/** * @file * @brief Implementing the actor interface for player. **/ #include "AppHdr.h" #include "player.h" #include #include "act-iter.h" #include "areas.h" #include "art-enum.h" #include "artefact.h" #include "coordit.h" #include "dgnevent.h" #include "env.h" #include "fight.h" #include "food.h" #include "godconduct.h" #include "goditem.h" #include "hints.h" #include "itemname.h" #include "itemprop.h" #include "items.h" #include "item_use.h" #include "libutil.h" #include "message.h" #include "misc.h" #include "monster.h" #include "mon-util.h" // for decline_pronoun #include "player-stats.h" #include "religion.h" #include "spl-damage.h" #include "state.h" #include "terrain.h" #include "transform.h" #include "traps.h" #include "viewgeom.h" int player::mindex() const { return MHITYOU; } kill_category player::kill_alignment() const { return KC_YOU; } god_type player::deity() const { return religion; } bool player::alive() const { // Simplistic, but if the player dies the game is over anyway, so // nobody can ask further questions. return !crawl_state.game_is_arena(); } bool player::is_summoned(int* _duration, int* summon_type) const { if (_duration != NULL) *_duration = -1; if (summon_type != NULL) *summon_type = 0; return false; } void player::moveto(const coord_def &c, bool clear_net) { if (clear_net && c != pos()) clear_trapping_net(); crawl_view.set_player_at(c); set_position(c); clear_far_constrictions(); end_searing_ray(); } bool player::move_to_pos(const coord_def &c, bool clear_net) { actor *target = actor_at(c); if (!target || target->submerged()) { moveto(c, clear_net); return true; } return false; } void player::apply_location_effects(const coord_def &oldpos, killer_type killer, int killernum) { moveto_location_effects(env.grid(oldpos)); } void player::set_position(const coord_def &c) { ASSERT(!crawl_state.game_is_arena()); const bool real_move = (c != pos()); actor::set_position(c); if (real_move) { reset_prev_move(); if (duration[DUR_QUAD_DAMAGE]) invalidate_agrid(true); if (player_has_orb()) { env.orb_pos = c; invalidate_agrid(true); } dungeon_events.fire_position_event(DET_PLAYER_MOVED, c); } } bool player::swimming() const { return in_water() && can_swim(); } bool player::submerged() const { return false; } bool player::floundering() const { return in_water() && !can_swim() && !extra_balanced(); } bool player::extra_balanced() const { const dungeon_feature_type grid = grd(pos()); return species == SP_GREY_DRACONIAN || form == TRAN_TREE || grid == DNGN_SHALLOW_WATER && (species == SP_NAGA // tails, not feet || body_size(PSIZE_BODY) >= SIZE_LARGE) && (form == TRAN_LICH || form == TRAN_STATUE || form == TRAN_SHADOW || !form_changed_physiology()); } int player::get_hit_dice() const { return experience_level; } int player::get_experience_level() const { return experience_level; } bool player::can_pass_through_feat(dungeon_feature_type grid) const { return !feat_is_solid(grid) && grid != DNGN_MALIGN_GATEWAY; } bool player::is_habitable_feat(dungeon_feature_type actual_grid) const { if (!can_pass_through_feat(actual_grid)) return false; if (airborne() #if TAG_MAJOR_VERSION == 34 || species == SP_DJINNI #endif ) { return true; } if ( #if TAG_MAJOR_VERSION == 34 actual_grid == DNGN_LAVA && species != SP_LAVA_ORC || #endif actual_grid == DNGN_DEEP_WATER && !can_swim()) { return false; } return true; } size_type player::body_size(size_part_type psize, bool base) const { if (base) return species_size(species, psize); else { size_type tf_size = transform_size(form, psize); return tf_size == SIZE_CHARACTER ? species_size(species, psize) : tf_size; } } int player::body_weight(bool base) const { int weight = actor::body_weight(base); if (base) return weight; switch (form) { case TRAN_STATUE: weight *= 2; break; case TRAN_LICH: case TRAN_SHADOW: weight /= 2; break; default: break; } return weight; } int player::damage_type(int) { if (const item_def* wp = weapon()) return get_vorpal_type(*wp); else if (form == TRAN_BLADE_HANDS) return DVORP_SLICING; else if (has_usable_claws()) return DVORP_CLAWING; else if (has_usable_tentacles()) return DVORP_TENTACLE; return DVORP_CRUSHING; } brand_type player::damage_brand(int) { brand_type ret = SPWPN_NORMAL; const int wpn = equip[EQ_WEAPON]; if (wpn != -1 && !melded[EQ_WEAPON]) { if (!is_range_weapon(inv[wpn])) ret = get_weapon_brand(inv[wpn]); } else if (duration[DUR_CONFUSING_TOUCH] || form == TRAN_FUNGUS) ret = SPWPN_CONFUSE; else { switch (form) { case TRAN_SPIDER: ret = SPWPN_VENOM; break; case TRAN_ICE_BEAST: ret = SPWPN_FREEZING; break; case TRAN_LICH: ret = SPWPN_DRAINING; break; case TRAN_BAT: if (species == SP_VAMPIRE && one_chance_in(8)) ret = SPWPN_VAMPIRISM; break; default: break; } } return ret; } /** * Return the delay caused by attacking with the provided weapon & projectile. * * @param weap The weapon to be used; may be null. * @param projectile The projectile to be fired/thrown; may be null. * @param random Whether to randomize delay, or provide a fixed value * for display. * @param scaled Whether to apply special delay modifiers (finesse) * @return The time taken by an attack with the given weapon & * projectile, in aut. */ random_var player::attack_delay(const item_def *weap, const item_def *projectile, bool random, bool scaled) const { random_var attk_delay = constant(15); const int armour_penalty = adjusted_body_armour_penalty(20); const int base_shield_penalty = adjusted_shield_penalty(20); bool check_weapon = (!projectile && !!weap) || projectile && (is_launched(this, weap, *projectile) != LRET_THROWN); if (!check_weapon) { if (form_uses_xl()) { attk_delay = constant(10) - div_rand_round(constant(you.experience_level * 10), 54); } else { attk_delay = rv::max(constant(10), (rv::roll_dice(1, 10) + div_rand_round( rv::roll_dice(2, armour_penalty), 20))); skill_type sk = projectile ? SK_THROWING : SK_UNARMED_COMBAT; attk_delay -= div_rand_round(constant(you.skill(sk, 10)), 54); // Bats are faster (for what good it does them). if (you.form == TRAN_BAT && !projectile) attk_delay = div_rand_round(attk_delay * constant(3), 5); } } else { if (weap && is_weapon(*weap) && (!projectile && !is_range_weapon(*weap) || projectile && is_launched(this, weap, *projectile) == LRET_LAUNCHED)) { const skill_type wpn_skill = item_attack_skill(*weap); attk_delay = constant(property(*weap, PWPN_SPEED)); attk_delay -= div_rand_round(constant(you.skill(wpn_skill, 10)), 20); // apply minimum to weapon skill modification attk_delay = rv::max(attk_delay, weapon_min_delay(*weap)); if (weap->base_type == OBJ_WEAPONS && get_weapon_brand(*weap) == SPWPN_SPEED) { attk_delay = div_rand_round(constant(2) * attk_delay, 3); } } } // At the moment it never gets this low anyway. attk_delay = rv::max(attk_delay, constant(3)); // Calculate this separately to avoid overflowing the weights in // the random_var. random_var shield_penalty = constant(0); if (base_shield_penalty) { shield_penalty = div_rand_round(rv::min(rv::roll_dice(1, base_shield_penalty), rv::roll_dice(1, base_shield_penalty)), 20); } // Give unarmed shield-users a slight penalty always. if (!weap && player_wearing_slot(EQ_SHIELD)) shield_penalty += rv::random2(2); int final_delay = random ? attk_delay.roll() + shield_penalty.roll() : attk_delay.expected() + shield_penalty.expected(); // Stop here if we just want the unmodified value. if (!scaled) return final_delay; const int scaling = finesse_adjust_delay(you.time_taken); return max(2, div_rand_round(scaling * final_delay, 10)); } // Returns the item in the given equipment slot, NULL if the slot is empty. // eq must be in [EQ_WEAPON, EQ_RING_AMULET], or bad things will happen. item_def *player::slot_item(equipment_type eq, bool include_melded) const { ASSERT_RANGE(eq, EQ_WEAPON, NUM_EQUIP); const int item = equip[eq]; if (item == -1 || !include_melded && melded[eq]) return NULL; return const_cast(&inv[item]); } // Returns the item in the player's weapon slot. item_def *player::weapon(int /* which_attack */) const { if (melded[EQ_WEAPON]) return NULL; return slot_item(EQ_WEAPON, false); } // Give hands required to wield weapon. hands_reqd_type player::hands_reqd(const item_def &item) const { if (species == SP_FORMICID) return HANDS_ONE; else return actor::hands_reqd(item); } bool player::can_wield(const item_def& item, bool ignore_curse, bool ignore_brand, bool ignore_shield, bool ignore_transform) const { if (equip[EQ_WEAPON] != -1 && !ignore_curse) { if (inv[equip[EQ_WEAPON]].cursed()) return false; } // Unassigned means unarmed combat. const bool two_handed = item.base_type == OBJ_UNASSIGNED || hands_reqd(item) == HANDS_TWO; if (two_handed && !ignore_shield && player_wearing_slot(EQ_SHIELD)) return false; return could_wield(item, ignore_brand, ignore_transform); } /** * Checks whether the player could ever wield the given weapon, regardless of * what they're currently wielding, transformed into, or any other state. * * @param item The item to wield. * @param ignore_brand Whether to disregard the weapon's brand. * @return Whether the player could potentially wield the * item. */ bool player::could_wield(const item_def &item, bool ignore_brand, bool ignore_transform, bool quiet) const { const size_type bsize = body_size(PSIZE_TORSO, ignore_transform); // Only ogres and trolls can wield large rocks (for sandblast). if (bsize < SIZE_LARGE && item.base_type == OBJ_MISSILES && item.sub_type == MI_LARGE_ROCK) { if (!quiet) mpr("That's too large and heavy for you to wield."); return false; } // Most non-weapon objects can be wielded, though there's rarely a point if (!is_weapon(item)) { if (item.base_type == OBJ_ARMOUR || item.base_type == OBJ_JEWELLERY) { if (!quiet) mprf("You can't wield %s.", base_type_string(item).c_str()); return false; } return true; } else if (species == SP_FELID) { if (!quiet) mpr("You can't use weapons."); return false; } // Small species wielding large weapons... if (!is_weapon_wieldable(item, bsize)) { if (!quiet) mpr("That's too large for you to wield."); return false; } // don't let undead/demonspawn wield holy weapons/scrolls (out of spite) if (!ignore_brand && undead_or_demonic() && is_holy_item(item)) { if (!quiet) mpr("This weapon is holy and will not allow you to wield it."); return false; } return true; } // Returns the shield the player is wearing, or NULL if none. item_def *player::shield() const { return slot_item(EQ_SHIELD, false); } void player::make_hungry(int hunger_increase, bool silent) { if (hunger_increase > 0) ::make_hungry(hunger_increase, silent); else if (hunger_increase < 0) ::lessen_hunger(-hunger_increase, silent); } string player::name(description_level_type dt, bool) const { switch (dt) { case DESC_NONE: return ""; case DESC_A: case DESC_THE: default: return "you"; case DESC_YOUR: case DESC_ITS: return "your"; } } string player::pronoun(pronoun_type pro, bool /*force_visible*/) const { return decline_pronoun(GENDER_YOU, pro); } string player::conj_verb(const string &verb) const { return verb; } string player::hand_name(bool plural, bool *can_plural) const { bool _can_plural; if (can_plural == NULL) can_plural = &_can_plural; *can_plural = true; string str; if (form == TRAN_BAT || form == TRAN_DRAGON) str = "foreclaw"; else if (form == TRAN_PIG) str = "front trotter"; else if (form == TRAN_SPIDER || form == TRAN_PORCUPINE) str = "front leg"; else if (form == TRAN_ICE_BEAST) str = "paw"; else if (form == TRAN_BLADE_HANDS) str = "scythe-like blade"; else if (form == TRAN_TREE) str = "branch"; else if (form == TRAN_WISP) str = "misty tendril"; else if (form == TRAN_LICH || form == TRAN_STATUE || form == TRAN_SHADOW || !form_changed_physiology()) { if (species == SP_FELID) str = "paw"; else if (has_usable_claws()) str = "claw"; else if (has_usable_tentacles()) str = "tentacle"; } if (str.empty()) return plural ? "hands" : "hand"; if (plural && *can_plural) str = pluralise(str); return str; } string player::foot_name(bool plural, bool *can_plural) const { bool _can_plural; if (can_plural == NULL) can_plural = &_can_plural; *can_plural = true; string str; if (form == TRAN_SPIDER) str = "hind leg"; else if (form == TRAN_PIG) str = "trotter"; else if (form == TRAN_TREE) str = "root"; else if (form == TRAN_WISP) str = "strand"; else if (form == TRAN_LICH || form == TRAN_STATUE || form == TRAN_SHADOW || !form_changed_physiology()) { if (player_mutation_level(MUT_HOOVES) >= 3) str = "hoof"; else if (has_usable_talons()) str = "talon"; else if (has_usable_tentacles()) { str = "tentacles"; *can_plural = false; } else if (species == SP_NAGA) { str = "underbelly"; *can_plural = false; } else if (species == SP_FELID) str = "paw"; else if (fishtail) { str = "tail"; *can_plural = false; } } if (str.empty()) return plural ? "feet" : "foot"; if (plural && *can_plural) str = pluralise(str); return str; } string player::arm_name(bool plural, bool *can_plural) const { if (form_changed_physiology()) return hand_name(plural, can_plural); if (can_plural != NULL) *can_plural = true; string adj; string str = "arm"; if (player_genus(GENPC_DRACONIAN) || species == SP_NAGA) adj = "scaled"; else if (species == SP_TENGU) adj = "feathered"; else if (species == SP_MUMMY) adj = "bandage-wrapped"; else if (species == SP_OCTOPODE) str = "tentacle"; if (form == TRAN_LICH) adj = "bony"; else if (form == TRAN_SHADOW) adj = "shadowy"; if (!adj.empty()) str = adj + " " + str; if (plural) str = pluralise(str); return str; } string player::unarmed_attack_name() const { string text = "Nothing wielded"; // Default if (species == SP_FELID) text = "Teeth and claws"; else if (has_usable_claws(true)) text = "Claws"; else if (has_usable_tentacles(true)) text = "Tentacles"; switch (form) { case TRAN_SPIDER: text = "Fangs (venom)"; break; case TRAN_BLADE_HANDS: text = "Blade " + blade_parts(true); break; case TRAN_STATUE: if (has_usable_claws(true)) text = "Stone claws"; else if (has_usable_tentacles(true)) text = "Stone tentacles"; else text = "Stone fists"; break; case TRAN_ICE_BEAST: text = "Ice fists (freeze)"; break; case TRAN_DRAGON: text = "Teeth and claws"; break; case TRAN_LICH: text += " (drain)"; break; case TRAN_BAT: case TRAN_PIG: case TRAN_PORCUPINE: text = "Teeth"; break; case TRAN_TREE: text = "Branches"; break; case TRAN_NONE: case TRAN_APPENDAGE: default: break; } return text; } bool player::fumbles_attack(bool verbose) { bool did_fumble = false; // Fumbling in shallow water. if (floundering() || liquefied_ground()) { if (x_chance_in_y(4, dex()) || one_chance_in(5)) { if (verbose) mpr("Your unstable footing causes you to fumble your attack."); did_fumble = true; } if (floundering()) learned_something_new(HINT_FUMBLING_SHALLOW_WATER); } return did_fumble; } bool player::cannot_fight() const { return false; } void player::attacking(actor *other, bool ranged) { ASSERT(!crawl_state.game_is_arena()); if (!other) return; if (other->is_monster()) { const monster* mon = other->as_monster(); if (!mon->friendly() && !mon->neutral()) pet_target = mon->mindex(); } if (ranged || mons_is_firewood((monster*) other)) return; const int chance = pow(3, player_mutation_level(MUT_BERSERK) - 1); if (player_mutation_level(MUT_BERSERK) && x_chance_in_y(chance, 100)) go_berserk(false); } /** * Check to see if Chei slows down the berserking player. * @param intentional If true, this was initiated by the player, and additional * messages can be printed if we can't berserk. * @return True if Chei will slow the player, false otherwise. */ static bool _chei_prevents_berserk_haste(bool intentional) { if (!you_worship(GOD_CHEIBRIADOS)) return false; // Chei makes berserk not speed you up. // Unintentional would be forgiven "just this once" every time. // Intentional could work as normal, but that would require storing // whether you transgressed to start it -- so we just consider this // a part of your penance. if (!intentional) { simple_god_message(" protects you from inadvertent hurry."); return true; } did_god_conduct(DID_HASTY, 8); // Let's see if you've lost your religion... if (!you_worship(GOD_CHEIBRIADOS)) return false; simple_god_message(" forces you to slow down."); return true; } /** * Make the player go berserk! * @param intentional If true, this was initiated by the player, and additional * messages can be printed if we can't berserk. * @param potion If true, this was caused by the player quaffing !berserk; * and we get the same additional messages as when * intentional is true. * @return True if we went berserk, false otherwise. */ bool player::go_berserk(bool intentional, bool potion) { ASSERT(!crawl_state.game_is_arena()); if (!you.can_go_berserk(intentional, potion)) return false; if (stasis_blocks_effect(true, "%s thrums violently and saps your rage.", 3, "%s vibrates violently and saps your rage.")) { return false; } if (crawl_state.game_is_hints()) Hints.hints_berserk_counter++; mpr("A red film seems to cover your vision as you go berserk!"); if (you.duration[DUR_FINESSE] > 0) { you.duration[DUR_FINESSE] = 0; // Totally incompatible. mpr("Your finesse ends abruptly."); } if (!_chei_prevents_berserk_haste(intentional)) mpr("You feel yourself moving faster!"); mpr("You feel mighty!"); int berserk_duration = (20 + random2avg(19,2)) / 2; you.increase_duration(DUR_BERSERK, berserk_duration); calc_hp(); set_hp(you.hp * 3 / 2); deflate_hp(you.hp_max, false); if (!you.duration[DUR_MIGHT]) notify_stat_change(STAT_STR, 5, true, "going berserk"); if (you.berserk_penalty != NO_BERSERK_PENALTY) you.berserk_penalty = 0; you.redraw_quiver = true; // Account for no firing. #if TAG_MAJOR_VERSION == 34 if (you.species == SP_LAVA_ORC) { mpr("You burn with rage!"); // This will get sqrt'd later, so. you.temperature = TEMP_MAX; } #endif if (player_equip_unrand(UNRAND_JIHAD)) for (monster_near_iterator mi(you.pos(), LOS_NO_TRANS); mi; ++mi) if (mi->friendly()) mi->go_berserk(false); return true; } bool player::can_go_berserk() const { return can_go_berserk(false); } bool player::can_go_berserk(bool intentional, bool potion, bool quiet) const { const bool verbose = (intentional || potion) && !quiet; if (berserk()) { if (verbose) mpr("You're already berserk!"); // or else you won't notice -- no message here. return false; } if (duration[DUR_EXHAUSTED]) { if (verbose) mpr("You're too exhausted to go berserk."); // or else they won't notice -- no message here return false; } if (duration[DUR_DEATHS_DOOR]) { if (verbose) mpr("Your body is effectively dead; that's not a shape for a blood rage."); return false; } if (beheld() && !player_equip_unrand(UNRAND_DEMON_AXE)) { if (verbose) mpr("You are too mesmerised to rage."); // or else they won't notice -- no message here return false; } if (afraid()) { if (verbose) mpr("You are too terrified to rage."); return false; } #if TAG_MAJOR_VERSION == 34 if (you.species == SP_DJINNI) { if (verbose) mpr("Only creatures of flesh and blood can berserk."); return false; } #endif if (is_lifeless_undead()) { if (verbose) mpr("You cannot raise a blood rage in your lifeless body."); return false; } // Stasis, but only for identified amulets; unided amulets will // trigger when the player attempts to activate berserk, // auto-iding at that point, but also killing the berserk and // wasting a turn. if (stasis(false)) { if (verbose) mpr("You cannot go berserk while under stasis."); return false; } if (!intentional && !potion && clarity()) { if (verbose) mpr("You're too calm and focused to rage."); return false; } COMPILE_CHECK(HUNGER_STARVING - 100 + BERSERK_NUTRITION < HUNGER_VERY_HUNGRY); if (hunger <= HUNGER_VERY_HUNGRY) { if (verbose) mpr("You're too hungry to go berserk."); return false; } return true; } bool player::can_jump(bool quiet) const { if (duration[DUR_EXHAUSTED]) { if (!quiet) mpr("You're too exhausted to jump."); return false; } if (in_water()) { if (!quiet) mpr("You can't jump while in water."); return false; } if (in_lava()) { if (!quiet) mpr("You can't jump while standing in lava."); return false; } if (liquefied_ground()) { if (!quiet) mpr("You can't jump while stuck in this mess."); return false; } if (is_constricted()) { if (!quiet) mpr("You can't jump while being constricted."); return false; } if (caught()) { if (!quiet) mprf("You can't jump while %s.", held_status()); return false; } if (form == TRAN_TREE || form == TRAN_WISP) { if (!quiet) canned_msg(MSG_PRESENT_FORM); return false; } return true; } bool player::can_jump() const { return can_jump(false); } bool player::berserk() const { return duration[DUR_BERSERK]; } bool player::can_cling_to_walls() const { return false; } bool player::is_web_immune() const { // Spider form return form == TRAN_SPIDER; } bool player::shove(const char* feat_name) { for (distance_iterator di(pos()); di; ++di) if (in_bounds(*di) && !actor_at(*di) && !is_feat_dangerous(grd(*di)) && can_pass_through_feat(grd(*di))) { moveto(*di); if (*feat_name) mprf("You are pushed out of the %s.", feat_name); dprf("Moved to (%d, %d).", pos().x, pos().y); return true; } return false; } int player::constriction_damage() const { return roll_dice(2, div_rand_round(strength(), 5)); }