#include "tile_page.h" #include "tile_colour.h" #include #include #include #include "tile.h" tile_page::tile_page() : m_width(1024), m_height(0) { } tile_page::~tile_page() { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_tiles.size(); i++) delete m_tiles[i]; m_tiles.clear(); m_counts.clear(); m_probs.clear(); m_base_tiles.clear(); } bool tile_page::place_images() { // locate all the tiles on the page, so we can determine its size // and the tex coords. m_offsets.clear(); m_texcoords.clear(); int ymin, ycur, ymax; int xmin, xcur, xmax; ymin = ycur = ymax = xmin = xcur = xmax = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_tiles.size(); i++) { int ofs_x, ofs_y, tilew, tileh; if (m_tiles[i]->shrink()) m_tiles[i]->get_bounding_box(ofs_x, ofs_y, tilew, tileh); else { ofs_x = 0; ofs_y = 0; tilew = m_tiles[i]->width(); tileh = m_tiles[i]->height(); } m_offsets.push_back(ofs_x); m_offsets.push_back(ofs_y); m_offsets.push_back(m_tiles[i]->width()); m_offsets.push_back(m_tiles[i]->height()); if (xcur + tilew > m_width) { ycur = ymin = ymax; xcur = xmin = xmax = 0; } if (tileh + ycur >= ymax) { if (ycur != ymin) { ycur = ymin; xcur = xmax; xmin = xmax = xcur; } if (xcur + tilew > m_width) { ycur = ymin = ymax; xcur = xmin = xmax = 0; } if (ycur == ymin) ymax = max(ymin + (int)tileh, ymax); } m_height = ymax; m_texcoords.push_back(xcur); m_texcoords.push_back(ycur); m_texcoords.push_back(xcur + tilew); m_texcoords.push_back(ycur + tileh); // Only add downwards, stretching out xmax as we go. xmax = max(xmax, xcur + (int)tilew); xcur = xmin; ycur += tileh; } return true; } int tile_page::find(const string &enumname) const { for (size_t i = 0; i < m_tiles.size(); ++i) { for (int c = 0; c < m_tiles[i]->enumcount(); ++c) { if (m_tiles[i]->enumname(c) == enumname) return i; } } return -1; } bool tile_page::add_synonym(int idx, const string &syn) { if (idx < 0 || idx >= (int)m_tiles.size()) return false; m_tiles[idx]->add_enumname(syn); return true; } bool tile_page::add_synonym(const string &enumname, const string &syn) { int idx = find(enumname); if (idx == -1) return false; m_tiles[idx]->add_enumname(syn); return true; } bool tile_page::write_image(const char *filename) { #ifdef USE_TILE if (m_width * m_height <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: failed to write image. No images placed?\n"); return false; } tile_colour *pixels = new tile_colour[m_width * m_height]; memset(pixels, 0, m_width * m_height * sizeof(tile_colour)); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_tiles.size(); i++) { int sx = m_texcoords[i*4]; int sy = m_texcoords[i*4+1]; int ex = m_texcoords[i*4+2]; int ey = m_texcoords[i*4+3]; int wx = ex - sx; int wy = ey - sy; int ofs_x = m_offsets[i*4]; int ofs_y = m_offsets[i*4+1]; for (int y = 0; y < wy; y++) for (int x = 0; x < wx; x++) { tile_colour &dest = pixels[(sx+x) + (sy+y)*m_width]; tile_colour &src = m_tiles[i]->get_pixel(ofs_x+x, ofs_y+y); dest = src; // Clear colour from transparent areas. if (!dest.a) dest = tile_colour::transparent; } } bool success = write_png(filename, pixels, m_width, m_height); delete[] pixels; return success; #else return true; #endif } void tile_page::add_variation(int var_idx, int base_idx, int colour) { assert(var_idx < (2 << 15)); assert(base_idx < (2 << 15)); m_tiles[base_idx]->add_variation(colour, var_idx); }