# This file contains options useful only for the Tiles build of Stone Soup. # See init.txt on how to change the optional values. # tile_show_items = !?/%=([)X}+\_. # tile_title_screen = false # tile_menu_icons = false ### The following lines define the colours of various objects within the ### tiles minimap. See options_guide.txt for more details. # tile_player_col = white # tile_monster_col = red # tile_neutral_col = red # tile_friendly_col = lightred # tile_plant_col = darkgreen # tile_item_col = green # tile_unseen_col = black # tile_floor_col = lightgrey # tile_wall_col = darkgrey # tile_mapped_wall_col = blue # tile_door_col = brown # tile_downstairs_col = magenta # tile_upstairs_col = blue # tile_feature_col = cyan # tile_trap_col = yellow # tile_water_col = grey # tile_lava_col = grey # tile_excluded_col = darkcyan # tile_excl_centre = darkblue # tile_window_col = yellow # If Crawl's response rate is to slow, try increasing the update rate. # tile_update_rate = 1000 # tile_key_repeat_delay = 200 # tile_tooltip_ms = 500 # tile_tag_pref = enemy ### Note: setting window, map or font sizes to '0' implies auto-sizing. # tile_full_screen = true # tile_window_width = 1024 # tile_window_height = 768 # tile_map_pixels = 4 # tile_font_crt_file = VeraMono.ttf # tile_font_crt_size = 15 # tile_font_stat_file = VeraMono.ttf # tile_font_stat_size = 16 # tile_font_msg_file = VeraMono.ttf # tile_font_msg_size = 14 # tile_font_tip_file = VeraMono.ttf # tile_font_tip_size = 15 # tile_font_lbl_file = Vera.ttf # tile_font_lbl_size = 14