/* * File: l_moninf.cc * Summary: User-accessible monster info. */ #include "AppHdr.h" #include "l_libs.h" #include "cluautil.h" #include "env.h" #include "mon-info.h" #define MONINF_METATABLE "monster.info" void lua_push_moninf(lua_State *ls, monster_info *mi) { monster_info **miref = clua_new_userdata(ls, MONINF_METATABLE); *miref = mi; } #define MONINF(ls, n, var) \ monster_info *var = *(monster_info **) \ luaL_checkudata(ls, n, MONINF_METATABLE) #define MIRET1(type, field) \ static int moninf_get_##field(lua_State *ls) \ { \ MONINF(ls, 1, mi); \ lua_push##type(ls, mi->m_##field); \ return (1); \ } #define MIREG(field) { #field, moninf_get_##field } MIRET1(number, damage_level) LUAFN(moninf_get_damage_desc) { MONINF(ls, 1, mi); lua_pushstring(ls, mi->m_damage_desc.c_str()); return (1); } static const struct luaL_reg moninf_lib[] = { MIREG(damage_level), MIREG(damage_desc), { NULL, NULL } }; // XXX: unify with directn.cc/h // This uses relative coordinates with origin the player. bool in_show_bounds(const coord_def &s) { return (s.rdist() <= ENV_SHOW_OFFSET); } coord_def player2grid(const coord_def &s) { return (you.pos() + s); } coord_def grid2player(const coord_def &g) { return (g - you.pos()); } LUAFN(mi_get_monster_at) { COORDSHOW(s, 1, 2) coord_def p = player2grid(s); if (!you.see_cell(p)) return (0); if (env.mgrid(p) == NON_MONSTER) return (0); monsters* m = &env.mons[env.mgrid(p)]; if (!m->visible_to(&you)) return (0); monster_info *mi = new monster_info(m); lua_push_moninf(ls, mi); return (1); } static const struct luaL_reg mon_lib[] = { { "get_monster_at", mi_get_monster_at }, { NULL, NULL } }; void cluaopen_moninf(lua_State *ls) { clua_register_metatable(ls, MONINF_METATABLE, moninf_lib, lua_object_gc); luaL_openlib(ls, "monster", mon_lib, 0); }