/** * @file * @brief UNIX-style crash handling functions (also used on Windows). **/ #include "AppHdr.h" #include "strings.h" #ifdef USE_UNIX_SIGNALS #include #include #endif #ifndef TARGET_OS_WINDOWS # include # include #endif #if defined(UNIX) #include #define BACKTRACE_SUPPORTED #endif #ifdef BACKTRACE_SUPPORTED #if defined(TARGET_CPU_MIPS) || \ defined(TARGET_OS_FREEBSD) || \ defined(TARGET_OS_NETBSD) || \ defined(TARGET_OS_OPENBSD) || \ defined(TARGET_COMPILER_CYGWIN) || \ defined(__ANDROID__) #undef BACKTRACE_SUPPORTED #endif #endif #ifdef BACKTRACE_SUPPORTED #include #if !defined(TARGET_OS_MACOSX) && \ !defined(TARGET_OS_WINDOWS) && \ !defined(TARGET_COMPILER_CYGWIN) #include #endif #ifdef TARGET_OS_MACOSX #include typedef int (*backtrace_t)(void * *, int); typedef char **(*backtrace_symbols_t)(void * const *, int); // Used to convert from void* to function pointer (without a // compiler warning). template TO nasty_cast(FROM f) { union { FROM f; TO t; } u; u.f = f; return u.t; } #endif // TARGET_OS_MACOSX #endif // BACKTRACE_SUPPORTED #include "crash.h" #include "externs.h" #include "files.h" #include "initfile.h" #include "options.h" #include "state.h" #include "syscalls.h" #include "threads.h" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Code for printing out debugging info on a crash. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifdef USE_UNIX_SIGNALS static int _crash_signal = 0; static int _recursion_depth = 0; static mutex_t crash_mutex; // Make this non-static so stack traces are easier to follow void crash_signal_handler(int sig_num); void crash_signal_handler(int sig_num) { // We rely on mutexes ignoring locks held by the same thread. // On some platforms, this must be explicitly enabled (which we do). // This mutex is never unlocked again -- the first thread to crash will // do a dump then terminate the process while everyone else waits here // forever. // XXX: This is a bit dangerous: if we catch a signal while any // non-asynch-signal-safe function is executing, and then call // pthread_mutex_lock() (which is also not asynch-signal-safe), // the behaviour is undefined. mutex_lock(crash_mutex); if (crawl_state.game_crashed) { if (_recursion_depth > 0) return; _recursion_depth++; fprintf(stderr, "Recursive crash.\n"); string dir = (!Options.morgue_dir.empty() ? Options.morgue_dir : !SysEnv.crawl_dir.empty() ? SysEnv.crawl_dir : ""); if (!dir.empty() && dir[dir.length() - 1] != FILE_SEPARATOR) dir += FILE_SEPARATOR; char name[180]; snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%scrash-recursive-%s-%s.txt", dir.c_str(), you.your_name.c_str(), make_file_time(time(NULL)).c_str()); FILE* file = fopen_replace(name); if (file == NULL) file = stderr; write_stack_trace(file, 0); if (file != stderr) fclose(file); return; } _crash_signal = sig_num; crawl_state.game_crashed = true; // During a crash, we may be in an inconsistent state (duh). Doing a number // of things can cause a lock up, especially calling non-reentrant functions // like malloc() and friends, used by C++ basics like std::string // internally. // There's no reliable way to ensure such things won't happen. A pragmatic // solution is to abort the crash dump. alarm(120); // In case the crash dumper is unable to open a file and has to dump // to stderr. #ifndef USE_TILE_LOCAL if (crawl_state.io_inited) console_shutdown(); #endif #ifdef USE_TILE_WEB tiles.shutdown(); #endif #ifdef WATCHDOG /* Infinite loop protection. Not tickling the watchdog for 60 seconds of user CPU time (not wall time!) means something is terribly wrong. Even worst hogs like pre-0.6 god renouncement or current Time Step in the Abyss don't take more than several seconds. DGL only -- local players will notice the game is stuck and be able to kill it. It's likely to die horribly -- it's one of signals that is often received while in non-signal safe functions, especially malloc() which _will_ fuck the process up (remember, C++ can't blink without malloc()ing something). In such cases, alarm() above will kill us. That's nasty and random, but at least should give us backtraces most of the time, and avoid dragging down the servers. And even if for some odd reason SIGALRM won't kill us, the worst that can happen is wasting 100% CPU which is precisely what happens right now. */ if (sig_num == SIGVTALRM) die_noline("Stuck game with 100%% CPU use\n"); #endif do_crash_dump(); // Now crash for real. signal(sig_num, SIG_DFL); raise(sig_num); } #endif void init_crash_handler() { #if defined(USE_UNIX_SIGNALS) mutex_init(crash_mutex); for (int i = 1; i <= 64; i++) { #ifdef SIGALRM if (i == SIGALRM) continue; #endif #ifdef SIGHUP if (i == SIGHUP) continue; #endif #ifdef SIGQUIT if (i == SIGQUIT) continue; #endif #ifdef SIGINT if (i == SIGINT) continue; #endif #ifdef SIGCHLD if (i == SIGCHLD) continue; #endif #ifdef SIGTSTP if (i == SIGTSTP) continue; #endif #ifdef SIGCONT if (i == SIGCONT) continue; #endif #ifdef SIGIO if (i == SIGIO) continue; #endif #ifdef SIGPROF if (i == SIGPROF) continue; #endif #ifdef SIGTTOU if (i == SIGTTOU) continue; #endif #ifdef SIGTTIN if (i == SIGTTIN) continue; #endif #ifdef SIGKILL if (i == SIGKILL) continue; #endif #ifdef SIGSTOP if (i == SIGSTOP) continue; #endif #ifdef SIGWINCH if (i == SIGWINCH) continue; #endif signal(i, crash_signal_handler); } #endif // if defined(USE_UNIX_SIGNALS) } void dump_crash_info(FILE* file) { #if defined(UNIX) const char *name = strsignal(_crash_signal); if (name == NULL) name = "INVALID"; fprintf(file, "Crash caused by signal #%d: %s\n\n", _crash_signal, name); #endif } #if defined(BACKTRACE_SUPPORTED) void write_stack_trace(FILE* file, int ignore_count) { void* frames[50]; #if defined(TARGET_OS_MACOSX) backtrace_t backtrace; backtrace_symbols_t backtrace_symbols; backtrace = nasty_cast(dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "backtrace")); backtrace_symbols = nasty_cast(dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "backtrace_symbols")); if (!backtrace || !backtrace_symbols) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't get a stack trace.\n"); fprintf(file, "Couldn't get a stack trace.\n"); return; } #endif int num_frames = backtrace(frames, ARRAYSZ(frames)); char **symbols = backtrace_symbols(frames, num_frames); #if !defined(TARGET_OS_MACOSX) if (symbols == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory.\n"); fprintf(file, "Out of memory.\n"); // backtrace_symbols_fd() can print out the stack trace even if // malloc() can't find any free memory. backtrace_symbols_fd(frames, num_frames, fileno(file)); return; } #endif fprintf(file, "Obtained %d stack frames.\n", num_frames); // Now we prettify the printout to even show demangled C++ function names. string bt = ""; for (int i = 0; i < num_frames; i++) { #if defined(TARGET_OS_MACOSX) char *addr = ::strstr(symbols[i], "0x"); char *mangled = ::strchr(addr, ' ') + 1; char *offset = ::strchr(addr, '+'); char *postmangle = ::strchr(mangled, ' '); if (mangled) *(mangled - 1) = 0; bt += addr; int status; bt += ": "; if (addr && mangled) { if (postmangle) *postmangle = '\0'; char *realname = abi::__cxa_demangle(mangled, 0, 0, &status); if (realname) bt += realname; else bt += mangled; bt += " "; bt += offset; free(realname); } #else // TARGET_OS_MACOSX bt += symbols[i]; int status; // Extract the identifier from symbols[i]. It's inside of parens. char *firstparen = ::strchr(symbols[i], '('); char *lastparen = ::strchr(symbols[i], '+'); if (firstparen != 0 && lastparen != 0 && firstparen < lastparen) { bt += ": "; *lastparen = '\0'; char *realname = abi::__cxa_demangle(firstparen + 1, 0, 0, &status); if (realname != NULL) bt += realname; free(realname); } #endif bt += "\n"; } fprintf(file, "%s", bt.c_str()); free(symbols); } #else // BACKTRACE_SUPPORTED void write_stack_trace(FILE* file, int ignore_count) { const char* msg = "Unable to get stack trace on this platform.\n"; fprintf(stderr, "%s", msg); fprintf(file, "%s", msg); } #endif void call_gdb(FILE *file) { #ifndef TARGET_OS_WINDOWS if (crawl_state.no_gdb) return (void)fprintf(file, "%s\n", crawl_state.no_gdb); fprintf(file, "Trying to run gdb.\n"); fflush(file); // so we can use fileno() char attach_cmd[20] = {}; snprintf(attach_cmd, sizeof(attach_cmd), "attach %d", getpid()); switch (int gdb = fork()) { case -1: return (void)fprintf(file, "Couldn't fork: %s\n", strerror(errno)); case 0: { int fd = fileno(file); dup2(fd, 1); dup2(fd, 2); close(fd); const char* argv[] = { "gdb", "-batch", "-ex", "show version", // Too bad -iex needs gdb >=7.5 (jessie) "-ex", attach_cmd, "-ex", "bt full", 0 }; execv("/usr/bin/gdb", (char* const*)argv); printf("Failed to start gdb: %s\n", strerror(errno)); fflush(stdout); _exit(0); } return; default: waitpid(gdb, 0, 0); } #endif } void disable_other_crashes() { // If one thread calls end() without going through a crash (a handled // fatal error), no one else should be allowed to crash. We're already // going down so blocking the other thread is ok. #ifdef USE_UNIX_SIGNALS mutex_lock(crash_mutex); #endif } void watchdog() { #ifdef UNIX struct itimerval t; t.it_interval.tv_sec = 0; t.it_interval.tv_usec = 0; t.it_value.tv_sec = 60; t.it_value.tv_usec = 0; setitimer(ITIMER_VIRTUAL, &t, 0); #else // Real time rather than CPU time. // This will break DGL, but it makes no sense on Windows anyway. // Mapstat is cool with this. alarm(60); #endif }