/* * File: tilebuf.cc * Summary: Vertex buffer implementaions * * Created by: ennewalker on Sat Jan 5 01:33:53 2008 UTC * * Modified for Crawl Reference by $Author$ on $Date$ */ #include "AppHdr.h" REVISION("$Rev$"); #include "tilebuf.h" #include "tilefont.h" #include "tilesdl.h" #include #include ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // VColour VColour VColour::white(255, 255, 255, 255); VColour VColour::black(0, 0, 0, 255); VColour VColour::transparent(0, 0, 0, 0); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // VertBuffer #if DEBUG static bool _valid(int num_verts, int prim) { switch (prim) { case GL_QUADS: return (num_verts % 4 == 0); case GL_TRIANGLES: return (num_verts % 3 == 0); case GL_LINES: return (num_verts % 2 == 0); case GL_POINTS: return (true); default: return (false); } } #endif template<> void VertBuffer::draw() const { if (size() == 0) return; ASSERT(_valid(size(), m_prim)); ASSERT(m_tex); GLState state; state.array_vertex = true; state.array_texcoord = true; state.blend = true; state.texture = true; GLStateManager::set(state); m_tex->bind(); glVertexPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(Vert), &(*this)[0].pos_x); glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(Vert), &(*this)[0].tex_x); glDrawArrays(m_prim, 0, size()); } template<> void VertBuffer::draw() const { if (size() == 0) return; ASSERT(_valid(size(), m_prim)); ASSERT(!m_tex); GLState state; state.array_vertex = true; state.array_colour = true; state.blend = true; state.texture = false; GLStateManager::set(state); glVertexPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(Vert), &(*this)[0].pos_x); glColorPointer(4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, sizeof(Vert), &(*this)[0].col); glDrawArrays(m_prim, 0, size()); } template<> void VertBuffer::draw() const { if (size() == 0) return; ASSERT(_valid(size(), m_prim)); ASSERT(m_tex); GLState state; state.array_vertex = true; state.array_texcoord = true; state.array_colour = true; state.blend = true; state.texture = true; GLStateManager::set(state); m_tex->bind(); glVertexPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(Vert), &(*this)[0].pos_x); glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(Vert), &(*this)[0].tex_x); glColorPointer(4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, sizeof(Vert), &(*this)[0].col); glDrawArrays(m_prim, 0, size()); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FontBuffer FontBuffer::FontBuffer(FTFont *font) : VertBuffer(font->font_tex(), GL_QUADS), m_font(font) { ASSERT(m_font); ASSERT(m_tex); } void FontBuffer::add(const formatted_string &fs, float x, float y) { m_font->store(*this, x, y, fs); ASSERT(_valid(size(), m_prim)); } void FontBuffer::add(const std::string &s, const VColour &col, float x, float y) { m_font->store(*this, x, y, s, col); ASSERT(_valid(size(), m_prim)); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TileBuffer TileBuffer::TileBuffer(const TilesTexture *t) : VertBuffer(t, GL_QUADS) { } void TileBuffer::add_unscaled(int idx, float x, float y) { const tile_info &inf = ((TilesTexture*)m_tex)->get_info(idx); float pos_sx = x + inf.offset_x; float pos_sy = y + inf.offset_y; float pos_ex = pos_sx + (inf.ex - inf.sx); float pos_ey = pos_sy + (inf.ey - inf.sy); float fwidth = m_tex->width(); float fheight = m_tex->height(); float tex_sx = inf.sx / fwidth; float tex_sy = inf.sy / fheight; float tex_ex = inf.ex / fwidth; float tex_ey = inf.ey / fheight; size_t last = std::vector::size(); std::vector::resize(last + 4); { Vert &v = (*this)[last]; v.pos_x = pos_sx; v.pos_y = pos_sy; v.tex_x = tex_sx; v.tex_y = tex_sy; } { Vert &v = (*this)[last + 1]; v.pos_x = pos_sx; v.pos_y = pos_ey; v.tex_x = tex_sx; v.tex_y = tex_ey; } { Vert &v = (*this)[last + 2]; v.pos_x = pos_ex; v.pos_y = pos_ey; v.tex_x = tex_ex; v.tex_y = tex_ey; } { Vert &v = (*this)[last + 3]; v.pos_x = pos_ex; v.pos_y = pos_sy; v.tex_x = tex_ex; v.tex_y = tex_sy; } ASSERT(_valid(size(), m_prim)); } void TileBuffer::add(int idx, int x, int y, int ox, int oy, bool centre, int ymax) { float pos_sx = x; float pos_sy = y; float pos_ex, pos_ey, tex_sx, tex_sy, tex_ex, tex_ey; TilesTexture *tex = (TilesTexture *)m_tex; tex->get_coords(idx, ox, oy, pos_sx, pos_sy, pos_ex, pos_ey, tex_sx, tex_sy, tex_ex, tex_ey, centre, ymax); size_t last = std::vector::size(); std::vector::resize(last + 4); { Vert &v = (*this)[last]; v.pos_x = pos_sx; v.pos_y = pos_sy; v.tex_x = tex_sx; v.tex_y = tex_sy; } { Vert &v = (*this)[last + 1]; v.pos_x = pos_sx; v.pos_y = pos_ey; v.tex_x = tex_sx; v.tex_y = tex_ey; } { Vert &v = (*this)[last + 2]; v.pos_x = pos_ex; v.pos_y = pos_ey; v.tex_x = tex_ex; v.tex_y = tex_ey; } { Vert &v = (*this)[last + 3]; v.pos_x = pos_ex; v.pos_y = pos_sy; v.tex_x = tex_ex; v.tex_y = tex_sy; } } void TileBuffer::set_tex(const TilesTexture *new_tex) { ASSERT(new_tex); m_tex = new_tex; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ShapeBuffer // [enne] - GL_POINTS should probably be used here, but there's (apparently) // a bug in the OpenGL driver that I'm using and it doesn't respect // glPointSize unless GL_SMOOTH_POINTS is on. GL_SMOOTH_POINTS is // *terrible* for performance if it has to fall back on software rendering, // so instead we'll just make quads. ShapeBuffer::ShapeBuffer() : VertBuffer(NULL, GL_QUADS) { } void ShapeBuffer::add(float pos_sx, float pos_sy, float pos_ex, float pos_ey, const VColour &col) { { Vert &v = get_next(); v.pos_x = pos_sx; v.pos_y = pos_sy; v.col = col; } { Vert &v = get_next(); v.pos_x = pos_sx; v.pos_y = pos_ey; v.col = col; } { Vert &v = get_next(); v.pos_x = pos_ex; v.pos_y = pos_ey; v.col = col; } { Vert &v = get_next(); v.pos_x = pos_ex; v.pos_y = pos_sy; v.col = col; } ASSERT(_valid(size(), m_prim)); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // LineBuffer LineBuffer::LineBuffer() : VertBuffer(NULL, GL_LINES) { } void LineBuffer::add(float pos_sx, float pos_sy, float pos_ex, float pos_ey, const VColour &col) { { Vert &v = get_next(); v.pos_x = pos_sx; v.pos_y = pos_sy; v.col = col; } { Vert &v = get_next(); v.pos_x = pos_ex; v.pos_y = pos_ey; v.col = col; } ASSERT(_valid(size(), m_prim)); } void LineBuffer::add_square(float sx, float sy, float ex, float ey, const VColour &col) { add(sx, sy, ex, sy, col); add(ex, sy, ex, ey, col); add(ex, ey, sx, ey, col); add(sx, ey, sx, sy, col); }