/* * File: clua.cc * Created by: dshaligram on Wed Aug 2 12:54:15 2006 UTC */ #include "AppHdr.h" #include "clua.h" #include "cluautil.h" #include "dlua.h" #include "l_libs.h" #include "files.h" #include "libutil.h" #include "state.h" #include "stuff.h" #include #define BUGGY_PCALL_ERROR "667: Malformed response to guarded pcall." #define BUGGY_SCRIPT_ERROR "666: Killing badly-behaved Lua script." #define CL_RESETSTACK_RETURN(ls, oldtop, retval) \ do \ {\ if (oldtop != lua_gettop(ls)) \ { \ lua_settop(ls, oldtop); \ } \ return (retval); \ } \ while (false) static int _clua_panic(lua_State *); static void _clua_throttle_hook(lua_State *, lua_Debug *); static void *_clua_allocator(void *ud, void *ptr, size_t osize, size_t nsize); static int _clua_guarded_pcall(lua_State *); static int _clua_require(lua_State *); static int _clua_dofile(lua_State *); static int _clua_loadfile(lua_State *); CLua::CLua(bool managed) : error(), managed_vm(managed), shutting_down(false), throttle_unit_lines(10000), throttle_sleep_ms(0), throttle_sleep_start(2), throttle_sleep_end(800), n_throttle_sleeps(0), mixed_call_depth(0), lua_call_depth(0), max_mixed_call_depth(8), max_lua_call_depth(100), memory_used(0), _state(NULL), sourced_files(), uniqindex(0L) { } CLua::~CLua() { // Copy the listener vector, because listeners may remove // themselves from the listener list when we notify them of a // shutdown. const std::vector slisteners = shutdown_listeners; for (int i = 0, size = slisteners.size(); i < size; ++i) slisteners[i]->shutdown(*this); shutting_down = true; if (_state) lua_close(_state); } lua_State *CLua::state() { if (!_state) init_lua(); return _state; } void CLua::setglobal(const char *name) { lua_setglobal(state(), name); } void CLua::getglobal(const char *name) { lua_getglobal(state(), name); } std::string CLua::setuniqregistry() { char name[100]; snprintf(name, sizeof name, "__cru%lu", uniqindex++); lua_pushstring(state(), name); lua_insert(state(), -2); lua_settable(state(), LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); return (name); } void CLua::setregistry(const char *name) { lua_pushstring(state(), name); // Slide name round before the value lua_insert(state(), -2); lua_settable(state(), LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); } void CLua::_getregistry(lua_State *ls, const char *name) { lua_pushstring(ls, name); lua_gettable(ls, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); } void CLua::getregistry(const char *name) { _getregistry(state(), name); } void CLua::save(const char *file) { if (!_state) return; CLuaSave clsave = { file, NULL }; callfn("c_save", "u", &clsave); if (clsave.handle) fclose(clsave.handle); } int CLua::file_write(lua_State *ls) { if (!lua_islightuserdata(ls, 1)) { luaL_argerror(ls, 1, "Expected filehandle at arg 1"); return (0); } CLuaSave *sf = static_cast( lua_touserdata(ls, 1) ); if (!sf) return (0); FILE *f = sf->get_file(); if (!f) return (0); const char *text = luaL_checkstring(ls, 2); if (text) fprintf(f, "%s", text); return (0); } FILE *CLua::CLuaSave::get_file() { if (!handle) handle = fopen(filename, "w"); return (handle); } void CLua::set_error(int err, lua_State *ls) { if (!err) { error.clear(); return; } if (!ls && !(ls = _state)) { error = ""; return; } const char *serr = lua_tostring(ls, -1); lua_pop(ls, 1); error = serr? serr : ""; } void CLua::init_throttle() { if (!managed_vm) return; if (throttle_unit_lines <= 0) throttle_unit_lines = 500; if (throttle_sleep_start < 1) throttle_sleep_start = 1; if (throttle_sleep_end < throttle_sleep_start) throttle_sleep_end = throttle_sleep_start; if (!mixed_call_depth) { lua_sethook(_state, _clua_throttle_hook, LUA_MASKCOUNT, throttle_unit_lines); throttle_sleep_ms = 0; n_throttle_sleeps = 0; } } int CLua::loadbuffer(const char *buf, size_t size, const char *context) { const int err = luaL_loadbuffer(state(), buf, size, context); set_error(err, state()); return err; } int CLua::loadstring(const char *s, const char *context) { return loadbuffer(s, strlen(s), context); } int CLua::execstring(const char *s, const char *context, int nresults) { int err = 0; if ((err = loadstring(s, context))) return (err); lua_State *ls = state(); lua_call_throttle strangler(this); err = lua_pcall(ls, 0, nresults, 0); set_error(err, ls); return err; } bool CLua::is_path_safe(std::string s, bool trusted) { lowercase(s); return (s.find("..") == std::string::npos && shell_safe(s.c_str()) && (trusted || s.find("clua") == std::string::npos)); } int CLua::loadfile(lua_State *ls, const char *filename, bool trusted, bool die_on_fail) { if (!ls) return (-1); if (!is_path_safe(filename, trusted)) { lua_pushstring( ls, make_stringf("invalid filename: %s", filename).c_str()); return (-1); } std::string file = datafile_path(filename, die_on_fail); if (file.empty()) { lua_pushstring(ls, make_stringf("Can't find \"%s\"", filename).c_str()); return (-1); } return (luaL_loadfile(ls, file.c_str())); } int CLua::execfile(const char *filename, bool trusted, bool die_on_fail) { if (sourced_files.find(filename) != sourced_files.end()) return 0; sourced_files.insert(filename); lua_State *ls = state(); int err = loadfile(ls, filename, trusted || !managed_vm, die_on_fail); lua_call_throttle strangler(this); if (!err) err = lua_pcall(ls, 0, 0, 0); set_error(err); if (die_on_fail && !error.empty()) end(1, false, "Lua execfile error (%s): %s", filename, dlua.error.c_str()); return (err); } bool CLua::runhook(const char *hook, const char *params, ...) { error.clear(); lua_State *ls = state(); if (!ls) return (false); // Remember top of stack, for debugging porpoises int stack_top = lua_gettop(ls); pushglobal(hook); if (!lua_istable(ls, -1)) { lua_pop(ls, 1); CL_RESETSTACK_RETURN( ls, stack_top, false ); } for (int i = 1; ; ++i) { int currtop = lua_gettop(ls); lua_rawgeti(ls, -1, i); if (!lua_isfunction(ls, -1)) { lua_pop(ls, 1); break; } // So what's on top *is* a function. Call it with the args we have. va_list args; va_start(args, params); calltopfn(ls, params, args); va_end(args); lua_settop(ls, currtop); } CL_RESETSTACK_RETURN( ls, stack_top, true ); } void CLua::fnreturns(const char *format, ...) { lua_State *ls = _state; if (!format || !ls) return; va_list args; va_start(args, format); vfnreturns(format, args); va_end(args); } void CLua::vfnreturns(const char *format, va_list args) { lua_State *ls = _state; int nrets = return_count(ls, format); int sp = -nrets - 1; const char *gs = strchr(format, '>'); if (gs) format = gs + 1; else if ((gs = strchr(format, ':'))) format = gs + 1; for (const char *run = format; *run; ++run) { char argtype = *run; ++sp; switch (argtype) { case 'u': if (lua_islightuserdata(ls, sp)) *(va_arg(args, void**)) = lua_touserdata(ls, sp); break; case 'd': if (lua_isnumber(ls, sp)) *(va_arg(args, int*)) = luaL_checkint(ls, sp); break; case 'b': *(va_arg(args, bool *)) = lua_toboolean(ls, sp); break; case 's': { const char *s = lua_tostring(ls, sp); if (s) *(va_arg(args, std::string *)) = s; break; } default: break; } } // Pop args off the stack lua_pop(ls, nrets); } int CLua::push_args(lua_State *ls, const char *format, va_list args, va_list *targ) { if (!format) { if (targ) va_copy(*targ, args); return (0); } const char *cs = strchr(format, ':'); if (cs) format = cs + 1; int argc = 0; for (const char *run = format; *run; run++) { if (*run == '>') break; char argtype = *run; ++argc; switch (argtype) { case 'u': // Light userdata lua_pushlightuserdata(ls, va_arg(args, void*)); break; case 's': // String { const char *s = va_arg(args, const char *); if (s) lua_pushstring(ls, s); else lua_pushnil(ls); break; } case 'd': // Integer lua_pushnumber(ls, va_arg(args, int)); break; case 'L': lua_pushnumber(ls, va_arg(args, long)); break; case 'b': lua_pushboolean(ls, va_arg(args, int)); break; case 'D': clua_push_dgn_event(ls, va_arg(args, const dgn_event *)); break; case 'm': clua_push_map(ls, va_arg(args, map_def *)); break; case 'M': push_monster(ls, va_arg(args, monsters *)); break; case 'A': argc += push_activity_interrupt( ls, va_arg(args, activity_interrupt_data *)); break; default: --argc; break; } } if (targ) va_copy(*targ, args); return (argc); } int CLua::return_count(lua_State *ls, const char *format) { if (!format) return (0); const char *gs = strchr(format, '>'); if (gs) return (strlen(gs + 1)); const char *cs = strchr(format, ':'); if (cs && isdigit(*format)) { char *es = NULL; int ci = strtol(format, &es, 10); // We're capping return at 10 here, which is arbitrary, but avoids // blowing the stack. if (ci < 0) ci = 0; else if (ci > 10) ci = 10; return (ci); } return (0); } bool CLua::calltopfn(lua_State *ls, const char *params, va_list args, int retc, va_list *copyto) { // We guarantee to remove the function from the stack int argc = push_args(ls, params, args, copyto); if (retc == -1) retc = return_count(ls, params); lua_call_throttle strangler(this); int err = lua_pcall(ls, argc, retc, 0); set_error(err, ls); return (!err); } bool CLua::callbooleanfn(bool def, const char *fn, const char *params, ...) { error.clear(); lua_State *ls = state(); if (!ls) return (def); int stacktop = lua_gettop(ls); pushglobal(fn); if (!lua_isfunction(ls, -1)) { lua_pop(ls, 1); CL_RESETSTACK_RETURN(ls, stacktop, def); } va_list args; va_start(args, params); bool ret = calltopfn(ls, params, args, 1); if (!ret) CL_RESETSTACK_RETURN(ls, stacktop, def); def = lua_toboolean(ls, -1); CL_RESETSTACK_RETURN(ls, stacktop, def); } bool CLua::proc_returns(const char *par) const { return (strchr(par, '>') != NULL); } // Identical to lua_getglobal for simple names, but will look up // "a.b.c" names in tables, so you can pushglobal("dgn.point") and get // _G['dgn']['point'], as expected. // // Guarantees to push exactly one value onto the stack. // void CLua::pushglobal(const std::string &name) { std::vector pieces = split_string(".", name); lua_State *ls(state()); if (pieces.empty()) lua_pushnil(ls); for (unsigned i = 0, size = pieces.size(); i < size; ++i) { if (!i) lua_getglobal(ls, pieces[i].c_str()); else { if (lua_istable(ls, -1)) { lua_pushstring(ls, pieces[i].c_str()); lua_gettable(ls, -2); // Swap the value we just found with the table itself. lua_insert(ls, -2); // And remove the table. lua_pop(ls, 1); } else { // We expected a table here, but got something else. Fail. lua_pop(ls, 1); lua_pushnil(ls); break; } } } } bool CLua::callfn(const char *fn, const char *params, ...) { error.clear(); lua_State *ls = state(); if (!ls) return (false); pushglobal(fn); if (!lua_isfunction(ls, -1)) { lua_pop(ls, 1); return (false); } va_list args; va_list fnret; va_start(args, params); bool ret = calltopfn(ls, params, args, -1, &fnret); if (ret) { // If we have a > in format, gather return params now. if (proc_returns(params)) vfnreturns(params, fnret); } va_end(args); va_end(fnret); return (ret); } bool CLua::callfn(const char *fn, int nargs, int nret) { error.clear(); lua_State *ls = state(); if (!ls) return (false); // If a function is not provided on the stack, get the named function. if (fn) { pushglobal(fn); if (!lua_isfunction(ls, -1)) { lua_settop(ls, -nargs - 2); return (false); } // Slide the function in front of its args and call it. if (nargs) lua_insert(ls, -nargs - 1); } lua_call_throttle strangler(this); int err = lua_pcall(ls, nargs, nret, 0); set_error(err, ls); return !err; } void CLua::init_lua() { if (_state) return; _state = managed_vm? lua_newstate(_clua_allocator, this) : luaL_newstate(); if (!_state) end(1, false, "Unable to create Lua state."); lua_stack_cleaner clean(_state); lua_atpanic(_state, _clua_panic); luaopen_base(_state); luaopen_string(_state); luaopen_table(_state); luaopen_math(_state); // Open Crawl bindings cluaopen_kills(_state); cluaopen_you(_state); cluaopen_item(_state); cluaopen_food(_state); cluaopen_crawl(_state); cluaopen_file(_state); cluaopen_moninf(_state); cluaopen_options(_state); cluaopen_travel(_state); cluaopen_view(_state); cluaopen_globals(_state); load_cmacro(); load_chooks(); lua_register(_state, "loadfile", _clua_loadfile); lua_register(_state, "dofile", _clua_dofile); lua_register(_state, "require", _clua_require); execfile("clua/util.lua", true, true); execfile("clua/init.lua", true, true); if (managed_vm) { lua_register(_state, "pcall", _clua_guarded_pcall); execfile("clua/userbase.lua", true, true); } lua_pushboolean(_state, managed_vm); setregistry("lua_vm_is_managed"); lua_pushlightuserdata(_state, this); setregistry("__clua"); } CLua &CLua::get_vm(lua_State *ls) { lua_stack_cleaner clean(ls); _getregistry(ls, "__clua"); CLua *vm = util_get_userdata(ls, -1); if (!vm) end(1, false, "Failed to find CLua for lua state %p", ls); return (*vm); } bool CLua::is_managed_vm(lua_State *ls) { lua_stack_cleaner clean(ls); lua_pushstring(ls, "lua_vm_is_managed"); lua_gettable(ls, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); return (lua_toboolean(ls, -1)); } void CLua::load_chooks() { // All hook names must be chk_???? static const char *c_hooks = "chk_startgame = { }" ; execstring(c_hooks, "base"); } void CLua::load_cmacro() { execfile("clua/macro.lua", true, true); } void CLua::add_shutdown_listener(lua_shutdown_listener *listener) { if (std::find(shutdown_listeners.begin(), shutdown_listeners.end(), listener) == shutdown_listeners.end()) shutdown_listeners.push_back(listener); } void CLua::remove_shutdown_listener(lua_shutdown_listener *listener) { std::vector::iterator i = std::find(shutdown_listeners.begin(), shutdown_listeners.end(), listener); if (i != shutdown_listeners.end()) shutdown_listeners.erase(i); } // Can be called from within a debugger to look at the current Lua // call stack. (Borrowed from ToME 3) void CLua::print_stack() { struct lua_Debug dbg; int i = 0; lua_State *L = state(); fprintf(stderr, EOL); while (lua_getstack(L, i++, &dbg) == 1) { lua_getinfo(L, "lnuS", &dbg); char* file = strrchr(dbg.short_src, '/'); if (file == NULL) file = dbg.short_src; else file++; fprintf(stderr, "%s, function %s, line %d" EOL, file, dbg.name, dbg.currentline); } fprintf(stderr, EOL); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // lua_text_pattern // We could simplify this a great deal by just using lex and yacc, but I // don't know if we want to introduce them. struct lua_pat_op { const char *token; const char *luatok; bool pretext; // Does this follow a pattern? bool posttext; // Is this followed by a pattern? }; static lua_pat_op pat_ops[] = { { "<<", " ( ", false, true }, { ">>", " ) ", true, false }, { "!!", " not ", false, true }, { "==", " == ", true, true }, { "^^", " ~= ", true, true }, { "&&", " and ", true, true }, { "||", " or ", true, true }, }; unsigned long lua_text_pattern::lfndx = 0L; bool lua_text_pattern::is_lua_pattern(const std::string &s) { for (int i = 0, size = sizeof(pat_ops) / sizeof(*pat_ops); i < size; ++i) { if (s.find(pat_ops[i].token) != std::string::npos) return (true); } return (false); } lua_text_pattern::lua_text_pattern(const std::string &_pattern) : translated(false), isvalid(true), pattern(_pattern), lua_fn_name() { lua_fn_name = new_fn_name(); } lua_text_pattern::~lua_text_pattern() { if (translated && !lua_fn_name.empty()) { lua_State *ls = clua; if (ls) { lua_pushnil(ls); clua.setglobal(lua_fn_name.c_str()); } } } bool lua_text_pattern::valid() const { return translated? isvalid : translate(); } bool lua_text_pattern::matches( const std::string &s ) const { if (isvalid && !translated) translate(); if (!isvalid) return (false); return clua.callbooleanfn(false, lua_fn_name.c_str(), "s", s.c_str()); } void lua_text_pattern::pre_pattern(std::string &pat, std::string &fn) const { // Trim trailing spaces pat.erase( pat.find_last_not_of(" \t\n\r") + 1 ); fn += " pmatch([["; fn += pat; fn += "]], text, false) "; pat.clear(); } void lua_text_pattern::post_pattern(std::string &pat, std::string &fn) const { pat.erase( 0, pat.find_first_not_of(" \t\n\r") ); fn += " pmatch([["; fn += pat; fn += "]], text, false) "; pat.clear(); } std::string lua_text_pattern::new_fn_name() { char buf[100]; snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "__ch_stash_search_%lu", lfndx++); return (buf); } bool lua_text_pattern::translate() const { if (translated || !isvalid) return (false); if (pattern.find("]]") != std::string::npos || pattern.find("[[") != std::string::npos) { return (false); } std::string textp; std::string luafn; const lua_pat_op *currop = NULL; for (std::string::size_type i = 0; i < pattern.length(); ++i) { bool match = false; for (unsigned p = 0; p < sizeof pat_ops / sizeof *pat_ops; ++p) { const lua_pat_op &lop = pat_ops[p]; if (pattern.find(lop.token, i) == i) { match = true; if (lop.pretext && (!currop || currop->posttext)) { if (currop) textp.erase(0, textp.find_first_not_of(" \r\n\t")); pre_pattern(textp, luafn); } currop = &lop; luafn += lop.luatok; i += strlen( lop.token ) - 1; break; } } if (match) continue; textp += pattern[i]; } if (currop && currop->posttext) post_pattern(textp, luafn); luafn = "function " + lua_fn_name + "(text) return " + luafn + " end"; const_cast(this)->translated = true; int err = clua.execstring( luafn.c_str(), "stash-search" ); if (err) { lua_text_pattern *self = const_cast(this); self->isvalid = self->translated = false; } return translated; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// lua_call_throttle::lua_clua_map lua_call_throttle::lua_map; // A panic function for the Lua interpreter, usually called when it // runs out of memory when trying to load a file or a chunk of Lua from // an unprotected Lua op. The only cases of unprotected Lua loads are // loads of Lua code from .crawlrc, which is read at start of game. // // If there's an inordinately large .crawlrc (we're talking seriously // massive here) that wants more memory than we're willing to give // Lua, then the game will save and exit until the .crawlrc is fixed. // // Lua can also run out of memory during protected script execution, // such as when running a macro or some other game hook, but in such // cases the Lua interpreter will throw an exception instead of // panicking. // static int _clua_panic(lua_State *ls) { if (crawl_state.need_save && !crawl_state.saving_game && !crawl_state.updating_scores) { save_game(true); } return (0); } static void *_clua_allocator(void *ud, void *ptr, size_t osize, size_t nsize) { CLua *cl = static_cast( ud ); cl->memory_used += nsize - osize; if (nsize > osize && cl->memory_used >= CLUA_MAX_MEMORY_USE * 1024 && cl->mixed_call_depth) { return (NULL); } if (!nsize) { free(ptr); return (NULL); } else return (realloc(ptr, nsize)); } static void _clua_throttle_hook(lua_State *ls, lua_Debug *dbg) { CLua *lua = lua_call_throttle::find_clua(ls); // Co-routines can create a new Lua state; in such cases, we must // fudge it. if (!lua) lua = &clua; if (lua) { if (!lua->throttle_sleep_ms) lua->throttle_sleep_ms = lua->throttle_sleep_start; else if (lua->throttle_sleep_ms < lua->throttle_sleep_end) lua->throttle_sleep_ms *= 2; ++lua->n_throttle_sleeps; delay(lua->throttle_sleep_ms); // Try to kill the annoying script. if (lua->n_throttle_sleeps > CLua::MAX_THROTTLE_SLEEPS) { lua->n_throttle_sleeps = CLua::MAX_THROTTLE_SLEEPS; luaL_error(ls, BUGGY_SCRIPT_ERROR); } } } lua_call_throttle::lua_call_throttle(CLua *_lua) : lua(_lua) { lua->init_throttle(); if (!lua->mixed_call_depth++) lua_map[lua->state()] = lua; } lua_call_throttle::~lua_call_throttle() { if (!--lua->mixed_call_depth) lua_map.erase(lua->state()); } CLua *lua_call_throttle::find_clua(lua_State *ls) { lua_clua_map::iterator i = lua_map.find(ls); return (i != lua_map.end()? i->second : NULL); } // This function is a replacement for Lua's in-built pcall function. It behaves // like pcall in all respects (as documented in the Lua 5.1 reference manual), // but does not allow the Lua chunk/script to catch errors thrown by the // Lua-throttling code. This is necessary so that we can interrupt scripts that // are hogging CPU. // // If we did not intercept pcall, the script could do the equivalent // of this: // // while true do // pcall(function () while true do end end) // end // // And there's a good chance we wouldn't be able to interrupt the // deadloop because our errors would get caught by the pcall (more // levels of nesting would just increase the chance of the script // beating our throttling). // static int _clua_guarded_pcall(lua_State *ls) { const int nargs = lua_gettop(ls); const int err = lua_pcall(ls, nargs - 1, LUA_MULTRET, 0); if (err) { const char *errs = lua_tostring(ls, 1); if (!errs || strstr(errs, BUGGY_SCRIPT_ERROR)) luaL_error(ls, errs? errs : BUGGY_PCALL_ERROR); } lua_pushboolean(ls, !err); lua_insert(ls, 1); return (lua_gettop(ls)); } static int _clua_loadfile(lua_State *ls) { const char *file = luaL_checkstring(ls, 1); if (!file) return (0); const int err = CLua::loadfile(ls, file, !CLua::is_managed_vm(ls)); if (err) { const int place = lua_gettop(ls); lua_pushnil(ls); lua_insert(ls, place); return (2); } return (1); } static int _clua_require(lua_State *ls) { const char *file = luaL_checkstring(ls, 1); if (!file) return (0); CLua &vm(CLua::get_vm(ls)); if (vm.execfile(file, false, false) != 0) luaL_error(ls, vm.error.c_str()); lua_pushboolean(ls, true); return (1); } static int _clua_dofile(lua_State *ls) { const char *file = luaL_checkstring(ls, 1); if (!file) return (0); const int err = CLua::loadfile(ls, file, !CLua::is_managed_vm(ls)); if (err) return (lua_error(ls)); lua_call(ls, 0, LUA_MULTRET); return (lua_gettop(ls)); } std::string quote_lua_string(const std::string &s) { return replace_all_of(replace_all_of(s, "\\", "\\\\"), "\"", "\\\""); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// lua_shutdown_listener::~lua_shutdown_listener() { } lua_datum::lua_datum(CLua &_lua, int stackpos, bool pop) : lua(_lua), need_cleanup(true) { // Store the datum in the registry indexed by "this". lua_pushvalue(lua, stackpos); lua_pushlightuserdata(lua, this); // Move the key (this) before the value. lua_insert(lua, -2); lua_settable(lua, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); if (pop && stackpos < 0) lua_pop(lua, -stackpos); lua.add_shutdown_listener(this); } lua_datum::lua_datum(const lua_datum &o) : lua(o.lua), need_cleanup(true) { set_from(o); } void lua_datum::set_from(const lua_datum &o) { lua_pushlightuserdata(lua, this); o.push(); lua_settable(lua, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); lua.add_shutdown_listener(this); need_cleanup = true; } const lua_datum &lua_datum::operator = (const lua_datum &o) { if (this != &o) { cleanup(); set_from(o); } return (*this); } void lua_datum::push() const { lua_pushlightuserdata(lua, const_cast(this)); lua_gettable(lua, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); // The value we saved is now on top of the Lua stack. } lua_datum::~lua_datum() { cleanup(); } void lua_datum::shutdown(CLua &) { cleanup(); } void lua_datum::cleanup() { if (need_cleanup) { need_cleanup = false; lua.remove_shutdown_listener(this); lua_pushlightuserdata(lua, this); lua_pushnil(lua); lua_settable(lua, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); } } #define LUA_CHECK_TYPE(check) \ lua_stack_cleaner clean(lua); \ push(); \ return check(lua, -1) bool lua_datum::is_table() const { LUA_CHECK_TYPE(lua_istable); } bool lua_datum::is_function() const { LUA_CHECK_TYPE(lua_isfunction); } bool lua_datum::is_number() const { LUA_CHECK_TYPE(lua_isnumber); } bool lua_datum::is_string() const { LUA_CHECK_TYPE(lua_isstring); } bool lua_datum::is_udata() const { LUA_CHECK_TYPE(lua_isuserdata); }