/* * File: dgn-height.cc * Summary: Dungeon heightmap routines. */ #include "AppHdr.h" #include "coord.h" #include "coordit.h" #include "dgn-height.h" #include "dungeon.h" #include "random.h" const int SHOALS_ISLAND_COLLIDE_DIST2 = 5 * 5; void dgn_initialise_heightmap(int height) { env.heightmap.reset(new grid_heightmap); for (rectangle_iterator ri(0); ri; ++ri) dgn_height_at(*ri) = height; } int resolve_range(int_range range, int nrolls) { return random_range(range.first, range.second, nrolls); } void dgn_island_centred_at(const coord_def &c, int n_points, int radius, int_range height_delta_range, int border_margin, bool make_atoll) { for (int i = 0; i < n_points; ++i) { const int thisrad = make_atoll? radius : random2(1 + radius); const coord_def p = dgn_random_point_from(c, thisrad, border_margin); if (!p.origin()) dgn_height_at(p) += resolve_range(height_delta_range); } } void dgn_smooth_height_at(coord_def c, int radius, int max_height) { const int height = dgn_height_at(c); if (max_height != DGN_UNDEFINED_HEIGHT && height > max_height) return; const int max_delta = radius * radius * 2 + 2; int divisor = 0; int total = 0; for (int y = c.y - radius; y <= c.y + radius; ++y) { for (int x = c.x - radius; x <= c.x + radius; ++x) { const coord_def p(x, y); if (!in_bounds(p)) continue; const int nheight = dgn_height_at(p); if (max_height != DGN_UNDEFINED_HEIGHT && nheight > max_height) continue; const coord_def off = c - p; const int weight = max_delta - off.abs(); divisor += weight; total += nheight * weight; } } dgn_height_at(c) = total / divisor; } void dgn_smooth_heights(int radius, int npasses) { for (int i = 0; i < npasses; ++i) { for (rectangle_iterator ri(0); ri; ++ri) dgn_smooth_height_at(*ri, radius); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // dgn_island_plan dgn_island_plan dgn_island_plan::shoals_islands(int margin) { dgn_island_plan plan; plan.level_border_depth = margin; plan.n_aux_centres = int_range(0, 3); plan.aux_centre_offset_range = int_range(2, 10); plan.atoll_roll = 10; plan.island_separation_dist2 = SHOALS_ISLAND_COLLIDE_DIST2; plan.n_island_centre_delta_points = int_range(50, 60); plan.island_centre_radius_range = int_range(3, 10); plan.island_centre_point_height_increment = int_range(40, 60); plan.n_island_aux_delta_points = int_range(25, 45); plan.island_aux_radius_range = int_range(2, 7); plan.island_aux_point_height_increment = int_range(25, 35); return (plan); } void dgn_island_plan::build(int nislands) { for (int i = 0; i < nislands; ++i) build_island(); } coord_def dgn_island_plan::pick_island_spot() { coord_def c; // Try to find a spot that's not too close to other islands; this // is not a guarantee, though. for (int i = 0; i < 15; ++i) { // Primary island centres should have a little clearance // around them, so use 2x the actual margin. c = dgn_random_point_in_margin(level_border_depth * 2); bool collides = false; for (int j = 0, size = islands.size(); j < size; ++j) { const coord_def island = islands[j]; const coord_def dist = island - c; if (dist.abs() < island_separation_dist2) { collides = true; break; } } if (!collides) break; } islands.push_back(c); return c; } void dgn_island_plan::build_island() { const coord_def c = pick_island_spot(); dgn_island_centred_at(c, resolve_range(n_island_centre_delta_points), resolve_range(island_centre_radius_range), island_centre_point_height_increment, level_border_depth, x_chance_in_y(atoll_roll, 100)); const int additional_heights = resolve_range(n_aux_centres); for (int i = 0; i < additional_heights; ++i) { const int addition_offset = resolve_range(aux_centre_offset_range); const coord_def offsetC = dgn_random_point_from(c, addition_offset, level_border_depth); if (!offsetC.origin()) dgn_island_centred_at( offsetC, resolve_range(n_island_aux_delta_points), resolve_range(island_aux_radius_range), island_aux_point_height_increment, level_border_depth, x_chance_in_y(atoll_roll, 100)); } } coord_def dgn_island_plan::pick_and_remove_random_island() { if (islands.empty()) return coord_def(0, 0); const int lucky_island = random2(islands.size()); const coord_def c = islands[lucky_island]; islands.erase(islands.begin() + lucky_island); return c; }