/* * File: l_dgnmon.cc * Summary: Monster-related functions in lua library "dgn". */ #include "AppHdr.h" #include "cluautil.h" #include "l_libs.h" #include "dungeon.h" #include "mapdef.h" #include "mon-util.h" #include "monplace.h" #include "monstuff.h" #define MONSLIST_METATABLE "crawldgn.monster_list" static mons_list _lua_get_mlist(lua_State *ls, int ndx) { if (lua_isstring(ls, ndx)) { const char *spec = lua_tostring(ls, ndx); mons_list mlist; const std::string err = mlist.add_mons(spec); if (!err.empty()) luaL_error(ls, err.c_str()); return (mlist); } else { mons_list **mlist = clua_get_userdata(ls, MONSLIST_METATABLE, ndx); if (mlist) return (**mlist); luaL_argerror(ls, ndx, "Expected monster list object or string"); return mons_list(); } } void register_monslist(lua_State *ls) { clua_register_metatable(ls, MONSLIST_METATABLE, NULL, lua_object_gc); } static int dgn_set_random_mon_list(lua_State *ls) { // Don't complain if we're being called when the map is being loaded // and validated. if (you.level_type != LEVEL_PORTAL_VAULT && !(you.start_time == 0 && !you.entering_level && !Generating_Level)) { luaL_error(ls, "Can only be used in portal vaults."); return (0); } const int nargs = lua_gettop(ls); map_def *map = NULL; if (nargs > 2) { luaL_error(ls, "Too many arguments."); return (0); } else if (nargs == 0) { luaL_error(ls, "Too few arguments."); return (0); } else if (nargs == 2) { map_def **_map = clua_get_userdata(ls, MAP_METATABLE, 1); map = *_map; } if (map) { if (map->orient != MAP_ENCOMPASS || map->place.is_valid() || !map->depths.empty()) { luaL_error(ls, "Can only be used in portal vaults."); return (0); } } int list_pos = (map != NULL) ? 2 : 1; mons_list mlist = _lua_get_mlist(ls, list_pos); if (mlist.size() == 0) { luaL_argerror(ls, list_pos, "Mon list is empty."); return (0); } if (mlist.size() > 1) { luaL_argerror(ls, list_pos, "Mon list must contain only one slot."); return (0); } const int num_mons = mlist.slot_size(0); if (num_mons == 0) { luaL_argerror(ls, list_pos, "Mon list is empty."); return (0); } std::vector mons; int num_lords = 0; for (int i = 0; i < num_mons; i++) { mons_spec mon = mlist.get_monster(0, i); // Pandemonium lords are pseudo-unique, so don't randomly generate // them. if (mon.mid == MONS_PANDEMONIUM_DEMON) { num_lords++; continue; } std::string name; if (mon.place.is_valid()) { if (mon.place.level_type == LEVEL_LABYRINTH || mon.place.level_type == LEVEL_PORTAL_VAULT) { std::string err; err = make_stringf("mon #%d: Can't use Lab or Portal as a " "monster place.", i + 1); luaL_argerror(ls, list_pos, err.c_str()); return(0); } name = mon.place.describe(); } else { if (mon.mid == RANDOM_MONSTER || mon.monbase == RANDOM_MONSTER) { std::string err; err = make_stringf("mon #%d: can't use random monster in " "list specifying random monsters", i + 1); luaL_argerror(ls, list_pos, err.c_str()); return(0); } if (mon.mid == -1) mon.mid = MONS_PROGRAM_BUG; name = mons_type_name(mon.mid, DESC_PLAIN); } mons.push_back(mon); if (mon.number != 0) mprf(MSGCH_ERROR, "dgn.set_random_mon_list() : number for %s " "being discarded.", name.c_str()); if (mon.band) mprf(MSGCH_ERROR, "dgn.set_random_mon_list() : band request for " "%s being ignored.", name.c_str()); if (mon.colour != BLACK) mprf(MSGCH_ERROR, "dgn.set_random_mon_list() : colour for " "%s being ignored.", name.c_str()); if (mon.items.size() > 0) mprf(MSGCH_ERROR, "dgn.set_random_mon_list() : items for " "%s being ignored.", name.c_str()); } // for (int i = 0; i < num_mons; i++) if (mons.size() == 0 && num_lords > 0) { luaL_argerror(ls, list_pos, "Mon list contains only pandemonium lords."); return (0); } if (map) map->random_mons = mons; else set_vault_mon_list(mons); return (0); } static int dgn_mons_from_index(lua_State *ls) { const int index = luaL_checkint(ls, 1); monsters *mons = &menv[index]; if (mons->type != -1) push_monster(ls, mons); else lua_pushnil(ls); return (1); } static int dgn_mons_at(lua_State *ls) { COORDS(c, 1, 2); monsters *mon = monster_at(c); if (mon && mon->alive()) push_monster(ls, mon); else lua_pushnil(ls); return (1); } static int dgn_create_monster(lua_State *ls) { COORDS(c, 1, 2); mons_list mlist = _lua_get_mlist(ls, 3); for (int i = 0, size = mlist.size(); i < size; ++i) { mons_spec mspec = mlist.get_monster(i); const int mid = dgn_place_monster(mspec, you.your_level, c, false, false, false); if (mid != -1) { push_monster(ls, &menv[mid]); return (1); } } lua_pushnil(ls); return (1); } static int _dgn_monster_spec(lua_State *ls) { const mons_list mlist = _lua_get_mlist(ls, 1); dlua_push_object_type(ls, MONSLIST_METATABLE, mlist); return (1); } LUARET1(_dgn_max_monsters, number, MAX_MONSTERS) LUAFN(dgn_dismiss_monsters) { PLUARET(number, dismiss_monsters(lua_gettop(ls) == 0 ? "" : luaL_checkstring(ls, 1))); } const struct luaL_reg dgn_mons_dlib[] = { { "set_random_mon_list", dgn_set_random_mon_list }, { "mons_from_index", dgn_mons_from_index }, { "mons_at", dgn_mons_at }, { "create_monster", dgn_create_monster }, { "monster_spec", _dgn_monster_spec }, { "max_monsters", _dgn_max_monsters }, { "dismiss_monsters", dgn_dismiss_monsters }, { NULL, NULL } };