/* * File: format.cc * Created by: haranp on Sat Feb 17 13:35:54 2007 UTC */ #include "AppHdr.h" #include "colour.h" #include "format.h" #include "showsymb.h" #include "view.h" #include "viewchar.h" formatted_string::formatted_string(int init_colour) : ops() { if (init_colour) textcolor(init_colour); } formatted_string::formatted_string(const std::string &s, int init_colour) : ops() { if (init_colour) textcolor(init_colour); cprintf(s); } int formatted_string::get_colour(const std::string &tag) { if (tag == "h") return (YELLOW); if (tag == "w") return (WHITE); const int colour = str_to_colour(tag); return (colour != -1? colour : LIGHTGREY); } // Parses a formatted string in much the same way as parse_string, but // handles EOL by moving the cursor down to the next line instead of // using a literal EOL. This is important if the text is not supposed // to clobber existing text to the right of the lines being displayed // (some of the tutorial messages need this). // // If eot_ends_format, the end of text will reset the color to default // (pop all elements on the color stack) -- this is only useful if the // string doesn't have balanced tags. // formatted_string formatted_string::parse_block( const std::string &s, bool eot_ends_format, bool (*process)(const std::string &tag)) { // Safe assumption, that incoming color is LIGHTGREY std::vector colour_stack; colour_stack.push_back(LIGHTGREY); std::vector lines = split_string("\n", s, false, true); formatted_string fs; for (int i = 0, size = lines.size(); i < size; ++i) { if (i) { // Artificial newline - some terms erase to eol when printing a // newline. fs.cgotoxy(1, -1); // CR fs.movexy(0, 1); // LF } parse_string1(lines[i], fs, colour_stack, process); } if (eot_ends_format) { if (colour_stack.back() != colour_stack.front()) fs.textcolor(colour_stack.front()); } return (fs); } formatted_string formatted_string::parse_string( const std::string &s, bool eot_ends_format, bool (*process)(const std::string &tag), int main_colour) { // main_colour will usually be LIGHTGREY (default). std::vector colour_stack; colour_stack.push_back(main_colour); formatted_string fs; parse_string1(s, fs, colour_stack, process); if (eot_ends_format) { if (colour_stack.back() != colour_stack.front()) fs.textcolor(colour_stack.front()); } return fs; } // Parses a formatted string in much the same way as parse_string, but // handles EOL by creating a new formatted_string. void formatted_string::parse_string_to_multiple( const std::string &s, std::vector &out) { std::vector colour_stack; colour_stack.push_back(LIGHTGREY); std::vector lines = split_string("\n", s, false, true); for (int i = 0, size = lines.size(); i < size; ++i) { out.push_back(formatted_string()); formatted_string& fs = out.back(); fs.textcolor(colour_stack.back()); parse_string1(lines[i], fs, colour_stack, NULL); if (colour_stack.back() != colour_stack.front()) fs.textcolor(colour_stack.front()); } } // Helper for the other parse_ methods. void formatted_string::parse_string1( const std::string &s, formatted_string &fs, std::vector &colour_stack, bool (*process)(const std::string &tag)) { // FIXME: This is a lame mess, just good enough for the task on hand // (keyboard help). std::string::size_type tag = std::string::npos; std::string::size_type length = s.length(); std::string currs; bool masked = false; for (tag = 0; tag < length; ++tag) { bool revert_colour = false; std::string::size_type endpos = std::string::npos; // Break string up if it gets too big. if (currs.size() >= 999) { // Break the string at the end of a line, if possible, so // that none of the broken string ends up overwritten. std::string::size_type bound = currs.rfind(EOL, 999); if (bound != endpos) bound += strlen(EOL); else bound = 999; fs.cprintf(currs.substr(0, bound)); if (currs.size() > bound) currs = currs.substr(bound); else currs.clear(); tag--; continue; } if (s[tag] != '<' || tag >= length - 2) { if (!masked) currs += s[tag]; continue; } // Is this a << escape? if (s[tag + 1] == '<') { if (!masked) currs += s[tag]; tag++; continue; } endpos = s.find('>', tag + 1); // No closing >? if (endpos == std::string::npos) { if (!masked) currs += s[tag]; continue; } std::string tagtext = s.substr(tag + 1, endpos - tag - 1); if (tagtext.empty() || tagtext == "/") { if (!masked) currs += s[tag]; continue; } if (tagtext[0] == '/') { revert_colour = true; tagtext = tagtext.substr(1); tag++; } if (tagtext[0] == '?') { if (tagtext.length() == 1) masked = false; else if (process && !process(tagtext.substr(1))) masked = true; tag += tagtext.length() + 1; continue; } if (!currs.empty()) { fs.cprintf(currs); currs.clear(); } if (revert_colour) { colour_stack.pop_back(); if (colour_stack.size() < 1) { ASSERT(false); colour_stack.push_back(LIGHTRED); } } else { colour_stack.push_back(get_colour(tagtext)); } // fs.cprintf("%d%d", colour_stack.size(), colour_stack.back()); fs.textcolor(colour_stack.back()); tag += tagtext.length() + 1; } if (currs.length()) fs.cprintf(currs); } formatted_string::operator std::string() const { std::string s; for (unsigned i = 0, size = ops.size(); i < size; ++i) { if (ops[i] == FSOP_TEXT) s += ops[i].text; } return (s); } void replace_all_in_string(std::string& s, const std::string& search, const std::string& replace) { std::string::size_type pos = 0; while ( (pos = s.find(search, pos)) != std::string::npos ) { s.replace(pos, search.size(), replace); pos += replace.size(); } } std::string formatted_string::html_dump() const { std::string s; for (unsigned i = 0; i < ops.size(); ++i) { std::string tmp; switch (ops[i].type) { case FSOP_TEXT: tmp = ops[i].text; // (very) crude HTMLification replace_all_in_string(tmp, "&", "&"); replace_all_in_string(tmp, " ", " "); replace_all_in_string(tmp, "<", "<"); replace_all_in_string(tmp, ">", ">"); replace_all_in_string(tmp, "\n", "
"); s += tmp; break; case FSOP_COLOUR: s += ""; break; case FSOP_CURSOR: // FIXME error handling? break; } } return s; } bool formatted_string::operator < (const formatted_string &other) const { return std::string(*this) < std::string(other); } const formatted_string & formatted_string::operator += (const formatted_string &other) { ops.insert(ops.end(), other.ops.begin(), other.ops.end()); return (*this); } std::string::size_type formatted_string::length() const { // Just add up the individual string lengths. std::string::size_type len = 0; for (unsigned i = 0, size = ops.size(); i < size; ++i) if (ops[i] == FSOP_TEXT) len += ops[i].text.length(); return (len); } inline void cap(int &i, int max) { if (i < 0 && -i <= max) i += max; if (i >= max) i = max - 1; if (i < 0) i = 0; } char &formatted_string::operator [] (size_t idx) { size_t rel_idx = idx; int size = ops.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { if (ops[i] != FSOP_TEXT) continue; size_t len = ops[i].text.length(); if (rel_idx >= len) rel_idx -= len; else return ops[i].text[rel_idx]; } ASSERT(!"Invalid index"); char *invalid = NULL; return *invalid; } std::string formatted_string::tostring(int s, int e) const { std::string st; int size = ops.size(); cap(s, size); cap(e, size); for (int i = s; i <= e && i < size; ++i) { if (ops[i] == FSOP_TEXT) st += ops[i].text; } return st; } std::string formatted_string::to_colour_string() const { std::string st; const int size = ops.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { if (ops[i] == FSOP_TEXT) { // gotta double up those '<' chars ... size_t start = st.size(); st += ops[i].text; while (true) { const size_t left_angle = st.find('<', start); if (left_angle == std::string::npos) break; st.insert(left_angle, "<"); start = left_angle + 2; } } else if (ops[i] == FSOP_COLOUR) { st += "<"; st += colour_to_str(ops[i].x); st += ">"; } } return st; } void formatted_string::display(int s, int e) const { int size = ops.size(); if (!size) return; cap(s, size); cap(e, size); for (int i = s; i <= e && i < size; ++i) ops[i].display(); } void formatted_string::cgotoxy(int x, int y) { ops.push_back( fs_op(x, y) ); } void formatted_string::movexy(int x, int y) { ops.push_back( fs_op(x, y, true) ); } int formatted_string::find_last_colour() const { if (!ops.empty()) { for (int i = ops.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) if (ops[i].type == FSOP_COLOUR) return (ops[i].x); } return (LIGHTGREY); } formatted_string formatted_string::substr(size_t start, size_t substr_length) const { const unsigned int NONE = (unsigned int)-1; unsigned int last_FSOP_COLOUR = NONE; unsigned int last_FSOP_CURSOR = NONE; // Find the first string to copy unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < ops.size(); ++i) { const fs_op& op = ops[i]; if (op.type == FSOP_COLOUR) last_FSOP_CURSOR = i; else if (op.type == FSOP_CURSOR) last_FSOP_CURSOR = i; else if (op.type == FSOP_TEXT) { if (op.text.length() > start) break; else start -= op.text.length(); } } if (i == ops.size()) return formatted_string(); formatted_string result; // set up the state if (last_FSOP_COLOUR != NONE) result.ops.push_back(ops[last_FSOP_COLOUR]); if (last_FSOP_CURSOR != NONE) result.ops.push_back(ops[last_FSOP_CURSOR]); // Copy the text for ( ; i 0 || op.text.length() > substr_length) new_string = new_string.substr(start, substr_length); substr_length -= new_string.length(); if (substr_length == 0) break; } else { result.ops.push_back(op); } } return result; } void formatted_string::add_glyph(const item_def *item) { const int last_col = find_last_colour(); unsigned ch; unsigned short col; get_item_glyph(item, &ch, &col); this->textcolor(col); this->cprintf("%s", stringize_glyph(ch).c_str()); this->textcolor(last_col); } void formatted_string::add_glyph(const monsters *mons) { const int last_col = find_last_colour(); unsigned ch; unsigned short col; get_mons_glyph(mons, &ch, &col); this->textcolor(col); this->cprintf("%s", stringize_glyph(ch).c_str()); this->textcolor(last_col); } void formatted_string::textcolor(int color) { if (!ops.empty() && ops[ ops.size() - 1 ].type == FSOP_COLOUR) ops.erase( ops.end() - 1 ); ops.push_back(color); } void formatted_string::clear() { ops.clear(); } void formatted_string::cprintf(const char *s, ...) { char buf[1000]; va_list args; va_start(args, s); vsnprintf(buf, sizeof buf, s, args); va_end(args); cprintf(std::string(buf)); } void formatted_string::cprintf(const std::string &s) { ops.push_back(s); } void formatted_string::fs_op::display() const { switch (type) { case FSOP_CURSOR: { int cx = x, cy = y; if (relative) { cx += wherex(); cy += wherey(); } else { if (cx == -1) cx = wherex(); if (cy == -1) cy = wherey(); } ::cgotoxy(cx, cy); break; } case FSOP_COLOUR: ::textattr(x); break; case FSOP_TEXT: ::cprintf("%s", text.c_str()); break; } } void formatted_string::swap(formatted_string& other) { ops.swap(other.ops); } int count_linebreaks(const formatted_string& fs) { std::string::size_type where = 0; const std::string s = fs; int count = 0; while ( 1 ) { where = s.find(EOL, where); if ( where == std::string::npos ) break; else { ++count; ++where; } } return count; } // Return the actual (string) offset of character #loc to be printed, // i.e. ignoring tags. So for instance, if s == "ab", then // _find_string_location(s, 2) == 6. int _find_string_location(const std::string& s, int loc) { int real_offset = 0; bool in_tag = false; int last_taglen = 0; int offset = 0; for (std::string::const_iterator ci = s.begin(); ci != s.end() && real_offset < loc; ++ci, ++offset) { if (in_tag) { if (*ci == '<' && last_taglen == 1) { ++real_offset; in_tag = false; } else if (*ci == '>') { in_tag = false; } else { ++last_taglen; } } else if (*ci == '<') { in_tag = true; last_taglen = 1; } else { ++real_offset; } } return (offset); } // Return the substring of s from character start to character end, // where tags count as length 0. std::string tagged_string_substr(const std::string& s, int start, int end) { return (s.substr(_find_string_location(s, start), _find_string_location(s, end))); } int tagged_string_printable_length(const std::string& s) { int len = 0; bool in_tag = false; int last_taglen = 0; for (std::string::const_iterator ci = s.begin(); ci != s.end(); ++ci) { if (in_tag) { if (*ci == '<' && last_taglen == 1) // "<<" sequence { in_tag = false; // this is an escape for '<' ++len; // len wasn't incremented before } else if (*ci == '>') // tag close, still nothing printed { in_tag = false; } else // tag continues { ++last_taglen; } } else if (*ci == '<') // tag starts { in_tag = true; last_taglen = 1; } else // normal, printable character { ++len; } } return (len); } // Count the length of the tags in the string. int tagged_string_tag_length(const std::string& s) { return s.size() - tagged_string_printable_length(s); }