-- Walks down the dungeon to Snake:$ and tests for the existence of the rune. -- This is a more exhaustive test than rune-gen.lua since it generates all -- intermediate levels and activates the dungeon connectivity code. local niters = 10 local current_iter = 0 local branch_entrance_feats = { { dgn.fnum("enter_lair"), "Lair:1" }, { dgn.fnum("enter_snake_pit"), "Snake:1" } } local junk_feat_fn = dgn.feature_set_fn("rock_wall", "floor", "stone_wall") local function thing_exists_fn(thing) return function() return test.level_contains_item(thing) end end local function visit_branch_end_from(start, stair_places, final_predicate) while true do crawl.message("Visiting (" .. current_iter .. ") " .. start) debug.goto_place(start) dgn.reset_level() debug.generate_level() local downstairs = { } for y = 1, dgn.GYM - 2 do for x = 1, dgn.GXM - 2 do local dfeat = dgn.grid(x, y) if not junk_feat_fn(dfeat) then for _, place in ipairs(stair_places) do if dfeat == place[1] then return visit_branch_end_from(place[2], stair_places, final_predicate) end end if test.is_down_stair(dfeat) then table.insert(downstairs, dgn.point(x, y)) end end end end if #downstairs > 0 then local _, _, branch, depth = string.find(start, "(%w+):(%d+)") start = branch .. ":" .. (tonumber(depth) + 1) else test.map_assert(final_predicate(), "Place " .. start .. " does not satisfy predicate") return end end end for i = 1, niters do crawl.message("Visiting Snake:$ the hard way") current_iter = i debug.flush_map_memory() entry = crawl.random_range(3, 7) debug.goto_place("Snake:1", entry) visit_branch_end_from("D:1", branch_entrance_feats, thing_exists_fn("serpentine rune")) end