# build_dcss_release.rb # Builds DOS and Windows binaries for a Stone Soup release. # Needs rubyzip to be installed. require 'fileutils' require 'zip/zipfilesystem' SVN_BASE_URL = 'https://svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/crawl-ref/' SVN_BRANCH = 'branches/stone_soup-0.1.5' SVN_URL = SVN_BASE_URL + SVN_BRANCH + '/crawl-ref' # If empty, nothing is done. Useful to sync svk mirrors. SVN_PRESYNC = '' SVN = 'svn' BUILDS = [ Proc.new { build_win32 }, Proc.new { build_dos } ].reverse W32MAKE = 'mingw32-make' DOSMAKE = 'make' UPX = 'upx' SVN_CO_DIR = 'stone_soup' DEV_NULL = 'nul' CLEANPATH = ENV['PATH'] # Leave empty if svn is already in the path SVN_PATH_PREFIX = 'C:\etc\misc\svk\bin;C:\etc\misc\svn\bin;' W32MAKE_PATH_PREFIX = 'C:\etc\MinGW\bin;C:\etc\misc\yacc;' DOSMAKE_PATH_PREFIX = 'C:\etc\djgpp\bin;' BUILD_HOME = File.join( FileUtils.pwd(), 'release' ) # Relative to source directory CRAWL_NDB_PATH = 'rel/crawl.exe' CRAWL_DBG_PATH = 'dbg/crawl.exe' CRAWL_DOS_PATH = 'crawl.exe' PACKAGE_PATH = BUILD_HOME def build_soup checkout make package end def setup_svn_env ENV['PATH'] = SVN_PATH_PREFIX + CLEANPATH end def setup_build_home FileUtils.mkdir_p(BUILD_HOME) Dir.chdir(BUILD_HOME) end def full_checkout puts "#{SVN} co #{SVN_URL} #{SVN_CO_DIR}" system "#{SVN} co #{SVN_URL} #{SVN_CO_DIR}" or raise "#{SVN} co failed: #$?" Dir.chdir SVN_CO_DIR end def checkout setup_svn_env if SVN_PRESYNC and not SVN_PRESYNC.empty? puts "Running presync: '#{SVN_PRESYNC}'" system(SVN_PRESYNC) or raise "#{SVN_PRESYNC} failed: #$?!" end setup_build_home clean_directory SVN_CO_DIR if File.directory? SVN_CO_DIR full_checkout end def clean_directory(*dirs) dirs.each do |dir| currdir = FileUtils.pwd if currdir != BUILD_HOME raise "In #{currdir}, need to be in #{BUILD_HOME}!" end raise "Evil directory name: #{dir}" if dir =~ /\.\./ puts "Trying to remove #{dir}" FileUtils.rm_r dir, :verbose => true end end def path_prefix(prefix) ENV['PATH'] = prefix + CLEANPATH unless ENV['PATH'].index(prefix) end def clean_objects [ '.', 'rel', 'dbg', 'util' ].each do |dir| if File.directory? dir FileUtils.rm( Dir[dir + '/*.o'], :force => true ) end end end def clean_w32build_area clean_objects system "#{W32MAKE} -f makefile.mgw clean" end def clean_dosbuild_area clean_objects system "#{DOSMAKE} -f makefile.dos clean" end def make BUILDS.each do |builder| Dir.chdir( File.join(BUILD_HOME, SVN_CO_DIR) ) builder.call end end def setup_w32make_env Dir.chdir 'source' path_prefix W32MAKE_PATH_PREFIX clean_w32build_area end def setup_dosmake_env Dir.chdir 'source' path_prefix DOSMAKE_PATH_PREFIX clean_dosbuild_area end $release_version = nil def release_version if not $release_version raise "Can't find version.h" unless File.file? 'version.h' IO.readlines('version.h').each do |line| if line =~ /VERSION\s+"(\d\.\d(?:\.\d)?)/ $release_version = $1 if line =~ /-svn/ raise "Version number is #$1-svn! Remove the -svn suffix." end break end end end $release_version or raise "Unable to read version at #{FileUtils.pwd}" end def build_dos setup_dosmake_env puts "\nBuilding stone_soup (ndebug) for #{release_version} DOS" system( %{ #{DOSMAKE} -f makefile.dos DOYACC=y "EXTRA_FLAGS=-O2 } + %{-DCLUA_BINDINGS -DREGEX_PCRE" } + %{"LIB=-static -llua -lpcre"} ) or raise "#{DOSMAKE} failed: #$?" upx CRAWL_DOS_PATH end def build_win32 setup_w32make_env puts "\nBuilding stone_soup (non-debug) for #{release_version} release!" system( %{#{W32MAKE} -f makefile.mgw DOYACC=y "EXTRA_FLAGS=-O2 } + %{-DCLUA_BINDINGS -DREGEX_PCRE" } + %{"LIB=-lwinmm -static -llua -lpcre"} ) or raise "#{W32MAKE} failed: #$?" clean_w32build_area puts "\nBuilding stone_soup (debug) for #{release_version}!" system( %{#{W32MAKE} -f makefile.mgw debug DEBUG_CRAWL=y "EXTRA_FLAGS=-O2 } + %{-DCLUA_BINDINGS -DREGEX_PCRE -DFULLDEBUG -DWIZARD" } + %{"LIB=-lwinmm -static -llua -lpcre" } + %{DOYACC=y} ) or raise "#{W32MAKE} failed: #$?" upx CRAWL_NDB_PATH, CRAWL_DBG_PATH end def upx(*files) return unless UPX and not UPX.empty? files.each do |file| system "#{UPX} #{file}" or raise "#{UPX} failed: #$?" end end def makezip(path, name, exe) zipname = File.join(path, name) + '.zip' puts "Creating zip archive at #{zipname}" if File.exists? zipname FileUtils.rm(zipname) end Zip::ZipFile.open( zipname, Zip::ZipFile::CREATE ) do |zip| zip.dir.mkdir(name) zip.dir.chdir name # The exe itself zip.add 'source/' + exe # Add base documentation zip.add [ 'CREDITS', 'licence.txt', 'readme.txt' ] + Dir['README*'] # Add base config zip.add [ 'init.txt', 'macro.txt' ] zip.add( Dir['docs/*'].find_all { |f| not File.directory?(f) }, :keep_paths => true ) zip.add( Dir['source/lua/*'], :prefix => 'lua' ) zip.add( Dir['source/dat/*'], :prefix => 'dat' ) end end def package Dir.chdir( File.join(BUILD_HOME, SVN_CO_DIR) ) # Wipe all existing zips! FileUtils.rm( Dir[ File.join(PACKAGE_PATH, '*.zip') ] ) [ [ "stone_soup-#{release_version}-win32", CRAWL_NDB_PATH ], [ "stone_soup-#{release_version}-win32-debug", CRAWL_DBG_PATH ], [ "ss#{release_version.tr '.', ''}dos", CRAWL_DOS_PATH ] ]. each do |pkg, exe| makezip(PACKAGE_PATH, pkg, exe) end end ########################################################################## # Zip extensions class Zip::ZipFile def mkdir_p(dirpath) dirpath.tr! '\\', '/' segments = File.split(dirpath) fullpath = nil segments.each do |dir| next if dir == '.' fullpath = fullpath ? File.join(fullpath, dir) : dir self.dir.mkdir fullpath unless self.file.directory? fullpath end end def add(files, options = {}) files = [ files ] unless files.respond_to? :to_ary files.each do |f| entryname = options[:keep_paths]? f : File.basename(f) entryname = File.join(options[:prefix], entryname) if options[:prefix] if File.directory? f # We DON'T add the contents of the directory automagically self.mkdir_p entryname else dirname = File.dirname(entryname) self.mkdir_p(dirname) unless dirname == '.' self.file.open(entryname, 'w') do |outf| File.open(f, 'rb') do |inf| outf.write( inf.read ) end end end end end end build_soup