################################################################################ # shoals.des: All vaults for the Shoals. ################################################################################ {{ function shoals_finale_setup(e, qualifier, decoy_count) qualifier = "_" .. qualifier if not decoy_count then decoy_count = crawl.random_range(6, 7) end e.hook('post_place', function () dgn.place_maps{tag=("shoal_rune" .. qualifier), count=1, die_on_error=true} dgn.place_maps{tag="shoal_guardian", count=1, die_on_error=true} dgn.place_maps{tag=("shoal_hut" .. qualifier), count=decoy_count, die_on_error=true} end) end -- When the kraken dies, the tides will control the water, so the items will -- be accessible! function shoals_atoll_kraken_death(data, triggerable, triggerer, marker, ev) crawl.mpr("The surface of the water froths suddenly, and then rushes away.", "warning") local points = dgn.find_marker_positions_by_prop("water_marker", 1) for _, point in ipairs(points) do dgn.fprop_changed(point.x, point.y, "no_tide") end -- Force tide effects to be applied immediately. dgn.apply_tide() end function shoals_atoll_place_items(data, triggerable, triggerer, marker, ev) local points = dgn.find_marker_positions_by_prop("tide_seed", 1) for _, point in ipairs(points) do for i = 1, 5 do dgn.create_item(point.x, point.y, "star_item") end end end }} ############################################################################## # Shoals entry vaults ############################################################################## NAME: shoals_dummy_entry TAGS: shoals_entry KFEAT: O = enter_shoals MAP O ENDMAP NAME: minmay_shoals_entry_lonely_mermaid TAGS: shoals_entry no_monster_gen ORIENT: float KMONS: 1 = mermaid KFEAT: 1 = w SUBST: Y = W. SUBST: y = Ww KFEAT: O = enter_shoals MAP xx...@...xx xxxWY.....YWxxx xxxyWWWY...YWWWyxxx xxwyWWWWxxxxxWWWWywxx xwwyOWyxx xxyW1ywwx xwwwyyxx xxyywwwx xxwwwxx xxwwwxx xxxxx xxxxx ENDMAP NAME: minmay_shoals_entry_hut TAGS: shoals_entry MONS: snapping turtle SUBST: W = WWWw, w = wwwW TILE: x = wall_vines KFEAT: O = enter_shoals MAP WWWWWWW WWwwwwwWW WWwxxxxxwWW Wwxx1..xxwW Wwx.....xwW Wwx..O..+.@ Wwx.....xwW Wwxx...xxwW WWwxxxxxwWW WWwwwwwWW WWWWWWW ENDMAP NAME: minmay_shoals_entry_centaurs TAGS: shoals_entry MONS: centaur / nothing w:5, plant / nothing w:20 KFEAT: O = enter_shoals MAP ....... .2222222. .222...222. .222.222...2. .22.2222222.2 .2.22.112222. .2.221O1222.2 . .22.2222.222. .222....2222. .222222222. .22.2..2. ..2.22. ENDMAP NAME: minmay_shoals_entry_beasts TAGS: shoals_entry MONS: hippogriff, griffon, manticore, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing KMONS: 8 = nothing SHUFFLE: 12345678 KFEAT: O = enter_shoals MAP 123 8O4 765 ENDMAP NAME: elwin_shoals_entry_rocks TAGS: shoals_entry KFEAT: O = enter_shoals MAP .WW...W.. WxxW..xWW WWxxWxxx. .WW..WW.. .WW.O.xW. W..W...WW .xWW.WWW. Wxx.WxxW. .x....xx. ENDMAP NAME: elwin_shoals_entry_stream TAGS: shoals_entry KFEAT: O = enter_shoals NSUBST: Z = 4:1 / *:W KFEAT: 1 = W KMONS: 1 = merfolk / mermaid MAP ..xxx xZ..x x.Z.xx xxZ..x xZZ.xx xxZx.x xZO.x xxZx.x xZZ.xx xxZ..x x.Z.xx xZ..x ..xxx ENDMAP NAME: elwin_shoals_entry_rooms TAGS: shoals_entry KFEAT: O = enter_shoals NSUBST: 1 = 4:1 / *:W KFEAT: 1 = W KMONS: 1 = merfolk / mermaid / nothing w:40 validate {{ return has_exit_from_glyph('O') }} MAP @...xxxxxxx.... .+xxxWWwWWxxxx. .xWwWxWwWxWWWx. .xW1WxW1Wxw1Wx. .xWWWxxxxxWWWx. .xxxxxWWW+xxxx. ...xWW1O1WWx... .xxxx+WWWxxxxx. .xWWWxxxxxWWWx. .xW1wxW1WxW1Wx. .xWWWxWwWxWwWx. .xxxxWWwWWxxx+. ....xxxxxxx...@ ENDMAP ############################################################################## # Non-ending non-entry vaults ############################################################################## ########################### # Shoal Ruins - nothing special, just some flavor (Enne) # Appear rarely. # NAME: overgrown_hall DEPTH: Shoals WEIGHT: 2 MONS: plant, fungus MONS: cyclops / stone giant w:2 SUBST: x = x:20 . SUBST: G = G:40 . SUBST: . = .:90 1:19 x:1 SUBST: 1 = 1 2:1 MAP xxxxxxxxxxx x.........x x.G.G.G.G.x +....3....+ x.G.G.G.G.x x.........x xxxxxxxxxxx ENDMAP NAME: overgrown_tower DEPTH: Shoals WEIGHT: 2 MONS: plant, fungus SUBST: + = x + SUBST: x = x:60 . ' SUBST: ' = ' 1:5 SUBST: . = . 2:1 SUBST: ' = . MAP ''''''''' '''xx+xx''' ''xx...xx'' 'xx.....xx' 'x.......x' 'x...<...x' 'x.......x' 'xx.....xx' ''xx...xx'' '''xxxxx''' ''''''''' ENDMAP NAME: overgrown_statue DEPTH: Shoals WEIGHT: 1 MONS: plant MONS: ice statue / orange crystal statue / silver statue SUBST: . = 1:1 .:30 SUBST: p = 1:2 . SUBST: P = 1:20 . SUBST: G = G 2 MAP ........ .......... ....ppp..... ...ppppp.... ..ppPPPpp... ..ppPGPpp... ..ppPPPpp... ...ppppp.... ....ppp..... .......... ........ ENDMAP NAME: shoals_oasis DEPTH: Shoals WEIGHT: 1 MONS: plant SUBST: . = 1:1 . SUBST: W = W . SUBST: w = W w SUBST: _ = w MAP ... ..W.. ..WwW.. .Ww_wW. ..WwW.. ..W.. ... ENDMAP NAME: shoals_atoll DEPTH: Shoals KMONS: 1 = patrolling kraken KFEAT: 1 = deep_water KPROP: 1Wgw. = no_tide FHEIGHT: gw1 = 40 MARKER: 1 = lua:MonPropsMarker:new {ancient_kraken="ancient_kraken"} MARKER: 1 = lua:portal_desc { water_marker = 1, tide_seed = 1 } MARKER: W = lua:portal_desc { water_marker = 1 } MARKER: w = lua:portal_desc { water_marker = 1 } MARKER: . = lua:portal_desc { water_marker = 1 } SUBST: g = WWw, X = ccc., x = c {{ local kraken_death_marker = TriggerableFunction:new { func="shoals_atoll_kraken_death", repeated=false, props= {water_marker="1"} } kraken_death_marker:add_triggerer(DgnTriggerer:new { type="monster_dies", target="ancient_kraken" }) lua_marker("*", kraken_death_marker) local place_items_marker = TriggerableFunction:new { func="shoals_atoll_place_items", repeated=false, props= {water_marker="1"} } place_items_marker:add_triggerer(DgnTriggerer:new { type="entered_level" }) lua_marker("1", place_items_marker) }} MAP XXXXXXXX XxxxxxxxxX Xx...WWWGxxX Xx.gggggW*GxX Xx.ggwwwggWWxX Xx.ggwwwwwggWxX Xx.ggww1wwgg.xX Xx.ggwwwwwgg.xX XW..ggwwwgg.xX WW..ggggg.xX WW......xX WWWWxxxX XXXX ENDMAP NAME: yaktaur_hedge DEPTH: Shoals MONS: bush MONS: yaktaur MAP ....... .11111. .1...1. .1.1.1. .1.121. .1.111. ....... ENDMAP NAME: hangedman_shoal_octodias DEPTH: Shoals KMONS: 1 = octopode crusher KFEAT: 1 = deep_water MAP xWxwxWx xwwwxwwwx WwxwwwxwW xwwwxwwwx wxwx1xwxw xwwwxwwwx WwxwwwxwW xwwwxwwwx xWxwxWx ENDMAP NAME: hangedman_shoal_volcano TAGS: no_monster_gen no_item_gen patrolling DEPTH: Shoals KMONS: 12 = merfolk ; trident ego:flaming | spear ego:flaming . \ robe ego:fire_resistance | robe w:5 . \ buckler ego:fire_resistance | buckler | nothing w:30 KMONS: 3 = mermaid ; trident ego:flaming | spear ego:flaming . \ robe ego:fire_resistance | robe w:5 . \ buckler ego:fire_resistance w:20 | buckler | nothing w:70 KMONS: 4 = siren KMONS: 67 = fire bat KMONS: 8 = fire crab KITEM: 67 = % w:15 / * KITEM: 8 = * w:15 / | KPROP: l = no_cloud_gen KPROP: .1234"x = no_tide : if crawl.random2(you.depth()+4) <= you.depth() then SUBST: 3 = 4 SHUFFLE: 12 / 4" : else SHUFFLE: 12 / 3" : end : if crawl.random2(you.depth()+4) <= you.depth() then SUBST: 7 = 8 : end SUBST: 6 = 66*, X = xx., x : x:9 .:1 FTILE: '678 = floor_pebble_red COLOUR: '678 = red MAP WWWWWWWW WWWW.xx.WWWW WW..x..x..WW WW.x2x''x"x.WW WW.1''''''3.WW W.xx'8ll6'xx.W Wx.''llll''.xW Wx.''llll''.xW W.xx'6ll7'xx.W WW.3''''''2.WW WW.x"x''x1x.WW WWW..x..x..WWW WWWW.xx.WWWW WWWWWWWW ENDMAP NAME: st_cyclops DEPTH: Shoals:1-4 MONS: cyclops, stone giant / frost giant KMONS: P = plant KMONS: f = fungus SHUFFLE: 23 SUBST: p = p., p = Pf, y = xP., x = x:20 c:2 P:2 SUBST: 2 = 21, 3 = 1 MAP ppppp yyyyyyy pyxxyxyyy. pyxypppxx.1. pyxpp1.px... pyxp2.1..1.3 pyypp1.px... pyxxpppyx.1. ypxxyxxyy. yyyyyyy ppppp ENDMAP NAME: st_shoals_ruin DEPTH: Shoals:1-4 TAGS: no_pool_fixup MONS: cyclops, frost giant, stone giant KMONS: P = plant KMONS: f = fungus KFEAT: Pfp = shallow_water KFEAT: 5 = deep_water SUBST: p = ppWw, p = Pf, y = xxxxcccPPPfw, f = PPwW, x = x:10 c:1 SHUFFLE: 23 SUBST: 2 = 2:15 1:10, 3 = 3:15 1:10 MAP ppp @ ppp pppxx..xxppp ppxxx.3.wfxxpp ppxxpxx..xwfxxpp ppxpppxxxWWffxpp pxx**ppyfWWWfxxp pxp1..pyfW..ffxp pxp.21pyf..1.wxp pxp1..yyy1...pxp pxxp.1pyp..1pxxp ppxp.......ppxpp ppxxp..p.fppxxpp ppxxpyyyyfxxpp ppxxxxxxxxpp pppppppppp ENDMAP NAME: st_sunken_huts DEPTH: Shoals:1-4 KMONS: 1 = merfolk javelineer KMONS: 2 = merfolk impaler KMONS: 3 = merfolk aquamancer KMONS: 4 = merfolk KMONS: 5 = mermaid / siren KFEAT: 12345 = deep_water SHUFFLE: 1235 NSUBST: V = 1:w / *:x NSUBST: U = 1:w / *:x NSUBST: Y = 1:w / *:x NSUBST: X = 1:w / *:x NSUBST: Z = 1:w / *:x SUBST: W = wWW MAP WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WWWwwwwwwwxxxxwwwwWWW WWwxxxxwwwwwxw2xwwwwwwwWW Wwwwx1wVww4wwUwwUww4wxYxxwW WwwwxwwVwwwwwxUUxwwwwYwwxwW WwwwxVVxwwwwwwwwwwwwwYw2xwW WwwwwwwwwxZZxwwxXXxwwxYxxwW Wwwww4wwwZwwZw5XwwxwwwwwwwW WWwwwwwwxw1xwwXw3xwwwwwWW WWWwwwxxxxwwxxxxwwWWW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW ENDMAP NAME: st_sunken_temple DEPTH: Shoals:1-4 TAGS: no_pool_fixup KMONS: 1 = merfolk javelineer KMONS: 2 = merfolk impaler KMONS: 3 = merfolk aquamancer KMONS: 4 = merfolk KMONS: 5 = mermaid / siren KMONS: 6 = cyclops KMONS: 7 = stone giant KMONS: 8 = frost giant KMONS: 9 = titan KFEAT: 123456789 = deep_water KITEM: | = | KITEM: * = * KFEAT: |* = shallow_water SHUFFLE: 12345 / 86769 NSUBST: Z = 1:w / *:c SUBST: G = GGGwwW, 7 = 667, 8 = 688, 9 = 7899, x = c MAP xxxxxxxxxxx xxGxGxGxGxGxx xxwwwwwwwwwwwxx xwww1wwwww1wwwx xxwwxxxxZxxxxwwxx xGwwx|wwwww*xwwGx xxwwxw2www4wxwwxx xGwwZwww5wwwZwwGx xxwwxw4www2wxwwxx xGwwx*wwwww*xwwGx xxwwxxxxZxxxxwwxx xwww3wwwww3wwwx xxwwwwwwwwwwwxx xxGxGx+xGxGxx xxxxx@xxxxx ENDMAP NAME: nicolae_shoals_undead_eyrie DEPTH: Shoals SUBST: y = ..xx1 NSUBST: . = 4:1 / *:. MONS: harpy zombie w:30 / griffon zombie / hippogriff zombie / bat zombie w:5 MAP ..... ...y... ..yxy.. .yxxxy. ..yxy.. ...y... ..... ENDMAP NAME: nicolae_shoals_mertower DEPTH: Shoals FHEIGHT: ;'b123 = 40 KPROP: ;'b123 = no_tide KMONS: 1 = merfolk KMONS: 2 = merfolk impaler / nothing w:4 KMONS: 3 = merfolk javelineer / nothing w:4 KFEAT: ' = W KFEAT: ;23 = w KFEAT: b = . MAP wwwwwwww wwwxxxxxww wwxx;22xxw .b1x';;;3xw .bb+';;;3xw .b1x';;;3xw wwxx;22xxw wwwxxxxxww wwwwwwww ENDMAP NAME: nicolae_shoals_aquamancer_cove DEPTH: Shoals TAGS: no_monster_gen KMONS: 123 = merfolk aquamancer / nothing w:3 SUBST: c = x. KFEAT: 1 = w KFEAT: 2 = . KFEAT: 3 = W MAP xxcc.@ xx...2. xxxc.ccx. xxxcc...cxxx xccc.....ccxx xc...3W3...cxx x..WWwwwWW..cx x.Ww1www1wW.cx cw1wwwwwww1wcx wwwwwwwww wwwww ENDMAP NAME: nicolae_shoals_kraken_intersection DEPTH: Shoals TAGS: transparent no_pool_fixup water_ok no_trap_gen SUBST: b = .w, z = x. KPROP: w1. = no_tide KPROP: c = no_rtele_into SUBST: c = xw KFEAT: 1 = w KMONS: 1 = kraken MAP ccxx@@xxcc ccxxz..zxxcc cxxz.bb.zxxc xxz.bwwb.zxx xz.bwwwwb.zx @.bwww1wwb.@ @.bwwwwwwb.@ xz.bwwwwb.zx xxz.bwwb.zxx cxxz.bb.zxxc ccxxz..zxxcc ccxx@@xxcc ENDMAP NAME: nicolae_shoals_arrival_archipelago DEPTH: Shoals SHUFFLE: {[(<, abc, def SUBST: ade:@, bcf:W MAP wwwwb www...b wwwww..{..b wwwwwd.....w ww..dd....ww c....dwwffww c..(.wwwffww c....ee....w ww..eee.[..w wwwwwee....a wwww....a wwwwwa ENDMAP NAME: hangedman_shoals_cup_caves TAGS: water_ok DEPTH: Shoals MONS: cyclops / stone giant w:2 MONS: mermaid, harpy, snapping turtle, centaur / centaur warrior, sea snake SHUFFLE: 234560, ABC SUBST: A : x:6 .:1, B : xxw., C : xw.., c = c:29 .:1, x = x:9 c:1, % = %:8 *:1 .:1 MAP xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxcxxxxW@Wxxxxcxxxxxcxxx xW..%xxWABAWxx414xxx5..Wx WA...2x.....x%...%x%...AW @B.C.1c..C..c..C..c1.C.B@ WA...2x3...3x.....x%...AW xW..%xxx%1%xxWABAWxx5..Wx xxxcxxxxxcxxxxW@Wxxxxcxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx ENDMAP NAME: nicolae_shoals_so_close DEPTH: Shoals:1-4 TAGS: no_pool_fixup water_ok no_item_gen no_trap_gen no_monster_gen KPROP: YycfZ. = no_tide KPROP: ZYcf. = no_rtele_into KMONS: c = patrolling hungry ghost NSUBST: f = 1:g / 2:f / *:. KITEM: g = meat ration / bread ration / beef jerky KITEM: f = meat ration / bread ration / nothing w:20 : dgn.delayed_decay(_G, 'c', 'human skeleton') SUBST: Z = yY KFEAT: y = w KFEAT: Y = W MAP wwwwwww wwwwwwwww wwwyyyyywww wwwyyyyyyywww wwwyyZZZZyyywww wwyyZZYYYZyyywww wwyyZY...YZyyyww wwyyZY.c.Yyyyyyw wwyyZY..Yyyffyyw wwyyZYYyyyffyyw wwyyyyyyyyyyww wwyyyyyyyyww wwwwwwwwww ENDMAP NAME: nicolae_shoals_c_island DEPTH: Shoals:1-4 TAGS: water_ok no_pool_fixup KPROP: .wW}xtC = no_tide SHUFFLE: }]) SUBST: y = Ww, z = w KFEAT: C = any shop MAP xxxxxx xtttttttxx xtt.........xz xx....WWWWW...xz x...xwwwWwww...z x..xwwwwWwwwww.z yx..xwwwWWWwwwwwz x..xxwwwW}Wwwwwwz xCx..wwwWWWwwww.z x..t.twwwwwwwww.z yttt.ttwwwwwww..z tt....xxwwww...z ttt..........yz yyy........yz yyy....yyz yyyyyy ENDMAP NAME: nicolae_shoals_dead_sea_scrolls DEPTH: Shoals SUBST: Z = PWs., p = P.., s = sW KMONS: Ps = plant KPROP: .WwpPsd = no_tide KFEAT: y = w KFEAT: s = W KITEM: d = any scroll w:30 / nothing w:20 / any randbook w:1 MAP xxxxx xxxxdxxxx xxddxPxxxxx xxddxpPxxxx xxxxxppppxx xxxpp...ppxx xxpp..ZZZZZxy xxpp.ZZwwwwwyy xxxp.ZZwwwwwyy xxxx..Zwwwwyyy xxx..Zwwwwyyy xx..Zwwwyyy @@Zwwwyy ENDMAP NAME: nicolae_shoals_siren_and_animal_friends DEPTH: Shoals TAGS: patrolling no_monster_gen SUBST: w = f:4 w W KMONS: f = bat w:5 / griffon / harpy / hippogriff / \ kraken w:1 / raven w:5 / sea snake / sky beast w:1 / \ snapping turtle / steam dragon w:1 / alligator w:5 / \ alligator snapping turtle / anaconda w:1 / \ water moccasin w:5 / electric eel w:1 KMONS: s = siren KFEAT: sf = w MAP www wwwww wwwwwww wwwswww wwwwwww wwwww www ENDMAP NAME: nicolae_shoals_hunting_party DEPTH: Shoals:2- TAGS: no_item_gen no_monster_gen KMONS: i = merfolk impaler band / merfolk javelineer band SUBST: : = .:3 h:1, W = .W : dgn.delayed_decay(_G, 'h', 'snapping turtle corpse') MAP WWWWWWW WW:::WW W:::::W W:i:i:W W:::::W WW:::WW WWWWWWW ENDMAP NAME: nicolae_shoals_isolated_beach DEPTH: Shoals:2- TAGS: water_ok no_pool_fixup NSUBST: { = 1:{ / *:. SUBST: b = .wW, r = ..Wxx KPROP: wW.{x1 = no_tide SHUFFLE: {([ KMONS: 1 = merfolk / merfolk impaler w:5 / mermaid w:5 / nothing w:20 KFEAT: : = . / W KFEAT: y = w MAP yyyyyyyy yywwwwwwyy yywwbbbbwwyy yyywb{.1.bwwyy yyxxxxxrr.bwwwyy yxxr{.1.1rbbww:: yxr{rr.rr..bww:@ yxr{rr{rr1.bww:@ yxr{rr.rr..bww:@ yxxr{.1.1rbbww:: yyxxxxxrr.bwwwyy yyywb{.1.bwwyy yywwbbbbwwyy yywwwwwwyy yyyyyyyy ENDMAP NAME: nicolae_shoals_wave_tunnel DEPTH: Shoals TAGS: water_ok transparent SUBST: b = .W, + = .++ KMONS: m = merfolk / nothing w:5 MAP xxxxxxxxxwwwwwwwxxxxx xx.......xxbbbbbxx...@ xx....m....xx.m.xx...m@ xxx.m.......m.xx+xx.m...@ @...m.xx+xx.m.......m.xxx @m...xx.m.xx....m....xx @...xxbbbbbxx.......xx xxxxxwwwwwwwxxxxxxxxx ENDMAP NAME: nicolae_shoals_flooded_hall DEPTH: Shoals:1-4 SHUFFLE: }}]]))> KPROP: .123wqx = no_tide SUBST: . = ....W, w = wWW..., q = w, x = xxxc KFEAT: 123 = . w:40 / W KMONS: 1 = merfolk / nothing w:5 KMONS: 2 = merfolk / merfolk aquamancer / merfolk javelineer / merfolk impaler / nothing w:45 KMONS: 3 = mermaid / siren w:5 / nothing w:5 MAP ....... ...xxxxx... .1..x.3.x..1.. ....xx.2.xx........ ..xxxx..w..xxxxxxxx. .xx..2.www.2..1..1.@ .x}1wwwwqwwwwwwwwww@ .x]1wwwwqwwwwwwwwww@ .xx..2.www.2..1..1.@ ..xxxx..w..xxxxxxxx. ....xx.2.xx........ .1..x.3.x..1.. ...xxxxx... ....... ENDMAP NAME: nicolae_shoals_water_elemental_grotto DEPTH: Shoals:1-4 TAGS: no_pool_fixup no_monster_gen no_trap_gen no_item_gen water_ok KPROP: .xrR-Ww = no_tide NSUBST: - = 1:] / *:- NSUBST: - = 3:z / *:- SUBST: r = xx:, R = xxW, ] = ]}): KMONS: - = nothing w:20 / plant w:5 / water elemental w:1 KMONS: z = water elemental KFEAT: -z = . / W KMONS: W = nothing w:50 / plant KFEAT: m = w MARKER: m = lua:fog_machine { cloud_type = "thin mist", pow_min = 1, \ pow_max = 3, delay = 10, start_clouds = 1, size_min = 2, \ size_max = 3, spread_rate = 33 } MAP xxxx....... xxxx...xxxx@ xx.....xxrrxx x..x..xxwWrrxx xx..xxxxmwW--Rxx xm--r-WwwWW--Rwx xr----WWWW---rRx xr------------rx xr------WWWW--rx xxr----WWmwW--rx xrRWWWWWWWW-rxx xxRWmWW-----rxx xxRwWW-----rrx xxRRR----rmxx xxxxrrrrrrxx xxxxxxxx ENDMAP NAME: nicolae_shoals_seven_spires TAGS: transparent water_ok extra DEPTH: Shoals MAP ..... ....c.... ....ccc.... ..c...c...c.. .ccc.....ccc. ...c.. ..c... ..... ..... ..c.. ..c.. .ccc. .ccc. ..c... ...c.. ............. ....c...c.... ..ccc.ccc.. ..c...c.. ..... ENDMAP NAME: nicolae_shoals_square_sea_wall TAGS: water_ok transparent extra DEPTH: Shoals MAP .............. .cc..cccc..cc. .c..........c. ... ... ... ... .c. .c. .c. .c. .c. .c. .c. .c. ... ... ... ... .c..........c. .cc..cccc..cc. .............. ENDMAP NAME: nicolae_shoals_circle_sea_wall TAGS: water_ok transparent extra DEPTH: Shoals MAP ..... ..cc.cc.. .cc.....cc. .... .... .c.. ..c. .c. .c. .c. .c. .c. .c. ... ... .c. .c. .c. .c. .c. .c. .c.. ..c. .... .... .cc.....cc. ..cc.cc.. ..... ENDMAP NAME: nicolae_shoals_cliffside_cave TAGS: water_ok no_pool_fixup transparent extra DEPTH: Shoals KPROP: ~' = no_tide SUBST: X = x., W = w. KFEAT: ~ = w MAP xxxx xxxxxxxx @XxxxxxxxxX@ .Xxxx~~xxxX. .xxx''~~xxx. .xxx'''~~xx. .Xxxx'''~xX. .Xxxxx'~xx.W W.xxx'~xxx.w w.xx'~xxxX.w w.Xx'~xxxX.w w..xx'~xx.Ww ww.Xxx'~~.ww wwW......~ww wwwwwwwwww ENDMAP NAME: nicolae_shoals_stone_sculpture_thing TAGS: water_ok transparent extra DEPTH: Shoals SHUFFLE: abde SUBST: ab = @, de = ., C : .c, y : .wc, z : .wc MAP CbbC cc..cc ccz..zcc ccyc..cycc Cczc....czcC a....ww....d a....ww....d Cczc....czcC ccyc..cycc ccz..zcc cc..cc CeeC ENDMAP NAME: wheals_shoals_ruined_temple TAGS: water_ok DEPTH: Shoals:1-4 KPROP: c.GWuw1 = no_tide KMONS: 1 = kraken KFEAT: 1 = w SUBST: u = Ww SUBST: . = .:500 0 MAP ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c...c.................WWWWWWuwwwc @.c...c..G....G...G...GWWWWWuwwwc c...c.................WWWWWWuwwwc @.c...c..G....G...G...GWWCWWuw1wc c...c.................WWWWWWuwwwc @.c...c..G....G...G...GWWWWWuwwwc c...c.................WWWWWWuwwwc ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc ENDMAP NAME: cheibrodos_shoals_oceanic_diplomacy DEPTH: Shoals, !Shoals:$ TAGS: water_ok no_item_gen no_monster_gen ORIENT: float MONS: merfolk KMONS: ' = merfolk impaler ; demon trident good_item | trident good_item . gold KMONS: " = octopode crusher ; shield good_item . hat good_item . gold MAP cccccccccccc ccGcGccccGcGcc .cccwWWWW11WWWWwccc. @.ccwwWWWW1..1WWWWwwcc.@ ..cwWWWWccc++cccWWWWwc.. .c+WWWWcc......ccWWWW+c. .ccccccc........ccccccc. .ccccccG'......"Gcccccc. .ccccccc........ccccccc. .c+WWWWcc......ccWWWW+c. ..cwWWWWccc++cccWWWWwc.. @.ccwwWWWW1..1WWWWwwcc.@ .cccwWWWW11WWWWwccc. ccGcGccccGcGcc cccccccccccc ENDMAP NAME: cheibrodos_shoals_roost DEPTH: Shoals, !Shoals:$ TAGS: water_ok no_monster_gen ORIENT: float MONS: harpy, manticore NSUBST: - = 6:12 / 3:%* MAP ..ccc.. .cccGccc. .ccc---ccc. .cc---W---cc. .cc-WWWWW-cc. .cc--WWWWW--cc. .cG-WWWWWWW-Gc. .cc--WWWWWW-cc. .cc-WWWWWWWc. .cc---WWWWWW. .ccc---WWWW. .cccGccWW@ ..ccc... ENDMAP ############################################################################## # Branch ends. # Note that the Shoals usually have a randomised end map; predrawn maps # (which need not be encompassing) are sometimes used, though. ############################################################################## NAME: shoals_end_simple PLACE: Shoals:$ : shoals_finale_setup(_G, 'simple') # HangedMan's alternative Shoals ending NAME: shoals_end_hangedman PLACE: Shoals:$ WEIGHT: 8 : shoals_finale_setup(_G, 'hangedman', crawl.random_range(5,6)) ################################################################################ # Shoal huts. NAME: shoalhut_rune TAGS: shoal_rune_simple water_ok no_dump transparent NSUBST: A = 1:+ / 1 = x:19 +:1 / *:x SUBST: 0 = 0. SUBST: e = e. KMONS: ge = merfolk impaler / merfolk javelineer / merfolk aquamancer KITEM: O = barnacled rune of Zot KPROP: O = no_tide LROCKTILE: wall_vines MAP xxAxx xx.0.xx xe0g0ex A0gOg0A xe0g0ex xx.0.xx xxAxx ENDMAP # Shoal decoy hut NAME: shoalhut TAGS: shoal_hut_simple water_ok no_dump allow_dup transparent NSUBST: A = 1 = x:14 +:1 / *:x NSUBST: 0 = 2:. / 2:0 / * = 0. MAP xxAxx xx.0.xx x.0.0.x A0.|.0A x.0.0.x xx.0.xx xx+xx ENDMAP # Shoal hangout of Ilsuiw. # The hut itself may not contain Ilsuiw if she had other engagements. NAME: shoal_ilsuiw TAGS: shoal_guardian KMONS: 1 = Ilsuiw, siren KMONS: 2 = merfolk impaler / merfolk javelineer KMONS: 3 = merfolk aquamancer / merfolk impaler / merfolk javelineer KMONS: A = Ilsuiw band KMONS: B = merfolk aquamancer / merfolk javelineer KFEAT: 123ABC = w SHUFFLE: 123 / 123 / 123 / ABC / ABC MAP wxwxw wxw2wxw xwwwwwx w3w1w3w xwwwwwx wxw2wxw wxwxw ENDMAP ################################################################################ # HangedMan's alternative Shoals:$ NAME: shoals_rune_alternative TAGS: shoal_rune_hangedman water_ok allow_dup transparent no_dump KMONS: 12 = merfolk impaler / merfolk javelineer / merfolk aquamancer KMONS: 3 = kraken / harpy band w:5 KMONS: d = siren / water nymph w:5 KITEM: d = barnacled rune of zot KFEAT: 123 = w KPROP: d = no_tide SHUFFLE: AB / AB / BA, CD / CD / DC NSUBST: 2 = 2 = 22w / * = 22www, 0 = 2:0 / 1:. / * = 00... SUBST: AC = x, B = w, D = . LROCKTILE: wall_vines FHEIGHT: .d0@ = 15 MAP xxxxxxx xx12wwwxx xx2x..00Wxx x1xd02w..Wx x2.03Awx..x xw.2AxBw..x xw0wwBw.D.x xw0.xw..C.x xxW...DC.x@ xxW....x.. xxxxxx@. ENDMAP NAME: shoals_rune_alternative_decoy TAGS: shoal_hut_hangedman water_ok allow_dup transparent no_dump SHUFFLE: AB / AB / BA, CD / CD / DC NSUBST: 0 = 2:0 / 2:. / * = 00... SUBST: AC = x, B = w, D = . FHEIGHT: .d0@ = 15 MAP xxxxxxx xxwwwwwxx xxwx00.0Wxx xwx|0ww..Wx xw00wAwx..x xw0wAxBw..x xw.wwBw.D.x xw0.xw..C.x xxW...DC.x@ xxW....x.. xxxxxx@. ENDMAP # Deliberately seperated from the styles of branch end; # it's good randomization and balancing material. NAME: shoals_ilsuiw_alternative TAGS: shoal_guardian water_ok WEIGHT: 8 KMONS: 1 = Ilsuiw, siren KMONS: 2 = merfolk impaler / merfolk javelineer KMONS: 3 = merfolk aquamancer / merfolk impaler / merfolk javelineer KMONS: 4 = Ilsuiw band KMONS: 5 = merfolk aquamancer / merfolk javelineer KFEAT: 123456 = w SHUFFLE: 123 / 123 / 123 / 456 / 456 SHUFFLE: AB / AB / BA, CD / CD / DC SUBST: AC = x, B = w, D = . LROCKTILE: wall_vines MAP .@xxxx .x....xx .x.CD..2xx @.C..wxw3xx x.D.wAwx..x x..wA1Bw..x x..xwBw.D.x xx3wxw..C.@ xx2..DC.x. xx....x. xxxx@. ENDMAP