%%%% # Glyph-specific suffixes # Only for non-uniques nagas. __cap-N_suffix {{ if you.race() == "Naga" then return "It is particularly attractive." else return "It is strange and repulsive." end }} %%%% __cap-T_suffix You feel a lump in the pit of your stomach. %%%% __(_suffix_examine It has been enchanted to dance through the air and attack under its own power. %%%% # Uniques Agnes This spriggan is aged and weathered from years of travel in distant lands. Her exotic weapon and astonishing speed both speak to the training she received there. Underestimate her at your peril! %%%% Aizul Once the primary guardian serpent of a legendary treasure hoard, he was disgraced after thieves looted it while he slept. He now slithers about the dungeon, seeking vengeance against all would-be looters. He is an accomplished spellcaster, but no more deadly in melee combat than others of his kind. %%%% Antaeus Once a mighty and renowned titan, his arrogance was his undoing. Now he is corrupt and tainted, a powerful demon who lords over the frozen wastes of Cocytus. His strength is legendary. %%%% Arachne Once a talented human weaver, Arachne was cursed by being transformed into her present form: half-human, half-spider. Her sympathies now lie with the inhuman residents of her new home, and she's eager to dispose of any who would threaten them. %%%% Asmodeus One of the arch-demons who dwell in the depths of Hell, wreathed in fire. %%%% Asterion Once a king infamous for waging bloodthirsty campaigns, Asterion was exiled to the depths of the dungeon for his crimes. Here he lurks in his tattered finery, dreaming of a new kingdom. In his lust for power, the minotaur king turned to the worship of Makhleb, and Makhleb has rewarded him with horrifying destructive might. %%%% Azrael A powerful, belligerent efreet. (Is there any other kind?) %%%% Blork the orc A particularly fat and ugly orc. He seems to have scavenged a pair of rainbow-coloured suspenders from somewhere. They're not helping. %%%% Boris An ancient and powerful lich. Like all true liches, Boris is immortal, and will regenerate his desiccated skeletal remains even if completely disintegrated. %%%% Cerebov A violent and wrathful demon, Cerebov appears as a giant human covered in shining golden armour and wielding a huge twisted sword. %%%% Chuck Chuck the stone giant loves rocks, the bigger the better! Over the years, he has managed to amass quite the collection, including some rare, enchanted ones. %%%% Crazy Yiuf A withered old gnoll with a long silver beard, wielding a quarterstaff and wearing a cloak. He looks like a figure from mythology! Wait, is his beard held on to his ears with hooks? %%%% Dispater The lord of the Iron City of Dis. %%%% Dissolution The Pits of Slime used to be a thriving civilization, and Dissolution was the prophet of their god. When the city was overtaken by its current residents, only Dissolution survived, for he alone turned faithfully to the Slime God. Dissolution became a tremendous mass of acidic ooze, yet retained his intelligence. He is filled with hatred for anything that can hold a form. %%%% Donald {{ local descript = "An adventurer just like you, trying to find the Orb." if you.race() ~= "Merfolk" and you.race() ~= "Octopode" then descript = descript .. " Unlike you, and d" else descript = descript .. " D" end descript = descript .. "espite his hatred of it, he takes to water " .. "like a fowl." return descript }} %%%% Dowan A beautiful but vain elf with an aptitude for magic and little else. His skills are the perfect complement of his twin sister Duvessa's fighting prowess. %%%% Duvessa A plain-looking elven fighter who is technically brilliant in many forms of combat, but over-confident because of it. She is complemented by the magical skills of her twin brother, Dowan. %%%% Edmund A jealous sibling of Sigmund (indeed, the youngest of nine brothers). He has none of Sigmund's skills in magic, but makes up for it with his skills in fighting and a canny head for money. He is eager to prove his superiority by killing hapless adventurers with his expensive flail and quick wit. %%%% the Enchantress First and most fearful of her kind, the Enchantress rules over the spriggans of the dungeon. She wears an opalescent outfit made of dragon skin that shimmers with many colours. %%%% Ereshkigal A fearsome arch-fiend who rules the deathly netherworld of Tartarus. %%%% Erica A wild-tempered adventuress. %%%% Erolcha An especially cunning ogre-mage. %%%% Eustachio An apprentice summoner with a flowing moustache. He has funny ideas about honour. %%%% Fannar A cold-hearted elven sorcerer, draped in robes of high office. He whispers grimly to himself as he stalks the dungeon, trailing ice crystals through the air behind him. %%%% Frances A stout warrior who once bested a powerful lord of Pandemonium in combat, gaining control over the demon's realm and thanes. The battle left her with a deep facial scar, one that she carries as a badge of honour rather than a symbol of shame. %%%% Frederick A svelte fighter-mage who wears a gold-rimmed monocle and seeks a suitable and worthy opponent. You likely do not fit the bill. %%%% Gastronok A voracious and surprisingly intelligent slug, devoted to eating everything and everyone he comes across, with a pointed hat perched rakishly atop his head. He acquired the hat the same way he acquired his intelligence and his knowledge of spells: by consuming their former owner, a powerful wizard. %%%% Geryon A huge, three-headed, winged arch-demon, guardian of the four Hells. Legends say that his silver horn can summon terrible beasts to aid him in battle. %%%% Gloorx Vloq A shadowy figure clothed in profound darkness. %%%% Grinder An inefficient shadow imp previously employed as a torturer in one of the lower circles of Hell. He has a tendency to complain and make inane statements. %%%% Grum A tough-looking gnoll, wearing the pelt of one of his former war dogs. %%%% Harold A middle-aged bounty hunter, anxious to retire from bounty-hunting after one final job. He hopes to settle down somewhere and live a quiet life with his family, using the money from his final bounty: you. %%%% Ignacio While a mortal cannot turn into a demon aside from divine intervention, this is what happened to Ignacio after Makhleb saw his love for his job and smiled upon him. He is now slated to continue the joy of his life for all eternity. Although his new form includes a number of large razor-sharp blades growing from his demonic appendages, he kept his favourite axe and is eager to let you test its edge. %%%% Ijyb A small and twisted goblin, wearing some ugly blue rags. He claims dominion over this level of the dungeon; the punishment for trespassing is death. %%%% Ilsuiw A deadly merfolk water-witch, who uses her dominion over the tides to draw unwitting adventurers to their deaths. %%%% Jessica An evil apprentice sorceress. She entered the dungeon hoping to find a quiet, secluded place where she could study the darker arts without being disturbed. %%%% Jorgrun A deep dwarven magician, particularly well-attuned to the dungeon around him. He wields powerful earth magic in combat. %%%% Jory Once a simple village peasant, Jory found himself transformed in undeath into a powerful creature. Through the countless centuries unlived since then, he has honed his skills in combat and magic, amassed great wealth and many possessions. %%%% Joseph Looks like a mercenary. %%%% Josephine A formidable necromancer, committed to her craft even after it left her aged, decaying, and half-undead herself. %%%% Khufu An incredibly powerful emperor on the way to godhood. He died quite some time ago, but he sees no reason why that should stop him. %%%% Kirke A master of transformation and treachery. Beware, or you may be the next swine to join her herd! %%%% the Lernaean hydra A huge beast, mightiest of hydras, infamous in myth and legend. It flows through the water faster than a human can run, swatting aside trees as though they were matchsticks. Its many heads slaver and gnash constantly as it hunts for prey to slake its bottomless appetite. %%%% Lom Lobon Stoic and inscrutable, Lom Lobon is an ancient demon infamous for his mastery of magic. Rumoured to be the most learned being in the halls of Pandemonium, he is at times sought out by mortal wizards who offer their souls in exchange for the secrets of the arcane. Lacking the terrible wrath present in most demons, Lom Lobon's single eye instead hides a cold, impartial cruelty. %%%% Louise A mighty sorceress, clad from head to toe in heavy armour. Once an adventurer looking for the fabled Orb of Zot, she was cast into the Abyss and got hopelessly lost there. Toyed with by some greater power, she was stuck on the hostile plane for nearly a decade. When she finally emerged from the Abyss, Louise had become powerful indeed, but had also gone fully insane. She now wanders the halls of the dungeon, seeking other adventurers to share her fate. %%%% Mara This tall and powerful demon is Mara, Lord of Illusions, mighty among dreamers. He is capable of creating intricately detailed illusions, so real that they are almost as deadly as the creatures they impersonate. %%%% Margery A lithe spellcaster in service to the powers of Hell; it is her duty to ensure that the inhabitants of the Dungeon never forget their place. She personally slew the ancient dragon from whose hide her strange armour is crafted. %%%% Maud A mysterious warrior princess from a far-off kingdom, on a quest to retrieve the legendary sword ‘Entarex’. Countless have been the admirers who, thinking about Maud, forgot everything else. %%%% Maurice A sly, conniving thief. In his profession, Maurice is considered a legend — at least according to himself. He is skilled, nonetheless, and among all the thieves and rogues lured by the Orb, Maurice is undoubtedly the most crafty. %%%% Menkaure A fair and noble ruler of an ancient and mighty kingdom, mummified after an early death. His faithful priests subsequently infused him with great and powerful magic, seeking to grant him eternal life. Now he is forgotten and reduced to mouldering bandages and dry, brittle bones. %%%% Mennas There was once a human priest named Mennas. He travelled far and wide preaching of Zin to any who would listen, going even so far as to travel into Orcish lands, preaching to orcs about laws and mercy. By all accounts the orcs were not happy with Mennas. They demanded he swear Beogh was the one true god, and when Mennas remained silent they cut out his tongue. Whether or not this angel is that same Mennas is something of a mystery, as he seems to have difficulty speaking. %%%% Mnoleg A weirdly glowing figure, dancing through the twisted air of Pandemonium. %%%% Murray A demonic skull rolling along the ground. %%%% Natasha A magical cat. Once a powerful wizard's familiar, Natasha was abandoned after he was consumed by the necromantic forces he sought to control. Now she patrols the dungeon, taking a bloody vengeance with spell and claw upon any adventurer that crosses her path. %%%% Nellie A highly intelligent elephant who travelled as part of a circus. One dark night, she slipped out of her chain and disappeared into Pandemonium, never to be seen again. %%%% Nergalle A withered sorceress, exceptionally cruel even by orc standards. The living fear her; the dead obey her every command. She has a soft spot for the latter. %%%% Nessos A centaur warrior, skilled at warfare and deceit. He slew a mighty hydra, and now its deadly blood drips, still-fuming, from his arrows. %%%% Nikola A brilliant scientist obsessed with electricity. In his attempts to perfect his electric golem, he was involved in a terrible accident, and now phases in and out of reality. %%%% Norris A relaxed peace-in-death cultist with a healthy tan and a soothing voice. He doesn't really care if it is you or him who dies — “both” would probably be the best option. %%%% Pikel While kobolds are normally slaves, Pikel's rough life, selfish ambition and large stature have caused him to rise up and become a slaver himself. He is on his way to the Orcish Mines to sell his wares, a selection of timid humans who cower with every crack of his whip. %%%% Polyphemus A cyclops shepherd, he is very protective of his charges, whom he watches with an undying fervor through his single massive eye. %%%% Prince Ribbit A frog of unusual size, with a tiny crown perched incongruously atop his head. %%%% Psyche A fair-haired mage, wandering and seemingly half-mad with grief and guilt. %%%% Purgy An unusually thin troll. You feel a lump in the pit of your stomach. %%%% Roxanne A strikingly realistic sapphire statue of a famous earth mage who disappeared after a catastrophic spell failure. She is clutching a book. %%%% Rupert A human whose savage roars bring terror to all those who hear them. %%%% Saint Roka A mighty warlord. Some orcs even say he is the Chosen One of Beogh. %%%% Sigmund The elder of a pair of brothers who came for the Orb. No one knows what Sigmund saw in the dungeon to drive him mad, but his shrewd magical tactics and wicked scythe now leave little time for his victims to wonder. Despite his reputation as a vicious murderer, his grandiose and dramatic ways have earned him the admiration of many denizens of the dungeon. %%%% Snorg A particularly corpulent troll with a short temper and a sizable gut. Uninterested in the Orb, Snorg delights in the endless parade of adventurers – that is, easy meals — it attracts. %%%% Sojobo King of the tengu, with legendary skill in swordsmanship, tactics, and magic. %%%% Sonja A graceful kobold assassin. Admire her graceful pirouettes, thrill at her daring leaps! But watch out for her knives! %%%% Terence A violent murderer who kills for both pleasure and profit, Terence has been forced into hiding after a botched job, and can't really afford to risk letting anyone who has seen him leave the dungeon alive — there is a price on his head, after all. %%%% Tiamat The earthly avatar of Tiamat, deity of dragonkind, here incarnated as a mighty draconian warrior. Her scales seem to shimmer and change colour as you watch. %%%% Urug A coarse and lanky orc. Urug lost his eye in a fight with a harpy, and has sworn to slay every last one of them. Unfortunately, the vision in his remaining eye is not very good, and he has mistaken you for one. {{ if you.can_smell() then return "He smells terrible." end }} %%%% Vashnia An elite marksnaga who leads a skilled team of sharpshooters. She is particularly skilled in translocation magic. %%%% Wiglaf A fat dwarf wearing a stupid-looking hat. {{ if you.can_smell() then return "He reeks of alcohol. " end }} %%%% Xtahua An ancient and mighty dragon. %%%% the Serpent of Hell gehenna A huge red glowing dragon, burning with hellfire. It seems to be possessed by the very essence of Gehenna and its eternal fire. %%%% the Serpent of Hell cocytus A massive white dragon, covered with shards of gleaming ice, wholly possessed by the nightmarish cold of Cocytus. %%%% the Serpent of Hell dis A towering beast with an army's worth of swords for teeth. Each of its scales is a shield with a razored edge. %%%% the Serpent of Hell tartarus Seemingly a pair of lurid magenta eyes hanging in the darkness, the outline of a vast, sinuous dragon is just barely perceptible behind. Its malice is palpable. %%%% # Non-unique monsters acid blob A lump of sickly pustulent flesh, dripping with lethal acid. %%%% adder The common dungeon snake. A species of troglodytic reptile commonly found in subterranean spaces. %%%% air elemental A spirit drawn from the elemental plane of air. It exists in this world as a swirling vortex of air, often dissipating and reforming. %%%% alligator A sneaky crocodilian that hides in water and waits patiently for its prey to get too close, at which point it puts on a great burst of speed and crushes its victim with massive jaws. %%%% alligator snapping turtle A particularly large and nasty snapping turtle. Like its smaller relative, it too can reach out and bite from afar, and will retreat inside its shell when threatened. %%%% anaconda A very large snake that moves with startling rapidity on both land and in the water. It kills not by poison but by constricting its prey. %%%% ancient lich A lich who, having existed for countless centuries, has grown almost unimaginably powerful through the study of dark magic. %%%% ancient zyme A nexus of sentient cancer and disease, borne aloft perhaps by malice alone. Its nature inflicts withering illness on all living beings in its presence. %%%% angel A divine warrior of the Shining One, it is a towering winged figure of unnatural beauty surrounded by an aura of brilliant white light. It appears to be weightless and quite agile while flying, despite wearing heavy armour. %%%% apis A placid, sacred bull of Elyvilon. Beware, evildoers, as it will surely turn on you! %%%% apocalypse crab An opalescent crab with jet black eyes. A distant relative of the fire crab, the rumours claim that this species is waiting for the end of time. The chaotic mists effusing from its mandibles are hardly suggestive of waiting. %%%% azure jelly An extremely cold blob of bright blue cytoplasm, forming bits of frost in the air around it. %%%% baby alligator A juvenile alligator. While it does not have crushing jaws, nor the strength to put on massive bursts of speed, it is more limber than the adult form, and its milk-tooth is still very sharp. %%%% ball lightning A huge, swift sphere of coruscating electrical energy. It will explode at the slightest disturbance. %%%% ball python A small snake that can augment its bite by constricting small creatures. %%%% ballistomycete A lumpy reddish fungus covered in knobbly rhizome growths, growing well in the dank underground dungeon. {{ if you.god() == "Fedhas" then return "Fedhas has suppressed its production of giant spores to " .. "protect you from explosions." else return "When active it will occasionally produce giant spore " .. "balls, which in turn will give rise to more ballistomycetes." end }} %%%% balrug A huge and very powerful demon, wreathed in fire and shadows. %%%% basilisk A crested lizard of middling size with a terrible petrifying gaze. %%%% bat A large grey bat that, despite being herbivorous, is quite aggressive. It is myopic and uses echolocation to navigate. %%%% battlesphere A small globe of magical energy that follows a spellcaster. It cannot operate on its own, yet it will provide fire support, assaulting whatever its conjurer casts at with magical missiles that never miss. %%%% big kobold A kobold that is bigger and tougher than the ordinary kobold, and often armed. %%%% black bear A small black bear. Like all ursines, the black bear will become enraged if badly hurt or frightened. %%%% black draconian A muscular black-scaled humanoid with a reptilian tail and powerful wings. %%%% black mamba A large and astonishingly fast tropical snake whose bite bears a deadly venom. %%%% black sun %%%% blink frog A species of giant frog that possesses the ability to blink at will. It can blink itself close to its intended prey, or blink away to escape harm. It is commonly found in packs. %%%% blizzard demon A greater demon, wreathed in snow and lightning. %%%% block of ice A large block of ice that is quickly melting. %%%% blood saint %%%% blue devil A muscular horned humanoid figure originating from some frigid hell. It swoops through the air on powerful wings, taking sadistic joy from harrying those who would try to flee its grasp. %%%% bog body An undead figure preserved by the brackish waters of a bog. Though it has been reanimated by some unknown magic, this magic is not enough to prevent its decaying. %%%% boggart A malevolent and dangerous little sprite. The shadowy illusions it summons may not be real, but they'll kill you all the same, if you don't get their master first. %%%% bone dragon A huge undead abomination, pieced together from the broken bones of many dragons by powerful necromantic magic. Fortunately for you, whatever organ produces a dragon's fearsome breath was lost in the process. %%%% boring beetle An umber beetle with large, powerful mandibles that enable it to bore through solid rock. %%%% boulder beetle A huge grey beetle with an almost impenetrable rocky carapace, capable of rolling at its foes at high speed. %%%% brain worm A slimy mauve worm with a greatly distended head, this creature feeds on the intellects of sentient beings. %%%% briar patch A tangled cluster of thorny briars, sharp enough to pierce thick hide and armour. Though the gaps in the copse are plentiful enough to fire missiles through, walking through it looks like a painful prospect. %%%% Brimstone Fiend A huge and powerful demon wreathed in hellfire, with great scaly wings. One of the most fearsome denizens of any of the Hells. %%%% burning bush A mass of blackened twigs wreathed in orange flames. The walls and floor surrounding it are covered in scorch marks. %%%% bush A woody plant. It looks dry enough to be easily set on fire, and its foliage is not very dense, permitting missiles to pass through it. However, it is firmly rooted, and requires much effort to destroy. %%%% butterfly A large, brightly coloured butterfly with beautifully patterned wings, fluttering incongruously through the darkness of the cave. %%%% cacodemon A hideously ugly demon of rage and legendary power, it disables its foes before blasting them to pieces. %%%% catoblepas A sluggish black buffalo, its hide encrusted with dull scales. It carries its hog-like head just above the ground, protected by a stiff mane of bristles, joined to its body by a neck as long and loose as an emptied intestine. Man and beast alike would be wise to steer clear of this creature, as its fearsome breath is known to turn flesh into stone. %%%% centaur A hybrid with the torso of a human atop the body of a large horse, centaurs are famous for their skills in archery. %%%% centaur warrior A muscular centaur, a veteran of numerous battles, armed with well-made weapons and able to use them skillfully. %%%% chaos champion %%%% chaos spawn A being of pure chaos, its form is constantly shifting, growing and then losing eyes, mouths, claws and tentacles. It corrupts everything it touches. %%%% cherub Behold! A throne-bearer of the Gods, whose head is beset by four faces: one of a man, one of an ox, one of a lion, one of an eagle. It is one of the three angelic beings who stand before the good gods, singing eternal hymns of praise to their Glory and Goodness. Indeed, these hymns have the power to rouse greatness in hearts pure and true. %%%% chimera A grotesque parody of nature, this fantastical creature consists of three individual beasts combined into one. %%%% corrupter %%%% crawling corpse A corpse weakly animated by necromancy. It is easily destroyed, but capable of merging with others to form more potent horrors. %%%% crimson imp A small, ugly minor demon. Its fanged maw seems locked in a permanent malign grin, and its horns protrude obscenely from its scaly pate. %%%% crocodile An aggressive crocodilian with great crunching jaws full of sharp teeth. %%%% crystal guardian An intricate animated statue made of heavily ensorcelled, tough crystal. They are immune to most forms of magic, and are magically charged to toss great bolts of fire and cold that are reflected by any surface. %%%% curse skull A charred skull floating in the air and rotating slowly. Mystic symbols carved into its blackened surface indicate its resistance to almost any form of attack. %%%% curse toe A disembodied toe, hanging in the air and radiating an intense field of negative energy. %%%% cyclops A giant with one eye in the centre of its forehead. Despite their lack of binocular vision, cyclopes throw boulders with fearsome accuracy. %%%% daeva A divine agent of the Shining One, a daeva is a towering winged figure radiating an aura of brilliant golden light. %%%% # Only used in lookup mode, not when examining an actual monster. dancing weapon A weapon enchanted to dance through the air and attack under its own power. %%%% deathcap A noxious and deadly fungus suffused with negative energy. While parasitic in life, undeath has granted it the ability to absorb its nutrients directly from the life force of others. %%%% death cob A dreadful undead cob of maize. Look, this one was probably a mistake. We're sorry. %%%% death drake A dark and baleful minor dragon, the death drake breathes a lethally potent miasma from its pestilential maw. %%%% death knight A warrior-priest of Yredelemnul that chants unholy homages to the dark god and calls forth the dead. %%%% death ooze A putrid undead mass of decaying flesh that spurts pestilent slime. %%%% death yak A larger and beefier relative of the common dungeon yak. Its little red eyes gleam with hunger for living flesh. %%%% deep elf annihilator A deep elf who exults in conjured mayhem and destruction. It is widely hated and feared, both for the power and for the precision of its destructive magics. %%%% deep elf blademaster A champion of the deep elves, who scorns magic and is devoted to the study of the sword. A blademaster wields two weapons with astonishing dexterity and speed. %%%% deep elf conjurer A deep elf well-versed in a variety of destructive magics. %%%% deep elf death mage A deep elf surrounded by a shimmering aura of negative energy, as a result of its practice of necromancy and life-sapping magic. %%%% deep elf demonologist A deep elf who is marked heavily by long years of contact with unnatural demonic forces and the creatures of the Abyss. %%%% deep elf elementalist The primal forces of the universe dance at this demented wizard's fingertips. %%%% deep elf fighter A strong deep elf soldier who wields weapons and battle magic. %%%% deep elf high priest An exalted servant of the ancient dark god of the deep elves, basking in hellish death magic. %%%% deep elf knight A battle-hardened deep elf fighter. %%%% deep elf mage A deep elf learned in the ways of murderous magic. Deep elf mages are capable of a wide array of harmful spells. %%%% deep elf master archer A deep elf archer that has devoted a lifetime to the mastery of archery, dismissing magic as a frivolous distraction. %%%% deep elf priest This deep elf is a servant of the ancient dark god of the deep elves, and has been granted command of torturous energies by its enigmatic lord. %%%% deep elf sorcerer A mighty spellcaster who draws power from the very Hells, and possesses lethal arcane abilities of destruction, summoning and banishment. %%%% deep elf summoner A deep elf skilled at summoning plagues of insidious vermin. %%%% deep dwarf Pale and unnaturally tough-skinned, deep dwarves dwell far below ground and almost never emerge into the sunlit upper world. %%%% deep troll A stooped troll with dark skin, the cave-dwelling deep troll often travels in packs. %%%% deep troll earth mage A particularly intelligent deep troll, its use of magic to tunnel through the earth allows it and its kin to ambush their foes. %%%% deep troll shaman A deep troll blessed with divine power to strengthen and hasten its kin. %%%% demigod The aura of power around this human-like figure immediately betrays its divine ancestry. And with the good gods (at least officially) decrying fornication, betting on the good nature of this individual may be unwise... %%%% demonic crawler A hellish insectoid creature with a long and bloated body, supported by dozens of short jointed legs and topped with an almost human head. %%%% demonspawn A half-mortal, half-demonic creature, with its hellish heritage asserting itself through a certain devilish cast to its features. %%%% diamond obelisk A towering obelisk surrounded by a powerful storm. %%%% dire elephant A huge pachyderm, wilder and fiercer than normal elephants, with a very thick hide, powerful legs, and a memory to die for. %%%% draconian A brown-scaled humanoid with a reptilian tail and small wings. It is yet to develop the distinct colouring and powerful breath weapon of its mature form. %%%% draconian annihilator The draconian annihilator can, in addition to its deadly breath, use powerful conjurations to destroy anyone who dares to stand in its way. %%%% draconian caller While formidable in combat, this draconian specializes in summoning hordes of drakes. %%%% draconian knight Protected by thick scales, skillful weapon use, and complementary magic, this draconian is a dangerous opponent. Draconian knights specialize in ice magic and necromancy. %%%% draconian monk A draconian who has eschewed the study of weaponry and magic in order to train in the art of unarmed combat. Its scaly fists, well-thewed legs, and mighty tail rain down blows upon its opponents. %%%% draconian scorcher A cunning draconian who has mastered the inner secrets of the element of fire. Its scales are sooty from years of magical pyrotechnics. %%%% draconian shifter A draconian master of the warp, who can translocate both itself and anyone else to any place, either on this world or outside of it. %%%% draconian zealot This draconian derives its hellish powers and demonic allies from the worship of some unknown dark god. %%%% drowned soul A cold and hollow apparition of the drowned dead, chained by some lingering attachment to the depths in which it perished. They clamour around the living, sharing the last moments of their watery fate with whatever their pale form touches. %%%% dryad A spirit of nature, bound to the forest in which it resides. It is capable of calling upon the trees to defend against incursions. %%%% formicid A sentient ant that walks upright and is competent at digging. %%%% dwarf A member of a short, sturdy mountain-dwelling folk. More robust than their deep dwarf cousins, yet less skilled in magical lore, dwarves excel in armed hand to hand combat. %%%% earth elemental A spirit drawn from the elemental plane of earth, which exists in this world by inhabiting a lump of earth and rocks. %%%% efreet A huge and muscular figure engulfed in a cloud of searing flame. %%%% eidolon An ancient skeletal apparition, sheathed in a cloud of mist. Its form glows white-hot with debilitating energy. %%%% eldritch tentacle An immense, squamous appendage of some unseen creature, dripping with ichor and tipped with a single, terrible-looking claw. %%%% eldritch tentacle segment A part of an immense, squamous appendage. It thrashes and pulsates like no other living thing. %%%% electric golem An animated figure made completely of electricity, created in some demented wizard's experiment. %%%% electric eel Despite its name, the electric eel is actually a variety of fish. This breed, however, generates far more voltage than its seagoing siblings. %%%% elephant A large, thick-hided pachyderm. It crushes its foes and then thrashes them with its trunk. %%%% elf An elf, a member of an ancient fey race. Elves are slightly built when compared to humans, and have an innate magical acumen, though less than their deep elf cousins. %%%% emperor scorpion The emperor scorpion is the largest arachnid known to exist. The massive barb on its tail drips with a deadly venom, and its pincers are big enough to shear you in half. Though the ordinary dungeon scorpion may be both large and dangerous, this freakish relative puts it to shame. %%%% ettin A two-headed giant, stronger than most, and able to land devastating blows left and right with its two huge weapons. %%%% Executioner A horribly powerful and swift demon, its shape obscured by a cloud of swirling scythe-like blades. %%%% eye of devastation A huge eyeball, encased in a levitating globe of incandescent energy. %%%% eye of draining A hovering horror that waxes strong on magic. %%%% faun A hybrid with the torso of a human atop the forelegs of a goat. They are fabled for their ability to play with the minds of those who intrude into their domains. %%%% feature mimic A vicious beast masquerading as an ordinary dungeon feature. %%%% felid A feline creature that has been granted sentience by magical means. It uses the gift of speech to demand milk, treats and catnip. %%%% fire bat A bat whose leathery body burns with a hot flame. %%%% fire crab These crabs are prized for their brilliantly jewelled shells. The rarity of these shells is only enhanced by the vicious, fiery nature of the animal, and their almost supernatural ability to expel massive quantities of flames. %%%% fire dragon A great reptilian beast with powerful claws on its limbs, covered in thick green scales and with two huge bat-like wings. Little trails of smoke spill from its toothy maw. %%%% fire drake A small but dangerous dragon, puffing clouds of smoke. %%%% fire elemental A spirit drawn from the elemental plane of fire, which exists in this world as a brilliant column of raging flames. %%%% fire giant A giant with obsidian skin and a wild mane of glowing red hair, holding aloft a fiery sword. Fire giants believe that they are destined to unite and burn the entire world to cinders, but, in the meantime, they'll settle for any adventurers foolish enough to approach them. %%%% fire vortex A swirling cloud of flame. %%%% flayed ghost A hideous floating undead creature, the anguished spirit of a tortured victim, with torn skin hanging from an emaciated body. It restlessly stalks the dungeon, inflicting the anguish it felt in life upon those still living. %%%% flying skull An undead skull kept aloft and flitting swiftly about by unholy magic. It periodically emits loud, blood-curdling shrieks. %%%% freed slave A human who has just been released from magical enslavement. It tries to stand proudly before you, despite its lingering fear and unkempt appearance. %%%% freezing wraith An incorporeal skeletal form surrounded by a cloud of freezing air, likely the remains of some unfortunate adventurer. It now floats slowly through the dungeon, seeking to share its fate with others. %%%% frost giant A giant with blue skin and hair like ice and snow. Its eyes are as bleak as winter skies. It marches grimly into battle with a great, frosty axe and howling blasts of cold. %%%% fulminant prism A slender prism that crackles with barely-contained destructive energy. Any blow which cracks its fragile surface is likely to result in a violent explosion. %%%% fungus A lumpy grey fungus, growing well in the dank underground dungeon. %%%% gargoyle A granite statue of a hideous winged monster, somehow brought to life. %%%% ghost crab A close relative of the fire crab, twisted by proximity to negative energy. Apparitions of the dead swirl around it, only barely visible. %%%% ghost moth A vile interdimensional predator that feeds on the life force of living beings. The few who have seen one and lived recall that it resembles an enormous, spiny moth. %%%% ghoul A truly horrible undead creature, a ghoul is a decayed cadaver, reanimated and accursed with a terrible hunger. It desires nothing but to feed on the flesh of the living, and will fell its victims with its vicious claws or with one of the many diseases it is host to. %%%% goliath beetle A huge black beetle with great crunching mandibles and very hard chitinous armour. %%%% gelid demonspawn %%%% giant cockroach A big brown insect that makes a nasty hissing noise. Contrary to popular myth, they are in fact quite susceptible to mutagenic energies. %%%% giant eyeball A giant floating eyeball, with a gaze that can paralyse even the most strong-willed of adventurers. Some say giant eyeballs are servitors of Jiyva. %%%% giant frog A large and unusually aggressive amphibian that can cover distance rapidly by hopping. %%%% giant gecko A lizard with pads on its toes allowing it to cling to walls and ceilings, and huge, sharp teeth. It is many times larger than a normal gecko, yet its size belies its agility. %%%% giant leech An aggressive blood-sucking annelid that thrives in swamps and marshlands. %%%% giant mite A large acarine creature with poisoned mouth-parts and a thirst for blood. %%%% giant newt A tenacious little amphibian, several times the size of a normal newt, but still not very threatening. %%%% giant orange brain A huge wrinkled brain, floating just off the floor and glowing with mutagenic energies. Every now and then it seems to pulsate. %%%% giant spore A deceptively fast, floating ball filled with gas and spores, prone to burst at the slightest disturbance. %%%% glowing shapeshifter A shapeshifter which has lost control over its transformations, and is constantly changing form. %%%% gnoll A taller and better-equipped relative of goblins and orcs, somewhat doglike in appearance. %%%% gnoll sergeant A commander of a pack of gnolls. Scars on its stout body give evidence of how it earned its rank. %%%% gnoll shaman A haggard old gnoll, wise and wicked. Its strange chants and ululations send other gnolls into a wild frenzy. %%%% goblin A short, ugly and unfriendly humanoid: squat, broad, flat-nosed, sallow-skinned, with a wide mouth and pistachio-shaped eyes. %%%% golden dragon A great winged dragon covered in shining golden scales. Legends say that their blood runs both hot and cold, and is venomous to boot. %%%% golden eye A tiny and shimmering floating eye, swift as the wind and glistening like gold. It has a peculiarly hypnotic look. %%%% grand avatar An avatar of battle and bloodshed, capable of mimicking sufficiently damaging physical attacks and conjurations from its creator and their allies. %%%% great orb of eyes A levitating ball, covered in malignant eyes and humming with eldritch energies. Many is the adventurer ripped limb-from-limb by its dreadful eyeteeth. %%%% greater mummy An ancient pharaoh, embalmed and cursed to undeath, now capable of great and terrifying feats of magic. %%%% greater naga A formidable naga that is skilled in both martial and magical arts. %%%% green death A bloated form covered in oozing sores and exhaling clouds of lethal poison. %%%% green draconian A muscular green-scaled humanoid with a reptilian tail and small wings. %%%% green rat A rodent with hair of a most peculiar green colour, and a powerful bite. It tends to form great swarms with its kin. %%%% grey draconian A muscular grey-scaled humanoid with a reptilian tail and small wings. %%%% griffon A large creature with the hindquarters of a lion and the wings, head and talons of a great eagle. %%%% guardian golem A large construct, designed to protect. It can take the blows dealt to others upon itself, though it is prone to becoming unstable and overheating after heavy punishment. %%%% guardian mummy An ancient warrior, embalmed and cursed to walk in undeath for eternity. %%%% guardian serpent Serpents are distinct and rare members of scaly society. They are light and swift like snakes, yet also intelligent like nagas. Their lack of hands, together with an extreme sense of duty, makes them renowned guardians. It is said that a guardian serpent would rather die in battle than leave anything to an intruder. %%%% halfling A humanoid of diminutive stature. %%%% harpy Harpies have roamed the coasts as long as seafarers can remember. They strike fear in the hearts of the wary, for their sharp claws and harrying strikes have torn many a luckless traveler to shreds. %%%% hell beast An abominable crossbreed of beast and man that makes horrible barking noises. %%%% hell hog An extremely large and aggressive swine, bred in Hell, whose fiery breath is capable of setting unwary adventurers alight. %%%% hell hound A huge black dog, with glowing red eyes and smoke pouring from its fanged mouth. %%%% hell knight A heavily armoured warrior, in league with the powers of Hell, and usually accompanied by other unsavoury beings of its ilk. %%%% Hell Sentinel A towering monolith constructed and possessed by demonic forces. A thousand eyes leer through slits in its jagged, spiked armour. %%%% hellephant An abhorrent pachyderm, descendant of demons, burning from within with the fires of Hell. %%%% hellion A frightful demon, covered in roaring hellfire. %%%% hellwing A hideous skeletal demon, with wings of ancient withered skin. %%%% hill giant A massive, burly humanoid standing taller even than an ogre. Hill giants are uncivilized in every sense of the word, and have few recreational interests beyond smashing things such as you. %%%% hippogriff A large creature with the hindquarters of a horse and the wings, head and talons of a great eagle. %%%% hobgoblin A larger and even uglier goblin, with an even worse temper to match. Many foolish young adventurers have underestimated the danger of crossing a hobgoblin and paid for it with their lives. %%%% hog A large even-toed ungulate. Like human beings, it is omnivorous, intelligent, and nearly hairless. %%%% holy swine A rare celestial version of a usually filthy animal. They are said to be not natural creatures, but angelic beings who succumbed to hostile magic. %%%% hound A fearsome hunting dog, lithe and alert. Its master must be long gone, for it looks dishevelled, and has a lean and hungry look. %%%% # Stolen from http://rustyandco.com/frequently-asked-questions/monster-guide/ human An uppity sort of surface-dwelling, hairless ape. Dwarves think of them as fragile, elves think of them as clumsy, and monsters think of them as tasty. %%%% hungry ghost The undead form of someone who died of starvation, this creature drains sustenance from the bodies of its victims, hoping to inflict its own miserable fate on others. %%%% hydra A great and nightmarish lacertilian beast. It has many heads, and the potential to grow many more! Hitting it with any cutting weapon bigger than a dagger or a quick blade risks lopping a head off, which, considering hydra's unique biology, is not what you want unless the blade is hot enough to cauterize the wound. Even a troll's claws may be enough to rip hydra heads. %%%% hyperactive ballistomycete A ballistomycete in a state of all-out reproduction. It is constantly ravaged by explosions of spores, damaging everything nearby. %%%% ice beast A terrible creature, formed of snow and crystalline ice. Its feet leave puddles of icy water on the floor. %%%% ice devil A man-sized demon covered in glittering ice. %%%% ice dragon A white, frost-coated dragon. Snowflakes trickle from its nostrils. %%%% Ice Fiend A huge frigid demon covered in frost and wreathed in freezing air. It is one of the most terrible denizens of the many Hells. %%%% ice statue An imposing idol of some nameless arctic god, carved in glistening deep blue ice. Freezing vapours swirl about it, and a chill pervades the air. %%%% iguana A green lizard with strong jaws and sharp teeth, prized for its flesh. %%%% infernal demonspawn %%%% inept feature mimic A predator masquerading as an ordinary dungeon feature. %%%% inept item mimic An apparently abandoned item, actually a small beast in disguise. %%%% insubstantial wisp A thin wisp of floating gas, flickering, disappearing and reforming in a disconcertingly random fashion. %%%% iron devil A hideous humanoid figure with metal skin. While it lacks magical attacks and is slow of foot, it makes up for these failings with brute strength. %%%% iron dragon A very heavy, slow and apparently flightless dragon. It is named for its scales, which are so tough they might be iron. Small flakes of metal trail from its nostrils. %%%% iron elemental A rare and powerful spirit from the elemental plane of earth, it exists in this world by inhabiting a hulking mass of iron. %%%% the iron giant Huge, lumbering, and particularly dull, this rusting monolith packs quite the punch. It is quite possibly the largest giant you have ever seen. %%%% iron golem A large, ponderous and very solid statue of metal, given the power of locomotion through some esoteric means. %%%% iron imp An ugly, twisted little minor demon with metal skin. %%%% iron troll A great troll, mighty of limb and plated with thick scales that resemble lightly rusted iron, especially in their hardness. %%%% ironbrand convoker Guardian mages clad in pattern-etched armour, convokers can recite a word of recall to summon distant allies to their location, or imbue them with unnatural might. %%%% ironheart preserver Towering figures sheathed in heavy armour, preservers safeguard their allies by selflessly accepting a portion of the injuries inflicted upon them. %%%% item mimic An apparently abandoned item, actually a vicious little beast in disguise. %%%% jackal A small canine scavenger. Packs of these creatures roam the underworld, searching for carrion to devour. %%%% jelly A pulsating mass of acidic protoplasm. It can and will eat almost anything, and grows a little each time... %%%% jiangshi A vampiric thrall bound into servitude by esoteric rituals. Though its rigid limbs give it an awkward gait, it moves with surprising speed, leaping upon its victims and leeching away their life essence with its vicious claws. %%%% jumping spider A large venomous spider, which weaves webs between its front legs and leaps at its prey, ensnaring it. Those who see it in action and live to tell the tale say the speed with which it leaps is almost supernatural. %%%% killer bee A giant bee, bearing a deadly barb which can sting repeatedly. %%%% Killer Klown A comical figure full of life and laughter. It looks very happy to see you... but is there a slightly malicious cast to its features? Is that red face paint or something altogether less pleasant? %%%% kobold Kobolds are small, greyish creatures with the looks and temperaments of feral dogs. No one knows for sure where kobolds come from, but ancient demon-gods, evil spirits, and meddling wizards have all been suggested as culprits. %%%% kobold demonologist A kobold who is in league with demonic powers and can call forth beings from the depths of Hell. %%%% komodo dragon An enormous monitor lizard more than capable of preying on large animals. %%%% kraken A gargantuan sea monster, capable of devouring entire ships. It embraces them with its tentacles and draws them into the depths. Fortunately, the tentacles are too big to embrace a small creature like you. %%%% large abomination A large and hideous conglomeration of mangled body parts, demonically possessed and altered in ways that challenge sanity. %%%% lava snake A burning red snake which dwells in pools of lava. It spits gobs of molten rock at passers-by. %%%% lich A powerful wizard who has learned to cheat death itself, a lich is a skeletal, desiccated corpse kept intact by a mighty exercise of dark magic. This undead creature is quite powerful and is best avoided by all but the most skilled. %%%% lightning spire This contraption, made from a coil and a rod, is buzzing with electricity and can shoot it far, zapping anyone who comes into range. %%%% lindwurm A small serpentine dragon with a pair of strong forelimbs. Its thick scales give off an eerie green glow. %%%% lorocyproca A tall and gaunt figure, draped in long robes which flow as if alive. It thirsts for magical energies. %%%% lost soul The echo of a unmourned soul, flickering in and out of the mortal world. Though the memories of its living self are long-faded, it is drawn to the moment of death by some lingering instinct. So powerful is its drive for self and purpose that it seizes upon the passage of other souls, losing the last vestiges of its being in the memories of another's life. %%%% lurking horror A formless mass of negative energy. It seems to stop moving when you look at it. %%%% macabre mass A fused and twisted collection of body parts, weakly animated by necromancy. It is easily destroyed, but capable of merging with others to form more potent horrors. %%%% mana viper A violet-scaled serpent with faintly glowing eyes. It thirsts for magic as well as flesh, and its bite can drink dry the magical reservoirs of even a powerful mage in no time. %%%% manticore A hideous cross-breed, bearing the features of a human and a lion, with great bat-like wings. Its tail bristles with spikes that can be loosed at potential prey. %%%% merfolk A hybrid with the torso of a human and the tail of a fish, a merfolk dwells both in water and on land, and fiercely defends its domain. %%%% merfolk aquamancer A slender merfolk mystic with unusually webby hands. Its form shifts and glistens as if seen through ocean spray. %%%% merfolk impaler A powerfully muscled merfolk warrior, bearing a deadly weapon. %%%% merfolk javelineer A fearsome merfolk champion with a piercing gaze and a large bundle of javelins. %%%% mermaid A young merfolk woman who has become an acolyte of the sunken god. As a consequence of her worship, she has begun the transformation into an avatar of the mystery and danger of the sea's depths. Her voice can instill the same single-minded fascination that grabs hold of sailors on a long voyage. Why only female merfolk are called to become avatars of the sunken god is a mystery understood only by the avatars themselves. %%%% minotaur A large muscular human with the head of a bull. It makes its home in secluded labyrinths. %%%% molten gargoyle A hideous molten stone statue come to life, with flames licking across its body. %%%% monstrous demonspawn %%%% moth of wrath A rare species of moth, eradicated from the surface centuries ago due to its ability to drive those who look upon it insane with rage. %%%% mottled draconian A muscular humanoid with mottled scales, a reptilian tail and small wings. %%%% mottled dragon A small purple dragon with curiously mottled scales, its mouth dripping with a strange liquid flame. %%%% mummy An undead figure covered in bandages and embalming fluids, compelled to walk by an ancient curse. It radiates a malign aura. %%%% mummy priest An ancient servant of a long forgotten god, embalmed and cursed to walk in undeath for all eternity. %%%% naga A hybrid that is human from the waist up; below is a scaly, muscular snakelike tail. Its mouth drips with venomous saliva. %%%% naga mage A naga that has trained in the use of magic, trailed by an eldritch nimbus. It is especially skilled in spells dealing with poison and venom. %%%% naga ritualist An esoteric mystic draped in talismans. Their sect venerate poison as a sacred gift and means of spiritual purification, and their affinity for it is even stronger than the rest of their kin. By invoking secret rites they can render any venom more potent and spread its touch upon all those around them. %%%% naga sharpshooter A naga with exceptionally keen eyesight, adept in the use of ranged weaponry and simple magics which allows it to snipe at targets across nearly any obstruction. %%%% naga warrior A fearsome naga warrior clad in sturdy armour and wielding a mighty weapon. %%%% necromancer An evil wizard who is devoted to the practice of death magic, the mastery of unholy energies, and the raising of corpses into a parody of life. %%%% necrophage A vile undead creation of the most unholy necromancy, this creature is made from the decaying corpses of humanoid creatures. It exists to spread disease and decay, and gains power from the decaying corpses of other beings. %%%% neqoxec A weirdly shaped demon, pulsing and shifting with mutagenic energies, its belly distended with the devoured brains of its victims. %%%% octopode A more intelligent cousin of the mighty kraken, capable of using tools and spells. They are fully amphibious, but most of their species choose to stay beneath the waves and serve their King. %%%% octopode crusher This unusually strong warrior has achieved mastery over the rocks as well as the waves. Its tentacles move with uncanny grace and seem capable of sending you hurtling through the air. %%%% ogre A large, ugly, and fat creature, distantly related to orcs and goblins. It is tremendously strong. %%%% ogre mage A rare breed of ogre, skilled in the use of magic. It usually becomes a chieftain among its kin. %%%% oklob plant A very dangerous plant which fends off predators by spraying corrosive vitriol at them. Even experienced adventurers give oklob plants a wide berth. %%%% oklob sapling A young oklob plant. It's more fragile than the mature specimen, but the acid it sprays is just as deadly. %%%% ooze A glob of grey sludge that has somehow developed a rudimentary awareness and limited motility. %%%% ophan A creature from the heavenly realms. It consists of a wheel within a wheel, and both of these are covered in eyes; strange flames of holy fire flicker all over it. %%%% orange crystal statue An intricately carved idol of some nameless godling, hewn of translucent orange crystal. Its lifeless eyes seem to glitter uncannily with a wicked intelligence. It is capable of unleashing a powerful psychic assault upon the minds of any who approach it. %%%% orange demon An amber-coloured demon with a tail not unlike that of a scorpion. It contains a potent venom that can render its victims weak and their blows feeble. %%%% orange rat A unusually large rat with weird knobbly orange skin, glowing with unholy energies. %%%% Orb Guardian A huge, glowing, four-limbed purple creature with heightened senses, created by the Orb to watch over itself. It guards the Orb with enormous punctiliousness and violence. %%%% orb of destruction This globe of pure magic is a conjured projectile that homes onto a designated target, albeit with massive inertia. A smart and agile person may move out of its path, causing it to damage its surroundings or even go around in circles. Be sure to step at least two paces to the side, though, for it is not swayed by minute movements, including those from the Dodging skill. %%%% orb of fire A globe of raw primordial fire, capable of impressive pyrotechnics, and of twisting the very flesh of creatures who come into its ken. %%%% orb spider An eerily glowing spider with strands of pure energy emerging from its spinnerets. It seems to want to keep its distance. %%%% orc An ugly subterranean race, orcs combine the worst features of humans, pigs and several other unpleasant creatures. They tend to run in packs or mobs, and delight in outbursts of insane violence. %%%% orc high priest An exalted servant of the orc god Beogh and a master of many black rites, to whose aid Beogh will even send beings from the netherworld. %%%% orc knight A heavily armoured orc, covered in scars from many past battles. Orc knights command their brethren in battle, rousing them to greater, more violent efforts with bloodcurdling shouts. %%%% orc priest A servant of Beogh, the ancient and cruel god of the orcs. Beogh rewards the prayers of devoted servants by striking down their enemies. %%%% orc sorcerer An exceptionally competent orcish wizard, in league with hellish and chthonic forces and motivated by the purest imaginable strain of malevolence. %%%% orc warlord A supreme commander of an orc host, skilled at both melee and ranged combat. %%%% orc warrior An experienced, armoured and well-armed orc soldier, able to command a small mob of its fellows. %%%% orc wizard While orcs generally prefer physical combat, some of their kind gain proficiency in the occult arts — though still for martial purposes. %%%% pale draconian A muscular humanoid with pale scales, a reptilian tail and small wings. %%%% pandemonium lord A formidable demon lord inhabiting the endless halls of Pandemonium. Each one is different, with its own set of strengths and weaknesses. %%%% pearl dragon A dragon consecrated to the holy divine powers. Its breath is blessed fire, and its claws sear its victims with divine wrath. %%%% phantasmal warrior A hideous translucent green spirit of a warrior fallen in battle but recalled to this plane by unholy magic. The blade it wields is ethereal, passing easily through shields and armour, and rendering those it strikes more susceptible to magic. %%%% phantom A nearly-transparent undead spirit, suspected by some sages to be a degenerate form of ghost, with no memories of its former life. It rarely stays in one place for long. %%%% pillar of salt A large pillar of salt that is quickly crumbling away. %%%% plant Few plants can grow in the unpleasant dungeon environment, but some have managed to adapt and even thrive underground in the absence of the sun. %%%% player ghost The apparition of an unfortunate adventurer, retaining many of the skills and abilities the adventurer had in life. It is condemned to haunt this particular level of the dungeons, lashing out violently at the next adventurer to cross its path. %%%% polar bear A large and very strong bear covered in glistening white fur, habituated to cold conditions. Like all ursines, the polar bear will become enraged if badly hurt or frightened. %%%% porcupine A vicious rodent with a coat of sharp quills and a painful bite. %%%% profane servitor This blasphemous being used to be an angel of the Shining One. Now it stands as unliving proof that not even the holiest of beings are beyond Yredelemnul's grasp. %%%% program bug A ravenous and incredibly buggy monster. Please report its existence to the DevTeam. %%%% purple draconian A muscular purple-scaled humanoid with a reptilian tail and small wings. %%%% putrid demonspawn %%%% quasit A cowardly little demon with a long, viciously pointed tail. Its sharp claws are coated with a venom that stiffens muscles. %%%% queen ant A bloated ant, covered in thick chitinous armour and possessing a strong poison. It is the sovereign of the colony and, when not disturbed, is constantly laying eggs. Once capable of flight, it has long since shed its wings; only rudimentary stubs remain. %%%% queen bee A ruler of a swarm of bees, even larger and more dangerous than her many offspring. %%%% quicksilver dragon A long and sinuous dragon, seemingly more neck and tail than anything else. Its skin shines like molten mercury, magical energies arc from its pointed snout, and it moves with terrifying swiftness. %%%% quokka A pesky little marsupial that is a bit like a rat, but not quite. %%%% rakshasa A demon in the form of a tiger who comes to the material world in search of power and knowledge. Rakshasas are experts in the art of illusion, and are simultaneously intelligent and cruel. %%%% rat A dirty rodent that has grown large and aggressive in the dungeon environment. %%%% raiju An profoundly unnatural hound, crackling with electricity. Remarkably, it can transform into living lightning and bolt forth, harmlessly passing pack mates while painfully piercing prey. %%%% raven An opportunistic scavenger bird that is quite proactive in the production of carrion. It has a particularly unhealthy fascination with eyeballs and things resembling eyeballs, such as pickled onions, walnuts and olives. %%%% ravenous feature mimic A deadly venomous tentacled predator with an ability to shapeshift and masquerade as an ordinary-looking dungeon feature, in order to catch foolish passers-by and crush them in its deadly grasp. %%%% ravenous item mimic A deadly venomous tentacled predator with an ability to shapeshift into a small item. While not of a formidable size, it is not a living creature and its tentacles are harder than steel. %%%% reaper A skeletal form wielding a giant scythe. %%%% red devil A larger cousin of the common imp, with a fiendish grin and two short wings sprouting from its shoulders. They favor barbed tridents, often taunting their victims as they prod them from afar then nimbly retreat from pursuit. %%%% red draconian A muscular red-scaled humanoid with a reptilian tail and small wings. %%%% red wasp A huge red wasp with a viciously barbed stinger. Potent paralytic poison drips from its tip. %%%% redback A vicious black spider with a splash of red on its swollen abdomen. Its mandibles drip with lethal poison. %%%% revenant A skeletal form wreathed in cold blue fire, standing astride this life and the next. Echoes of the lingering dead flicker within its ghostly flames. %%%% the royal jelly A particularly rich and golden gelatinous thing. Smaller jellies swim and pulse just below its surface, ready to burst forth at the slightest touch. %%%% salamander Not the common harmless amphibian, but the far more dangerous mythological beast with which that amphibian shares its name. A red, flaming half-human half-snake creature with a legendary affinity for fire. %%%% salamander firebrand The rarest of the salamander castes, possessed of fearsome agility and unparallelled martial prowess. Their mastery of fire is woven into every strike of their weapons, filling the air around their opponent with sweltering flames. So hot does their blood run that even outside their native terrain, few can escape their pursuit. %%%% salamander mystic A member of the salamander's scholarly caste, possessed of lesser size and strength, but wise in the ways of magic. Through hermetic rites, they can channel the fire within them to empower their allies, hurl blasts of lava or, by fusing their arts with those of their naga brethren, ignite even a single drop of poison within the veins of an enemy. %%%% satyr A more intelligent relative of the faun, often found in their company, and far more unforgiving of — and dangerous to — interlopers. %%%% scorpion A loathsome arachnid, armed to the teeth. Its body is covered in a thick carapace, its tail is tipped by a venomous sting, and its forelimbs are equipped with a pair of sharp grasping claws. %%%% sea snake A brightly coloured snake, very comfortable in the water. It has a highly potent venomous bite. %%%% seraph The Seraphim, or the Burning Ones, are the highest rank of the angelic hosts, the mightiest servants of the good gods. They have six wings and but one face, and are said to sometimes take the forms of fiery serpents. %%%% shadow A wisp of unliving shadow, slipping in and out of the darkness of the dungeon. It moves swiftly and silently from one pool of shade to another, striking unerringly from the blind spots of those who cannot see it. %%%% shadow demon A mysterious demonic figure, difficult to distinguish from the darkness around it. It weaves the shadows into powerful minions. %%%% shadow dragon A great umbral dragon, radiating evil and death. Its breath reeks of the grave. %%%% Shadow Fiend A horrible being that appears as a great mass of writhing shadows which occasionally reveals a huge, horned skeleton. It is one of the most terrible denizens of the many Hells. %%%% shadow imp A shadowy minor demon, with an affinity for the necromantic arts. %%%% shadow wraith A mist-wreathed skeletal shadow, hanging in mid-air. It drains away the lifeforce of living beings. %%%% shambling mangrove A large and gnarled mangrove, possessed of sapience and a cantankerous disposition. Its roots run deep through the water and soil of its marshy home and can make footing very difficult for those who provoke its ire. Despite their kind's sour countenance, marsh fauna are often found nesting within their branches; beware, for they may not take kindly to being disturbed. %%%% shapeshifter A disturbing creature with the power to change its form. It is very rarely observed alive in its natural state. %%%% sheep A dim-witted, fluffy ovine, better known for its woolly hide than its ferociousness. Dungeon sheep are nevertheless far more murderous than their surface brethren. It looks quite flammable. %%%% shining eye A huge and strangely deformed floating eyeball, pulsating with flesh-twisting energy. Beauty is certainly nowhere to be found in this beholder. %%%% shock serpent A sinuous serpent whose body crackles with volatile electricity. Its electric shroud can discharge when struck, inflicting a painful shock on any nearby foes. %%%% silent spectre The bane of wizards, these terrible spirits bring an unearthly silence to the area around them, making it impossible to recite the magical incantations involved with casting spells or reading scrolls. %%%% silver statue A beautiful statue of an unknown creature, glistening with a silvery hue. Its eyes glow with an otherworldly, malignant radiance. If approached, it may call forth demons to defend itself. %%%% simulacrum An ice replica of a monster, animated by the powers of necromancy. %%%% siren Once a merfolk woman, she has become an avatar of the sunken god. Her voice can instill the same single-minded fascination that grabs hold of sailors on a long voyage. Her song also can call up the souls of others who have drowned in her waters in order to bring you the same watery bliss. Why only female merfolk are called to become avatars of the sunken god is a mystery understood only by the avatars themselves. %%%% sixfirhy A small vile creature that moves in bursts, stopping then darting with lightning speed. It seems to throw sparks all around. It can heal from electrical damage, although being hit by more than it can handle will have rather violent results. %%%% skeletal warrior The vicious and heavily armed skeleton of a humanoid creature, animated by unholy power. %%%% skeleton A skeleton compelled to unlife by the exercise of necromancy. %%%% sky beast A strange aerial creature formed of clouds and tortured flesh that sparkles with electricity and, every so often, slips entirely from view. %%%% slave A once proud human who has been magically enslaved, and is now a timid, simpering creature, ready to perform any deed at its master's command. However, its magical enslavement lasts only as long as its master does, and it would surely appreciate being freed. %%%% slime creature An icky glob of slime, which slithers along the ground, occasionally merging with other nearby globs... %%%% small abomination A hideous mass of body parts, part animated dead flesh, part demon. %%%% smoke demon An infernal demon that manifests itself as a writhing cloud of smoke. Having considerable pyrokinetic powers, it can very effectively attack its enemies from afar. %%%% snaplasher vine A swift and sinuous vine brought alive by a dryad's magic. It can quickly bind and entangle even a troll, dragging them back to the forest from which it surges. %%%% snaplasher vine segment Part of a swift and sinuous vine brought alive by a dryad's magic. It can quickly bind and entangle even a troll, dragging them back to the forest from which it surges. %%%% snapping turtle A belligerent testudine with an armoured carapace. Its neck is surprisingly extensible and can reach out and bite from afar. When threatened, it will retreat inside its shell. %%%% soldier ant A tough ant with a disproportionately large head, strong mandibles, and a vicious sting capable of injecting painful venom. It is a soldier, and thus tasked with protecting the colony from invaders. %%%% soul eater This demon looks like a malignantly shifting shadow gliding through the air. It radiates an intense aura of negative force. %%%% spatial maelstrom A malevolent rift in reality, dissolving all terrain it passes by into swirling vortices. %%%% spatial vortex A crazily shifting twist in the fabric of reality. %%%% spectral thing A hideous glowing apparition. %%%% spectral weapon A spirit drawn from a weapon — it never strikes on its own. Damage done to it will be partially mirrored onto the caster. %%%% spellforged servitor A magical construct woven with a portion of a conjurer's magic and bonded with a primitive elemental intelligence, summoned from an outer plane. The magic it is forged with gives it the capacity to wield some of its creator's destructive spells. %%%% sphinx A large creature with a woman's head, a lion's body and the wings of a huge bird, able to cloud the minds of its foes and wield fell magics. %%%% spider An ordinary orb-weaving spider with a distinctive white cross on its back. While not as grotesquely huge as other arachnids to be found in this environment, it is still as big as a small cat. %%%% spiny frog These frogs are the size of a wolf, and are covered in small spines and spurs, dripping with venom. %%%% spriggan A small humanoid, resembling a human or elf except for the size. They move at a great speed, and love playing dirty tricks on people. %%%% spriggan air mage A magically adept spriggan blessed with the secrets of the winds. %%%% spriggan berserker A relatively mighty spriggan that plunges recklessly into combat. %%%% spriggan defender An elite, well-equipped spriggan warrior, renowned for its prowess with advanced weaponry and unbelievable agility. %%%% spriggan druid A spriggan whose connection with the birds and the beasts is exceptionally strong. Revelling in nature, these protectors of forests are the doom of anyone who so much as snaps a twig. %%%% spriggan rider Mounted on wasps, these cruel riders make sure anyone who dares to intrude on the spriggan fens and cairns will regret it. %%%% starcursed mass A mass of stellar detritus that glows with the sickly putrescence of a dying star, forever shrieking soundlessly in a voice beyond mortal grasp. Its form quivers and undulates constantly, dividing spontaneously and then withdrawing when threatened. While the voice of even a single one is unsettling, in chorus, their screams can overwhelm the minds of even the bravest warriors, leaving them stunned and helpless. %%%% starspawn tentacle The writhing appendage of a tentacled starspawn, capable of grasping nearly any prey and dragging it back to be devoured. Any damage dealt to it hurts the whole creature. %%%% starspawn tentacle segment A sinuous length of an extended starspawn tentacle. Any damage dealt to it hurts the whole creature. %%%% statue At first glance, this piece of sculpted granite appears inert. The red glow from its eyes, however, suggests it is no mere stone. Although it is rooted to its base, it can still move parts of itself. %%%% steam dragon A relatively small grey dragon, with a resilient-looking scaly hide and steam pouring from its mouth. %%%% stone giant A gigantic humanoid with grey skin almost as hard as rock. It carries several boulders, and is perfectly capable of flinging them a great distance. %%%% storm dragon A huge and very powerful dragon, with hide of thick matte scales, almost like blue rubber, and enormous scaly wings, along which sparks are continually crackling. %%%% sun demon A demonic figure shining with the heat and fury of a fallen star. %%%% swamp dragon A large slimy dragon, its gnarly hide covered in swamp muck. Noxious gasses dribble from its snout. %%%% swamp drake A small and slimy dragon, covered in swamp muck. {{ if you.can_smell() then return "It smells terrible." end }} %%%% swamp worm A large slimy worm, adept at swimming through the muck of this foul swamp. %%%% tarantella A small but greatly-feared spider whose attacks cause victims to break into a frenzied dance. %%%% tengu A humanoid figure with the head and talons of a bird. Its ferociously combative nature belies its fragile appearance. %%%% tengu conjurer One of many tengu with a talent for the destructive magical arts. %%%% tengu reaver An elite, ferocious tengu highly skilled with both steel and spells. %%%% tengu warrior A particularly bloodthirsty tengu who has opted to hone their skill in fighting and weaponry instead of spellcasting. %%%% tentacle This mighty tentacle is part of a kraken. Any damage dealt to it hurts the whole creature. %%%% tentacle segment Part of the mighty tentacle of a kraken. Any damage dealt to it hurts the whole creature. %%%% tentacled monstrosity A writhing mass of tentacles, all covered in putrid mucus. %%%% tentacled starspawn A lumbering maw shrouded in a mass of sinuous tentacles. Every now and again, one slithers out to drag unfortunate prey back into its waiting gullet. %%%% thrashing horror A seething mass of yellow flesh. It thrashes erratically, staggering foes beneath the weight of its impacts. %%%% titan This huge, bolt-hurling, lightning-limned humanoid is unusually large and powerful, even among giants. %%%% thorn hunter A predatory marsh plant, possessed of motility and a rudimentary intelligence. It stalks its prey swiftly, creating sudden profusions of spiny brambles with which to ensnare them and then skewering the trapped creatures with accurate volleys of its own razor-sharp thorns. %%%% toadstool A short-lived species of fungus typically found on or around decaying organic matter. %%%% toenail golem A huge animated statue made entirely from toenail clippings. Some people just have too much time on their hands. %%%% tormentor A malign devil covered in all manner of claws, spines, and cruel hooks. It is able to inflict torturous agony on those foolish enough to gaze upon it. %%%% torpor snail A huge gastropod with a lime-green shell. Torpor snails are said to be in some way connected with the god Cheibriados; just being near them is enough to slow the movements of unwary adventurers, leaving them easy prey for the snails' terrifying, ever-gnashing radulae. %%%% torturous demonspawn %%%% training dummy A mannequin used for battle practice. %%%% trapdoor spider A fast-moving arachnid that both surprises its prey and evades its enemies by concealing itself in crannies in the dungeon floor. %%%% troll The common troll is a huge and physically powerful humanoid creature. Short on intelligence but long on brawn, its thick knobbly hide heals rapidly from most wounds. %%%% twister A whirling vortex of turbulent air. %%%% two-headed ogre A huge ogre with two heads on top of a bloated ogre body. It is capable of holding a weapon in each giant hand. %%%% ufetubus A chattering and shrieking minor demon. %%%% ugly thing An ugly thing. According to legend, this mutated creature is the otherworldly spawn of a wizard's breeding experiment. Yuck. %%%% unborn A devotee of Yredelemnul that has committed to eternal worship and servitude — even beyond death. %%%% unseen horror A creature rarely seen by anyone; those few who have seen one would rather they hadn't. %%%% vampire A human cursed with vampirism, drifting in a state between life and undeath, perpetually hungry for the blood of the living. %%%% vampire bat A large black bat with vicious fangs that feeds on blood. This is the preferred form for vampires in disguise. %%%% vampire knight A powerful vampire noble who complements its combat prowess with dark magic. %%%% vampire mage A sorcerer who, by accident or design, has been afflicted with the curse of the vampire. Regardless, through undeath, this wizard has finally mastered the art of dark magic. %%%% vampire mosquito A mosquito that has fed upon tainted blood and been transformed into a revolting and pestilent undead insect, seeking to drain its victims to the last drop. %%%% vault guard A heavily armed and armoured guardian of the Vaults. %%%% vault sentinel Vigilant scouts of the Vaults, sentinels are quick to alert their fellows to the presence of intruders. They can mark these same intruders with magic such that they will be unable to hide from pursuit, no matter where they flee. %%%% vault warden Veteran commanders of the Vaults, wardens can seal nearby doorways to prevent intruders from either trespassing further or escaping alive. %%%% very ugly thing A very ugly thing. According to legend, this hideously mutated creature is the otherworldly spawn of a wizard's breeding experiment. Double yuck! %%%% vine stalker A bizarre symbiotic creature, made up of a carnivorous vine magically combined with a humanoid. %%%% wandering mushroom A large, fleshy mushroom that wanders slowly around the dungeon. It is both innately curious and incredibly shy, pursuing the objects of its curiosity only when out of sight. Noxious spores drift around its cap. %%%% warg A particularly large and evil-looking wolf, usually found in the company of orcs. %%%% war gargoyle A rare type of gargoyle, constructed from a solid steel statue and imbued with vicious strength, speed, and weaponized breath. %%%% warmonger %%%% water elemental A spirit drawn from the elemental plane of water. It exists on this world as part of a body of water and can engulf other beings in its form, depriving them of breath and voice. %%%% water moccasin A largish venomous brown snake. It usually lives near water, and is an able swimmer. %%%% water nymph A strikingly beautiful and capricious nature spirit, deeply bonded with the waters in which she lives. Wherever they flow, so may she, and ponds and rivers surge and leap at her whim. Beware, for many unwitting adventurers have found themselves drawn beneath her waters by a simple touch, only for it to become their final resting place. %%%% white draconian A muscular white-scaled humanoid with a reptilian tail and small wings. %%%% white imp A small and mischievous minor demon covered in frost. %%%% wight An ancient warrior, kept in a state of perpetual undeath by its desire to die with honour in battle. %%%% wind drake A small but powerful dragon, particularly adept amongst its kin at manipulating the currents of air that surround it. It can exhale powerful blasts of wind. %%%% wizard A rather eccentric person, dabbling in all sorts of arcane oddities. %%%% wolf A strong wild canine, with sharp teeth and a healthy appetite. %%%% wolf spider A hairy fast-moving hunting spider with vicious mandibles. It roams the dungeon in search of prey, which it kills with its deadly venom. %%%% worker ant A wingless black insect with sharp mandibles capable of injecting a deadly poison. It is a worker, and thus tasked with gathering food — any living being it encounters is a potential meal. %%%% worldbinder A cloud of thick fog, with faint, feeble claws constantly reaching out and grasping futilely before being pulled back in by the fog. When threatened, it can call forth creatures banished to the void between realities, using them to defend itself. %%%% worm A giant annelid, glistening with slime, with unusually large teeth. %%%% wraith This undead spirit appears as a cloud of black mist surrounding an insubstantial skeletal form. Its eyes burn bright with unholy malevolence and hunger for life essence, on which it feeds. %%%% wretched star A conflux of unearthly light and energy, awash in unnatural colours and strange forms no normal being was meant to perceive. Merely being near it fills your body with the disorder of the Abyss. %%%% wyvern A dragon-like creature with a long, sharply pointed tail. Although smaller and less formidable than true dragons, wyverns are nonetheless a foe to be reckoned with. %%%% yak The common dungeon yak, covered in shaggy yak hair and bearing a nasty pair of yak horns. %%%% yaktaur A hybrid with the torso of a robust human atop the body of a yak. Although they excel in ranged combat, they are also formidable foes in close quarters. %%%% yaktaur captain An exceptionally strong and brutish yaktaur, it is able to order its weaker brethren around to do its bidding. %%%% yellow draconian A muscular yellow-scaled humanoid with a reptilian tail and small wings. %%%% yellow wasp A giant wasp covered with thick plates of yellow chitinous armour. Its deadly venom can render most beings unable to move. %%%% ynoxinul A winged demon covered in shiny metallic scales. It has a legion of minor demons under its command. %%%% zombie A corpse raised to undeath by necromancy. %%%% # Specials test spawner (If you see this outside wizmode or the arena, this is a bug.) Whatever it is, it is capable of spawning countless monsters by casting Shadow Creatures, and is virtually undestructible itself. To destroy it, lower the central elevator pillar, then pump rockets into the hole in its exposed brain when the pillar rises to an appropriate height. You can add another rocket while jumping down. Oh wait, wrong game. %%%% ghost The remains of a monster that existed in an older version, but has since been removed. %%%% sensed monster You know there is some creature here, and that it is not one of your allies. %%%% trivial sensed monster By the power of Ashenzari, you know there is some creature here, and that it shouldn't give you the slightest concern. %%%% easy sensed monster By the power of Ashenzari, you know there is some creature here, and that you should be able to defeat it without much risk. %%%% tough sensed monster By the power of Ashenzari, you know there is some creature here, and that it is somewhat dangerous. %%%% nasty sensed monster By the power of Ashenzari, you know there is some creature here, and that it is very dangerous. %%%% friendly sensed monster {{ if you.god() == "Ashenzari" then return "By the power of Ashenzari, you" else return "You" end }} know there is some creature here, and that it is one of your allies. %%%% ############################################################################## ### Vault-defined monsters ############################################################################## Cloud Mage This strange wizard has attained mastery over clouds, and his mystic gestures are as deft as they are foreboding. %%%% Hellbinder A mighty spellcaster, wreathed in arcane energies, and muttering the most profane incantations you might ever have heard. %%%% # arena sprint final boss Master Blaster A mighty old lich, notorious for blasting people with powerful conjurations at the slightest provocation, or just on a whim. %%%% Statue of Wucad Mu This statue, made of a fine glassy orange crystal, depicts a mystic known as Wucad Mu, who mastered the matters of the mind. Beware of the statue's powers, as you have no chance in mental combat against it. %%%% air elementalist statue A delicate statue of a tengu gliding through the air. It looks quite insubstantial. %%%% ancient champion An unfathomably ancient skeleton. It has hundreds of golden sigils etched onto its bones, and pulses with terrible, unholy power. %%%% antique lich A lich who has grown expensive over countless years. %%%% apprentice kobold demonologist A kobold who is in league with demonic powers. It can call forth beings from the depths of Hell, but has not yet mastered the skill well enough to command anything but the most minor of demons. %%%% archer statue The likeness of a beautiful elven archer, sculpted in finest marble. It holds a bow aloft, and appears to be magically animated, letting it use the bow to riddle you with arrows. %%%% big kobold necromancer A kobold that is not only bigger and smarter than most, but also a good deal more evil. Fortunately, from the looks of this place, it's unlikely it could get its grubby hands onto the corpse of anything dangerous. %%%% captured wizard With wild eyes, this wizard frantically mumbles and waves his arms, but is unable to cast a single spell. His tongue has been cut off! %%%% charred statue It looks like this statue has been imbued with fire magic, letting it use fire-based conjurations against you. Fortunately, it looks pretty ineptly made, and its charring shows that it has trouble controlling its magic as well. %%%% Cigotuvi's Monster This terrifying creation looks to have been constructed from the body parts of every monstrous creature imaginable, and sprouts some writhing tentacles. %%%% conjurer statue This statue seems to harness the mightiest pure conjurations ever devised by Iskenderun. %%%% decayed bog body An undead figure preserved by the brackish waters of a bog. This one seems to have decayed quite a bit, and looks weak. %%%% deformed humanoid This poor creature looks hideously deformed. %%%% demonic plant Just as demons are shaped in a mockery of living beings, this thing is a mockery of a plant, with mysterious appendages and tentacles writhing around. Fortunately it appears to be harmless, but with demons you can never be sure. %%%% dimme A terrible demon, or perhaps a demigodess, with powers over death, disease, and suffering. Its presence is horrifying, but supernaturally compelling. %%%% drunken dwarf This short fellow seems to be working as an ale quality tester, and is enjoying the job a little too much. %%%% earth elementalist statue A plain statue of a dwarf wielding a pickaxe. It looks incredibly heavy. %%%% fire elementalist statue An ornately worked statue of an orc holding a torch aloft, hewn from black basalt. The air around it seems to shimmer. %%%% firespitter statue A statue of a large humanoid head, roughly cut from greyish gabbro. Its mouth is blackened with scorch-marks, and there is a faint ember glow in its empty eyes. %%%% flesh golem An animated mound of misshapen flesh, sculpted over an iron skeleton. %%%% frost-covered statue An ineptly made statue of a mage. Its magic keeps leaking, letting you know what kind of spells you can expect: cold-based ones. %%%% ghost-faced bat Does this bat merely possess the visage of a ghost, or is it a ghost itself? %%%% giga bat A huge, bloated bat. %%%% greater air elemental %%%% ice bat An undead creature in the shape of a bat, made of ice. %%%% kamikaze kobold This kobold is either mad or a martyr for some obscure kobold faith, being enchanted to explode in a blaze of fire. You'd better keep your distance! %%%% lasher statue This statue depicts a savage-looking slave driver with a vicious barbed whip. %%%% mad acolyte of Lugonu An insane follower of Lugonu. Years of living in the abyss have clearly taken their toll on this one's feeble mind. %%%% malarious mermaid Like other mermaids, this young merfolk woman who has become an acolyte of the sunken god, and is undergoing a transformation into an avatar. She looks deeply ill, but her voice still has the power to instill a powerful fascination in her victims. %%%% master elementalist The primal forces of the universe dance at this demented wizard's fingertips. %%%% megabat A huge black bat. %%%% microbat A bat that, despite its name, is not any smaller than a megabat. %%%% # Sprint only, too unhinged for regular games... oklob plant annihilator It would seem inconceivable that a mere plant could attain sentience and the use of magic, but that's what you see here. What sorcery is it? %%%% oklob plant conjurer %%%% oklob plant demonologist %%%% oklob plant meteorologist %%%% oklob plant shifter %%%% oklob plant summoner %%%% oklob sapling priest This immature oklob plant seems to be mumbling some orisons... er, what?!? %%%% oklob sapling wizard %%%% orb beetle A monstrously big beetle who apparently ate a mighty conjurer, or maybe an orb spider. Or perhaps it's a product of divine experiments, in which case it looks like Xom's handiwork... %%%% orb of electricity A massive floating ball. It resembles ball lightning, but looks far more stable. It definitely lacks some heavy-duty insulation, though. %%%% # I'm not sure how widely cosmogonical Norse myths are known to an average # reader; Crawl's audience tends to be far more educated though, so let's # hope the concepts of Ginnungagap, Niflheim and Muspelheim are not too # obscure. orb of ice A globe of primordial ice, floating in the air. You don't know whether the tales about the world's once being a void bracketed by realms of endless fire and cold are true, but if they are, this orb may be a relic of that ancient time. %%%% petrified plant Something has turned this ordinary plant into stone. %%%% phase bat A strange, glowing bat that seems to flutter through more dimensions than the average bat. %%%% phase spider An otherworldly spider that can move short and medium distances by briefly shifting between the planes of reality, in order to better ensnare its prey. %%%% pristine statue An immaculately sculpted porphyry statue of an archer poised to release an arrow, with a full quiver at the hip. The individually sculpted arrows look almost as if they could be removed one by one and used in a real bow. %%%% rotten bat This bat is well past its sell-by date. %%%% sickly siren A young woman with a fish tail in place of legs. She looks quite sick, but still capable of bespelling her audience. %%%% skeletal archer The vicious and heavily armed skeleton of a humanoid creature, animated by unholy power. It wields a bow, and fires with deadly accuracy. %%%% skeletal bat A bat skeleton without the decency to lie unmoving like dead bats are supposed to. %%%% spriggan baker A spriggan that has mastered the culinary arts. %%%% strange machine A glistening silver machine. %%%% water elementalist statue A smooth, charming statue of a beautiful merfolk bathing in a fountain, sculpted from creamy, faintly pinkish travertine. It glistens softly in the light, as if sprinkled in actual water. %%%% young spriggan druid A junior member of the order of spriggans sworn to protect nature. While less dangerous than the elders, this one is perfectly capable of dealing with trespassers like you. %%%% vine covered earth elemental While formed from ordinary old weathered stone, covered with moss and vines, this earth elemental still demands respect. It is still hard as stone, after all, and its weight spells massive damage if it connects a blow. %%%% witch An old and unnaturally ugly human, wearing robes stained with what appears to be swamp ooze, cauldron soot and brew ingredients. %%%% withered plant This plant lost the war against life-draining influences, and yet its physical form is intact. Its dead body stays here uneaten, as the small creatures that would naturally decompose it prefer to stay away. And it looks like this plant died many {{ if you.branch() == "Crypt" or you.branch() == "Tomb" then return "centuries"; else return "years"; end }} ago. %%%% zin angel A divine agent of Zin, it is a towering winged figure with an aura of brilliant white light. This angel's face, though, is marked by a scowl, as if its zeal against any real or perceived vice overshadows its goodness. %%%% zot statue An utterly bizarre statue, hewn from a single piece of dark gabbro scintillating with tiny crystals. It is impossible to tell whether the statue is intended to represent some creature or personage, or is completely abstract. One thing is certain: it is profoundly disturbing. %%%% ### Arena sprint boss renames dire wolf spider %%%% giant anaconda %%%% greater orb of eyes %%%% naga warlord %%%% sulfuric acid blob %%%% vault guard captain %%%% ### Meatsprint bag of meat One of the legions of abominations created by the sculptors of flesh. It is a horrendous imitation of the human form, consisting of an unrecognisable mass of meat stitched together with limbs sewn on seemingly at random. Its skin hangs off loosely in some places and bulges repulsively in others. Each one bears a large symbol carved into its flesh, a mark of pride from its twisted creator. %%%% large bag of meat One of the legions of abominations created by the sculptors of flesh. Its bloated hulk pulsates and throbs constantly with accursed fires. It looks as if it could explode into a torrent of viscera at any moment. %%%% meat berserker One of the legions of abominations created by the sculptors of flesh. Its form is large and muscular. It moves swiftly and with impetuous fury, the sole thought within its being to rend you apart with great fervour. As it rages, it creates a cacophonous din. %%%% meat hydra One of the legions of abominations created by the sculptors of flesh. Each of its eight necks is distended and elongated, connected to a colossal body crumpled and dripping with ichor. Its many heads spew blood while writhing and convulsing in agony, as it brings torment to itself and anything else that beholds its foul visage. %%%% meat beast One of the legions of abominations created by the sculptors of flesh. Ablaze with demonic frenzy, it gores and tramples with ferocity unmatched. Its skin is flayed, exposing the glistening tendons and sinew underneath, and the teeth inside its cavernous maw are stained with blood. %%%% sculptor of flesh An artisan of unlife, the sculptor appears as a grim skeletal form. It has six long arms ending in mangled hands with broken fingers, upon which it crawls like a spider. Its skull is abnormally large and full of holes. Its bones are reddened and fractured, inscribed with the unholy spells it weaves to assemble its puppets. %%%% destroyer The destroyers begin to descend upon you. They come in numbers and with wrath, maws gaping like abaddon, bottomless and abyssal. They bring your doom and will feast on your remains. %%%% accursed The accursed are the ones who came before. They have come to ensure you share their fate. %%%% tyrant A colossal mass of bones and skulls, a walking tomb. You hear shrieks and screams as it approaches, shattering off bones with each crushing step, reassembling itself in eternal unrest. %%%% dread An affront to existence, a void in which there is only torment and hellfire. Its unearthly form is torn and twisted, black and hollow. It is bereft of rational thought, knowing only hatred and the desire to desecrate your soul. %%%% scourge A vast serpentine form with raw and diseased skin, seeping bile and pus, spouting venom and blight. %%%% observer You see the unseen, you stare and they stare back. They whisper and laugh, they grin and cry, they leer at you with contempt and gaze at you in adoration. They are the observers, they are the judge of your worth and will decide your end. %%%% meat lost soul A spectre, struggling to leave the mortal world it is incarcerated in. It drains life and unlife from all those it comes into contact with. %%%% fleshlord One of the greatest servants of the Meatlord. It is muscular, agile and full of malevolence. %%%% vile An emaciated figure brimming with hellfire and plague. Its appearance signifies the end of days. %%%% The Servant His glaive is alight with the flames of hell. %%%% The Captor Those who enter will not escape. %%%% The Defiler His shield is emblazoned with images of infernal flames. %%%% The Meatlord You behold the embodiment of filth, corruption and depravity, the Meatlord. His foul body is bloated to the extreme, leaking viscous fluid and the stench of death. His head is that of a boar with bulging eyes and tusks split in two, his snout flares and oozes as he snorts and squeals at the sight of you, his mouth is a toothless rift which drools pools of blood and vomits forth disgusting remains. His neck is stretched and lops forward, its skin sagging downward. His immense gut writhes and distorts as the larvae within await their repugnant release. His legs are unrecognisable masses of flesh, covered in protrusions and throbbing boils. Your mind reels at the sight of this hideous form and your senses begin to shut down in an attempt to preserve your sanity as you choke on the oppressive stench. %%%% The Unspeakable You hear the echoes of planets behind the deafening roar of stars as it approaches. It is the jaws of the abyss. It brings forth crawling chaos from within. It is the last sight you will ever see. %%%%