/* * Modified for Crawl Reference by $Author$ on $Date$ */ #ifndef LIBW32C_H #define LIBW32C_H #define WIN_NUMBER_OF_LINES 25 #include // I think the following definition is all we need from STD namespace.. #ifdef __IBMCPP__ // Borland 5.01 doesn't seem to need this typedef std::basic_string string; #endif #include #include #define _NORMALCURSOR true #define _NOCURSOR false void init_libw32c(void); void deinit_libw32c(void); void _setcursortype(int curstype); void clrscr(void); void gotoxy(int x, int y); void textcolor(int c); void cprintf( const char *format, ... ); // void cprintf(const char *s); void setStringInput(bool value); bool setBuffering(bool value); int getConsoleString(char *buf, int maxlen); void print_timings(void); void window(int x, int y, int lx, int ly); int wherex(void); int wherey(void); void putch(char c); int getch(void); int getch_ck(void); int key_to_command(int); int getche(void); int kbhit(void); void delay(int ms); void textbackground(int c); inline void srandom(unsigned int seed) { srand(seed); } #endif