%%%% amulet A talisman to be worn as jewellery around the neck, charged with arcane powers of unknown provenance. %%%% book An arcane textbook containing magical spells of unknown origin. %%%% deck of cards A deck of powerful magical cards painted in the ichor of demons. They may have any number of helpful or dangerous effects when drawn. %%%% potion An unlabelled flask containing a single dose of unknown liquid. %%%% ring A talisman charged with arcane forces of unknown provenance, to be worn as jewellery on a finger. %%%% rod A magical rod which can wielded and evoked to cast a spell, drawing on a self-recharging reservoir of power. It is also robust enough to be used as a simple blunt weapon. %%%% scroll A disposable arcane formula inscribed on parchment by a professional scribe or sorcerer. Anyone can evoke the power of the arcane formula by reading it out loud, but the nature of that power is not a priori apparent. %%%% staff A staff improved with arcane powers of unknown nature. %%%% wand A stick. Maybe it's magical. %%%%