/* * Created for Crawl Reference by JPEG on $Date: 2007-01-11$ */ #include "tutorial.h" #include #include "command.h" #include "files.h" #include "initfile.h" #include "itemprop.h" #include "menu.h" #include "message.h" #include "misc.h" #include "newgame.h" #include "output.h" #include "player.h" #include "religion.h" #include "spl-util.h" #include "stuff.h" #include "view.h" //#define TUTORIAL_DEBUG #define TUTORIAL_VERSION 110 static int get_tutorial_cols() { int ncols = get_number_of_cols(); return (ncols > 80? 80 : ncols); } void save_tutorial( FILE* fp ) { writeLong( fp, TUTORIAL_VERSION); writeShort( fp, Options.tutorial_type); for ( unsigned i = 0; i < TUT_EVENTS_NUM; ++i ) writeShort( fp, Options.tutorial_events[i] ); } void load_tutorial( FILE* fp ) { Options.tutorial_left = 0; int version = readLong(fp); Options.tutorial_type = readShort(fp); if (version != TUTORIAL_VERSION) return; for ( long i = 0; i < TUT_EVENTS_NUM; ++i ) { Options.tutorial_events[i] = readShort(fp); Options.tutorial_left += Options.tutorial_events[i]; } } // override init file definition for some options void init_tutorial_options() { if (!Options.tutorial_left) return; Options.delay_message_clear = false; Options.auto_list = true; } // tutorial selection screen and choice bool pick_tutorial() { char keyn; bool printed = false; tut_query: if (!printed) { clrscr(); textcolor( WHITE ); cprintf("You must be new here indeed!"); cprintf(EOL EOL); textcolor( CYAN ); cprintf("You can be:"); cprintf(EOL EOL); textcolor( LIGHTGREY ); for (int i = 0; i < TUT_TYPES_NUM; i++) print_tutorial_menu(i); textcolor( BROWN ); cprintf(EOL "SPACE - Back to class selection; Bksp - Back to race selection; X - Quit" EOL "* - Random tutorial" EOL); printed = true; } keyn = c_getch(); if (keyn == '*') keyn = 'a' + random2(TUT_TYPES_NUM); // choose character for tutorial game and set starting values if (keyn >= 'a' && keyn <= 'a' + TUT_TYPES_NUM - 1) { Options.tutorial_type = keyn - 'a'; you.species = get_tutorial_species(Options.tutorial_type); you.char_class = get_tutorial_job(Options.tutorial_type); // activate all triggers for (int i = 0; i < TUT_EVENTS_NUM; i++) Options.tutorial_events[i] = 1; Options.tutorial_left = TUT_EVENTS_NUM; // store whether explore, stash search or travelling was used Options.tut_explored = 1; Options.tut_stashes = 1; Options.tut_travel = 1; // used to compare which fighting means was used most often Options.tut_spell_counter = 0; Options.tut_throw_counter = 0; Options.tut_berserk_counter = 0; Options.tut_melee_counter = 0; // for occasional healing reminders Options.tut_last_healed = 0; Options.random_pick = true; // random choice of starting spellbook Options.weapon = WPN_HAND_AXE; // easiest choice for fighters return true; } if (keyn == CK_BKSP || keyn == ' ') { // in this case, undo previous choices // set_startup_options(); you.species = 0; you.char_class = JOB_UNKNOWN; Options.race = 0; Options.cls = 0; } switch (keyn) { case CK_BKSP: choose_race(); break; case ' ': choose_class(); break; case 'X': cprintf(EOL "Goodbye!"); end(0); break; default: printed = false; goto tut_query; } return false; } void print_tutorial_menu(unsigned int type) { char letter = 'a' + type; char desc[100]; switch(type) { case TUT_BERSERK_CHAR: strcpy(desc, "(Melee oriented character with divine support)"); break; case TUT_MAGIC_CHAR: strcpy(desc, "(Magic oriented character)"); break; case TUT_RANGER_CHAR: strcpy(desc, "(Ranged fighter)"); break; default: // no further choices strcpy(desc, "(erroneous character)"); break; } cprintf("%c - %s %s %s" EOL, letter, species_name(get_tutorial_species(type), 1), get_class_name(get_tutorial_job(type)), desc); } unsigned int get_tutorial_species(unsigned int type) { switch(type) { case TUT_BERSERK_CHAR: return SP_MINOTAUR; case TUT_MAGIC_CHAR: return SP_DEEP_ELF; case TUT_RANGER_CHAR: return SP_CENTAUR; default: // use something fancy for debugging return SP_KENKU; } } // TO DO: check whether job and species are compatible... unsigned int get_tutorial_job(unsigned int type) { switch(type) { case TUT_BERSERK_CHAR: return JOB_BERSERKER; case TUT_MAGIC_CHAR: return JOB_CONJURER; case TUT_RANGER_CHAR: return JOB_HUNTER; default: // use something fancy for debugging return JOB_NECROMANCER; } } // the tutorial welcome screen static formatted_string tut_starting_info(unsigned int width) { std::string result; // the entire page std::string text; // one paragraph result += "Welcome to Dungeon Crawl!" EOL EOL; text += "Your object is to lead a "; snprintf(info, INFO_SIZE, "%s %s ", species_name(get_tutorial_species(Options.tutorial_type), 1), get_class_name(get_tutorial_job(Options.tutorial_type))); text += info; text += "safely through the depths of the dungeon, retrieving the fabled orb of Zot and " "returning it to the surface. In the beginning, however, let discovery be your " "main goal. Try to delve as deeply as possible but beware; death lurks around " "every corner." EOL EOL; linebreak_string2(text, width); result += formatted_string::parse_string(text); result += "For the moment, just remember the following keys and their functions:" EOL; result += " ? - shows the items and the commands" EOL; result += " S - saves the game, to be resumed later (but note that death is permanent)" EOL; result += " x - examine something in your vicinity" EOL EOL; text = "This tutorial will help you play Crawl without reading any documentation. " "If you feel intrigued, there is more information available in these files " "(all of which can also be read in-game):" EOL; linebreak_string2(text, width); result += formatted_string::parse_string(text); result += " readme.txt - A very short guide to Crawl." EOL; result += " manual.txt - This contains all details on races, magic, skills, etc." EOL; result += " crawl_options.txt - Crawl's interface is highly configurable. This document " EOL; result += " explains all the options." EOL; result += EOL; result += "Press Space to proceed to the basics (the screen division and movement)." EOL; result += "Press Esc to fast forward to the game start."; return formatted_string::parse_string(result); } #ifdef TUTORIAL_DEBUG static std::string tut_debug_list(int event) { switch(event) { case TUT_SEEN_FIRST_OBJECT: return "seen first object"; case TUT_SEEN_POTION: return "seen first potion"; case TUT_SEEN_SCROLL: return "seen first scroll"; case TUT_SEEN_WAND: return "seen first wand"; case TUT_SEEN_SPBOOK: return "seen first spellbook"; case TUT_SEEN_WEAPON: return "seen first weapon"; case TUT_SEEN_MISSILES: return "seen first missiles"; case TUT_SEEN_ARMOUR: return "seen first armour"; case TUT_SEEN_RANDART: return "seen first random artefact"; case TUT_SEEN_FOOD: return "seen first food"; case TUT_SEEN_CARRION: return "seen first corpse"; case TUT_SEEN_JEWELLERY: return "seen first jewellery"; case TUT_SEEN_MISC: return "seen first misc. item"; case TUT_SEEN_MONSTER: return "seen first monster"; case TUT_SEEN_STAIRS: return "seen first stairs"; case TUT_SEEN_TRAPS: return "encountered a trap"; case TUT_SEEN_ALTAR: return "seen an altar"; case TUT_SEEN_SHOP: return "seen a shop"; case TUT_SEEN_DOOR: return "seen a closed door"; case TUT_KILLED_MONSTER: return "killed first monster"; case TUT_NEW_LEVEL: return "gained a new level"; case TUT_SKILL_RAISE: return "raised a skill"; case TUT_YOU_ENCHANTED: return "caught an enchantment"; case TUT_YOU_SICK: return "became sick"; case TUT_YOU_POISON: return "were poisoned"; case TUT_YOU_CURSED: return "had something cursed"; case TUT_YOU_HUNGRY: return "felt hungry"; case TUT_YOU_STARVING: return "were starving"; case TUT_MAKE_CHUNKS: return "learned about chunks"; case TUT_MULTI_PICKUP: return "read about pickup menu"; case TUT_HEAVY_LOAD: return "were encumbered"; case TUT_ROTTEN_FOOD: return "carried rotten food"; case TUT_NEED_HEALING: return "needed healing"; case TUT_NEED_POISON_HEALING: return "needed healing for poison"; case TUT_POSTBERSERK: return "learned about Berserk aftereffects"; case TUT_RUN_AWAY: return "were told to run away"; case TUT_SHIFT_RUN: return "learned about shift-run"; case TUT_MAP_VIEW: return "learned about the level map"; case TUT_DONE_EXPLORE: return "explored a level"; case TUT_YOU_MUTATED: return "caught a mutation"; case TUT_NEW_ABILITY: return "gained a divine ability"; case TUT_WIELD_WEAPON: return "wielded an unsuitable weapon"; default: return "faced a bug"; } } static formatted_string tutorial_debug() { std::string result; bool lbreak = false; snprintf(info, INFO_SIZE, "Tutorial Debug Screen"); int i = get_tutorial_cols()/2-1 - strlen(info) / 2; result += std::string(i, ' '); result += ""; result += info; result += "" EOL EOL; result += ""; for (i=0; i < TUT_EVENTS_NUM; i++) { snprintf(info, INFO_SIZE, "%d: %d (%s)", i, Options.tutorial_events[i], tut_debug_list(i).c_str()); result += info; // break text into 2 columns where possible if (strlen(info) >= get_tutorial_cols()/2 || lbreak) { result += EOL; lbreak = false; } else { result += std::string(get_tutorial_cols()/2-1 - strlen(info), ' '); lbreak = true; } } result += "" EOL EOL; snprintf(info, INFO_SIZE, "tutorial_left: %d\n", Options.tutorial_left); result += info; result += EOL; snprintf(info, INFO_SIZE, "You are a %s %s, and the tutorial will reflect that.", species_name(get_tutorial_species(Options.tutorial_type), 1), get_class_name(get_tutorial_job(Options.tutorial_type))); result += info; return formatted_string::parse_string(result); } #endif // debug static formatted_string tutorial_map_intro() { std::string result; result = "" "What you see here is the typical Crawl screen. The upper left map " "shows your hero as the @ in the center. The parts " "of the map you remember but cannot currently see, will be greyed " "out." "" EOL; result += " --more-- Press Escape to skip the basics"; linebreak_string2(result,get_tutorial_cols()); return formatted_string::parse_string(result); } static formatted_string tutorial_stats_intro() { std::string result; result += ""; result += "To the right, important properties of \n"; result += "the character are displayed. The most \n"; result += "basic one is your health, measured as \n"; snprintf(info, INFO_SIZE, "HP: %d/%d. ", you.hp, you.hp_max); result += info; if (Options.tutorial_type==TUT_MAGIC_CHAR) result += " "; result += "These are your current out \n"; result += "of maximum health points. When health \n"; result += "drops to zero, you die. \n"; snprintf(info, INFO_SIZE, "Magic: %d/%d", you.magic_points, you.max_magic_points); result += info; result += " is your energy for casting \n"; result += "spells, although more mundane actions \n"; result += "often draw from Magic, too. \n"; result += "Further down, Strength, Dexterity and \n"; result += "Intelligence are shown and provide an \n"; result += "all-around account of the character's \n"; result += "attributes. \n"; result += ""; result += " \n"; result += " --more-- Press Escape to skip the basics\n"; result += " \n"; result += " \n"; return formatted_string::parse_block(result, false); } static formatted_string tutorial_message_intro() { std::string result; result = "" "This lower part of the screen is reserved for messages. Everything " "related to the tutorial is shown in this colour. If you missed " "something, previous messages can be read again with " "Ctrl-P." "" EOL; result += " --more-- Press Escape to skip the basics"; linebreak_string2(result,get_tutorial_cols()); return formatted_string::parse_string(result); } static void tutorial_movement_info() { std::string text; text = "To move your character, use the numpad; try Numlock both on and off. " "If your system has no number pad, or if you are familiar with the vi " "keys, movement is also possible with hjklyubn. A basic " "command list can be found under ?, and the most important " "commands will be explained to you as it becomes necessary. "; mesclr(); print_formatted_paragraph(text, get_tutorial_cols(), MSGCH_TUTORIAL); } // copied from display_mutations and adapted void tut_starting_screen() { int x1, x2, y1, y2; int MAX_INFO = 4; #ifdef TUTORIAL_DEBUG MAX_INFO++; #endif char ch; for (int i=0; i<=MAX_INFO; i++) { x1 = 1; y1 = 1; x2 = get_tutorial_cols(); y2 = get_number_of_lines(); if (i==1 || i==3) { y1 = 18; // message window } else if (i==2) { x2 = 40; // map window y2 = 18; } if (i==0) clrscr(); gotoxy(x1,y1); if (i==0) tut_starting_info(x2).display(); else if (i==1) tutorial_map_intro().display(); else if (i==2) tutorial_stats_intro().display(); else if (i==3) tutorial_message_intro().display(); else if (i==4) tutorial_movement_info(); else { #ifdef TUTORIAL_DEBUG clrscr(); gotoxy(x1,y1); tutorial_debug().display(); #else continue; #endif } ch = c_getch(); redraw_screen(); if (ch == ESCAPE) break; } } // once a tutorial character dies, offer some playing hints void tutorial_death_screen() { Options.tutorial_left = 0; std::string text; mpr( "Condolences! Your character's premature death is a sad, but " "common occurence in Crawl. Rest assured that with diligence and " "playing experience your characters will last longer.\n", MSGCH_TUTORIAL); mpr( "Perhaps the following advice can improve your playing style:", MSGCH_TUTORIAL); more(); if (Options.tutorial_type == TUT_MAGIC_CHAR && Options.tut_spell_counter < Options.tut_melee_counter ) text = "As a Conjurer your main weapon should be offensive magic. Cast " "spells more often! Remember to rest when your Magic is low."; else if (Options.tutorial_type == TUT_BERSERK_CHAR && Options.tut_berserk_counter < 1 ) { text = "Don't forget to go berserk when fighting particularly " "difficult foes. It is risky, but makes you faster " "and beefier. Also try to pray prior to battles so that "; text += god_name(you.religion); text += " will soon feel like providing more abilities."; } else if (Options.tutorial_type == TUT_RANGER_CHAR && 2*Options.tut_throw_counter < Options.tut_melee_counter ) text = "Your bow and arrows are extremely powerful against " "distant monsters. Be sure to collect all arrows lying " "around in the dungeon."; else { int hint = random2(6); // If a character has been unusually busy with projectiles and spells // give some other hint rather than the first one. if (Options.tut_throw_counter + Options.tut_spell_counter >= Options.tut_melee_counter && hint == 0) hint = random2(5)+1; switch(hint) { case 0: text = "Always consider using projectiles, wands or spells before " "engaging monsters in close combat."; break; case 1: text = "Learn when to run away from things you can't handle - this is " "important! It is often wise to skip a particularly dangerous " "level. But don't overdo this as monsters will only get harder " "the deeper you delve."; break; case 2: text = "Rest between encounters. In Crawl, searching and resting are " "one and the same. To search for one turn, press s, " "., delete or keypad-5. " "Pressing 5 or shift-and-keypad-5 will " "let you rest for a longer time (you will stop resting when " "fully healed)."; break; case 3: text = "Remember to use those scrolls, potions or wands you've found. " "Very often, you cannot expect to identify everything with the " "scroll only. Learn to improvise: identify through usage."; break; case 4: text = "If a particular encounter feels overwhelming don't forget to " "use emergency items early on. A scroll of teleportation or a " "potion of speed can really save your bacon."; break; case 5: text = "Never fight more than one monster, if you can help it. Always " "back into a corridor so that they are forced to fight you one " "on one."; break; default: text = "Sorry, no hint this time, though there should have been one."; } } print_formatted_paragraph(text, get_tutorial_cols(), MSGCH_TUTORIAL); more(); mpr( "See you next game!", MSGCH_TUTORIAL); for ( long i = 0; i < TUT_EVENTS_NUM; ++i ) Options.tutorial_events[i] = 0; } // if a character survives until Xp 5, the tutorial is declared finished // and they get a more advanced playing hint, depending on what they might // know by now void tutorial_finished() { std::string text; Options.tutorial_left = 0; text = "Congrats! You survived until the end of this tutorial - be sure to " "try the other ones as well. Note that the help screen (?) " "will look different from now on. Here's a last playing hint:"; print_formatted_paragraph(text, get_tutorial_cols(), MSGCH_TUTORIAL); more(); if (Options.tut_explored) { text = "Walking around and exploring levels gets easier by using " "auto-explore (Ctrl-O). You can even make Crawl " "automatically pick up interesting items by setting the " "option explore_greedy=true in the init file."; } else if (Options.tut_travel) { text = "There is a convenient way for travelling between far away " "dungeon levels: press Ctrl-G and enter the desired " "destination. If your travel gets interrupted, issueing " "Ctrl-G Enter will continue it."; } else if (Options.tut_stashes) { text = "You can search among all items existing in the dungeon with " "the Ctrl-F command. For example, " "Ctrl-F \"knife\" will list all knives. You can then " "travel to one of the spots. It is even possible to enter words " "like \"shop\" or \"altar\"."; } else { int hint = random2(3); switch (hint) { case 0: text = "The game keeps an automated logbook for your characters. Use " "?: to read it. You can enter notes manually with " "the : command. Once your character perishes, two " "morgue files are left in the /morgue directory. " "The one ending in .txt contains a copy of your logbook. " "During play, you can create a dump file with #."; break; case 1: text = "Crawl has a macro function built in: press ~m " "to define a macro by first specifying a trigger key (say, " "F1) and a command sequence, for example " "Za+.. The latter will make the F1 " "key always zap the spell in slot a at the nearest monster. " "For more information on macros, type ?~."; break; case 2: text = "The interface can be greatly customised. All options are " "explained in the file crawl_options.txt which " "can be found in the /docs directory. The " "options themselves are set in init.txt or " ".crawlrc. Crawl will complain if it can't " "find either file.\n"; break; default: text = "Oops... No hint for now. Better luck next time!"; } } print_formatted_paragraph(text, get_tutorial_cols(), MSGCH_TUTORIAL); more(); for ( long i = 0; i < TUT_EVENTS_NUM; ++i ) Options.tutorial_events[i] = 0; } // occasionally remind religious characters of praying void tutorial_prayer_reminder() { if (Options.tut_just_triggered) return; if (coinflip()) // always would be too annoying { std::string text; text = "Remember to pray before battle, so as to dedicate " "your kills to "; text += god_name(you.religion); text += ". Should the monster leave a corpse, consider " "Dissecting it as a sacrifice to "; text += god_name(you.religion); text += ", as well."; print_formatted_paragraph(text, get_tutorial_cols(), MSGCH_TUTORIAL); } } // occasionally remind injured characters of resting void tutorial_healing_reminder() { if (you.poisoning && 2*you.hp < you.hp_max) { if (Options.tutorial_events[TUT_NEED_POISON_HEALING]) learned_something_new(TUT_NEED_POISON_HEALING); } else { if (Options.tutorial_events[TUT_NEED_HEALING]) learned_something_new(TUT_NEED_HEALING); else if (you.num_turns - Options.tut_last_healed >= 50 && !you.poisoning) { if (Options.tut_just_triggered) return; std::string text; text = "Remember to rest between fights and to enter unexplored " "terrain with full hitpoints and magic. For resting, " "press 5 or Shift-numpad 5."; print_formatted_paragraph(text, get_tutorial_cols(), MSGCH_TUTORIAL); } Options.tut_last_healed = you.num_turns; } } void taken_new_item(unsigned char item_type) { switch(item_type) { case OBJ_WANDS: learned_something_new(TUT_SEEN_WAND); break; case OBJ_SCROLLS: learned_something_new(TUT_SEEN_SCROLL); break; case OBJ_JEWELLERY: learned_something_new(TUT_SEEN_JEWELLERY); break; case OBJ_POTIONS: learned_something_new(TUT_SEEN_POTION); break; case OBJ_BOOKS: learned_something_new(TUT_SEEN_SPBOOK); break; case OBJ_FOOD: learned_something_new(TUT_SEEN_FOOD); break; case OBJ_CORPSES: learned_something_new(TUT_SEEN_CARRION); break; case OBJ_WEAPONS: learned_something_new(TUT_SEEN_WEAPON); break; case OBJ_ARMOUR: learned_something_new(TUT_SEEN_ARMOUR); break; case OBJ_MISSILES: learned_something_new(TUT_SEEN_MISSILES); break; case OBJ_MISCELLANY: learned_something_new(TUT_SEEN_MISC); break; case OBJ_STAVES: learned_something_new(TUT_SEEN_STAFF); break; default: /* nothing to be done */ return; } } static std::string colour_to_tag(int col, bool closed = false) { std::string tag = "<"; if (closed) tag += "/"; tag += colour_to_str(col); tag += ">"; return tag; } void tutorial_first_monster(monsters mon) { if (!Options.tutorial_events[TUT_SEEN_MONSTER]) return; unsigned short ch, col; get_mons_glyph(&mon, &ch, &col); std::string text = "That "; text += colour_to_tag(col); text += ch; text += " is a monster, usually depicted by a letter. Some typical " "early monsters look like r, g, " "b or K. You can gain " "information about it by pressing x, moving the cursor " "on the monster and then pressing v. To attack it with " "your wielded weapon, just move into it."; print_formatted_paragraph(text, get_tutorial_cols(), MSGCH_TUTORIAL); more(); if (Options.tutorial_type == TUT_RANGER_CHAR) { text = "However, as a hunter you will want to deal with it using your " "bow. Do this as follows: wbf+. where wb " "wields the bow, f fires appropriate ammunition " "(your arrows) and enters targeting mode. + and " "- allow you to select the proper monster. Finally, " "Enter or . fire. If you miss, " "ff fires at the previous target again."; print_formatted_paragraph(text, get_tutorial_cols(), MSGCH_TUTORIAL); } else if (Options.tutorial_type == TUT_MAGIC_CHAR) { text = "However, as a conjurer you will want to deal with it using magic." "Do this as follows: Za+. where Za zaps " "the first spell you know, "; text += spell_title(get_spell_by_letter('a')); text += ", and enters targeting mode. + and - " "allow you to select the proper target. Finally, Enter " "or . fire. If you miss, Zap will " "fire at the previous target again."; print_formatted_paragraph(text, get_tutorial_cols(), MSGCH_TUTORIAL); } Options.tutorial_events[TUT_SEEN_MONSTER] = 0; Options.tutorial_left--; Options.tut_just_triggered = 1; } void tutorial_first_item(item_def item) { if (!Options.tutorial_events[TUT_SEEN_FIRST_OBJECT] || Options.tut_just_triggered) return; unsigned short ch, col; get_item_glyph(&item, &ch, &col); std::string text = "That "; text += colour_to_tag(col); text += ch; text += " is an item. If you move there and press g or " ", you will pick it up. Generally, items are shown by " "non-letter symbols like %?!\"=()[. Once it is in your " "inventory, you can drop it again with d. Several types " "of objects will usually be picked up automatically."; print_formatted_paragraph(text, get_tutorial_cols(), MSGCH_TUTORIAL); Options.tutorial_events[TUT_SEEN_FIRST_OBJECT] = 0; Options.tutorial_left--; Options.tut_just_triggered = 1; } // Here most of the tutorial messages for various triggers are handled. void learned_something_new(unsigned int seen_what, int x, int y) { // already learned about that if (!Options.tutorial_events[seen_what]) return; // don't trigger twice in the same turn if (Options.tut_just_triggered) return; std::string text; unsigned short ch, colour; const int ex = x - you.x_pos + 9; const int ey = y - you.y_pos + 9; int object; switch(seen_what) { case TUT_SEEN_POTION: text = "You have picked up your first potion ('!'). Use " "q to drink (quaff) it."; break; case TUT_SEEN_SCROLL: text = "You have picked up your first scroll ('?'). Type " "r to read it."; break; case TUT_SEEN_WAND: text = "You have picked up your first wand ('/'). Type " "z to zap it."; break; case TUT_SEEN_SPBOOK: get_item_symbol(DNGN_ITEM_BOOK, &ch, &colour); text = "You have picked up a spellbook ('"; text += ch; text += "'). You can read it by typing r, " "memorise spells via M and cast a memorised spell " "with Z."; if (!you.skills[SK_SPELLCASTING]) { text += "\nHowever, first you will have to get accustomed to " "spellcasting by reading lots of scrolls."; } break; case TUT_SEEN_WEAPON: text = "This is the first weapon ('(') you've picked up. " "Use w to wield it, but be aware that this weapon " "might train a different skill from your current one. You can " "view the weapon's properties with v."; if (Options.tutorial_type == TUT_BERSERK_CHAR) { text += "\nAs you're already trained in Axes you should stick with " "these. Checking other axes can be worthwhile."; } break; case TUT_SEEN_MISSILES: text = "This is the first stack of missiles (')') you've " "picked up. Darts can be thrown by hand, but other missile types " "like arrows and needles require a launcher and training in " "using it to be really effective. v gives more " "information about both missiles and launcher."; if (Options.tutorial_type == TUT_RANGER_CHAR) { text += "\nAs you're already trained in Bows you should stick with " "arrows and collect more of them in the dungeon."; } else if (Options.tutorial_type == TUT_MAGIC_CHAR) { text += "\nHowever, as a spellslinger you don't really need another " "type of ranged attack, unless there's another effect in " "addition to damage."; } else { text += "\nFor now you might be best off with sticking to darts or " "stones for ranged attacks."; } break; case TUT_SEEN_ARMOUR: text = "This is the first piece of armour ('[') you've " "picked up. Use W to wear it and T to " "take it off again. You can view its properties with " "v."; if (you.species == SP_CENTAUR || you.species == SP_MINOTAUR) { snprintf( info, INFO_SIZE, "\nNote that as a %s, you will be unable to wear %s.", species_name(you.species, 1), you.species == SP_CENTAUR ? "boots" : "helmets"); text += info; } break; case TUT_SEEN_RANDART: text = "Weapons and armour that have unusual descriptions like this " "are much more likely to be of higher enchantment or have " "special properties, good or bad. The rarer the description, " "the greater the potential value of an item."; break; case TUT_SEEN_FOOD: text = "You have picked up some food ('%'). You can eat it " "by typing e."; break; case TUT_SEEN_CARRION: text = "You have picked up a corpse ('%'). When a corpse " "is lying on the ground, you can Dissect with a " "sharp implement. Once hungry you can eat the " "resulting chunks (though they may not be healthy)."; if (Options.tutorial_type == TUT_BERSERK_CHAR) { text += " During prayer you can offer corpses to "; text += god_name(you.religion); text += " by dissecting them, as well."; } break; case TUT_SEEN_JEWELLERY: text = "You have picked up a a piece of jewellery, either a ring " "('=') or an amulet ('\"'). Type " "P to put it on and R to remove it. You " "can view it with v although often magic is " "necessary to reveal its true nature."; break; case TUT_SEEN_MISC: text = "This is a curious object indeed. You can play around with it " "to find out what it does by wielding and " "Evoking it."; break; case TUT_SEEN_STAFF: get_item_symbol(DNGN_ITEM_STAVE, &ch, &colour); text = "You have picked up a magic staff or a rod, both of which are " "represented by '"; text += ch; text += "'. Both must be ielded to be of use. " "Magicians use staves to increase their power in certain spell " "schools. By contrast, a rod allows the casting of certain " "spells even without magic knowledge simply by " "Evoking it. For the latter the power depends on " "your Evocations skill."; break; case TUT_SEEN_STAIRS: if (you.num_turns < 1) return; object = env.show[ex][ey]; colour = env.show_col[ex][ey]; get_item_symbol( object, &ch, &colour ); text = "The "; text += colour_to_tag(colour); text += ch; text += " are some downstairs. You can enter the next (deeper) " "level by following them down (>). To get back to " "this level again, press << while standing on the " "upstairs."; break; case TUT_SEEN_TRAPS: text = "Oops... you just triggered a trap. An unwary adventurer will " "occasionally stumble into one of these nasty constructions " "depicted by ^. They can do physical damage (with " "darts or needles, for example) or have other, more magical " "effects, like teleportation."; break; case TUT_SEEN_ALTAR: object = env.show[ex][ey]; colour = env.show_col[ex][ey]; get_item_symbol( object, &ch, &colour ); text = "The "; text += colour_to_tag(colour); text += ch; text += " is an altar. You can get information about it by pressing " "p while standing on the square. Before taking up " "the responding faith you'll be asked for confirmation."; break; case TUT_SEEN_SHOP: text = "The "; text += get_screen_glyph(x,y); text += " is a shop. You can enter it by typing <<."; break; case TUT_SEEN_DOOR: if (you.num_turns < 1) return; text = "The "; text += get_screen_glyph(x,y); text += " is a closed door. You can open it by walking into it. " "Sometimes it is useful to close a door. Do so by pressing " "c, followed by the direction."; break; case TUT_KILLED_MONSTER: text = "Congratulations, your character just gained some experience by " "killing this monster! Every action will use up some of it to " "train certain skills. For example, fighting monsters "; if (Options.tutorial_type == TUT_BERSERK_CHAR) text += "in melee battle will raise your Axes and Fighting skills."; else if (Options.tutorial_type == TUT_RANGER_CHAR) text += "using bow and arrows will raise your Bows and Ranged Combat " "skills."; else // if (Options.tutorial_type == TUT_MAGIC_CHAR) text += "with offensive magic will raise your Conjurations and " "Spellcasting skills."; if (you.religion != GOD_NO_GOD) { text += "\nTo dedicate your kills to "; text += god_name(you.religion); text += " pray before battle. Not all gods will be " "pleased by doing this."; } break; case TUT_NEW_LEVEL: text = "Well done! Reaching a new experience level is always a nice " "event: you get more health and magic points, and occasionally " "increases to your attributes (strength, dexterity, intelligence)."; if (Options.tutorial_type == TUT_MAGIC_CHAR) { text += "\nAlso, new experience levels let you learn more spells " "(the Spellcasting skill also does this). For now, " "you should try to memorise the second spell of your " "starting book with Mcb, which can then be " "zapped with Zb."; } break; case TUT_SKILL_RAISE: text = "One of your skills just got raised. Type m to take " "a look at your skills screen."; break; case TUT_YOU_ENCHANTED: text = "Enchantments of all types can befall you temporarily. " "Brief descriptions of these appear at the lower end of the stats " "area. Press @ for more details. A list of all " "possible enchantments is in the manual."; break; case TUT_YOU_SICK: learned_something_new(TUT_YOU_ENCHANTED); text = "Corpses can be spoiled or inedible, making you sick. " "Also, some monsters' flesh is less palatable than others'. " "While sick, your hitpoints won't regenerate and sometimes " "an attribute may decrease. It wears off with time (wait with " "5) or you can quaff a potion of healing."; break; case TUT_YOU_POISON: learned_something_new(TUT_YOU_ENCHANTED); text = "Poison will slowly reduce your hp. It wears off with time " "(wait with 5) or you could quaff a potion of " "healing."; break; case TUT_YOU_CURSED: text = "Curses are comparatively harmless, but they do mean that you " "cannot remove cursed equipment and will have to suffer the " "(possibly) bad effects until you find and read a scroll of " "remove curse. Weapons can also be uncursed using enchanting " "scrolls."; break; case TUT_YOU_HUNGRY: text = "There are two ways to overcome hunger: food you started " "with or found, and selfmade chunks from corpses. To get the " "latter, all you need to do is D a corpse with a " "sharp implement. Your starting weapon will do nicely. " "Try to dine on chunks in order to save permanent food."; break; case TUT_YOU_STARVING: text = "You are now suffering from terrible hunger. You'll need to " "eat something quickly, or you'll die. The safest " "way to deal with this is to simply eat something from your " "inventory rather than wait for a monster to leave a corpse."; break; case TUT_MULTI_PICKUP: text = "There's a more comfortable way to pick up several items at the " "same time. If you press , or g twice " "you can choose items from a menu. This takes less keystrokes " "but has no influence on the number of turns needed. Multi-pickup " "will be interrupted by monsters or other dangerous events."; break; case TUT_HEAVY_LOAD: if (you.burden_state != BS_UNENCUMBERED) text = "It is not usually a good idea to run around encumbered; it " "slows you down and increases your hunger."; else text = "Sadly, your inventory is limited to 52 items, and it appears " "your knapsack is full."; text += " However, this is easy enough to rectify: simply drop " "some of the stuff you don't need or that's too heavy to lug " "around permanently."; break; case TUT_ROTTEN_FOOD: text = "One or more of the chunks or corpses you carry has started to " "rot. Few races can digest these safely, so you might just as " "well drop them now."; if (you.religion == GOD_TROG || you.religion == GOD_MAKHLEB || you.religion == GOD_OKAWARU) { text += "\nIf it is a rotting corpse you carry now might be a good " "time to drop and Dissect it during " "prayer (p) as an offer to "; text += god_name(you.religion); text += "."; } break; case TUT_MAKE_CHUNKS: text = "How lucky! That monster left a corpse which you can now " "Dissect. One or more chunks will appear that you can " "then eat. Beware that some chunks may be, " "sometimes or always, hazardous. Only experience can help " "you here."; if (you.duration[DUR_PRAYER] && (you.religion == GOD_OKAWARU || you.religion == GOD_MAKHLEB || you.religion == GOD_TROG || you.religion == GOD_ELYVILON)) { text += "\nNote that dissection under prayer offers the corpse to "; text += god_name(you.religion); text += " - check your god's attitude about this with ^."; } break; case TUT_SHIFT_RUN: text = "Walking around takes less keystrokes if you press " "Shift-direction or / direction. " "That will let you run until a monster comes into sight or " "your character sees something interesting."; break; case TUT_MAP_VIEW: text = "As you explore a level, orientation can become difficult. " "Press X to bring up the level map. Typing " "? shows the list of level map commands. " "Most importantly, moving the cursor to a spot and pressing " ". or Enter lets your character move " "there on its own."; break; case TUT_DONE_EXPLORE: text = "You have explored the dungeon on this level. The downstairs look " "like '>'. Proceed there and press > to " "go down. "; if (Options.tutorial_events[TUT_SEEN_STAIRS]) { text += "In rare cases, you may have found no downstairs at all. " "Try searching for secret doors in suspicious looking spots; " "use s, . or 5 to do so."; } else { text += "Each level of Crawl has three white up and three white down " "stairs. Unexplored parts can often be accessed via another " "level or through secret doors. To find the latter, search " "the adjacent squares of walls for one turn with s " "or ., or for 100 turns with 5 or " "Shift-numpad 5."; } break; case TUT_NEED_HEALING: text = "If you're low on hitpoints or magic and there's no urgent need " "to move, you can rest for a bit. Press 5 or " "shift-numpad-5 to do so."; break; case TUT_NEED_POISON_HEALING: text = "Your poisoning could easily kill you, so now would be a good " "time to quaff a potion of heal wounds or, better " "yet, a potion of healing. If you have seen neither of these so " "far, try unknown ones in your inventory. Good luck!"; break; case TUT_POSTBERSERK: text = "Berserking is extremely exhausting! It burns a lot of nutrition, " "and afterwards you are slowed down and occasionally even pass " "out."; break; case TUT_RUN_AWAY: text = "Whenever you've got only a few hitpoints left and you're in " "danger of dying, check your options carefully. Often, retreat or " "use of some item might be a viable alternative to fighting on."; if (you.species == SP_CENTAUR) text += " As a four-legged centaur you are particularly quick - " "running is an option! "; if (Options.tutorial_type == TUT_BERSERK_CHAR && !you.berserker) { text += "\nAlso, with "; text += god_name(you.religion); text += "'s support you can use your Berserk ability (a) " "to temporarily gain more hitpoints and greater strength. "; } break; case TUT_YOU_MUTATED: text = "Mutations can be obtained from several sources, among them " "potions, spell miscasts, and overuse of strong enchantments " "like Invisibility. The only reliable way to get rid of mutations " "is with potions of cure mutation. There are about as many " "harmful as beneficial mutations, and most of them have three " "levels. Check your mutations with A."; break; case TUT_NEW_ABILITY: text = "You just gained a new ability. Press a to take a " "look at your abilities or to use one of them."; break; case TUT_WIELD_WEAPON: text = "You might want to wield a more suitable implement " "when attacking monsters."; if (Options.tutorial_type == TUT_RANGER_CHAR && you.inv[ you.equip[EQ_WEAPON] ].sub_type == WPN_BOW) { text += "You can easily switch between weapons in slots a and " "b by pressing '."; } break; case TUT_SEEN_MONSTER: case TUT_SEEN_FIRST_OBJECT: break; default: text += "You've found something new (but I don't know what)!"; } if (seen_what != TUT_SEEN_MONSTER && seen_what != TUT_SEEN_FIRST_OBJECT) print_formatted_paragraph(text, get_tutorial_cols(), MSGCH_TUTORIAL); Options.tut_just_triggered = true; Options.tutorial_events[seen_what] = 0; Options.tutorial_left--; }