#include #include // This is a standalone utility to convert old-style palettized BMPs // to transparent PNGs. #include "tile.h" #include int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc < 2) { printf("Usage: %s (filename.bmp)\n", argv[0]); return -1; } char dest[1024]; strcpy(dest, argv[1]); size_t len = strlen(dest); if (!strcmp(&dest[len-4], ".bmp")) { dest[len-3] = 'p'; dest[len-2] = 'n'; dest[len-1] = 'g'; } else if (!strcmp(&dest[len-4], ".png")) { // ok as-is. } else { printf("File '%s' does not end in bmp or png.\n", argv[1]); return -2; } tile conv; if (!conv.load(argv[1])) { printf("Failed to load '%s'.\n", argv[1]); return -3; } conv.replace_colour(tile_colour::background, tile_colour::transparent); if (!write_png(dest, &conv.get_pixel(0,0), conv.width(), conv.height())) { printf("Failed to write dest '%s'.\n", dest); return -4; } printf("Converted '%s'.\n", argv[1]); return 0; }