#include "AppHdr.h" #include "cluautil.h" #include "l_libs.h" #include "abl-show.h" #include "branch.h" #include "chardump.h" #include "coord.h" #include "delay.h" #include "food.h" #include "initfile.h" #include "los.h" #include "mapmark.h" #include "mon-util.h" #include "jobs.h" #include "ouch.h" #include "shopping.h" #include "species.h" #include "religion.h" #include "skills2.h" #include "spells3.h" #include "spl-util.h" #include "stuff.h" #include "transfor.h" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Bindings to get information on the player (clua). // static const char *transform_name() { switch (you.attribute[ATTR_TRANSFORMATION]) { case TRAN_SPIDER: return "spider"; case TRAN_BAT: return "bat"; case TRAN_BLADE_HANDS: return "blade"; case TRAN_STATUE: return "statue"; case TRAN_ICE_BEAST: return "ice"; case TRAN_DRAGON: return "dragon"; case TRAN_LICH: return "lich"; case TRAN_PIG: return "pig"; default: return ""; } } LUARET1(you_turn_is_over, boolean, you.turn_is_over) LUARET1(you_name, string, you.your_name.c_str()) LUARET1(you_race, string, species_name(you.species, you.experience_level).c_str()) LUARET1(you_class, string, get_class_name(you.char_class)) LUARET1(you_god, string, god_name(you.religion).c_str()) LUARET1(you_good_god, boolean, lua_isstring(ls, 1) ? is_good_god(str_to_god(lua_tostring(ls, 1))) : is_good_god(you.religion)) LUARET1(you_evil_god, boolean, lua_isstring(ls, 1) ? is_evil_god(str_to_god(lua_tostring(ls, 1))) : is_evil_god(you.religion)) LUARET1(you_god_likes_fresh_corpses, boolean, lua_isstring(ls, 1) ? god_likes_fresh_corpses(str_to_god(lua_tostring(ls, 1))) : god_likes_fresh_corpses(you.religion)) LUARET1(you_god_likes_butchery, boolean, lua_isstring(ls, 1) ? god_likes_butchery(str_to_god(lua_tostring(ls, 1))) : god_likes_butchery(you.religion)) LUARET2(you_hp, number, you.hp, you.hp_max) LUARET2(you_mp, number, you.magic_points, you.max_magic_points) LUARET1(you_hunger, string, hunger_level()) LUARET2(you_strength, number, you.strength, you.max_strength) LUARET2(you_intelligence, number, you.intel, you.max_intel) LUARET2(you_dexterity, number, you.dex, you.max_dex) LUARET1(you_exp, number, you.experience_level) LUARET1(you_exp_points, number, you.experience) LUARET1(you_skill, number, lua_isstring(ls, 1) ? you.skills[str_to_skill(lua_tostring(ls, 1))] : 0) LUARET1(you_res_poison, number, player_res_poison(false)) LUARET1(you_res_fire, number, player_res_fire(false)) LUARET1(you_res_cold, number, player_res_cold(false)) LUARET1(you_res_draining, number, player_prot_life(false)) LUARET1(you_res_shock, number, player_res_electricity(false)) LUARET1(you_res_statdrain, number, player_sust_abil(false)) LUARET1(you_res_mutation, number, wearing_amulet(AMU_RESIST_MUTATION, false)) LUARET1(you_res_slowing, number, wearing_amulet(AMU_RESIST_SLOW, false)) LUARET1(you_gourmand, boolean, wearing_amulet(AMU_THE_GOURMAND, false)) LUARET1(you_saprovorous, number, player_mutation_level(MUT_SAPROVOROUS)) LUARET1(you_levitating, boolean, you.flight_mode() == FL_LEVITATE) LUARET1(you_flying, boolean, you.flight_mode() == FL_FLY) LUARET1(you_transform, string, transform_name()) LUARET1(you_where, string, level_id::current().describe().c_str()) LUARET1(you_branch, string, level_id::current().describe(false, false).c_str()) LUARET1(you_subdepth, number, level_id::current().depth) // Increase by 1 because check happens on old level. LUARET1(you_absdepth, number, you.your_level + 1) LUAWRAP(you_stop_activity, interrupt_activity(AI_FORCE_INTERRUPT)) LUARET1(you_taking_stairs, boolean, current_delay_action() == DELAY_ASCENDING_STAIRS || current_delay_action() == DELAY_DESCENDING_STAIRS) LUARET1(you_turns, number, you.num_turns) LUARET1(you_can_smell, boolean, player_can_smell()) LUARET1(you_has_claws, number, you.has_claws(false)) void lua_push_floor_items(lua_State *ls); static int you_floor_items(lua_State *ls) { lua_push_floor_items(ls); return (1); } static int l_you_spells(lua_State *ls) { lua_newtable(ls); int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 52; ++i) { const spell_type spell = get_spell_by_letter( index_to_letter(i) ); if (spell == SPELL_NO_SPELL) continue; lua_pushstring(ls, spell_title(spell)); lua_rawseti(ls, -2, ++index); } return (1); } static int l_you_abils(lua_State *ls) { lua_newtable(ls); std::vectorabils = get_ability_names(); for (int i = 0, size = abils.size(); i < size; ++i) { lua_pushstring(ls, abils[i]); lua_rawseti(ls, -2, i + 1); } return (1); } static int you_can_consume_corpses(lua_State *ls) { lua_pushboolean(ls, can_ingest(OBJ_FOOD, FOOD_CHUNK, true, false, false) || can_ingest(OBJ_CORPSES, CORPSE_BODY, true, false, false) ); return (1); } static const struct luaL_reg you_clib[] = { { "turn_is_over", you_turn_is_over }, { "turns" , you_turns }, { "spells" , l_you_spells }, { "abilities" , l_you_abils }, { "name" , you_name }, { "race" , you_race }, { "class" , you_class }, { "god" , you_god }, { "good_god" , you_good_god }, { "evil_god" , you_evil_god }, { "hp" , you_hp }, { "mp" , you_mp }, { "hunger" , you_hunger }, { "strength" , you_strength }, { "intelligence", you_intelligence }, { "dexterity" , you_dexterity }, { "skill" , you_skill }, { "xl" , you_exp }, { "exp" , you_exp_points }, { "res_poison" , you_res_poison }, { "res_fire" , you_res_fire }, { "res_cold" , you_res_cold }, { "res_draining", you_res_draining }, { "res_shock" , you_res_shock }, { "res_statdrain", you_res_statdrain }, { "res_mutation", you_res_mutation }, { "res_slowing", you_res_slowing }, { "saprovorous", you_saprovorous }, { "gourmand", you_gourmand }, { "levitating", you_levitating }, { "flying", you_flying }, { "transform", you_transform }, { "god_likes_fresh_corpses", you_god_likes_fresh_corpses }, { "god_likes_butchery", you_god_likes_butchery }, { "can_consume_corpses", you_can_consume_corpses }, { "stop_activity", you_stop_activity }, { "taking_stairs", you_taking_stairs }, { "floor_items", you_floor_items }, { "where", you_where }, { "branch", you_branch }, { "subdepth", you_subdepth }, { "absdepth", you_absdepth }, { "can_smell", you_can_smell }, { "has_claws", you_has_claws }, { NULL, NULL }, }; void cluaopen_you(lua_State *ls) { luaL_openlib(ls, "you", you_clib, 0); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Player information (dlua). Grid coordinates etc. // LUARET1(you_can_hear_pos, boolean, player_can_hear(coord_def(luaL_checkint(ls,1), luaL_checkint(ls, 2)))) LUARET1(you_x_pos, number, you.pos().x) LUARET1(you_y_pos, number, you.pos().y) LUARET2(you_pos, number, you.pos().x, you.pos().y) LUARET1(you_see_cell, boolean, see_cell(luaL_checkint(ls, 1), luaL_checkint(ls, 2))) LUARET1(you_see_cell_no_trans, boolean, see_cell_no_trans(luaL_checkint(ls, 1), luaL_checkint(ls, 2))) LUAFN(you_moveto) { const coord_def place(luaL_checkint(ls, 1), luaL_checkint(ls, 2)); ASSERT(map_bounds(place)); you.moveto(place); return (0); } LUAFN(you_random_teleport) { you_teleport_now(false, false); return (0); } LUAFN(you_losight) { calc_show_los(); return (0); } static int _you_uniques(lua_State *ls) { bool unique_found = false; if (lua_gettop(ls) >= 1 && lua_isstring(ls, 1)) unique_found = you.unique_creatures[get_monster_by_name(lua_tostring(ls, 1))]; lua_pushboolean(ls, unique_found); return (1); } static int _you_gold(lua_State *ls) { if (lua_gettop(ls) >= 1) { const int new_gold = luaL_checkint(ls, 1); const int old_gold = you.gold; you.set_gold( std::max(new_gold, 0) ); if (new_gold > old_gold) you.attribute[ATTR_GOLD_FOUND] += new_gold - old_gold; else if (old_gold > new_gold) you.attribute[ATTR_MISC_SPENDING] += old_gold - new_gold; } PLUARET(number, you.gold); } LUAWRAP(_you_die,ouch(INSTANT_DEATH, NON_MONSTER, KILLED_BY_SOMETHING)) LUAFN(you_in_branch) { const char* name = luaL_checkstring(ls, 1); int br = NUM_BRANCHES; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_BRANCHES; i++) { if (stricmp(name, branches[i].shortname) == 0 || stricmp(name, branches[i].longname) == 0 || stricmp(name, branches[i].abbrevname) == 0) { if (br != NUM_BRANCHES) { std::string err = make_stringf( "'%s' matches both branch '%s' and '%s'", name, branches[br].abbrevname, branches[i].abbrevname); return (luaL_argerror(ls, 1, err.c_str())); } br = i; } } if (br == NUM_BRANCHES) { std::string err = make_stringf("'%s' matches no branches.", name); return (luaL_argerror(ls, 1, err.c_str())); } bool in_branch = (br == you.where_are_you); PLUARET(boolean, in_branch); } LUAFN(_you_shopping_list_has) { const char *thing = luaL_checkstring(ls, 1); MAPMARKER(ls, 2, mark); level_pos pos(level_id::current(), mark->pos); bool has = shopping_list.is_on_list(thing, &pos); PLUARET(boolean, has); } LUAFN(_you_shopping_list_add) { const char *thing = luaL_checkstring(ls, 1); const char *verb = luaL_checkstring(ls, 2); const int cost = luaL_checkint(ls, 3); MAPMARKER(ls, 4, mark); level_pos pos(level_id::current(), mark->pos); bool added = shopping_list.add_thing(thing, verb, cost, &pos); PLUARET(boolean, added); } LUAFN(_you_shopping_list_del) { const char *thing = luaL_checkstring(ls, 1); MAPMARKER(ls, 2, mark); level_pos pos(level_id::current(), mark->pos); bool deleted = shopping_list.del_thing(thing, &pos); PLUARET(boolean, deleted); } static const struct luaL_reg you_dlib[] = { { "hear_pos", you_can_hear_pos }, { "x_pos", you_x_pos }, { "y_pos", you_y_pos }, { "pos", you_pos }, { "moveto", you_moveto }, { "see_cell", you_see_cell }, { "see_cell_no_trans", you_see_cell_no_trans }, { "random_teleport", you_random_teleport }, { "losight", you_losight }, { "gold", _you_gold }, { "uniques", _you_uniques }, { "die", _you_die }, { "in_branch", you_in_branch }, { "shopping_list_has", _you_shopping_list_has }, { "shopping_list_add", _you_shopping_list_add }, { "shopping_list_del", _you_shopping_list_del }, { NULL, NULL } }; void dluaopen_you(lua_State *ls) { luaL_openlib(ls, "you", you_dlib, 0); }