------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- util.lua -- Lua utilities. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ util = { } function util.subclass(parent) -- parent should have no-arg constructor. local subclass = parent:new() subclass.super = parent -- Not strictly necessary - parent constructor should do this. subclass.__index = subclass return subclass end function util.identity(x) return x end -- Returns the sublist of elements at indices [istart, iend) of the -- supplied list. function util.slice(list, istart, iend) if not iend then iend = #list + 1 end local res = { } for i = istart, iend - 1 do table.insert(res, list[i]) end return res end function util.partition(list, slice, increment) local res = { } for i = 1, #list, increment or slice do table.insert(res, util.slice(list, i, i + slice)) end return res end function util.curry(fn, ...) local params = { ... } if #params == 1 then return function (...) return fn(params[1], ...) end else return function (...) return fn(unpack(util.catlist(params, ...))) end end end -- Returns a list of the keys in the given map. function util.keys(map) local keys = { } for key, _ in pairs(map) do table.insert(keys, key) end return keys end -- Returns a list of the values in the given map. function util.values(map) local values = { } for _, value in pairs(map) do table.insert(values, value) end return values end -- Returns a list of lists built from the given map, each sublist being -- in the form { key, value } for each key-value pair in the map. function util.pairs(map) local mappairs = { } for key, value in pairs(map) do table.insert(mappairs, { key, value }) end return mappairs end -- Creates a string of the elements in list joined by separator. function util.join(sep, list) return table.concat(list, sep) end -- Creates a set (a map of keys to true) from the list supplied. function util.set(list) local set = { } for _, value in ipairs(list) do set[value] = true end return set end -- Appends the elements in any number of additional tables to the first table. function util.append(first, ...) local res = first local tables = { ... } for _, tab in ipairs(tables) do for _, val in ipairs(tab) do table.insert(res, val) end end return res end function util.catlist(...) return util.append({ }, ...) end function util.cathash(...) local res = { } local tables = { ... } if #tables == 1 then return tables[1] else for _, tab in ipairs(tables) do for key, val in pairs(tab) do res[key] = val end end end return res end function util.foreach(list, fn) for _, val in ipairs(list) do fn(val) end end -- Classic map, but discards nil values (table.insert doesn't like nil). function util.map(fn, ...) local lists = { ... } local res = { } if #lists == 0 then return res elseif #lists == 1 then for _, val in ipairs(lists[1]) do local nval = fn(val) if nval ~= nil then table.insert(res, nval) end end else for i = 1, #lists[1] do local args = { } for _, list in ipairs(lists) do if not list[i] then break end table.insert(args, list[i]) end if #args < #lists then break end local nval = fn(unpack(args)) if nval ~= nil then table.insert(res, nval) end end end return res end function util.filter(fn, list) local res = { } for _, val in ipairs(list) do if fn(val) then table.insert(res, val) end end return res end function util.forall(list, pred) for _, value in ipairs(list) do if not pred(value) then return false end end return true end function util.exists(list, pred) for _, value in ipairs(list) do if pred(value) then return true end end return false end function util.contains(haystack, needle) for _, value in ipairs(haystack) do if value == needle then return true end end return false end function util.random_from(list) return list[ crawl.random2(#list) + 1 ] end function util.random_weighted_from(weightfn, list) if type(weightfn) ~= "function" then local weightkey = weightfn weightfn = function (table) return table[weightkey] end end local cweight = 0 local chosen = nil util.foreach(list, function (e) local wt = weightfn(e) or 10 cweight = cweight + wt if crawl.random2(cweight) < wt then chosen = e end end) return chosen end function util.expand_entity(entity, msg) if not entity or not msg then return msg end local msg_a = string.gsub(msg, "$F%{(%w+)%}", function (desc) return crawl.grammar(entity, desc) end) return string.gsub(msg_a, "$F", function () return crawl.grammar(entity, 'a') end) end ---------------------------------------------------------- util.Timer = { CLASS = "Timer" } util.Timer.__index = util.Timer function util.Timer:new(pars) self.__index = self local timer = pars or { } setmetatable(timer, self) timer:init() return timer end function util.Timer:init() self.epoch = crawl.millis() end function util.Timer:mark(what) local last = self.last or self.epoch local now = crawl.millis() crawl.mpr(what .. ": " .. (now - last) .. " ms") self.last = now end -- Turn contents of a table into a human readable string function table_to_string(table, depth) depth = depth or 0 local indent = string.rep(" ", depth * 4) if type(table) ~= "table" then return indent .. "['" .. type(table) .. "', not a table]" end local str = "" local meta = getmetatable(table) if meta and meta.CLASS then str = str .. indent .. "CLASS: " if type (meta.CLASS) == "string" then str = str .. meta.CLASS .. "\n" else str = str .. "[type " .. type(meta.CLASS) .. "]\n" end end for key, value in pairs(table) do local typ = type(key) if typ == "string" or typ == "number" then str = str .. indent .. key .. ": " else str = str .. indent .. "[type " .. typ .. "]: " end typ = type(value) if typ == "table" then str = str .. "\n" .. table_to_string(value, depth + 1) elseif typ == "number" or typ == "string" or typ == "boolen" then str = str .. value else str = str .. "[type " .. typ .. "]" end str = str .. "\n" end return str end -- Copied from http://lua-users.org/wiki/CopyTable function util.copy_table(object) local lookup_table = {} local function _copy(object) if type(object) ~= "table" then return object elseif lookup_table[object] then return lookup_table[object] end local new_table = {} lookup_table[object] = new_table for index, value in pairs(object) do new_table[_copy(index)] = _copy(value) end return setmetatable(new_table, getmetatable(object)) end return _copy(object) end -- Initialises a namespace that has functions spread across multiple files. -- If the namespace table does not exist, it is created. If it already exists, -- it is not modified. function util.namespace(table_name) if _G[table_name] == nil then _G[table_name] = { } end end