#ifdef USE_TILE_LOCAL #ifndef TILEREG_TEXT_H #define TILEREG_TEXT_H #include "tilereg.h" class TextRegion : public Region { public: TextRegion(FontWrapper *font); virtual ~TextRegion(); virtual void render(); virtual void clear(); // STATIC - // TODO enne - move these to TilesFramework? // where now printing? what color? static int print_x; static int print_y; static int text_col; // which region now printing? static class TextRegion *text_mode; // display cursor? where is the cursor now? static int cursor_flag; static class TextRegion *cursor_region; static int cursor_x; static int cursor_y; // class methods static void cgotoxy(int x, int y); static int wherex(); static int wherey(); //static int get_number_of_lines(); static void _setcursortype(int curstype); static void textbackground(int bg); static void textcolor(int col); // Object's method void clear_to_end_of_line(); void putwch(ucs_t chr); ucs_t *cbuf; //text backup uint8_t *abuf; //textcolor backup int cx_ofs; //cursor x offset int cy_ofs; //cursor y offset void addstr(const char *buffer); void addstr_aux(const ucs_t *buffer, int len); void adjust_region(int *x1, int *x2, int y); void scroll(); protected: virtual void on_resize(); FontWrapper *m_font; }; #endif #endif