------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- luamark.lua: -- Lua map marker handling. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ dofile('clua/lm_pdesc.lua') dofile('clua/lm_1way.lua') dofile('clua/lm_timed.lua') dofile('clua/lm_flags.lua') dofile('clua/lm_fog.lua') dofile('clua/lm_props.lua') function dlua_marker_function(table, name) return table[name] end function dlua_marker_method(table, name, marker, ...) if table[name] then return table[name](table, marker, ...) end end function dlua_marker_read(fn, marker, th) return fn({ }, marker, th) end lmark = { } -- Marshalls a table comprising of keys that are strings or numbers only, -- and values that are strings, numbers, functions, or tables only. The table -- cannot have cycles, and the table's metatable is not preserved. function lmark.marshall_table(th, table) if not table then file.marshall(th, -1) return end -- Count the number of elements first (ugh) local nsize = 0 local tsize = 0 for _, v in pairs(table) do if type(v) == 'table' then tsize = tsize + 1 else nsize = nsize + 1 end end file.marshall(th, nsize) for key, value in pairs(table) do if type(value) ~= 'table' then file.marshall_meta(th, key) file.marshall_meta(th, value) end end file.marshall(th, tsize) for key, value in pairs(table) do if type(value) == 'table' then file.marshall_meta(th, key) lmark.marshall_table(th, value) end end end -- Unmarshals a table marshaled by marshall_table. function lmark.unmarshall_table(th) local nsize = file.unmarshall_number(th) if nsize == -1 then return nil end local ret = { } for i = 1, nsize do local key = file.unmarshall_meta(th) local val = file.unmarshall_meta(th) ret[key] = val end local tsize = file.unmarshall_number(th) for i = 1, tsize do local key = file.unmarshall_meta(th) local val = lmark.unmarshall_table(th) ret[key] = val end return ret end