/* * File: direct.cc * Summary: Functions used when picking squares. * Written by: Linley Henzell * * Modified for Crawl Reference by $Author$ on $Date$ * * Change History (most recent first): * * <1> -/--/-- LRH Created */ #ifndef DIRECT_H #define DIRECT_H #include "externs.h" #include "enum.h" #include "ray.h" // last updated 12may2000 {dlb} /* *********************************************************************** * called from: acr - debug - effects - it_use3 - item_use - spells1 - * spells2 - spells3 - spells4 * *********************************************************************** */ struct crawl_view_geometry { public: coord_def termsz; // Size of the terminal. coord_def viewp; // Left-top pos of viewport. coord_def viewsz; // Size of the viewport (play area). coord_def hudp; // Left-top pos of status area. coord_def hudsz; // Size of the status area. coord_def msgp; // Left-top pos of the message pane. coord_def msgsz; // Size of the message pane. coord_def vgrdc; // What grid pos is at the centre of the view // usually you.pos(). coord_def viewhalfsz; coord_def glos1, glos2; // LOS limit grid coords (inclusive) coord_def vlos1, vlos2; // LOS limit viewport coords (inclusive) coord_def mousep; // Where the mouse is. static const int message_min_lines = 7; static const int hud_min_width = 41; static const int hud_min_gutter = 3; static const int hud_max_gutter = 6; private: coord_def last_player_pos; public: crawl_view_geometry(); void init_geometry(); void init_view(); void set_player_at(const coord_def &c, bool force_centre = false); coord_def view_centre() const { return viewp + viewhalfsz; } bool in_grid_los(const coord_def &c) const { return (c.x >= glos1.x && c.x <= glos2.x && c.y >= glos1.y && c.y <= glos2.y); } bool in_view_los(const coord_def &c) const { return (c.x >= vlos1.x && c.x <= vlos2.x && c.y >= vlos1.y && c.y <= vlos2.y); } bool in_view_viewport(const coord_def &c) const { return (c.x >= viewp.x && c.y >= viewp.y && c.x < viewp.x + viewsz.x && c.y < viewp.y + viewsz.y); } bool in_grid_viewport(const coord_def &c) const { return in_view_viewport(c - vgrdc + view_centre()); } }; extern crawl_view_geometry crawl_view; // An object that modifies the behaviour of the direction prompt. class targeting_behaviour { public: targeting_behaviour(bool just_looking = false); virtual ~targeting_behaviour(); // Returns a keystroke for the prompt. virtual int get_key(); virtual command_type get_command(int key = -1); virtual bool should_redraw(); public: bool just_looking; bool compass; }; // output from direction() function: struct dist { bool isValid; // valid target chosen? bool isTarget; // target (true), or direction (false)? bool isMe; // selected self (convenience: tx == you.x_pos, // ty == you.y_pos) bool isEndpoint; // Does the player want the attack to stop at (tx,ty)? bool isCancel; // user cancelled (usually key) bool choseRay; // user wants a specific beam int tx,ty; // target x,y or logical extension of beam to map edge int dx,dy; // delta x and y if direction - always -1,0,1 ray_def ray; // ray chosen if necessary // internal use - ignore int prev_target; // previous target // target - source (source == you.pos()) coord_def target() const { return coord_def(tx, ty); } }; void direction( dist &moves, targeting_type restricts = DIR_NONE, targ_mode_type mode = TARG_ANY, bool just_looking = false, bool needs_path = true, const char *prompt = NULL, targeting_behaviour *mod = NULL ); bool in_los_bounds(int x, int y); bool in_viewport_bounds(int x, int y); bool in_los(int x, int y); bool in_vlos(int x, int y); bool in_vlos(const coord_def &pos); void terse_describe_square(const coord_def &c); void full_describe_square(const coord_def &c); void describe_floor(); std::string get_monster_desc(const monsters *mon, bool full_desc = true); int dos_direction_unmunge(int doskey); std::string feature_description(int mx, int my, description_level_type dtype = DESC_CAP_A, bool add_stop = true); std::string raw_feature_description(dungeon_feature_type grid, trap_type tr = NUM_TRAPS); std::string feature_description(dungeon_feature_type grid, trap_type trap = NUM_TRAPS, description_level_type dtype = DESC_CAP_A, bool add_stop = true); std::vector features_by_desc(const base_pattern &pattern); inline int view2gridX(int vx) { return (crawl_view.vgrdc.x + vx - crawl_view.view_centre().x); } inline int view2gridY(int vy) { return (crawl_view.vgrdc.y + vy - crawl_view.view_centre().y); } inline coord_def view2grid(const coord_def &pos) { return pos - crawl_view.view_centre() + crawl_view.vgrdc; } inline int grid2viewX(int gx) { return (gx - crawl_view.vgrdc.x + crawl_view.view_centre().x); } inline int grid2viewY(int gy) { return (gy - crawl_view.vgrdc.y + crawl_view.view_centre().y); } inline coord_def grid2view(const coord_def &pos) { return (pos - crawl_view.vgrdc + crawl_view.view_centre()); } inline coord_def view2show(const coord_def &pos) { return (pos - crawl_view.vlos1 + coord_def(1, 1)); } inline coord_def grid2show(const coord_def &pos) { return (view2show(grid2view(pos))); } extern const struct coord_def Compass[8]; #endif