#include "AppHdr.h" #include #include "cluautil.h" #include "l_libs.h" #include "artefact.h" #include "colour.h" #include "command.h" #include "invent.h" #include "item_use.h" #include "itemprop.h" #include "items.h" #include "output.h" #include "skills2.h" #include "stuff.h" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // User bindings to get information on items. We must be careful // to only hand out information the player already has. // static const item_def *excl_item = NULL; item_def *clua_check_item(lua_State *ls, int n) { if (!lua_islightuserdata(ls, n)) { luaL_argerror(ls, n, "Unexpected arg type"); return (NULL); } item_def *item = static_cast(lua_touserdata(ls, n )); \ if (excl_item && item != excl_item) { luaL_argerror(ls, n, "Unexpected item"); return (NULL); } return (item); } void lua_set_exclusive_item(const item_def *item) { excl_item = item; } void lua_push_floor_items(lua_State *ls) { lua_push_items(ls, igrd(you.pos())); } void lua_push_inv_items(lua_State *ls = NULL) { if (!ls) ls = clua.state(); lua_newtable(ls); int index = 0; for (unsigned slot = 0; slot < ENDOFPACK; ++slot) { if (you.inv[slot].is_valid()) { lua_pushlightuserdata(ls, &you.inv[slot]); lua_rawseti(ls, -2, ++index); } } } void lua_push_items(lua_State *ls, int link) { lua_newtable(ls); int index = 0; for ( ; link != NON_ITEM; link = mitm[link].link) { lua_pushlightuserdata(ls, &mitm[link]); lua_rawseti(ls, -2, ++index); } } static int l_item_inventory(lua_State *ls) { lua_push_inv_items(ls); return (1); } static int l_item_index_to_letter(lua_State *ls) { int index = luaL_checkint(ls, 1); char sletter[2] = "?"; if (index >= 0 && index <= ENDOFPACK) *sletter = index_to_letter(index); lua_pushstring(ls, sletter); return (1); } static int l_item_letter_to_index(lua_State *ls) { const char *s = luaL_checkstring(ls, 1); if (!s || !*s || s[1]) return (0); lua_pushnumber(ls, letter_to_index(*s)); return (1); } static int l_item_swap_slots(lua_State *ls) { int slot1 = luaL_checkint(ls, 1), slot2 = luaL_checkint(ls, 2); bool verbose = lua_toboolean(ls, 3); if (slot1 < 0 || slot1 >= ENDOFPACK || slot2 < 0 || slot2 >= ENDOFPACK || slot1 == slot2 || !you.inv[slot1].is_valid()) { return (0); } swap_inv_slots(slot1, slot2, verbose); return (0); } static int l_item_wield(lua_State *ls) { if (you.turn_is_over) return (0); LUA_ITEM(item, 1); int slot = -1; if (item && item->is_valid() && in_inventory(*item)) slot = item->link; bool res = wield_weapon(true, slot); lua_pushboolean(ls, res); return (1); } static int l_item_wear(lua_State *ls) { if (you.turn_is_over) return (0); LUA_ITEM(item, 1); if (!item || !in_inventory(*item)) return (0); bool success = do_wear_armour(item->link, false); lua_pushboolean(ls, success); return (1); } static int l_item_puton(lua_State *ls) { if (you.turn_is_over) return (0); LUA_ITEM(item, 1); if (!item || !in_inventory(*item)) return (0); lua_pushboolean(ls, puton_ring(item->link)); return (1); } static int l_item_remove(lua_State *ls) { if (you.turn_is_over) { mpr("Turn is over"); return (0); } LUA_ITEM(item, 1); if (!item || !in_inventory(*item)) { mpr("Bad item"); return (0); } int eq = get_equip_slot(item); if (eq < 0 || eq >= NUM_EQUIP) { mpr("Item is not equipped"); return (0); } bool result = false; if (eq == EQ_WEAPON) result = wield_weapon(true, -1); else if (eq == EQ_LEFT_RING || eq == EQ_RIGHT_RING || eq == EQ_AMULET) result = remove_ring(item->link); else result = takeoff_armour(item->link); lua_pushboolean(ls, result); return (1); } static int l_item_drop(lua_State *ls) { if (you.turn_is_over) return (0); LUA_ITEM(item, 1); if (!item || !in_inventory(*item)) return (0); int eq = get_equip_slot(item); if (eq >= 0 && eq < NUM_EQUIP) { lua_pushboolean(ls, false); lua_pushstring(ls, "Can't drop worn items"); return (2); } int qty = item->quantity; if (lua_isnumber(ls, 2)) { int q = luaL_checkint(ls, 2); if (q >= 1 && q <= item->quantity) qty = q; } lua_pushboolean(ls, drop_item(item->link, qty)); return (1); } static item_def *dmx_get_item(lua_State *ls, int ndx, int subndx) { if (lua_istable(ls, ndx)) { lua_rawgeti(ls, ndx, subndx); item_def *item = util_get_userdata(ls, -1); lua_pop(ls, 1); return (item); } return util_get_userdata(ls, ndx); } static int dmx_get_qty(lua_State *ls, int ndx, int subndx) { int qty = -1; if (lua_istable(ls, ndx)) { lua_rawgeti(ls, ndx, subndx); if (lua_isnumber(ls, -1)) qty = luaL_checkint(ls, -1); lua_pop(ls, 1); } else if (lua_isnumber(ls, ndx)) { qty = luaL_checkint(ls, ndx); } return (qty); } static bool l_item_pickup2(item_def *item, int qty) { if (!item || in_inventory(*item)) return (false); int floor_link = item_on_floor(*item, you.pos()); if (floor_link == NON_ITEM) return (false); return pickup_single_item(floor_link, qty); } static int l_item_pickup(lua_State *ls) { if (you.turn_is_over) return (0); if (lua_islightuserdata(ls, 1)) { LUA_ITEM(item, 1); int qty = item->quantity; if (lua_isnumber(ls, 2)) qty = luaL_checkint(ls, 2); if (l_item_pickup2(item, qty)) lua_pushnumber(ls, 1); else lua_pushnil(ls); return (1); } else if (lua_istable(ls, 1)) { int dropped = 0; for (int i = 1; ; ++i) { lua_rawgeti(ls, 1, i); item_def *item = dmx_get_item(ls, -1, 1); int qty = dmx_get_qty(ls, -1, 2); lua_pop(ls, 1); if (l_item_pickup2(item, qty)) dropped++; else { // Yes, we bail out on first failure. break; } } if (dropped) lua_pushnumber(ls, dropped); else lua_pushnil(ls); return (1); } return (0); } static int l_item_equipped(lua_State *ls) { LUA_ITEM(item, 1); if (!item || !in_inventory(*item)) return (0); int eq = get_equip_slot(item); if (eq < 0 || eq >= NUM_EQUIP) return (0); return (1); } // Returns item equipped in a slot defined in an argument. static int l_item_equipped_at(lua_State *ls) { int eq = -1; if (lua_isnumber(ls, 1)) eq = luaL_checkint(ls, 1); else if (lua_isstring(ls, 1)) { const char *eqname = lua_tostring(ls, 1); if (!eqname) return (0); eq = equip_name_to_slot(eqname); } if (eq < 0 || eq >= NUM_EQUIP) return (0); if (you.equip[eq] != -1) lua_pushlightuserdata(ls, &you.inv[you.equip[eq]]); else lua_pushnil(ls); return (1); } static int l_item_class(lua_State *ls) { LUA_ITEM(item, 1); if (item) { bool terse = false; if (lua_isboolean(ls, 2)) terse = lua_toboolean(ls, 2); std::string s = item_class_name(item->base_type, terse); lua_pushstring(ls, s.c_str()); } else lua_pushnil(ls); return (1); } // FIXME: Fold this back into itemname.cc. static const char *ring_types[] = { "regeneration", "protection", "protection from fire", "poison resistance", "protection from cold", "strength", "slaying", "see invisible", "invisibility", "hunger", "teleportation", "evasion", "sustain abilities", "sustenance", "dexterity", "intelligence", "wizardry", "magical power", "levitation", "life protection", "protection from magic", "fire", "ice", "teleport control" }; static const char *amulet_types[] = { "rage", "resist slowing", "clarity", "warding", "resist corrosion", "gourmand", "conservation", "controlled flight", "inaccuracy", "resist mutation" }; static int l_item_subtype(lua_State *ls) { LUA_ITEM(item, 1); if (item) { if (item_type_known(*item)) { const char *s = NULL; if (item->base_type == OBJ_JEWELLERY) { if (jewellery_is_amulet(*item)) s = amulet_types[ item->sub_type - AMU_RAGE ]; else s = ring_types[item->sub_type]; } else if (item->base_type == OBJ_POTIONS) { if (item->sub_type == POT_BLOOD) s = "blood"; else if (item->sub_type == POT_BLOOD_COAGULATED) s = "coagulated blood"; else if (item->sub_type == POT_WATER) s = "water"; else if (item->sub_type == POT_PORRIDGE) s = "porridge"; else if (item->sub_type == POT_BERSERK_RAGE) s = "berserk"; else if (item->sub_type == POT_GAIN_STRENGTH || item->sub_type == POT_GAIN_DEXTERITY || item->sub_type == POT_GAIN_INTELLIGENCE) { s = "gain ability"; } else if (item->sub_type == POT_CURE_MUTATION) s = "cure mutation"; } else if (item->base_type == OBJ_BOOKS) { if (item->sub_type == BOOK_MANUAL) s = "manual"; else s = "spellbook"; } if (s) lua_pushstring(ls, s); else lua_pushnil(ls); lua_pushnumber(ls, item->sub_type); return (2); } } lua_pushnil(ls); lua_pushnil(ls); return (2); } static int l_item_cursed(lua_State *ls) { LUA_ITEM(item, 1); bool cursed = item && item_ident(*item, ISFLAG_KNOW_CURSE) && item_cursed(*item); lua_pushboolean(ls, cursed); return (1); } static int l_item_worn(lua_State *ls) { LUA_ITEM(item, 1); int worn = get_equip_slot(item); if (worn != -1) lua_pushnumber(ls, worn); else lua_pushnil(ls); if (worn != -1) lua_pushstring(ls, equip_slot_to_name(worn)); else lua_pushnil(ls); return (2); } static std::string _item_name(lua_State *ls, item_def* item) { description_level_type ndesc = DESC_PLAIN; if (lua_isstring(ls, 2)) ndesc = description_type_by_name(lua_tostring(ls, 2)); else if (lua_isnumber(ls, 2)) ndesc = static_cast(luaL_checkint(ls, 2)); bool terse = lua_toboolean(ls, 3); return (item->name(ndesc, terse)); } static int l_item_name(lua_State *ls) { LUA_ITEM(item, 1); if (item) { std::string name = _item_name(ls, item); lua_pushstring(ls, name.c_str()); } else lua_pushnil(ls); return (1); } static int l_item_name_coloured(lua_State *ls) { LUA_ITEM(item, 1); if (item) { std::string name = _item_name(ls, item); int col = menu_colour(name, menu_colour_item_prefix(*item)); std::string colstr = colour_to_str(col); std::ostringstream out; out << "<" << colstr << ">" << name << ""; lua_pushstring(ls, out.str().c_str()); } else lua_pushnil(ls); return (1); } static int l_item_quantity(lua_State *ls) { LUA_ITEM(item, 1); lua_pushnumber(ls, item? item->quantity : 0); return (1); } static int l_item_inslot(lua_State *ls) { int index = luaL_checkint(ls, 1); if (index >= 0 && index < 52 && you.inv[index].is_valid()) lua_pushlightuserdata(ls, &you.inv[index]); else lua_pushnil(ls); return (1); } static int l_item_slot(lua_State *ls) { LUA_ITEM(item, 1); if (item) { int slot = in_inventory(*item) ? item->link : letter_to_index(item->slot); lua_pushnumber(ls, slot); } else lua_pushnil(ls); return (1); } static int l_item_ininventory(lua_State *ls) { LUA_ITEM(item, 1); lua_pushboolean(ls, item && in_inventory(*item)); return (1); } static int l_item_equip_type(lua_State *ls) { LUA_ITEM(item, 1); if (!item || !item->is_valid()) return (0); equipment_type eq = EQ_NONE; if (item->base_type == OBJ_WEAPONS || item->base_type == OBJ_STAVES) eq = EQ_WEAPON; else if (item->base_type == OBJ_ARMOUR) eq = get_armour_slot(*item); else if (item->base_type == OBJ_JEWELLERY) eq = item->sub_type >= AMU_RAGE? EQ_AMULET : EQ_RINGS; if (eq != EQ_NONE) { lua_pushnumber(ls, eq); lua_pushstring(ls, equip_slot_to_name(eq)); } else { lua_pushnil(ls); lua_pushnil(ls); } return (2); } static int l_item_weap_skill(lua_State *ls) { LUA_ITEM(item, 1); if (!item || !item->is_valid()) return (0); int skill = range_skill(*item); if (skill == SK_THROWING) skill = weapon_skill(*item); if (skill == SK_FIGHTING) return (0); lua_pushstring(ls, skill_name(skill)); lua_pushnumber(ls, skill); return (2); } static int l_item_dropped(lua_State *ls) { LUA_ITEM(item, 1); if (!item || !item->is_valid()) return (0); lua_pushboolean(ls, item->flags & ISFLAG_DROPPED); return (1); } static int l_item_can_cut_meat(lua_State *ls) { LUA_ITEM(item, 1); if (!item || !item->is_valid()) return (0); lua_pushboolean(ls, can_cut_meat(*item)); return (1); } static int l_item_artefact(lua_State *ls) { LUA_ITEM(item, 1); if (!item || !item->is_valid()) return (0); lua_pushboolean(ls, item_ident(*item, ISFLAG_KNOW_PROPERTIES) && is_artefact(*item)); return (1); } static int l_item_branded(lua_State *ls) { LUA_ITEM(item, 1); if (!item || !item->is_valid() || !item_type_known(*item)) return (0); bool branded = false; switch (item->base_type) { case OBJ_WEAPONS: branded = get_weapon_brand(*item) != SPWPN_NORMAL; break; case OBJ_ARMOUR: branded = get_armour_ego_type(*item) != SPARM_NORMAL; break; case OBJ_MISSILES: branded = get_ammo_brand(*item) != SPMSL_NORMAL; break; default: break; } lua_pushboolean(ls, branded); return (1); } static int l_item_do_destroy(lua_State *ls) { ASSERT_DLUA; LUA_ITEM(item, 1); if (!item || !item->is_valid()) { lua_pushboolean(ls, false); return (0); } item_was_destroyed(*item); destroy_item(item->index()); lua_pushboolean(ls, true); return (1); } static const struct luaL_reg item_lib[] = { { "artefact", l_item_artefact }, { "branded", l_item_branded }, { "class", l_item_class }, { "subtype", l_item_subtype }, { "cursed", l_item_cursed }, { "worn", l_item_worn }, { "name", l_item_name }, { "name_coloured", l_item_name_coloured }, { "quantity", l_item_quantity }, { "inslot", l_item_inslot }, { "slot", l_item_slot }, { "ininventory", l_item_ininventory }, { "inventory", l_item_inventory }, { "letter_to_index", l_item_letter_to_index }, { "index_to_letter", l_item_index_to_letter }, { "swap_slots", l_item_swap_slots }, { "wield", l_item_wield }, { "wear", l_item_wear }, { "puton", l_item_puton }, { "remove", l_item_remove }, { "drop", l_item_drop }, { "pickup", l_item_pickup }, { "equipped_at", l_item_equipped_at }, { "equipped", l_item_equipped }, { "equip_type", l_item_equip_type }, { "weap_skill", l_item_weap_skill }, { "dropped", l_item_dropped }, { "can_cut_meat", l_item_can_cut_meat }, { "destroy", l_item_do_destroy }, { NULL, NULL }, }; void cluaopen_item(lua_State *ls) { luaL_openlib(ls, "item", item_lib, 0); }