------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- iter.lua: -- Iterationeering functions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- Example usage of adjacent_iterator: -- -- function iter.rats() -- local i -- for i in iter.adjacent_iterator() do -- dgn.create_monster(i.x, i.y, "rat") -- end -- end -- -- The above function will surround the player with rats. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- dgn.point iterators. -- All functions expect dgn.point parameters, and return dgn.points. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ iter = {} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- generic filters for use with iterators -- these always need to be used with 'rvi', and any filter that acts on them -- is assumed to as well (but only return a point) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function iter.monster_filter (filter) local function filter_fn (point) if filter ~= nil then if filter(point) == nil then return nil else point = filter(point) end end if not dgn.in_bounds(point.x, point.y) then return nil end return dgn.mons_at(point.x, point.y) end return filter_fn end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- rectangle_iterator ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ iter.rectangle_iterator = {} function iter.rectangle_iterator:_new () local m = {} setmetatable(m, self) self.__index = self return m end function iter.rectangle_iterator:new (corner1, corner2, filter, rvi) if corner1 == nil or corner2 == nil then error("need two corners to a rectangle") end if corner2.x < corner1.x then error("corner2's x less than corner1's; did you swap them?") elseif corner2.y < corner1.y then error("corner2's y less than corner1's; did you swap them?") end local mt = iter.rectangle_iterator:_new() mt.min_x = corner1.x mt.min_y = corner1.y mt.max_x = corner2.x mt.max_y = corner2.y mt.cur_x = corner1.x - 1 mt.cur_y = corner1.y mt.filter = filter or nil mt.rvi = rvi or false return mt:iter() end function iter.rectangle_iterator:next() local point = nil repeat if self.cur_x >= self.max_x then self.cur_y = self.cur_y + 1 self.cur_x = self.min_x if self.cur_y > self.max_y then point = -1 else point = self:check_filter(dgn.point(self.cur_x, self.cur_y)) if point == nil then point = -2 end end else self.cur_x = self.cur_x + 1 point = self:check_filter(dgn.point(self.cur_x, self.cur_y)) if point == nil then point = -2 end end if point == -1 then return nil elseif point == -2 then point = nil end until point return point end function iter.rectangle_iterator:check_filter(point) if self.filter ~= nil then if self.filter(point) then if self.rvi then return self.filter(point) else return point end else return nil end else return point end end function iter.rectangle_iterator:iter () return function() return self:next() end, nil, nil end function iter.rect_iterator(top_corner, bottom_corner, filter, rvi) return iter.rectangle_iterator:new(top_corner, bottom_corner, filter, rvi) end function iter.mons_rect_iterator (top_corner, bottom_corner, filter) return iter.rect_iterator(top_corner, bottom_corner, iter.monster_filter(filter), true) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- los_iterator ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function iter.los_iterator (ic, filter, center, rvi) local y_x, y_y = you.pos() if center ~= nil then y_x, y_y = center:xy() end local include_center = ic local top_corner = dgn.point(y_x - 8, y_y - 8) local bottom_corner = dgn.point(y_x + 8, y_y + 8) local function check_los (point) local _x, _y = point:xy() local npoint = true if filter ~= nil then if rvi then npoint = filter(point) end if not filter(point) then return nil end end if y_x == _x and y_y == _y then if rvi and include_center then return npoint else return include_center end end if not you.see_cell(_x, _y) then return nil end if rvi then return npoint else return true end end return iter.rect_iterator(top_corner, bottom_corner, check_los, rvi) end function iter.mons_los_iterator (ic, filter, center) return iter.los_iterator(ic, iter.monster_filter(filter), center, true) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- adjacent_iterator ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function iter.adjacent_iterator (ic, filter, center, rvi) local y_x, y_y = you.pos() if center ~= nil then y_x, y_y = center:xy() end local top_corner = dgn.point(y_x - 1, y_y - 1) local bottom_corner = dgn.point(y_x + 1, y_y + 1) local include_center = ic local function check_adj (point) local _x, _y = point:xy() local npoint = nil if filter ~= nil then if rvi then npoint = filter(point) end if not filter(point) then return nil end end if y_x == _x and y_y == _y then if rvi and include_center then return npoint else return include_center end end if rvi then return npoint else return true end end return iter.rect_iterator(top_corner, bottom_corner, check_adj, rvi) end function iter.mons_adjacent_iterator (ic, filter, center) return iter.adjacent_iterator(ic, iter.monster_filter(filter), center, true) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- circle_iterator ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function iter.circle_iterator (radius, ic, filter, center, rvi) if radius == nil then error("circle_iterator needs a radius") end local y_x, y_y = you.pos() if center ~= nil then y_x, y_y = center:xy() end local include_center = ic local top_corner = dgn.point(y_x - radius, y_y - radius) local bottom_corner = dgn.point(y_x + radius, y_y + radius) local function check_dist (point) local _x, _y = point:xy() local dist = dgn.distance(y_x, y_y, _x, _y) local npoint = nil if filter ~= nil then if rvi then npoint = filter(point) end if not filter(point) then return nil end end if y_x == _x and y_y == _y then if rvi and include_center then return npoint else return include_center end end if dist >= (radius * radius) + 1 then return nil end if rvi then return npoint else return true end end return iter.rect_iterator(top_corner, bottom_corner, check_dist, rvi) end function iter.mons_circle_iterator (radius, ic, filter, center) return iter.circle_iterator(radius, ic, iter.monster_filter(filter), center, true) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- item stack-related functions -- not necessarily iterators ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function iter.stack_search (coord, term, extra) local _x, _y if extra ~= nil then _x = coord _y = term term = extra elseif coord == nil then error("stack_search requires a location") else _x, _y = coord:xy() end if term == nil then error("stack_search requires a search term") end local stack = dgn.items_at(_x, _y) if #stack == 0 then error("no stack at " .. _x .. "/" .. _y) end for _, item in ipairs(stack) do if string.find(items.name(item), (term)) then return item end end return false end function iter.stack_destroy(coord, extra) local _x, _y if extra ~= nil then _x = coord _y = extra elseif coord == nil then error("stack_search requires a location") else _x, _y = coord:xy() end local stack = dgn.items_at(_x, _y) while #stack ~= 0 do if items.destroy(stack[1]) then if #stack >= dgn.items_at(_x, _y) then error("destroyed an item ('" .. items.name(stack[1]) .. "'), but the " .. "stack size is the same") return end stack = dgn.items_at(_x, _y) else error("couldn't destroy item '" .. items.name(stack[1]) .. "'") return false end end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- subvault_iterator -- Iterates through all map locations in a subvault that will get written -- back to a parent. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function iter.subvault_iterator (e, filter) if e == nil then error("subvault_iterator requires the env to be passed, e.g. _G") end local top_corner = dgn.point(0, 0) local bottom_corner local w,h = e.subvault_size() if w == 0 or h == 0 then -- Construct a valid rectangle. subvault_cell_valid will always fail. bottom_corner = top_corner else bottom_corner = dgn.point(w-1, h-1) end local function check_mask (point) if filter ~= nil then if not filter(point) then return false end end return e.subvault_cell_valid(point.x, point.y) end return iter.rect_iterator(top_corner, bottom_corner, check_mask) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Marker iterators -- firstly, a point iterator. It's really just a fancy ipairs(), but stateful -- and with the ability to filter points. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iter.point_iterator = {} function iter.point_iterator:_new () local m = {} setmetatable(m, self) self.__index = self return m end function iter.point_iterator:new (ptable, filter, rv_instead) if ptable == nil then error("ptable cannot be nil for point_iterator") end local mt = iter.point_iterator:_new() mt.cur_p = 0 mt.table = ptable mt.rvi = rv_instead or false mt.filter = filter or nil return mt:iter() end function iter.point_iterator:next() local point = nil local q = 0 repeat q = q + 1 self.cur_p = self.cur_p + 1 point = self:check_filter(self.table[self.cur_p]) until point or q == 10 return point end function iter.point_iterator:check_filter(point) if self.filter ~= nil then if self.filter(point) then if self.rvi then return self.filter(point) else return point end else return nil end else return point end end function iter.point_iterator:iter () return function() return self:next() end, nil, nil end -- An easier and more posh way of interfacing with find_marker_positions_by_prop. function iter.slave_iterator (prop, value) return iter.point_iterator:new(dgn.find_marker_positions_by_prop(prop, value)) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Inventory iterator ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iter.invent_iterator = {} function iter.invent_iterator:_new () local m = {} setmetatable(m, self) self.__index = self return m end function iter.invent_iterator:new (itable, filter, rv_instead) if itable == nil then error("itable cannot be nil for invent_iterator") end local mt = iter.invent_iterator:_new() mt.cur_p = 0 mt.table = itable mt.rvi = rv_instead or false mt.filter = filter or nil return mt:iter() end function iter.invent_iterator:next() local point = nil local q = 0 repeat q = q + 1 self.cur_p = self.cur_p + 1 point = self:check_filter(self.table[self.cur_p]) until point or q == 10 return point end function iter.invent_iterator:check_filter(item) if self.filter ~= nil then if self.filter(item) then if self.rvi then return self.filter(item) else return item end else return nil end else return item end end function iter.invent_iterator:iter () return function() return self:next() end, nil, nil end -- An easier and more posh way of interfacing with find_marker_positions_by_prop. function iter.inventory_iterator () return iter.invent_iterator:new(items.inventory()) end function iter.stash_iterator (point, y) if y == nil then return iter.invent_iterator:new(dgn.items_at(point.x, point.y)) else return iter.invent_iterator:new(dgn.items_at(point, y)) end end