/* * File: libgui.cc * Summary: Functions for x11 * Written by: M.Itakura * * Modified for Crawl Reference by $Author: j-p-e-g $ on $Date: 2008-03-07 $ * * Change History (most recent first): * * <1> 03/08/11 Ita copied from liblinux.cc and modified * */ #include #include #include #include "AppHdr.h" #include "cio.h" #include "defines.h" #include "describe.h" #include "directn.h" #include "files.h" #include "food.h" #include "itemname.h" #include "itemprop.h" #include "items.h" #include "it_use2.h" #include "externs.h" #include "guic.h" #include "message.h" #include "misc.h" #include "mon-util.h" #include "newgame.h" #include "player.h" #include "stash.h" #include "state.h" #include "stuff.h" #include "terrain.h" #include "tiles.h" #include "travel.h" #include "version.h" #include "view.h" int tile_dngn_x; int tile_dngn_y; #define DCX (tile_dngn_x/2) #define DCY (tile_dngn_y/2) // libx11.cc or libwt.cc extern void update_tip_text(const char *tip); extern void libgui_init_sys(); extern void libgui_shutdown_sys(); extern void GetNextEvent(int *etype, int *key, bool *shift, bool *ctrl, int *x1, int *y1, int *x2, int *y2); #ifdef WIN32TILES // libwt.cc extern bool windows_change_font(char *font_name, int *font_size, bool dos); extern void windows_get_winpos(int *x, int *y); extern void TileInitWin(); #endif // Main window WinClass *win_main; // Regions TextRegionClass *region_crt = NULL; MapRegionClass *region_map = NULL; TileRegionClass *region_tile = NULL; TextRegionClass *region_stat = NULL; TextRegionClass *region_msg = NULL; TextRegionClass *region_dngn = NULL; TextRegionClass *region_xmap = NULL; TextRegionClass *region_tip = NULL; TileRegionClass *region_item = NULL; TileRegionClass *region_item2 = NULL; // Raw tile images img_type TileImg; img_type PlayerImg; img_type WallImg; // for item use gui #define MAX_ITEMLIST 60 extern int itemlist[MAX_ITEMLIST]; extern int itemlist_num[MAX_ITEMLIST]; extern int itemlist_idx[MAX_ITEMLIST]; extern char itemlist_key[MAX_ITEMLIST]; extern int itemlist_iflag[MAX_ITEMLIST]; extern int itemlist_flag; extern int itemlist_n; static bool gui_smart_cursor = false; // Window prefs static int crt_x = 80; static int crt_y = 30; static int map_px = 4; static int msg_x = 77, msg_y = 10; static int dngn_x = 19, dngn_y = 17; static int winox = 0, winoy = 0; #define MAX_PREF_CHAR 256 #ifdef USE_X11 #define UseDosChar false static char font_name[MAX_PREF_CHAR+1] = "8x13"; #endif #ifdef WIN32TILES static char font_name[MAX_PREF_CHAR+1] = "courier"; #define UseDosChar (Options.use_dos_char) static char dos_font_name[MAX_PREF_CHAR+1] = "Terminal"; static int dos_font_size = 16; #endif static int font_size = 12; #define PREF_MODE_TILE 0 #define PREF_MODE_NUM 1 static const char *pref_mode_name[PREF_MODE_NUM] = { "Tile"}; typedef struct prefs { const char *name; const char *tagname; char type; void *ptr; int min, max; int dummy_idx; }prefs; #ifdef WIN32TILES #define MAX_PREFS 11 #else #define MAX_PREFS 9 #endif #define MAX_EDIT_PREFS 5 static int dummy_int[PREF_MODE_NUM][8]; static char dummy_str[PREF_MODE_NUM][2][MAX_PREF_CHAR+1]; struct prefs pref_data[MAX_PREFS] = { {"DUNGEON X", "DngnX", 'I', &dngn_x, 17, 35, 0}, {"DUNGEON Y", "DngnY", 'I', &dngn_y, 17, 35, 1}, {"MAP PX ", "MapPx", 'I', &map_px, 1, 10, 2}, {"MSG X ", "MsgX", 'I', &msg_x, 40, 80, 3}, {"MSG Y ", "MsgY", 'I', &msg_y, 8, 20, 4}, {"WIN TOP ", "WindowTop", 'I', &winox, -100, 2000, 5}, {"WIN LEFT ", "WindowLeft",'I', &winoy, -100, 2000, 6}, {"FONT ", "FontName", 'S', font_name, 0, 0, 0}, {"FONT SIZE", "FontSize", 'I', &font_size, 8, 24, 7} #ifdef WIN32TILES ,{"DOS FONT", "DosFontName", 'S', dos_font_name, 0, 0, 1}, {"DOS FONT SIZE", "DosFontSize", 'I', &dos_font_size, 8, 24, 8} #endif }; static int pref_mode = 0; static void _libgui_load_prefs(); static void _libgui_save_prefs(); //Internal variables static int mouse_mode = MOUSE_MODE_NORMAL; // Hack: prevent clrscr for some region. static bool region_lock[NUM_REGIONS]; static bool toggle_telescope; /***********************************************************/ //micromap color array #define MAP_XMAX GXM #define MAP_YMAX GYM static unsigned char gmap_data[GXM][GYM]; static int gmap_min_x, gmap_max_x; static int gmap_min_y, gmap_max_y; static int gmap_ox, gmap_oy; // Redefine color constants with shorter names to save space. #define PX_0 0 #define PX_F 1 #define PX_W 2 #define PX_D 3 #define PX_WB 4 #define PX_I 5 #define PX_M 6 #define PX_US 7 #define PX_DS 8 #define PX_SS 9 #define PX_WT 10 #define PX_LV 11 #define PX_T 12 #define PX_MS 13 static char _gmap_to_colour(char gm) { switch (gm) { case PX_0: // unseen default: return Options.tile_unseen_col; case PX_F: // floor return Options.tile_floor_col; case PX_W: // walls return Options.tile_wall_col; case PX_WB: // walls detected by Magic Mapping return Options.tile_mapped_wall_col; case PX_D: // doors return Options.tile_door_col; case PX_I: // items return Options.tile_item_col; case PX_M: // (hostile) monsters return Options.tile_monster_col; case PX_US: // upstairs return Options.tile_upstairs_col; case PX_DS: // downstairs return Options.tile_downstairs_col; case PX_MS: // misc. features (altars, portals, fountains, ...) case PX_SS: // special stairs (?) return Options.tile_feature_col; case PX_WT: // water return Options.tile_water_col; case PX_LV: // lava return Options.tile_lava_col; case PX_T: // traps return Options.tile_trap_col; } } static const char gmap_col[256] = { /* 0x00 */ PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, /* 0x08 */ PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, /* 0x10 */ PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, /* 0x18 */ PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, /* ' ' '!' '"' '#' '$' '%' '&' ''' */ /* 0x20 */ PX_0, PX_I, PX_I, PX_F, PX_I, PX_I, PX_M, PX_D, /* '(' ')' '*' '+' ',' '-' '.' '/' */ /* 0x28 */ PX_I, PX_I, PX_WB,PX_I, PX_F, PX_0, PX_F, PX_I, /* 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 */ /* 0x30 */ PX_0, PX_M, PX_M, PX_M, PX_M, PX_M, PX_0, PX_0, /* 8 9 : ; < = > ? */ /* 0x38 */ PX_MS,PX_0, PX_0, PX_M, PX_US,PX_I, PX_DS,PX_I, /* @ A B C D E F G */ /* 0x40 */ PX_M, PX_M, PX_M, PX_M, PX_M, PX_M, PX_M, PX_M, /* H I J K L M N O */ /* 0x48 */ PX_M, PX_M, PX_M, PX_M, PX_M, PX_M, PX_M, PX_M, /* P Q R S T U V W */ /* 0x50 */ PX_M, PX_M, PX_M, PX_M, PX_M, PX_M, PX_M, PX_M, /* X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ */ /* 0x58 */ PX_M, PX_M, PX_M, PX_I, PX_I, PX_I, PX_T, PX_MS, /* ` a b c d e f g */ /* 0x60 */ PX_0, PX_M, PX_M, PX_M, PX_M, PX_M, PX_M, PX_M, /* h i j k l m n o */ /* 0x68 */ PX_M, PX_M, PX_M, PX_M, PX_M, PX_M, PX_M, PX_M, /* p q r s t u v w */ /* 0x70 */ PX_M, PX_M, PX_M, PX_M, PX_M, PX_M, PX_M, PX_M, /* x y z { | } ~ WALL */ /* 0x78 */ PX_M, PX_M, PX_M, PX_WT,PX_0, PX_I, PX_I, PX_W, /* old cralwj symbols */ /* �� �s �E �� �� �� �� �� */ /* 0x80 */ PX_D, PX_SS,PX_F, PX_MS,PX_MS,PX_MS,PX_D, PX_WT, /* �t �� �� �� �� �� �� */ /* 0x88 */ PX_SS,PX_W, PX_W, PX_W, PX_W, PX_LV, PX_I, PX_0, /**/ /* 0x90 144*/ PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, /* 0x98 152*/ PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, /* 0xa0 160*/ PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, /* 0xa8 168*/ PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, /* 0xb0 176*/ PX_WB,PX_W, PX_W, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, /* 0xb8 184*/ PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, /* 0xc0 192*/ PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, /* 0xc8 200*/ PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, /* 0xd0 208*/ PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, /* 0xd8 216*/ PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_MS, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, /* 0xe0 224*/ PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, /* 0xe8 232*/ PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_MS, /* 0xf0 240*/ PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_MS,PX_0, PX_0, PX_WT, /* 0xf8 248*/ PX_0, PX_F, PX_F, PX_0, PX_0, PX_0, PX_D, PX_0 }; int mouse_grid_x; int mouse_grid_y; bool mouse_in_dngn = false; static void _gui_set_mouse_view_pos(bool in_dngn, int cx, int cy) { const coord_def& gc = view2grid(coord_def(cx,cy)); mouse_grid_x = gc.x; mouse_grid_y = gc.y; ASSERT(!in_dngn || gc.x >= 0 && gc.y >= 0 && gc.x < GXM && gc.y < GYM); mouse_in_dngn = in_dngn; } bool gui_get_mouse_grid_pos(coord_def &gc) { if (mouse_in_dngn) { gc.x = mouse_grid_x; gc.y = mouse_grid_y; ASSERT(gc.x >= 0 && gc.y >= 0 && gc.x < GXM && gc.y < GYM); } return mouse_in_dngn; } int inv_idx = 0; InvAction inv_action = INV_NUMACTIONS; static void _gui_set_mouse_inv(int idx, InvAction act) { inv_idx = idx; inv_action = act; } void gui_get_mouse_inv(int &idx, InvAction &act) { idx = inv_idx; act = inv_action; } int tile_idx_unseen_terrain(int x, int y, int what) { const coord_def gc(x,y); unsigned int feature = grd(gc); unsigned int grid_symbol; unsigned short grid_color; get_item_symbol(feature, &grid_symbol, &grid_color); int t = tileidx_feature(feature, gc.x, gc.y); if (t == TILE_ERROR || what == ' ') t = tileidx_unseen(what, gc); t |= tile_unseen_flag(gc); return t; } void GmapUpdate(int x, int y, int what, bool upd_tile) { // If you can't map the area, the minimap won't show. if (!player_in_mappable_area()) return; int c; if (x == you.x_pos && y == you.y_pos) c = Options.tile_player_col; // Player position always highlighted. else { const coord_def gc(x,y); unsigned int feature = grd(gc); unsigned int grid_symbol; unsigned short grid_color; get_item_symbol(feature, &grid_symbol, &grid_color); switch (what) { // In some cases (like smoke), update the gmap with the ground color // instead. This keeps it prettier in the case of lava + smoke. case '#': c = _gmap_to_colour(gmap_col[grid_symbol & 0xff]); break; default: c = _gmap_to_colour(gmap_col[what & 0xff]); break; } if (c == Options.tile_monster_col && mgrd[x][y] != NON_MONSTER) { const int grid = mgrd[x][y]; if (mons_friendly(&menv[grid])) c = Options.tile_friendly_col; // colour friendly monsters else if (mons_neutral(&menv[grid])) c = Options.tile_neutral_col; // colour neutral monsters else if (mons_class_flag(menv[grid].type, M_NO_EXP_GAIN)) c = Options.tile_plant_col; // colour zero xp monsters } if (c == Options.tile_floor_col || c == Options.tile_item_col) { if (is_exclude_root( coord_def(x,y) )) c = Options.tile_excl_centre_col; else if (c == Options.tile_floor_col && is_excluded(coord_def(x,y))) c = Options.tile_excluded_col; } } int oldc = gmap_data[x][y]; gmap_data[x][y] = c; // NOTE: In the case of a magic mapping, we really want the // map to update with the correct feature (stone instead of rock wall, // fountains instead of TILE_ERROR). tileidx_unseen won't give that // to us. However, we can't give the player all the information, // since that might be cheating in some cases. This could be rewritten. int t = tile_idx_unseen_terrain(x, y, what); if (c != 0 && c!= oldc && upd_tile) { if (c == PX_I || c == PX_M) { env.tile_bk_bg[x][y] = t; if (env.tile_bk_bg[x][y] == 0) env.tile_bk_bg[x][y] = tileidx_feature(DNGN_UNSEEN, x, y); } else { env.tile_bk_bg[x][y] = t; } } else if (c == 0) { // Forget map. env.tile_bk_fg[x][y] = 0; env.tile_bk_bg[x][y] = t; return; } if (x < gmap_min_x) gmap_min_x = x; else if (x > gmap_max_x) gmap_max_x = x; if (y < gmap_min_y) gmap_min_y = y; else if (y > gmap_max_y) gmap_max_y = y; } void GmapInit(bool upd_tile) { // If you can't map the area, the minimap won't show. if (!player_in_mappable_area()) return; int x, y; gmap_min_x = gmap_max_x = you.x_pos - 1; gmap_min_y = gmap_max_y = you.y_pos - 1; for (y = 0; y < GYM; y++) for (x = 0; x < GXM; x++) GmapUpdate(x, y, env.map[x][y].glyph(), upd_tile); } void GmapDisplay(int linex, int liney) { static unsigned char buf2[GXM*GYM]; int ox, oy; for (int x = 0; x < GXM*GYM; x++) buf2[x] = 0; if (!player_in_mappable_area()) { // Don't bother in the Abyss or Labyrinth. region_map->flag = true; region_map->draw_data(buf2, false, 0, 0); return; } ox = ( gmap_min_x + (GXM - 1 - gmap_max_x) ) / 2; oy = ( gmap_min_y + (GYM - 1 - gmap_max_y) ) / 2; int count = ox + oy * GXM; gmap_ox = ox - gmap_min_x; gmap_oy = oy - gmap_min_y; for (int y = gmap_min_y; y <= gmap_max_y; y++) { for (int x = gmap_min_x; x <= gmap_max_x; x++, count++) if (count >= 0 && count < GXM*GYM) buf2[count] = gmap_data[x][y]; count += GXM - (gmap_max_x - gmap_min_x + 1); } // Highlight centre of the map (ox, oy). ox += linex - gmap_min_x; oy += liney - gmap_min_y; // [enne] Maybe we need another colour for the highlight? // [jpeg] I think reusing the player colour is okay, because that's // usually where the centre will be. buf2[ox + oy * GXM] = Options.tile_player_col; region_map->flag = true; region_map->draw_data(buf2, true, ox, oy); } // Initialize routines. static void _do_layout() { // buffer between map region and stat region const int map_stat_buffer = 5; #define LAYER_NML 0 #define LAYER_CRT 1 #define LAYER_XMAP 2 win_main->wx = win_main->wy = 10; int tm = region_crt->dx; if (UseDosChar) win_main->placeRegion(region_xmap, LAYER_XMAP, 0, 0, tm, tm, tm, tm); RegionClass *lowest; // tile 2d mode win_main->placeRegion(region_tile, LAYER_NML, 0, 0); win_main->placeRegion(region_msg, LAYER_NML, region_tile, PLACE_BOTTOM, tm, tm, tm, tm); int sx = std::max(region_msg->ex + region_msg->dx, region_tile->ex) + map_stat_buffer; int sy = 0; win_main->placeRegion(region_stat, LAYER_NML, sx, sy); win_main->placeRegion(region_map, LAYER_NML, region_stat, PLACE_BOTTOM); if (region_tip) { win_main->placeRegion(region_tip, LAYER_NML, region_map, PLACE_BOTTOM); lowest = region_tip; } else lowest = region_map; int item_x = (win_main->wx-2*tm) / TILE_X; int item_y = (52 + item_x -1) / item_x; region_item2 -> resize(item_x, item_y, TILE_X, TILE_Y); // Update crt size appropriately, based on the window size. int crt_pwx = win_main->wx; int crt_wx = crt_pwx / region_crt->dx; int crt_pwy = win_main->wy - 2*tm - item_y * region_item2->dy; int crt_wy = crt_pwy / region_crt->dy; region_crt->resize(crt_wx, crt_wy); win_main->placeRegion(region_crt, LAYER_CRT, 0, 0, tm, tm, tm, tm); win_main->placeRegion(region_item2, LAYER_CRT, region_crt, PLACE_BOTTOM, tm, tm, tm, tm); if (Options.tile_show_items[0] != 0) { item_x = (win_main->wx - lowest->sx) / TILE_X; item_y = (win_main->wy - lowest->ey) / TILE_Y; RegionClass *r0 = lowest; int place = PLACE_BOTTOM; int item_x2 = (win_main->wx - region_msg->ex) / TILE_X; int item_y2 = (win_main->wy - region_msg->sy) / TILE_Y; if (item_x * item_y < item_x2 * item_y2 && lowest->ey < region_msg->sy) { item_x = item_x2; item_y = item_y2; r0 = region_msg; place = PLACE_RIGHT; } while (item_x * item_y < 40) item_y++; region_item -> resize(item_x, item_y, TILE_X, TILE_Y); win_main->placeRegion (region_item, LAYER_NML, r0, place); } } void libgui_init() { int i; int map_margin = 2; libgui_init_sys(); for (i = 0; i < NUM_REGIONS; i++) region_lock[i] = false; pref_mode = PREF_MODE_TILE; _libgui_load_prefs(); // Adjust sizes. if (dngn_x & 1 == 0) dngn_x++; if (dngn_y & 1 == 0) dngn_y++; if (font_size & 1 == 1) font_size--; tile_dngn_x = dngn_x; tile_dngn_y = dngn_y; /****************************************************/ win_main = new WinClass(); win_main->ox = winox; win_main->oy = winoy; region_crt = new TextRegionClass(crt_x, crt_y, 0, 0); region_crt->id = REGION_CRT; TextRegionClass::text_mode = region_crt; region_map = new MapRegionClass(MAP_XMAX+map_margin, MAP_YMAX+map_margin, map_margin, map_margin, 2); region_map->id = REGION_MAP; region_map->dx = map_px; region_map->dy = map_px; TileInit(); #ifdef WIN32TILES TileInitWin(); #endif if (Options.tile_show_items[0] != 0) { // temporal size region_item = new TileRegionClass(1, 1, TILE_X, TILE_Y); region_item->id = REGION_INV1; } // temporal size region_item2 = new TileRegionClass(1, 1, TILE_X, TILE_Y); region_item2->id = REGION_INV2; region_tile = new TileRegionClass(tile_dngn_x, tile_dngn_y, TILE_UX_NORMAL, TILE_UY_NORMAL); region_tile->id = REGION_DNGN; #if DEBUG_DIAGNOSTICS // One more line for debug GPS. region_stat = new TextRegionClass(crawl_view.hudsz.x, crawl_view.hudsz.y + 1, 0, 0); #else region_stat = new TextRegionClass(crawl_view.hudsz.x, crawl_view.hudsz.y, 0, 0); #endif region_stat->id = REGION_STAT; region_msg = new TextRegionClass(msg_x, msg_y, 0, 0); region_msg->id = REGION_MSG; if (UseDosChar) { region_xmap = new TextRegionClass(crt_x, crt_y, 0, 0); region_xmap->id = REGION_XMAP; } #ifdef WIN32TILES region_crt->init_font(font_name, font_size); region_stat->copy_font(region_crt); region_msg->copy_font(region_crt); if (UseDosChar) { region_xmap->dos_char = true; region_xmap->init_font(dos_font_name, dos_font_size); } #elif defined(USE_X11) const unsigned int region_tip_height = 3; region_tip = new TextRegionClass(region_stat->mx, region_tip_height, 0, 0); region_tip->id = REGION_TIP; region_crt->init_font(font_name); region_stat->init_font(font_name); region_msg->init_font(font_name); region_tip->init_font(font_name); if (region_dngn) region_dngn->init_font(font_name); #endif } void libgui_shutdown() { if (TileImg) ImgDestroy(TileImg); if (PlayerImg) ImgDestroy(PlayerImg); if (WallImg) ImgDestroy(WallImg); // Do this before delete win_main. _libgui_save_prefs(); std::vector::iterator r; for (r = win_main->regions.begin();r != win_main->regions.end();r++) { RegionClass* pRegion = *r; delete (pRegion); } delete win_main; libgui_shutdown_sys(); } // Save, Load, and Edit window prefs. static void _libgui_load_prefs() { int i, mode; FILE *fp; char buf[256]; char tagbuf[256]; // set default for (mode = 0; mode < PREF_MODE_NUM; mode++) { for (i = 0; i < MAX_PREFS; i++) { struct prefs *p = &pref_data[i]; int idx = p->dummy_idx; if (p->type == 'I') dummy_int[mode][idx] = *(int *)p->ptr; else if (p->type == 'S') strncpy(dummy_str[mode][idx], (char *)p->ptr, MAX_PREF_CHAR); } } const char *baseTxt = "wininit.txt"; std::string winTxtString = datafile_path(baseTxt, false, true); const char *winTxt = (winTxtString.c_str()[0] == 0 ? baseTxt : winTxtString.c_str()); if ( (fp = fopen(winTxt, "r")) != NULL ) { while (!feof(fp)) { fgets(buf, 250, fp); i = 0; while (buf[i] >= 32 && i < 120) { i++; } buf[i] = 0; for (i = 0; i < MAX_PREFS; i++) { struct prefs *p = &pref_data[i]; for (mode = 0; mode < PREF_MODE_NUM; mode++) { sprintf(tagbuf, "%s:%s", pref_mode_name[mode], p->tagname); if (strncmp(buf, tagbuf, strlen(tagbuf)) == 0) { char *dat = &buf[strlen(tagbuf)+1]; if (p->type == 'I') { int val = atoi(dat); if (val > p->max) val = p->max; if (val < p->min) val = p->min; dummy_int[mode][p->dummy_idx] = val; if (mode == pref_mode) *(int *)p->ptr = val; } else if (p->type == 'S') { strncpy(dummy_str[mode][p->dummy_idx], dat, MAX_PREF_CHAR); if (mode == pref_mode) strncpy((char *)p->ptr, dat, MAX_PREF_CHAR); } break; } } } } // while (!end of file) } } static void _libgui_save_prefs() { int i, mode; FILE *fp; if (!win_main) return; winox = win_main->ox; winoy = win_main->oy; #ifdef WIN32TILES windows_get_winpos(&winox, &winoy); #endif for (i = 0; i < MAX_PREFS; i++) { struct prefs *p = &pref_data[i]; int idx = p->dummy_idx; if (p->type == 'I') dummy_int[pref_mode][idx] = *(int *)p->ptr; else if (p->type == 'S') strncpy(dummy_str[pref_mode][idx], (char *)p->ptr, MAX_PREF_CHAR); } const char *baseTxt = "wininit.txt"; std::string winTxtString = datafile_path(baseTxt, false, true); const char *winTxt = winTxtString.c_str()[0] == 0 ? baseTxt : winTxtString.c_str(); if ( (fp = fopen(winTxt, "w")) != NULL ) { for (mode = 0; mode < PREF_MODE_NUM; mode++) { for (i = 0; i < MAX_PREFS; i++) { struct prefs *p = &pref_data[i]; int idx = p->dummy_idx; if (p->type == 'I') { fprintf(fp, "%s:%s=%d\n", pref_mode_name[mode], p->tagname, dummy_int[mode][idx]); } else if (p->type == 'S') { fprintf(fp, "%s:%s=%s\n", pref_mode_name[mode], p->tagname, dummy_str[mode][idx]); } } fprintf(fp, "\n"); } fclose(fp); } } static void _draw_hgauge(int x, int y, int ofs, int region, int len, int col) { int i; cgotoxy(x, y, region); textcolor(col); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { switch((i+ ofs) % 10) { case 0: cprintf("%c",'+'); break; case 4: cprintf("%c",'0' + (1+(i+ofs)/10)%10); break; case 5: cprintf("%c",'0'); break; default: cprintf("%c",'-'); } } } static void _draw_vgauge(int x, int y, int ofs, int region, int len, int col) { int i; textcolor(col); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { cgotoxy(x, y+i, region); cprintf("%02d", ofs+i); } } void edit_prefs() { int i; int cur_pos = 0; cursor_control cs(false); bool need_draw_stat = true; bool need_draw_msg = true; if (region_tip) region_tip->clear(); region_stat->clear(); region_msg->clear(); viewwindow(true, false); while (true) { bool upd_msg = false; bool upd_dngn = false; bool upd_crt = false; bool upd_map = false; bool need_resize = false; int inc = 0; if (need_draw_msg) { textcolor(LIGHTGREY); region_msg->clear(); textcolor(WHITE); cgotoxy (4, 4, GOTO_MSG); cprintf("j, k, up, down : Select pref"); cgotoxy (4, 5, GOTO_MSG); cprintf("h, l, left, right : Decrease/Increase"); cgotoxy (4, 6, GOTO_MSG); cprintf("H, L : Dec/Inc by 10"); need_draw_msg = false; } if (need_draw_stat) { region_stat->clear(); for (i = 0; i < MAX_EDIT_PREFS; i++) { struct prefs *p = &pref_data[i]; cgotoxy(2, i+2, GOTO_STAT); if (i == cur_pos) { textcolor(0xf0); cprintf(">"); } else { textcolor(LIGHTGREY); cprintf(" "); } if (pref_data[i].type == 'I') cprintf(" %s: %3d ", p->name, *(int *)p->ptr); else cprintf(" %s: %s", p->name, (char *)p->ptr); } textcolor(LIGHTGREY); #ifdef WIN32TILES cgotoxy(4, MAX_EDIT_PREFS+3, GOTO_STAT); cprintf("FONT: %s %d",font_name, font_size); if (UseDosChar) { cgotoxy(4, MAX_EDIT_PREFS+4, GOTO_STAT); cprintf("DOSFONT: %s %d", dos_font_name, dos_font_size); } #else cgotoxy(4, MAX_EDIT_PREFS+3, GOTO_STAT); cprintf("FONT: %s",font_name); #endif int *dat = (int *)pref_data[cur_pos].ptr; #define WHITEIF(x) (dat == &x)?0xf0:LIGHTGREY _draw_hgauge(3, 1, 3, GOTO_MSG, msg_x-2, WHITEIF(msg_x)); clear_to_end_of_line(); _draw_vgauge(1, 1, 1, GOTO_MSG, msg_y, WHITEIF(msg_y)); need_draw_stat = false; } int key = getch(); struct prefs *p = &pref_data[cur_pos]; int *dat = (int *)p->ptr; if (key == 0x1b || key == '\r') break; if (key == 'j' || key == CK_DOWN) { cur_pos++; need_draw_stat = true; } if (key == 'k' || key == CK_UP) { cur_pos--; need_draw_stat = true; } if (key == CK_LEFT) key = 'h'; if (key == CK_RIGHT) key = 'l'; cur_pos = (cur_pos + MAX_EDIT_PREFS) % MAX_EDIT_PREFS; switch(key) { case 'l': inc = 1; break; case 'L': inc = 10; break; case 'h': inc = -1; break; case 'H': inc = -10; break; } int crt_x_old = crt_x; int crt_y_old = crt_y; int map_px_old = map_px; int msg_x_old = msg_x; int msg_y_old = msg_y; int dngn_x_old = dngn_x; int dngn_y_old = dngn_y; if (p->type == 'I' && inc != 0) { if (dat == &dngn_x || dat == &dngn_y) { if (inc == 1) inc++; else if (inc == -1) inc--; } int olddat = *dat; (*dat)+= inc; if (*dat > p->max) *dat = p->max; if (*dat < p->min) *dat = p->min; if (olddat == *dat) continue; need_resize = true; } if (need_resize) { need_draw_stat = need_draw_msg = true; // crt screen layouts // Resize msg? if (msg_x != msg_x_old || msg_y != msg_y_old) { upd_msg = true; region_msg->resize(msg_x, msg_y); } // Resize crt? if (crt_x != crt_x_old || crt_y != crt_y_old) { upd_crt = true; region_crt->resize(crt_x, crt_y); } // Resize map? if (map_px != map_px_old) { upd_map = true; region_map->resize( 0, 0, map_px, map_px); } // Resize dngn tile screen? if (dngn_x != dngn_x_old || dngn_y != dngn_y_old) { clrscr(); upd_dngn = true; tile_dngn_x = dngn_x; tile_dngn_y = dngn_y; region_tile->resize(dngn_x, dngn_y, 0, 0); } _do_layout(); win_main->resize(); win_main->clear(); // Now screens are all black. if (upd_map) region_map->resize_backbuf(); if (upd_dngn) { region_tile -> resize_backbuf(); tile_set_force_redraw_tiles(true); TileResizeScreen(dngn_x, dngn_y); } if (region_item) region_item->resize_backbuf(); if (region_item2) region_item2->resize_backbuf(); tile_set_force_redraw_inv(true); tile_draw_inv(REGION_INV1); region_map->force_redraw = true; viewwindow(true, true); region_tile->redraw(); region_item->redraw(); } // need resize } // while-loop clrscr(); redraw_screen(); mpr("Done."); } // Tiptext help info typedef struct tip_info { int sx; int ex; int sy; int ey; const char *tiptext; const char *tipfilename; } tip_info; static int old_tip_idx = -1; static void _tip_grid(int gx, int gy, bool do_null = true, int minimap = 0) { mesclr(); const coord_def gc(gx,gy); terse_describe_square(gc); } int tile_cursor_x = -1; int tile_cursor_y = -1; int tile_cursor_flag = 0; void tile_place_cursor(int x, int y, bool display) { if (tile_cursor_x != -1) { // erase old cursor TileDrawCursor(tile_cursor_x, tile_cursor_y, tile_cursor_flag); } if (!display) { tile_cursor_x = -1; return; } int new_flag = TILE_FLAG_CURSOR1; const coord_def vp(x+1, y+1); const coord_def gc = view2grid(vp); const coord_def ep = grid2show(gc); if (gc.x < 0 || gc.y < 0 || gc.x >= GXM || gc.y >= GYM) { // off the dungeon... tile_cursor_x = -1; return; } else if (!crawl_view.in_grid_los(gc) || !env.show(ep)) { new_flag = TILE_FLAG_CURSOR2; } tile_cursor_x = x; tile_cursor_y = y; tile_cursor_flag = TileDrawCursor(x, y, new_flag); } int convert_cursor_pos(int mx, int my, int *cx, int *cy) { std::vector ::iterator r; WinClass *w = win_main; int id = REGION_NONE; int x, y; int mx0 = 0; for (r = w->regions.begin();r != w->regions.end();r++) { if (! (*r)->is_active()) continue; if ( (*r)->mouse_pos(mx, my, cx, cy) ) { id = (*r)->id; mx0 = (*r)->mx; break; } } x = *cx; y = *cy; /********************************************/ if (id == REGION_TDNGN) { x--; if (!in_viewport_bounds(x+1,y+1)) return REGION_NONE; } if (id == REGION_MAP) { x -= gmap_ox - region_map->marker_length + 1; y -= gmap_oy - region_map->marker_length + 1; } if (id == REGION_INV1 || id == REGION_INV2) { x = x + y * mx0; y = 0; } if (id == REGION_DNGN) { // Out of LOS range if (!in_viewport_bounds(x+1,y+1)) return REGION_NONE; } *cx = x; *cy = y; return id; } // NOTE: Assumes the item is equipped in the first place! static bool _is_true_equipped_item(item_def item) { // Weapons and staves are only truly equipped if wielded. if (item.link == you.equip[EQ_WEAPON]) return (item.base_type == OBJ_WEAPONS || item.base_type == OBJ_STAVES); // Cursed armour and rings are only truly equipped if *not* wielded. return (item.link != you.equip[EQ_WEAPON]); } // Returns whether there's any action you can take with an item in inventory // apart from dropping it. static bool _can_use_item(item_def item, bool equipped) { // Vampires can drain corpses. if (item.base_type == OBJ_CORPSES) { return (you.species == SP_VAMPIRE && item.sub_type != CORPSE_SKELETON && !food_is_rotten(item) && mons_has_blood(item.plus)); } if (equipped && item_cursed(item)) { // Misc. items/rods can always be evoked, cursed or not. if (item.base_type == OBJ_MISCELLANY || item_is_rod(item)) return true; // You can't unwield/fire a wielded cursed weapon/staff // but cursed armour and rings can be unwielded without problems. return (!_is_true_equipped_item(item)); } // Mummies can't do anything with food or potions. if (you.species == SP_MUMMY) return (item.base_type != OBJ_POTIONS && item.base_type != OBJ_FOOD); // In all other cases you can use the item in some way. return true; } static int _handle_mouse_motion(int mouse_x, int mouse_y, bool init) { int cx = -1; int cy = -1; int mode = 0; static int oldcx = -1; static int oldcy = -1; static int oldmode = -1; static int olditem = -1; if (init) { oldcx = -1; oldcy = -1; oldmode = -1; old_tip_idx = -1; olditem = -1; return 0; } switch(mouse_mode) { case MOUSE_MODE_NORMAL: case MOUSE_MODE_MORE: case MOUSE_MODE_MACRO: return 0; break; } if (mouse_x < 0) { mode = 0; oldcx = oldcy = -10; } else mode = convert_cursor_pos(mouse_x, mouse_y, &cx, &cy); if (oldcx == cx && oldcy == cy && oldmode == mode) return 0; // erase old cursor if ( oldmode == REGION_DNGN && mode != oldmode) { oldcx = -10; //_setcursortype(0); } if (olditem != -1) { oldcx = -10; TileMoveInvCursor(-1); olditem = -1; } if ( oldmode == REGION_DNGN && mode != oldmode) { oldcx = -10; tile_place_cursor(0, 0, false); } if (toggle_telescope && mode != REGION_MAP) { TileDrawDungeon(NULL); toggle_telescope = false; } bool valid_tip_region = (mode == REGION_MAP || mode == REGION_DNGN || mode == REGION_INV1 || mode == REGION_INV2 || mode == REGION_MSG || mode == REGION_STAT); if (valid_tip_region && mode != oldmode) update_tip_text(""); if (toggle_telescope && mode == REGION_MAP) { oldmode = mode; oldcx = cx; oldcy = cy; _tip_grid(cx-1, cy-1, 1); TileDrawFarDungeon(cx-1, cy-1); return 0; } if (mode == REGION_INV1 || mode == REGION_INV2) { oldcx = cx; oldcy = cy; oldmode = mode; int ix = TileInvIdx(cx); std::string desc; if (ix != -1) { bool display_actions = (mode == REGION_INV1); if (itemlist_iflag[cx] & TILEI_FLAG_FLOOR) { const item_def item = mitm[ix]; if (itemlist_key[cx]) { desc = itemlist_key[cx]; desc += " - "; } desc += item.name(DESC_NOCAP_A); if (display_actions) desc += EOL "[L-Click] Pick up (g)"; if (item.base_type == OBJ_CORPSES && item.sub_type != CORPSE_SKELETON && !food_is_rotten(item)) { desc += EOL "[Shift-L-Click] "; if (can_bottle_blood_from_corpse( item.plus)) desc += "Bottle blood"; else desc += "Chop up"; desc += " (c)"; if (you.species == SP_VAMPIRE) desc += EOL "[Shift-R-Click] Drink blood (e)"; } else if (item.base_type == OBJ_FOOD && you.is_undead != US_UNDEAD && you.species != SP_VAMPIRE) { desc += EOL "[Shift-R-Click] Eat (e)"; } } else // in inventory { const item_def item = you.inv[ix]; desc = item.name(DESC_INVENTORY_EQUIP); if (display_actions) { int type = item.base_type; const bool equipped = itemlist_iflag[cx] & TILEI_FLAG_EQUIP; bool wielded = (you.equip[EQ_WEAPON] == ix); desc += EOL; if (_can_use_item(you.inv[ix], equipped)) { desc += "[L-Click] "; if (equipped) { if (wielded && type != OBJ_MISCELLANY && !item_is_rod(item)) { if (type == OBJ_JEWELLERY || type == OBJ_ARMOUR || type == OBJ_WEAPONS || type == OBJ_STAVES) { type = OBJ_WEAPONS + 18; } } else type += 18; } switch (type) { // first equipable categories case OBJ_WEAPONS: case OBJ_STAVES: case OBJ_MISCELLANY: desc += "Wield (w)"; if (is_throwable(item, player_size(PSIZE_BODY))) desc += EOL "[Ctrl-L-Click] Fire (f)"; break; case OBJ_WEAPONS + 18: desc += "Unwield"; if (is_throwable(item, player_size(PSIZE_BODY))) desc += EOL "[Ctrl-L-Click] Fire (f)"; break; case OBJ_MISCELLANY + 18: if (item.sub_type >= MISC_DECK_OF_ESCAPE && item.sub_type <= MISC_DECK_OF_DEFENCE) { desc += "Draw a card (v)"; desc += EOL "[Ctrl-L-Click] Unwield"; break; } // else fall-through case OBJ_STAVES + 18: // rods - other staves handled above desc += "Evoke (v)"; desc += EOL "[Ctrl-L-Click] Unwield"; break; case OBJ_ARMOUR: desc += "Wear (W)"; break; case OBJ_ARMOUR + 18: desc += "Take off (T)"; break; case OBJ_JEWELLERY: desc += "Put on (P)"; break; case OBJ_JEWELLERY + 18: desc += "Remove (R)"; break; case OBJ_MISSILES: desc += "Fire (f)"; if (wielded) desc += EOL "[Ctrl-L-Click] Unwield"; else if ( item.sub_type == MI_STONE && player_knows_spell(SPELL_SANDBLAST) || item.sub_type == MI_ARROW && player_knows_spell( SPELL_STICKS_TO_SNAKES) ) { // For Sandblast and Sticks to Snakes, // respectively. desc += EOL "[Ctrl-L-Click] Wield (w)"; } break; case OBJ_WANDS: desc += "Zap (Z)"; if (wielded) desc += EOL "[Ctrl-L-Click] Unwield"; break; case OBJ_BOOKS: if (item_type_known(item) && item.sub_type != BOOK_MANUAL && item.sub_type != BOOK_DESTRUCTION) { desc += "Memorise (M)"; if (wielded) desc += EOL "[Ctrl-L-Click] Unwield"; break; } // else fall-through case OBJ_SCROLLS: desc += "Read (r)"; if (wielded) desc += EOL "[Ctrl-L-Click] Unwield"; break; case OBJ_POTIONS: desc += "Quaff (q)"; // For Sublimation of Blood. if (wielded) desc += EOL "[Ctrl-L-Click] Unwield"; else if ( item_type_known(item) && is_blood_potion(item) && player_knows_spell( SPELL_SUBLIMATION_OF_BLOOD) ) { desc += EOL "[Ctrl-L-Click] Wield (w)"; } break; case OBJ_FOOD: desc += "Eat (e)"; // For Sublimation of Blood. if (wielded) desc += EOL "[Ctrl-L-Click] Unwield"; else if (item.sub_type == FOOD_CHUNK && player_knows_spell( SPELL_SUBLIMATION_OF_BLOOD)) { desc += EOL "[Ctrl-L-Click] Wield (w)"; } break; case OBJ_CORPSES: if (you.species == SP_VAMPIRE) desc += "Drink blood (e)"; if (wielded) { if (you.species == SP_VAMPIRE) desc += EOL; desc += "[Ctrl-L-Click] Unwield"; } break; default: desc += "Use"; } } // For Boneshards. // Special handling since skeletons have no primary action. if (item.base_type == OBJ_CORPSES && item.sub_type == CORPSE_SKELETON) { if (wielded) desc += EOL "[Ctrl-L-Click] Unwield"; else if (player_knows_spell(SPELL_BONE_SHARDS)) desc += EOL "[Ctrl-L-Click] Wield (w)"; } desc += EOL "[R-Click] Info"; // Has to be non-equipped or non-cursed to drop. if (!equipped || !_is_true_equipped_item(you.inv[ix]) || !item_cursed(you.inv[ix])) { desc += EOL "[Shift-L-Click] Drop (d)"; } } } update_tip_text(desc.c_str()); itemlist_flag = mode; TileMoveInvCursor(cx); olditem = cx; } else update_tip_text(""); return 0; } if (mouse_mode == MOUSE_MODE_TARGET || mouse_mode == MOUSE_MODE_TARGET_DIR) { if (mode == REGION_DNGN || mode == REGION_TDNGN) { oldcx = cx; oldcy = cy; oldmode = mode; _gui_set_mouse_view_pos(true, cx+1, cy+1); return CK_MOUSE_MOVE; } } _gui_set_mouse_view_pos(false, -1, -1); if (mode == REGION_TDNGN || mode == REGION_DNGN) { if (mode == oldmode && oldcx == DCX && oldcy == DCY) update_tip_text(""); oldcx = cx; oldcy = cy; oldmode = mode; if (mode == REGION_DNGN) tile_place_cursor(cx, cy, true); else if (mode == REGION_TDNGN) cgotoxy(cx+2, cy+1, GOTO_DNGN); const int gx = view2gridX(cx) + 1; const int gy = view2gridY(cy) + 1; _tip_grid(gx, gy); // mouse-over info on player if (cx == DCX && cy == DCY) { std::string desc = you.your_name; desc += " ("; desc += get_species_abbrev(you.species); desc += get_class_abbrev(you.char_class); desc += ")"; if (igrd[you.x_pos][you.y_pos] != NON_ITEM) desc += EOL "[L-Click] Pick up items (g)"; if (grid_stair_direction( grd[gx][gy] ) != CMD_NO_CMD) desc += EOL "[Shift-L-Click] use stairs ()"; // Character overview. desc += EOL "[R-Click] Overview (%)"; // Religion. if (you.religion != GOD_NO_GOD) desc += EOL "[Shift-R-Click] Religion (^)"; update_tip_text(desc.c_str()); } return 0; } if (mode == REGION_MAP && mouse_mode == MOUSE_MODE_COMMAND) { if (oldmode != REGION_MAP) update_tip_text("[L-Click] Travel / [R-Click] View"); else _tip_grid(cx - 1, cy - 1, false, 1); oldmode = mode; oldcx = cx; oldcy = cy; return 0; } if (mode == REGION_MSG && mouse_mode == MOUSE_MODE_COMMAND) { if (oldmode != REGION_MSG) update_tip_text("[L-Click] Browse message history"); oldmode = mode; oldcx = cx; oldcy = cy; return 0; } if (mode == REGION_STAT && mouse_mode == MOUSE_MODE_COMMAND) { if (oldmode != REGION_STAT) update_tip_text("[L-Click] Rest / Search for a while"); oldmode = mode; oldcx = cx; oldcy = cy; return 0; } return 0; } static int _handle_mouse_button(int mx, int my, int button, bool shift, bool ctrl) { int dir; const int dx[9] = {-1, 0, 1, -1, 0, 1, -1, 0, 1}; const int dy[9] = { 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, -1,-1,-1}; const int cmd_n[9] = {'b', 'j', 'n', 'h', '.', 'l', 'y', 'k', 'u'}; const int cmd_s[9] = {'B', 'J', 'N', 'H', '5', 'L', 'Y', 'K', 'U'}; const int cmd_c[9] = { CONTROL('B'), CONTROL('J'), CONTROL('N'), CONTROL('H'), 'X', CONTROL('L'), CONTROL('Y'), CONTROL('K'), CONTROL('U'), }; const int cmd_dir[9] = {'1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9'}; int trig = CK_MOUSE_B1; switch (button) { case 2: trig = CK_MOUSE_B2; break; case 3: trig = CK_MOUSE_B3; break; case 4: trig = CK_MOUSE_B4; break; case 5: trig = CK_MOUSE_B5; break; default: break; } if (shift) trig |= 512; if (ctrl) trig |= 1024; switch (mouse_mode) { case MOUSE_MODE_NORMAL: return trig; case MOUSE_MODE_MORE: return '\r'; } int cx,cy; int mode; static int oldcx = -1; static int oldcy = -1; static bool enable_wheel = true; static int old_button = 0; static int old_hp = 0; mode = convert_cursor_pos(mx, my, &cx, &cy); // Prevent accidental wheel slip and subsequent char death. if (mouse_mode == MOUSE_MODE_COMMAND && (button == 4 || button == 5) && button == old_button && oldcx == cx && oldcy == cy) { if (!enable_wheel) return 0; if (you.hp < old_hp) { mpr("Wheel move aborted (rotate opposite to resume)"); enable_wheel = false; return 0; } } old_hp = you.hp; enable_wheel = true; old_button = button; oldcx = cx; oldcy = cy; if (toggle_telescope) { // Quit telescope mode. TileDrawDungeon(NULL); toggle_telescope = false; } if (mode == REGION_INV2) { int ix = TileInvIdx(cx); int key = itemlist_key[cx]; if (ix != -1 && key) return key; else return 0; } // Clicked on item. if (mode == REGION_INV1) { int ix = TileInvIdx(cx); if (ix != -1) { if (button == 2) { // Describe item. if (itemlist_iflag[cx] & TILEI_FLAG_FLOOR) { if (shift) { _gui_set_mouse_inv(ix, INV_EAT_FLOOR); return CK_MOUSE_B1ITEM; } else _gui_set_mouse_inv(-ix, INV_VIEW); } else _gui_set_mouse_inv(ix, INV_VIEW); TileMoveInvCursor(-1); return CK_MOUSE_B2ITEM; } else if (button == 1) { // Floor item if (itemlist_iflag[cx] & TILEI_FLAG_FLOOR) { // Try to pick up one item. if (!shift) _gui_set_mouse_inv(ix, INV_PICKUP); else _gui_set_mouse_inv(ix, INV_USE_FLOOR); return CK_MOUSE_B1ITEM; } // Use item. if (shift) _gui_set_mouse_inv(ix, INV_DROP); else if (ctrl) _gui_set_mouse_inv(ix, INV_USE2); else _gui_set_mouse_inv(ix, INV_USE); return CK_MOUSE_B1ITEM; } } return trig; } if (mode == REGION_MSG && mouse_mode == MOUSE_MODE_COMMAND) { return CONTROL('P'); } if (mode == REGION_STAT && mouse_mode == MOUSE_MODE_COMMAND) { return '5'; } if ((mouse_mode == MOUSE_MODE_COMMAND || mouse_mode == MOUSE_MODE_MACRO) && (mode == REGION_DNGN || mode == REGION_TDNGN)) { if (button == 1 && cx == DCX && cy == DCY) { // Pick up items. if (!shift) return 'g'; // Else attempt to use stairs on square. const int gx = view2gridX(cx) + 1; const int gy = view2gridY(cy) + 1; switch (grid_stair_direction( grd[gx][gy] )) { case CMD_GO_DOWNSTAIRS: return ('>'); case CMD_GO_UPSTAIRS: return ('<'); default: break; } } if (button == 2) { // Describe yourself. if (cx == DCX && cy == DCY) { if (!shift) return '%'; // Character overview. if (you.religion != GOD_NO_GOD) return '^'; // Religion screen. } // trigger if (mouse_mode == MOUSE_MODE_MACRO) return trig; // R-Click: try to describe grid; otherwise return trigger key. if (!in_los_bounds(cx+1,cy+1)) return CK_MOUSE_B2; const int gx = view2gridX(cx) + 1; const int gy = view2gridY(cy) + 1; full_describe_square(coord_def(gx,gy)); return CK_MOUSE_DONE; } // button = 1 or 4, 5 // First check if 3x3 grid around @ is clicked. // If so, return equivalent numpad key. int adir = -1; for (dir = 0; dir < 9; dir++) { if (DCX + dx[dir] == cx && DCY + dy[dir] == cy) { adir = dir; break; } } if (adir != -1) { if (shift) return cmd_s[adir]; else if (ctrl) return cmd_c[adir]; else return cmd_n[dir]; } if (button != 1) return trig; // Otherwise travel to that grid. const coord_def gc = view2grid(coord_def(cx+1, cy+1)); if (!map_bounds(gc)) return 0; // Activate travel. start_travel(gc.x, gc.y); return CK_MOUSE_DONE; } if (mouse_mode == MOUSE_MODE_COMMAND && mode == REGION_MAP) { // Begin telescope mode. if (button == 2) { toggle_telescope = true; StoreDungeonView(NULL); TileDrawFarDungeon(cx-1,cy-1); return 0; } if (button != 1) return trig; // L-click: try to travel to the grid. const coord_def gc(cx-1, cy-1); if (!map_bounds(gc)) return 0; // Activate travel. start_travel(gc.x, gc.y); return CK_MOUSE_DONE; } // target selection if ((mouse_mode == MOUSE_MODE_TARGET || mouse_mode == MOUSE_MODE_TARGET_DIR) && button == 1 && (mode == REGION_DNGN || mode == REGION_TDNGN)) { _gui_set_mouse_view_pos(true, cx+1, cy+1); return CK_MOUSE_CLICK; } _gui_set_mouse_view_pos(false, 0, 0); if (mouse_mode == MOUSE_MODE_TARGET_DIR && button == 1 && (mode == REGION_DNGN || mode == REGION_TDNGN)) { if (cx < DCX-1 || cy < DCY-1 || cx > DCX+1 || cy > DCY+1) return 0; for (dir = 0; dir < 9; dir++) if (DCX + dx[dir] == cx && DCY + dy[dir] == cy) return cmd_dir[dir]; return 0; } return trig; } static int _handle_mouse_unbutton(int mx, int my, int button) { if (toggle_telescope) TileDrawDungeon(NULL); toggle_telescope = false; return 0; } int getch_ck() { int etype = 0; int x1,y1,x2,y2; int key; bool sh, ct; int k; while (true) { k = 0; GetNextEvent(&etype, &key, &sh, &ct, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2); switch(etype) { case EV_BUTTON: k = _handle_mouse_button(x1, y1, key, sh, ct); break; case EV_MOVE: k = _handle_mouse_motion(x1, y1, false); break; case EV_UNBUTTON: k = _handle_mouse_unbutton(x1, y1, key); break; case EV_KEYIN: k = key; break; default: break; } if (k != 0) break; } return k; } int getch() { static int ck_tr[] = { 'k', 'j', 'h', 'l', '.', 'y', 'b', '.', 'u', 'n', 'K', 'J', 'H', 'L', '5', 'Y', 'B', '5', 'U', 'N', 11, 10, 8, 12, '0', 25, 2, 'C', 21, 14 }; int keyin = getch_ck(); if (keyin >= CK_UP && keyin <= CK_CTRL_PGDN) return ck_tr[ keyin - CK_UP ]; if (keyin == CK_DELETE) return '.'; return keyin; } int m_getch() { return getch(); } void set_mouse_enabled(bool enabled) { crawl_state.mouse_enabled = enabled; } void mouse_set_mode(int mode) { mouse_mode = mode; // Init cursor etc. _handle_mouse_motion(0, 0, true); } int mouse_get_mode() { return mouse_mode; } static void _init_regions() { win_main->create((char*)(CRAWL " " VERSION)); region_map->init_backbuf(); region_tile->init_backbuf(); region_item2->init_backbuf(); region_item->init_backbuf(); } void gui_init_view_params(crawl_view_geometry &geom) { // The tile version handles its own layout on a pixel-by-pixel basis. // Pretend that all of the regions start at character location (1,1). geom.termp.x = 1; geom.termp.y = 1; geom.viewp.x = 1; geom.viewp.y = 1; geom.viewsz.x = tile_dngn_x; geom.viewsz.y = tile_dngn_y; geom.hudp.x = 1; geom.hudp.y = 1; geom.msgp.x = 1; geom.msgp.y = 1; geom.msgsz.x = msg_x; geom.msgsz.y = msg_y; geom.mlistp.x = 1; geom.mlistp.y = 1; geom.mlistsz.x = 0; geom.mlistsz.y = 0; if (region_tip) region_tip->resize(geom.hudsz.x, 3); region_msg->resize(geom.msgsz.x, geom.msgsz.y); region_stat->resize(geom.hudsz.x, geom.hudsz.y); _do_layout(); _init_regions(); } void lock_region(int r) { if (r >= 0 && r < NUM_REGIONS) region_lock[r] = true; } void unlock_region(int r) { if (r >= 0 && r < NUM_REGIONS) region_lock[r] = false; } /* * Wrapper */ void clrscr() { win_main->clear(); TextRegionClass::cursor_region = NULL; // Clear Text regions. if (!region_lock[REGION_CRT]) region_crt->clear(); if (region_msg && !region_lock[REGION_MSG]) region_msg->clear(); if (region_stat && !region_lock[REGION_STAT]) region_stat->clear(); if (region_dngn && !region_lock[REGION_TDNGN]) region_dngn->clear(); if (region_tip && !region_lock[REGION_TIP]) region_tip->clear(); // Hack: Do not erase the backbuffer; instead just hide it. if (region_map) { if (region_lock[REGION_MAP]) region_map->redraw(); else region_map->flag = false; } if (region_item) { if (region_lock[REGION_INV1]) region_item->redraw(); else region_item->flag = false; } if (region_item2) { if (region_lock[REGION_INV2]) region_item2->redraw(); else { TileClearInv(REGION_INV2); region_item2->flag = false; } } cgotoxy(1, 1); } void putch(unsigned char chr) { // object's method TextRegionClass::text_mode->putch(chr); } void putwch(unsigned chr) { // No unicode support. putch(static_cast(chr)); } void writeWChar(unsigned char *ch) { // object's method TextRegionClass::text_mode->writeWChar(ch); } void clear_to_end_of_line() { // object's method TextRegionClass::text_mode->clear_to_end_of_line(); } void clear_to_end_of_screen() { // object's method TextRegionClass::text_mode->clear_to_end_of_screen(); } void get_input_line_gui(char *const buff, int len) { int y, x; int k = 0; int prev = 0; int done = 0; int kin; TextRegionClass *r = TextRegionClass::text_mode; static char last[128]; static int lastk = 0; if (!r->flag) return; // Locate the cursor. x = wherex(); y = wherey(); // Paranoia -- check len. if (len < 1) len = 1; // Restrict the length. if (x + len > r->mx) len = r->mx - x; if (len > 40) len = 40; // Paranoia -- Clip the default entry. buff[len] = '\0'; buff[0] = '\0'; r->cgotoxy(x, y); putch('_'); // Process input. while (!done) { // Get a key. kin = getch_ck(); // Analyze the key. switch (kin) { case 0x1B: k = 0; done = true; break; case '\n': case '\r': k = strlen(buff); done = true; lastk = k; strncpy(last, buff, k); break; case CK_UP: // history if (lastk != 0) { k = lastk; strncpy(buff, last, k); } break; case 0x7F: case '\010': k = prev; break; // Escape conversion. (for ^H, etc) case CONTROL('V'): kin = getch(); // fallthrough default: if (k < len && (isprint(kin) || (kin >= CONTROL('A') && kin <= CONTROL('Z')) || (kin >= 0x80 && kin <= 0xff))) { buff[k++] = kin; } break; } // Terminate. buff[k] = '\0'; // Update the entry. r->cgotoxy(x, y); int i; //addstr(buff); for (i = 0; i < k; i++) { prev = i; int c = (unsigned char)buff[i]; if (c >= 0x80) { if (buff[i+1] == 0) break; writeWChar((unsigned char *)&buff[i]); i++; } else if (c >= CONTROL('A') && c <= CONTROL('Z')) { putch('^'); putch(c + 'A' - 1); } else putch(c); } r->addstr((char *)"_ "); r->cgotoxy(x+k, y); } // while (!done) } void cprintf(const char *format,...) { char buffer[2048]; // One full screen if no control seq... va_list argp; va_start(argp, format); vsprintf(buffer, format, argp); va_end(argp); // object's method TextRegionClass::text_mode->addstr(buffer); TextRegionClass::text_mode->make_active(); } void textcolor(int color) { TextRegionClass::textcolor(color); } void textbackground(int bg) { TextRegionClass::textbackground(bg); } void cgotoxy(int x, int y, int region) { if (region == GOTO_LAST) { // nothing } else if (region == GOTO_CRT) TextRegionClass::text_mode = region_crt; else if (region == GOTO_MSG) TextRegionClass::text_mode = region_msg; else if (region == GOTO_STAT) TextRegionClass::text_mode = region_stat; TextRegionClass::text_mode->flag = true; TextRegionClass::cgotoxy(x, y); } void _setcursortype(int curstype) { TextRegionClass::_setcursortype(curstype); } void enable_smart_cursor(bool cursor) { gui_smart_cursor = cursor; } bool is_smart_cursor_enabled() { return (gui_smart_cursor); } void set_cursor_enabled(bool enabled) { if (gui_smart_cursor) return; if (enabled) TextRegionClass::_setcursortype(1); else TextRegionClass::_setcursortype(0); } bool is_cursor_enabled() { if (TextRegionClass::cursor_flag) return true; return false; } int wherex() { return TextRegionClass::wherex(); } int wherey() { return TextRegionClass::wherey(); } int get_number_of_lines() { #ifdef USE_X11 // Lie about the number of lines so that we can reserve the // bottom one for tooltips... return region_crt->my - 1; #else return region_crt->my; #endif } int get_number_of_cols() { return std::min(region_crt->mx, region_msg->mx); } void message_out(int which_line, int colour, const char *s, int firstcol, bool newline) { if (!firstcol) firstcol = Options.delay_message_clear ? 2 : 1; cgotoxy(firstcol, which_line + 1, GOTO_MSG); textcolor(colour); cprintf("%s", s); if (newline && which_line == crawl_view.msgsz.y - 1) region_msg->scroll(); } void clear_message_window() { region_msg->clear(); } void put_colour_ch(int colour, unsigned ch) { textcolor(colour); putwch(ch); } void puttext(int sx, int sy, int ex, int ey, unsigned char *buf, bool mono, int where) { TextRegionClass *r = (where == 1) ?region_crt:region_dngn; if (where == 1 && UseDosChar) r = region_xmap; int xx, yy; unsigned char *ptr = buf; //cgotoxy(1, 1, GOTO_CRT); for (yy = sy-1; yy <= ey-1; yy++) { unsigned char *c = &(r->cbuf[yy*(r->mx)+sx-1]); unsigned char *a = &(r->abuf[yy*(r->mx)+sx-1]); for (xx = sx-1; xx <= ex-1; xx++) { *c = *ptr; if (*c == 0) *c = 32; ptr++; if (mono) *a = WHITE; else { *a = *ptr; ptr++; } c++; a++; } } r->make_active(); r->redraw(sx-1, sy-1, ex-1, ey-1); } void ViewTextFile(const char *name) { FILE *fp = fopen(name, "r"); int max = get_number_of_lines(); // Hack #define MAXTEXTLINES 100 #define DELIMITER_END "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" #define DELIMITER_MORE "...(more)... " unsigned char buf[80*MAXTEXTLINES], buf2[84]; int nlines = 0; int cline = 0; int i; if (!fp) { mpr("Couldn't open file."); return; } for (i = 0; i < 80*MAXTEXTLINES; i++) buf[i] = ' '; while (nlines < MAXTEXTLINES) { fgets((char *)buf2, 82, fp); if (feof(fp)) break; i = 0; while (i < 79 && buf2[i] != 13 && buf2[i] != 10) i++; memcpy(&buf[nlines*80], buf2, i); nlines++; } fclose(fp); clrscr(); while (true) { cgotoxy(1, 1); if (cline == 0) cprintf(DELIMITER_END); else cprintf(DELIMITER_MORE); puttext(1, 2, 80, max, &buf[cline*80], true, 1); cgotoxy(1, max); if (cline + max-2 >= nlines) cprintf(DELIMITER_END); else cprintf(DELIMITER_MORE); cgotoxy(14, max); cprintf("[j/k/+/-/SPACE/b: scroll q/ESC/RETURN: exit]"); mouse_set_mode(MOUSE_MODE_MORE); int key = getch(); mouse_set_mode(MOUSE_MODE_NORMAL); if (key == 'q' || key == ESCAPE || key =='\r') break; else if (key == '-' || key == 'b') cline -= max-2; else if (key == 'k') cline --; else if (key == '+' || key == ' ') cline += max-2; else if (key == 'j') cline++; else if (key == CK_MOUSE_B4) cline--; else if (key == CK_MOUSE_B5) cline++; if (cline + max-2 > nlines) cline = nlines-max + 2; if (cline < 0) cline = 0; } } void window(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { }