###################################################### # Randart Names # ------------- # rand_arm.txt: keywords for randart ARMOUR # # This file contains the lists of keywords (and their # weights) for most of the keywords used for randart # armour. You will find others in rand_wpn.txt and # rand_all.txt, respectively. # # See the explanation in the main file, randname.txt, # for more details. ###################################################### %%%% _armour_animal_ # microorganisms Amoeba # insects Butterfly Cicada Cricket Ladybird Ant Cockroach Locust Louse Mantidfly Tick # invertebrates Slug Snail Gastropod Trilobite Centipede Cuttlefish Worm # arachnids and clams Tarantula Clam Barnacle Lobster Quahog # amphibians and reptiles Tortoise Turtle Frog Komodo Dragon Lizard Salamander Serpent # fish Barracuda Catfish Mackerel Marlin Salmon Sturgeon Sunfish Trout Tuna # birds Albatross Turtledove Nightingale Meadowlark Eagle Falcon Heron Raven Sparrow Swan # mammals Hare Kangaroo Elephant Zebra Hippo Monkey Bull Camelopard Catamount Dolphin Echidna Hart Lion Stallion Stag Okapi # not strictly an animal... :) Monkey's Uncle #classical mythical animals Cockatrice Dragon Griffon Kraken # modern mythical animals Dropbear Jackalope Wild Haggis Chupacabra Yeti %%%% _flower_name_ Lilacs Daffodils the Rose the Garden Daisies the Thistle Tulips the Lily the Lotus Blossom %%%% # non-Crawl critters _critter_name_ Slorg Alphagorgon # from the crawl.akrasiac.org patch. Hot Ocelot Eight Boll Weevils Grue Jabberwock w:1 Were-rabbit Wumpus %%%% _discomfort_and_inaction_ # discomfort Minor Irritation Bitterness Negation Failure Servitude Submission Insecurity Vexation # inaction Lifelessness Boredom Ennui Restlessness Omission Negligence Inaction Oblivion the Doldrums Listlessness %%%% _mental_illness_armour_ Paranoia Claustrophobia Agoraphobia Dyspraxia Mental Paralysis Catatonia Depression Hysteria Kleptomania Melancholy Masochism Narcissism %%%% _good_or_divine_ # good things the Good the Leaf Leaves Music Birdsong Brilliance Satisfaction Fun Joy Happiness Wonder Surprise Curiosity Creativity Beauty Life Liberty Freedom Amelioration Awe Contentment Mirth # divine events Divine Compulsion the Invisible Hand Divine Intervention Intercession Miracles Salvation the Will of the Gods %%%% # in contrast to "_wacky_armour_name_" these do have some # connection to armour and protection _armour_name_shielding_ Shielding Impermeability Defence Death's Door the Gate the Saviour the Untouchables the Armoured One Exclusion Repulsion Inviolability Refuge the Bulwark the Ward Fortification %%%% # other armour properties (beside protection) _armour_property_name_ Supple Strength Death Resistance Grace Weightlessness Shadows and Fog Disguise Least Resistance Protective Custody Resilience Fashionability Impressiveness %%%% _wacky_armour_name_ the Onion Vlad the Eternal Fruit Plasticity Baldness Terror Good Intentions Absence the Arcane Anaesthesia the Armadillo Weirdness Pathos Loss Hedging Indemnity Untold Secrets the Earth Limited Liability Incorporation Mezcal Hadjma Hairiness Space the Vacuum Compression Decompression the Loofah Love and Death Indecent Exposure the Road Less Travelled the Blind Marksman Too Many Cooks Thrice Damned Blessings Duck's Teeth Forking Paths the Pink Corner Philately %%%% # Lemuel's suggestions _celestial_bodies_ Sun Moon Stars Planets Pleiades Morning Star Evening Star Comet w:5 Midnight Sun w:5 Blue Moon w:5 Harvest Moon # astrological Black Moon %%%% _instrument_name_ Trumpets the Kettle-Drum the Accordion the Bagpipe the Lute the Bells Chimes the Flute the Harp the Gusle %%%% _evil_being_ the Devil Demons Lesser Demons Greater Demons the Iron Devil the Devil's Advocate the Demon Prince the Evil One the Furies the Prince of Darkness the Fiend w:5 the Archfiend the Little Devil the Imp the Villain %%%% _weather_name_ the First Snow Boiling Hail Perpetual Drought the Thunderstorm the Hurricane Blue Skies Pleasant Breezes the Blizzard Chill Winds %%%% _profession_name_ Guilds Guild-Master Apprentice Blacksmith Carpenter Wheelwright Cooper Fisher Hunter Ditch-Digger Guardian Beekeeper Gardener Soldier Farrier Engineer Barber Surgeon Journeyman Scribe Bard Undertaker Beggar Merchant Sailor Gravedigger Pirate Buccaneer %%%% # something for Xom _game_name_ # general games Fun and Games the Great Game the Game Afoot Parlour Games the Game of Kings # children's games Peek-a-Boo Hide-and-Seek Leapfrog Hopscotch Follow the Leader the King of the Hill Mumblety Peg # board games etc. the Game of Life Card Tricks Hangman the Dice Jigsaw Whack-A-Mole Ladders and Snakes Marbles Noughts and Crosses %%%% _politics_name_armour_ the King the Queen Royalty Nobility the Republic the Empire Coronation the Commoners the Peasants the Townfolk the City the Country the Suburbs the Mutiny the Crown the Duke the Duchess the Ban the Castellan the Komtur the Voivode the Rabble the Prince the Princeling the Princess the Oligarchy the Cast Vote the Burgomaster the Failed Coup %%%% _other_armour_name_ #unpleasantness w:5 Grot w:5 Grottiness Filth Slovenliness # magic Magic Sorcery Broken Taboos Bedevilment # other Crawling the Orb the Orb Guardian the Storm King the @_card_@ of @_suit_@ the Hanged Man Hedge Wizardry Feasting Insatiable Hunger Imperfection Trial and Error Disaster Wrong Decisions Unambiguity the Lost Path Misanthropy Wasted Space the Other World Inevitability %%%% _card_ Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Page Knight Queen King Ace %%%% _suit_ Cups Pentacles Wands Swords %%%% # "something" rather than of Something _plain_armour_name_ Forget-Me-Not Hero's Friend Trusted Companion %%%%