#include "AppHdr.h" REVISION("$Rev$"); #if defined(WIN32CONSOLE) /* * File: libw32c.cc * Summary: Functions for windows32 console mode support. * Needed by makefile.mgw. * Written by: Gordon Lipford * * Modified for Crawl Reference by $Author$ on $Date$ */ // WINDOWS INCLUDES GO HERE /* * Exclude parts of WINDOWS.H that are not needed */ #define NOCOMM /* Comm driver APIs and definitions */ #define NOLOGERROR /* LogError() and related definitions */ #define NOPROFILER /* Profiler APIs */ #define NOLFILEIO /* _l* file I/O routines */ #define NOOPENFILE /* OpenFile and related definitions */ #define NORESOURCE /* Resource management */ #define NOATOM /* Atom management */ #define NOLANGUAGE /* Character test routines */ #define NOLSTRING /* lstr* string management routines */ #define NODBCS /* Double-byte character set routines */ #define NOKEYBOARDINFO /* Keyboard driver routines */ #define NOCOLOR /* COLOR_* color values */ #define NODRAWTEXT /* DrawText() and related definitions */ #define NOSCALABLEFONT /* Truetype scalable font support */ #define NOMETAFILE /* Metafile support */ #define NOSYSTEMPARAMSINFO /* SystemParametersInfo() and SPI_* definitions */ #define NODEFERWINDOWPOS /* DeferWindowPos and related definitions */ #define NOKEYSTATES /* MK_* message key state flags */ #define NOWH /* SetWindowsHook and related WH_* definitions */ #define NOCLIPBOARD /* Clipboard APIs and definitions */ #define NOICONS /* IDI_* icon IDs */ #define NOMDI /* MDI support */ #define NOCTLMGR /* Control management and controls */ #define NOHELP /* Help support */ /* * Exclude parts of WINDOWS.H that are not needed (Win32) */ #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #define NONLS /* All NLS defines and routines */ #define NOSERVICE /* All Service Controller routines, SERVICE_ equates, etc. */ #define NOKANJI /* Kanji support stuff. */ #define NOMCX /* Modem Configuration Extensions */ #ifndef _X86_ #define _X86_ /* target architecture */ #endif #include #include #undef ARRAYSZ #include #undef max // END -- WINDOWS INCLUDES #ifdef __MINGW32__ #include #endif #include #include #include "cio.h" #include "defines.h" #include "libutil.h" #include "message.h" #include "state.h" #include "stuff.h" #include "version.h" #include "view.h" char oldTitle[80]; static HANDLE inbuf = NULL; static HANDLE outbuf = NULL; static int current_color = -1; static bool cursor_is_enabled = false; static CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO initial_cci; static bool have_initial_cci = false; // dirty line (sx,ex,y) static int chsx = 0, chex = 0, chy = -1; // cursor position (start at 0,0 --> 1,1) static int cx = 0, cy = 0; // and now, for the screen buffer static CHAR_INFO *screen = NULL; static COORD screensize; #define SCREENINDEX(x,y) ((x)+screensize.X*(y)) static bool buffering = false; // static const char *windowTitle = "Crawl " VERSION; static unsigned InputCP, OutputCP; static const unsigned PREFERRED_CODEPAGE = 437; static bool w32_smart_cursor = true; // we can do straight translation of DOS color to win32 console color. #define WIN32COLOR(col) (WORD)(col) static void writeChar(char c); static void bFlush(void); static void _setcursortype_internal(bool curstype); // [ds] Unused for portability reasons /* static DWORD crawlColorData[16] = // BGR data, easier to put in registry { 0x00000000, // BLACK 0x00ff00cd, // BLUE 0x0046b964, // GREEN 0x00b4b400, // CYAN 0x000085ff, // RED 0x00ee82ee, // MAGENTA 0x005a6fcd, // BROWN 0x00c0c0c0, // LT GREY 0x00808080, // DK GREY 0x00ff8600, // LT BLUE 0x0000ff85, // LT GREEN 0x00ffff00, // LT CYAN 0x000000ff, // LT RED 0x00bf7091, // LT MAGENTA 0x0000ffff, // YELLOW 0x00ffffff // WHITE }; */ void writeChar(char c) { if (c == '\t') { for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) writeChar(' '); return; } bool noop = true; PCHAR_INFO pci; // check for CR: noop if (c == 0x0D) return; // check for newline if (c == 0x0A) { // must flush current buffer bFlush(); // reposition cgotoxy(1, cy+2); return; } int tc = WIN32COLOR(current_color); pci = &screen[SCREENINDEX(cx,cy)]; // is this a no-op? if (pci->Char.AsciiChar != c) noop = false; else if (pci->Attributes != tc) noop = false; if (!noop) { // write the info and update the dirty area pci->Char.AsciiChar = c; pci->Attributes = tc; if (chy < 0) chsx = cx; chy = cy; chex = cx; // if we're not buffering, flush if (!buffering) bFlush(); } // update x position cx += 1; if (cx >= screensize.X) cx = screensize.X - 1; } void enable_smart_cursor(bool cursor) { w32_smart_cursor = cursor; } bool is_smart_cursor_enabled() { return (w32_smart_cursor); } void bFlush(void) { COORD source; SMALL_RECT target; // see if we have a dirty area if (chy < 0) return; // set up call source.X = chsx; source.Y = chy; target.Left = chsx; target.Top = chy; target.Right = chex; target.Bottom = chy; WriteConsoleOutput(outbuf, screen, screensize, source, &target); chy = -1; // if cursor is not NOCURSOR, update screen if (cursor_is_enabled) { COORD xy; xy.X = cx; xy.Y = cy; SetConsoleCursorPosition(outbuf, xy); } } void set_mouse_enabled(bool enabled) { DWORD inmode; if (::GetConsoleMode(inbuf, &inmode)) { if (enabled) inmode |= ENABLE_MOUSE_INPUT; else inmode &= ~ENABLE_MOUSE_INPUT; ::SetConsoleMode(inbuf, inmode); } } void set_string_input(bool value) { DWORD inmodes, outmodes; if (value == TRUE) { inmodes = ENABLE_LINE_INPUT | ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT | ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT | ENABLE_MOUSE_INPUT | ENABLE_WINDOW_INPUT; outmodes = ENABLE_PROCESSED_OUTPUT; } else { inmodes = ENABLE_MOUSE_INPUT | ENABLE_WINDOW_INPUT; outmodes = 0; } if ( SetConsoleMode( inbuf, inmodes ) == 0) { fputs("Error initialising console input mode.", stderr); exit(0); } if ( SetConsoleMode( outbuf, outmodes ) == 0) { fputs("Error initialising console output mode.", stderr); exit(0); } // now flush it FlushConsoleInputBuffer( inbuf ); } // this apparently only works for Win2K+ and ME+ static void init_colors(char *windowTitle) { UNUSED( windowTitle ); // look up the Crawl shortcut // if found, modify the colortable entries in the NT_CONSOLE_PROPS // structure. // if not found, quit. } #ifdef __MINGW32__ static void install_sighandlers() { signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); } #endif static void set_w32_screen_size() { CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO cinf; if (::GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(outbuf, &cinf)) { screensize.X = cinf.srWindow.Right - cinf.srWindow.Left + 1; screensize.Y = cinf.srWindow.Bottom - cinf.srWindow.Top + 1; } else { screensize.X = 80; screensize.Y = 25; } if (screen) { delete [] screen; screen = NULL; } screen = new CHAR_INFO[screensize.X * screensize.Y]; COORD topleft; SMALL_RECT used; topleft.X = topleft.Y = 0; ::ReadConsoleOutput(outbuf, screen, screensize, topleft, &used); } static void w32_handle_resize_event() { if (crawl_state.waiting_for_command) handle_terminal_resize(true); else crawl_state.terminal_resized = true; } static void w32_check_screen_resize() { CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO cinf; if (::GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(outbuf, &cinf)) { if (screensize.X != cinf.srWindow.Right - cinf.srWindow.Left + 1 || screensize.Y != cinf.srWindow.Bottom - cinf.srWindow.Top + 1) { w32_handle_resize_event(); } } } static void w32_term_resizer() { set_w32_screen_size(); crawl_view.init_geometry(); } void init_libw32c(void) { inbuf = GetStdHandle( STD_INPUT_HANDLE ); outbuf = GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ); if (inbuf == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || outbuf == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { fputs("Could not initialise libw32c console support.", stderr); exit(0); } GetConsoleTitle( oldTitle, 78 ); SetConsoleTitle( CRAWL " " VERSION ); // Use the initial Windows setting for cursor size if it exists. // TODO: Respect changing cursor size manually while Crawl is running. have_initial_cci = GetConsoleCursorInfo( outbuf, &initial_cci ); #ifdef __MINGW32__ install_sighandlers(); #endif init_colors(oldTitle); // by default, set string input to false: use char-input only set_string_input( false ); // set up screen size set_w32_screen_size(); // initialise text color textcolor(DARKGREY); // initialise cursor to NONE. _setcursortype_internal(false); // buffering defaults to ON -- very important! set_buffering(true); crawl_state.terminal_resize_handler = w32_term_resizer; crawl_state.terminal_resize_check = w32_check_screen_resize; // JWM, 06/12/2004: Code page setting, as XP does not use ANSI 437 by // default. InputCP = GetConsoleCP(); OutputCP = GetConsoleOutputCP(); // Don't kill Crawl if we can't set the codepage. Windows 95/98/ME // don't have support for setting the input and output codepage. // I'm also not convinced we need to set the input codepage at all. if (InputCP != PREFERRED_CODEPAGE) SetConsoleCP(PREFERRED_CODEPAGE); if (OutputCP != PREFERRED_CODEPAGE) SetConsoleOutputCP(PREFERRED_CODEPAGE); } void deinit_libw32c(void) { // don't do anything if we were never initted if (inbuf == NULL || outbuf == NULL) return; // JWM, 06/12/2004: Code page stuff. If it was the preferred code page, it // doesn't need restoring. Shouldn't be an error and too bad if there is. if (InputCP && InputCP != PREFERRED_CODEPAGE) SetConsoleCP(InputCP); if (OutputCP && OutputCP != PREFERRED_CODEPAGE) SetConsoleOutputCP(OutputCP); // restore console attributes for normal function set_string_input(true); // set cursor and normal textcolor _setcursortype_internal(true); textcolor(DARKGREY); delete [] screen; screen = NULL; // finally, restore title SetConsoleTitle( oldTitle ); } void set_cursor_enabled(bool enabled) { if (!w32_smart_cursor) _setcursortype_internal(enabled); } bool is_cursor_enabled() { return (cursor_is_enabled); } void _setcursortype_internal(bool curstype) { CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO cci; if (curstype == cursor_is_enabled) return; cci.dwSize = have_initial_cci && initial_cci.dwSize ? initial_cci.dwSize : 5; cci.bVisible = curstype? TRUE : FALSE; cursor_is_enabled = curstype; SetConsoleCursorInfo( outbuf, &cci ); // now, if we just changed from NOCURSOR to CURSOR, // actually move screen cursor if (cursor_is_enabled) cgotoxy(cx+1, cy+1); } // This will force the cursor down to the next line. void clear_to_end_of_line() { const int pos = wherex(); const int cols = get_number_of_cols(); if (pos <= cols) cprintf("%*s", cols - pos + 1, ""); } void clrscr(void) { int x,y; COORD source; SMALL_RECT target; PCHAR_INFO pci = screen; for (x = 0; x < screensize.X; x++) for (y = 0; y < screensize.Y; y++) { pci->Char.AsciiChar = ' '; pci->Attributes = 0; pci++; } source.X = 0; source.Y = 0; target.Left = 0; target.Top = 0; target.Right = screensize.X - 1; target.Bottom = screensize.Y - 1; WriteConsoleOutput(outbuf, screen, screensize, source, &target); // reset cursor to 1,1 for convenience cgotoxy(1,1); } void gotoxy_sys(int x, int y) { // always flush on goto bFlush(); // bounds check if (x < 1) x = 1; if (x > screensize.X) x = screensize.X; if (y < 1) y = 1; if (y > screensize.Y) y = screensize.Y; // change current cursor cx = x - 1; cy = y - 1; // if cursor is not NOCURSOR, update screen if (cursor_is_enabled) { COORD xy; xy.X = cx; xy.Y = cy; if (SetConsoleCursorPosition(outbuf, xy) == 0) fputs("SetConsoleCursorPosition() failed!", stderr); } } void textattr(int c) { textcolor(c); } void textcolor(int c) { // change current color used to stamp chars short fg = c & 0xF; short bg = (c >> 4) & 0xF; short macro_fg = Options.colour[fg]; short macro_bg = Options.colour[bg]; current_color = macro_fg | (macro_bg << 4); } void clear_message_window() { PCHAR_INFO pci = screen + SCREENINDEX(crawl_view.msgp.x - 1, crawl_view.msgp.y - 1); for (int x = 0; x < screensize.X; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < crawl_view.msgsz.y; y++) { pci->Char.AsciiChar = ' '; pci->Attributes = 0; pci++; } } COORD source; SMALL_RECT target; source.X = crawl_view.msgp.x - 1; source.Y = crawl_view.msgp.y - 1; target.Left = crawl_view.msgp.x - 1; target.Top = crawl_view.msgp.y - 1; target.Right = screensize.X - 1; target.Bottom = screensize.Y - 1; WriteConsoleOutput(outbuf, screen, screensize, source, &target); } static void scroll_message_buffer() { memmove( screen + SCREENINDEX(crawl_view.msgp.x - 1, crawl_view.msgp.y - 1), screen + SCREENINDEX(crawl_view.msgp.x - 1, crawl_view.msgp.y), crawl_view.msgsz.y * screensize.X * sizeof(*screen) ); } static void scroll_message_window() { SMALL_RECT scroll_rectangle, clip_rectangle; scroll_rectangle.Left = crawl_view.msgp.x - 1; scroll_rectangle.Top = crawl_view.msgp.y; scroll_rectangle.Right = screensize.X - 1; scroll_rectangle.Bottom = screensize.Y - 1; clip_rectangle = scroll_rectangle; clip_rectangle.Top = crawl_view.msgp.y - 1; COORD new_origin; new_origin.X = crawl_view.msgp.x - 1; new_origin.Y = crawl_view.msgp.y - 1; CHAR_INFO fill; fill.Char.AsciiChar = ' '; fill.Attributes = WIN32COLOR(LIGHTGREY); ::ScrollConsoleScreenBuffer( outbuf, &scroll_rectangle, &clip_rectangle, new_origin, &fill); scroll_message_buffer(); // Cursor also scrolls up so prompts don't look brain-damaged. if (wherey() == screensize.Y) cgotoxy(wherex(), wherey() - 1); } void message_out(int which_line, int colour, const char *s, int firstcol, bool newline) { if (!firstcol) firstcol = Options.delay_message_clear? 2 : 1; cgotoxy(firstcol - 1 + crawl_view.msgp.x, which_line + crawl_view.msgp.y); textcolor(colour); cprintf("%s", s); if (newline && which_line == crawl_view.msgsz.y - 1) scroll_message_window(); } static void cprintf_aux(const char *s) { // early out -- not initted yet if (outbuf == NULL) { printf(s); return; } // turn buffering ON (temporarily) bool oldValue = buffering; set_buffering(true); // loop through string char *p = (char *)s; while (*p) { writeChar(*p++); } // reset buffering set_buffering(oldValue); // flush string bFlush(); } void cprintf(const char *format, ...) { va_list argp; char buffer[4096]; // one could hope it's enough va_start( argp, format ); vsprintf(buffer, format, argp); cprintf_aux(buffer); va_end(argp); } void window(int x, int y, int lx, int ly) { // do nothing UNUSED( x ); UNUSED( y ); UNUSED( lx ); UNUSED( ly ); } int wherex(void) { return cx+1; } int wherey(void) { return cy+1; } void putch(char c) { // special case: check for '0' char: map to space if (c == 0) c = ' '; writeChar(c); } void putwch(unsigned c) { putch((char) c); } // translate virtual keys #define VKEY_MAPPINGS 10 static int vk_tr[4][VKEY_MAPPINGS] = // virtual key, unmodified, shifted, control { { VK_END, VK_DOWN, VK_NEXT, VK_LEFT, VK_CLEAR, VK_RIGHT, VK_HOME, VK_UP, VK_PRIOR, VK_INSERT }, { CK_END, CK_DOWN, CK_PGDN, CK_LEFT, CK_CLEAR, CK_RIGHT, CK_HOME, CK_UP, CK_PGUP , CK_INSERT }, { CK_SHIFT_END, CK_SHIFT_DOWN, CK_SHIFT_PGDN, CK_SHIFT_LEFT, CK_SHIFT_CLEAR, CK_SHIFT_RIGHT, CK_SHIFT_HOME, CK_SHIFT_UP, CK_SHIFT_PGUP, CK_SHIFT_INSERT }, { CK_CTRL_END, CK_CTRL_DOWN, CK_CTRL_PGDN, CK_CTRL_LEFT, CK_CTRL_CLEAR, CK_CTRL_RIGHT, CK_CTRL_HOME, CK_CTRL_UP, CK_CTRL_PGUP, CK_CTRL_INSERT }, }; static int ck_tr[] = { 'k', 'j', 'h', 'l', '0', 'y', 'b', '.', 'u', 'n', // 'b', 'j', 'n', 'h', '.', 'l', 'y', 'k', 'u' , '8', '2', '4', '6', '0', '7', '1', '5', '9', '3', // '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9' , 11, 10, 8, 12, '0', 25, 2, 0, 21, 14 // 2, 10, 14, 8, 0, 12, 25, 11, 21 , }; int key_to_command( int keyin ) { if (keyin >= CK_UP && keyin <= CK_CTRL_PGDN) return ck_tr[ keyin - CK_UP ]; if (keyin == CK_DELETE) return '.'; return keyin; } int vk_translate( WORD VirtCode, CHAR c, DWORD cKeys) { bool shftDown = false; bool ctrlDown = false; bool altDown = !!(cKeys & (LEFT_ALT_PRESSED | RIGHT_ALT_PRESSED)); // step 1 - we don't care about shift or control if (VirtCode == VK_SHIFT || VirtCode == VK_CONTROL || VirtCode == VK_MENU || VirtCode == VK_CAPITAL || VirtCode == VK_NUMLOCK) return 0; // step 2 - translate the key to 0x1b if (VirtCode == VK_ESCAPE) return 0x1b; // same as it ever was.. // step 3 - translate shifted or controlled numeric keypad keys if (cKeys & SHIFT_PRESSED) shftDown = true; if (cKeys & (RIGHT_CTRL_PRESSED | LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED)) ctrlDown = true; // control takes precedence over shift // hack - translate ^P and ^Q since 16 and 17 are taken by CTRL and SHIFT if ((VirtCode == 80 || VirtCode == 81) && ctrlDown) return VirtCode & 0x003f; // shift back down if (VirtCode == VK_DELETE && !ctrlDown) // assume keypad '.' return CK_DELETE; // see if we're a vkey int mkey; for (mkey = 0; mkey 0) { repeat_count -= 1; return repeat_key; } const bool oldValue = cursor_is_enabled; if (w32_smart_cursor) _setcursortype_internal(true); bool waiting_for_event = true; while (waiting_for_event) { if (ReadConsoleInput( inbuf, &ir, 1, &nread) == 0) fputs("Error in ReadConsoleInput()!", stderr); if (nread > 0) { // ignore if it isn't a keyboard event. switch (ir.EventType) { case KEY_EVENT: kr = &ir.Event.KeyEvent; // ignore if it is a 'key up' - we only want 'key down' if (kr->bKeyDown) { key = vk_translate( kr->wVirtualKeyCode, kr->uChar.AsciiChar, kr->dwControlKeyState ); if (key > 0) { repeat_count = kr->wRepeatCount - 1; repeat_key = key; waiting_for_event = false; break; } } break; case WINDOW_BUFFER_SIZE_EVENT: w32_handle_resize_event(); break; case MOUSE_EVENT: if ((key = w32_proc_mouse_event(ir.Event.MouseEvent))) waiting_for_event = false; break; } } } if (w32_smart_cursor) _setcursortype_internal(oldValue); return key; } int getch(void) { int c = getch_ck(); return key_to_command( c ); } int getche(void) { // turn buffering off temporarily const bool oldValue = buffering; set_buffering(false); int val = getch(); if (val != 0) putch(val); // restore buffering value set_buffering(oldValue); return val; } int kbhit() { INPUT_RECORD ir[10]; DWORD read_count = 0; PeekConsoleInput(inbuf, ir, sizeof ir / sizeof(ir[0]), &read_count); if (read_count > 0) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < read_count; ++i) if (ir[i].EventType == KEY_EVENT) { KEY_EVENT_RECORD *kr; kr = &(ir[i].Event.KeyEvent); if (kr->bKeyDown) return 1; } } return 0; } void delay(int ms) { Sleep((DWORD)ms); } void textbackground(int c) { // do nothing UNUSED( c ); } int get_console_string(char *buf, int maxlen) { DWORD nread; // set console input to line mode set_string_input( true ); // force cursor const bool oldValue = cursor_is_enabled; if (w32_smart_cursor) _setcursortype_internal(true); // set actual screen color to current color SetConsoleTextAttribute( outbuf, WIN32COLOR(current_color) ); if (ReadConsole( inbuf, buf, (DWORD)(maxlen-1), &nread, NULL) == 0) fputs("Error in ReadConsole()!", stderr); // terminate string, then strip CRLF, replace with \0 buf[maxlen-1] = 0; for (unsigned i=(nread<3 ? 0 : nread-3); iinit(path)) { return d; } else { delete d; return 0; } } dirent* readdir(DIR* d) { return d->readdir(); } int closedir(DIR* d) { delete d; return 0; } int ftruncate(int fp, int size) { ASSERT(false); // unimplemented return 0; } #endif /* #if _MSC_VER */ #endif /* #if defined(WIN32CONSOLE) */