%%%% amulet A piece of jewellery. %%%% blazing lamp A lamp. %%%% bone lantern A strange lantern made out of ancient bones. %%%% book A book of magic spells. Beware, for some of the more powerful grimoires are not to be toyed with. %%%% crystal ball A sphere of clear crystal. %%%% deck of cards A deck of cards. %%%% gauzy fan A fan. %%%% grey disc A grey disc. %%%% nondescript stone A lump of rock. %%%% potion A small bottle of liquid. "Then gave I her, -- so tutor'd by my art, -- A sleeping potion; which so took effect As I intended, for it wrought on her The form of death: meantime I writ to Romeo That he should hither come as this dire night, To help to take her from her borrow'd grave, Being the time the potion's force should cease." -William Shakespeare, _Romeo and Juliet_ %%%% ring A piece of jewellery. %%%% rod A stick imbued with magical properties. %%%% scroll A scroll of paper covered in magical writing. %%%% sealed bronze flask A heavy bronze flask, warm to the touch. %%%% silver horn A curving, roughly-chased silver horn, dulled by age. %%%% small ebony casket A small black box. I wonder what's inside? %%%% staff A stick imbued with magical properties. %%%% wand A stick. Maybe it's magical. %%%%