorted out. Resolving major ones ("Do we need the Swamp branch?", "How many gods should there be?") can often take even several releases. In these cases, only time, many words and pragmatism will help. It is crucial to remind oneself from occasionally that there are other acceptable situations apart from the own. There can be no formal rules for solving such problems, because we want neither design stagnation (i.e. adding only with mutual agreement) nor dictatorship (because other people do have good ideas sometimes, even if it's hard to believe). All developers are free and expected to commit changes on their own -- no need to ask in advance. This goes especially for features they are already introduced. For example, vault designers can and should apply changes to their vaults. However, there are cases which are less clear cut. If you are not sure about that, at least mention it in the commit message, allowing others to look into the commit and possibly comment. And it is always to okay to ask beforehand about a change. The best way to go about this is to prepare a short mail to the discussion list, mentioning the commit you are about to make, perhaps explain way, give a few option and point at the one you're about to implement if nobody objects. Waiting a day or two is probably enough -- if no one responds, either go ahead or demand replies. Stone Soup welcomes participating in the development. The difference between someone with commit access and someone without is that the former can add their changes to code (and other files, such as documentation, vaults, tiles and so on) directly. Those without need to submit patches to either to the mailing list, the patch tracker in the SourceForge page, or to developers on ##crawl-dev. See docs/develop/patch_guide.txt for details. There may be instances where a patch or commit has to be reverted, either due to design issues, or due to a bug. Please do not be offended if this occurs. While patches and ideas are welcomed, please also understand that these may (and likely will) be altered to fit better into the overall design of Stone Soup. Giving commit rights to people ------------------------------ A member of the crawl-ref-devel list may suggest on it that commit rights are given to a contributor. As other members agree (or there are no objections), commit rights are usually given, and this is then announced. Generally, if a contributor supplies a substantial amount of patches of good quality (i.e. patches don't break things, don't need cleaning up before committing and are in line with the general direction of the development), it makes sense to give them commit rights.