/* * Created for Crawl Reference by JPEG on $Date: 2007-01-11$ */ #include #include #include "tutorial.h" #include "command.h" #include "files.h" #include "initfile.h" #include "itemprop.h" #include "menu.h" #include "message.h" #include "misc.h" #include "newgame.h" #include "output.h" #include "player.h" #include "religion.h" #include "spl-util.h" #include "stuff.h" #include "view.h" static species_type get_tutorial_species(unsigned int type); static job_type get_tutorial_job(unsigned int type); //#define TUTORIAL_DEBUG #define TUTORIAL_VERSION 110 static int get_tutorial_cols() { int ncols = get_number_of_cols(); return (ncols > 80? 80 : ncols); } void save_tutorial( FILE* fp ) { writeLong( fp, TUTORIAL_VERSION); writeShort( fp, Options.tutorial_type); for ( unsigned i = 0; i < TUT_EVENTS_NUM; ++i ) writeShort( fp, Options.tutorial_events[i] ); } void load_tutorial( FILE* fp ) { Options.tutorial_left = 0; int version = readLong(fp); Options.tutorial_type = readShort(fp); if (version != TUTORIAL_VERSION) return; for ( long i = 0; i < TUT_EVENTS_NUM; ++i ) { Options.tutorial_events[i] = readShort(fp); Options.tutorial_left += Options.tutorial_events[i]; } } // override init file definition for some options void init_tutorial_options() { if (!Options.tutorial_left) return; Options.delay_message_clear = false; Options.auto_list = true; } // tutorial selection screen and choice bool pick_tutorial() { clrscr(); gotoxy(1,1); formatted_string::parse_string( "You must be new here indeed!" EOL EOL "You can be:" EOL EOL).display(); textcolor( LIGHTGREY ); for (int i = 0; i < TUT_TYPES_NUM; i++) print_tutorial_menu(i); formatted_string::parse_string( EOL "SPACE - Back to class selection; " "Bksp - Back to race selection; X - Quit" EOL "* - Random tutorial" "" EOL).display(); while (1) { char keyn = c_getch(); if (keyn == '*') keyn = 'a' + random2(TUT_TYPES_NUM); // choose character for tutorial game and set starting values if (keyn >= 'a' && keyn <= 'a' + TUT_TYPES_NUM - 1) { Options.tutorial_type = keyn - 'a'; you.species = get_tutorial_species(Options.tutorial_type); you.char_class = get_tutorial_job(Options.tutorial_type); // activate all triggers Options.tutorial_events.init(true); Options.tutorial_left = TUT_EVENTS_NUM; // store whether explore, stash search or travelling was used Options.tut_explored = true; Options.tut_stashes = true; Options.tut_travel = true; // used to compare which fighting means was used most often Options.tut_spell_counter = 0; Options.tut_throw_counter = 0; Options.tut_berserk_counter = 0; Options.tut_melee_counter = 0; // for occasional healing reminders Options.tut_last_healed = 0; Options.random_pick = true; // random choice of starting spellbook Options.weapon = WPN_HAND_AXE; // easiest choice for fighters return true; } if (keyn == CK_BKSP || keyn == ' ') { // in this case, undo previous choices // set_startup_options(); you.species = 0; you.char_class = JOB_UNKNOWN; Options.race = 0; Options.cls = 0; } switch (keyn) { case CK_BKSP: choose_race(); return false; case ' ': choose_class(); return false; case 'X': cprintf(EOL "Goodbye!"); end(0); return false; // as if } } return false; } void print_tutorial_menu(unsigned int type) { char letter = 'a' + type; char desc[100]; switch(type) { case TUT_BERSERK_CHAR: strcpy(desc, "(Melee oriented character with divine support)"); break; case TUT_MAGIC_CHAR: strcpy(desc, "(Magic oriented character)"); break; case TUT_RANGER_CHAR: strcpy(desc, "(Ranged fighter)"); break; default: // no further choices strcpy(desc, "(erroneous character)"); break; } cprintf("%c - %s %s %s" EOL, letter, species_name(get_tutorial_species(type), 1), get_class_name(get_tutorial_job(type)), desc); } static species_type get_tutorial_species(unsigned int type) { switch(type) { case TUT_BERSERK_CHAR: return SP_MINOTAUR; case TUT_MAGIC_CHAR: return SP_DEEP_ELF; case TUT_RANGER_CHAR: return SP_CENTAUR; default: // use something fancy for debugging return SP_KENKU; } } // TO DO: check whether job and species are compatible... static job_type get_tutorial_job(unsigned int type) { switch(type) { case TUT_BERSERK_CHAR: return JOB_BERSERKER; case TUT_MAGIC_CHAR: return JOB_CONJURER; case TUT_RANGER_CHAR: return JOB_HUNTER; default: // use something fancy for debugging return JOB_NECROMANCER; } } // the tutorial welcome screen static formatted_string tut_starting_info(unsigned int width) { std::ostringstream istr; istr << "Welcome to Dungeon Crawl!" EOL EOL << "Your object is to lead a " << species_name(get_tutorial_species(Options.tutorial_type), 1) << " " << get_class_name(get_tutorial_job(Options.tutorial_type)) << " safely through the depths of the dungeon, retrieving the " "fabled orb of Zot and returning it to the surface. " " In the beginning, however, let discovery be your " "main goal. Try to delve as deeply as possible but beware; " "death lurks around every corner." EOL EOL "For the moment, just remember the following keys " "and their functions:" EOL " ? - shows the items and the commands" EOL " S - saves the game, to be resumed later " "(but note that death is permanent)" EOL " x - examine something in your vicinity" EOL EOL "This tutorial will help you play Crawl without reading any " "documentation. If you feel intrigued, there is more information " "available in these files (all of which can also be read in-game):" EOL " readme.txt - " "A very short guide to Crawl." EOL " manual.txt - " "This contains all details on races, magic, skills, etc." EOL " crawl_options.txt - " "Crawl's interface is highly configurable. This document " EOL " explains all the options." EOL EOL "Press Space to proceed to the basics " "(the screen division and movement)." EOL "Press Esc to fast forward to the game start."; std::string broken = istr.str(); linebreak_string2(broken, width); return formatted_string::parse_block(broken); } #ifdef TUTORIAL_DEBUG static std::string tut_debug_list(int event) { switch(event) { case TUT_SEEN_FIRST_OBJECT: return "seen first object"; case TUT_SEEN_POTION: return "seen first potion"; case TUT_SEEN_SCROLL: return "seen first scroll"; case TUT_SEEN_WAND: return "seen first wand"; case TUT_SEEN_SPBOOK: return "seen first spellbook"; case TUT_SEEN_WEAPON: return "seen first weapon"; case TUT_SEEN_MISSILES: return "seen first missiles"; case TUT_SEEN_ARMOUR: return "seen first armour"; case TUT_SEEN_RANDART: return "seen first random artefact"; case TUT_SEEN_FOOD: return "seen first food"; case TUT_SEEN_CARRION: return "seen first corpse"; case TUT_SEEN_JEWELLERY: return "seen first jewellery"; case TUT_SEEN_MISC: return "seen first misc. item"; case TUT_SEEN_MONSTER: return "seen first monster"; case TUT_SEEN_STAIRS: return "seen first stairs"; case TUT_SEEN_TRAPS: return "encountered a trap"; case TUT_SEEN_ALTAR: return "seen an altar"; case TUT_SEEN_SHOP: return "seen a shop"; case TUT_SEEN_DOOR: return "seen a closed door"; case TUT_KILLED_MONSTER: return "killed first monster"; case TUT_NEW_LEVEL: return "gained a new level"; case TUT_SKILL_RAISE: return "raised a skill"; case TUT_YOU_ENCHANTED: return "caught an enchantment"; case TUT_YOU_SICK: return "became sick"; case TUT_YOU_POISON: return "were poisoned"; case TUT_YOU_CURSED: return "had something cursed"; case TUT_YOU_HUNGRY: return "felt hungry"; case TUT_YOU_STARVING: return "were starving"; case TUT_MAKE_CHUNKS: return "learned about chunks"; case TUT_MULTI_PICKUP: return "read about pickup menu"; case TUT_HEAVY_LOAD: return "were encumbered"; case TUT_ROTTEN_FOOD: return "carried rotten food"; case TUT_NEED_HEALING: return "needed healing"; case TUT_NEED_POISON_HEALING: return "needed healing for poison"; case TUT_POSTBERSERK: return "learned about Berserk aftereffects"; case TUT_RUN_AWAY: return "were told to run away"; case TUT_SHIFT_RUN: return "learned about shift-run"; case TUT_MAP_VIEW: return "learned about the level map"; case TUT_DONE_EXPLORE: return "explored a level"; case TUT_YOU_MUTATED: return "caught a mutation"; case TUT_NEW_ABILITY: return "gained a divine ability"; case TUT_WIELD_WEAPON: return "wielded an unsuitable weapon"; case TUT_FLEEING_MONSTER: return "made a monster flee"; default: return "faced a bug"; } } static formatted_string tutorial_debug() { std::string result; bool lbreak = false; snprintf(info, INFO_SIZE, "Tutorial Debug Screen"); int i = get_tutorial_cols()/2-1 - strlen(info) / 2; result += std::string(i, ' '); result += ""; result += info; result += "" EOL EOL; result += ""; for (i=0; i < TUT_EVENTS_NUM; i++) { snprintf(info, INFO_SIZE, "%d: %d (%s)", i, Options.tutorial_events[i], tut_debug_list(i).c_str()); result += info; // break text into 2 columns where possible if (strlen(info) >= get_tutorial_cols()/2 || lbreak) { result += EOL; lbreak = false; } else { result += std::string(get_tutorial_cols()/2-1 - strlen(info), ' '); lbreak = true; } } result += "" EOL EOL; snprintf(info, INFO_SIZE, "tutorial_left: %d\n", Options.tutorial_left); result += info; result += EOL; snprintf(info, INFO_SIZE, "You are a %s %s, and the tutorial will reflect that.", species_name(get_tutorial_species(Options.tutorial_type), 1), get_class_name(get_tutorial_job(Options.tutorial_type))); result += info; return formatted_string::parse_string(result); } #endif // debug static formatted_string tutorial_map_intro() { std::string result; result = "" "What you see here is the typical Crawl screen. The upper left map " "shows your hero as the @ in the center. The parts " "of the map you remember but cannot currently see, will be greyed " "out." "" EOL; result += " --more-- Press Escape to skip the basics"; linebreak_string2(result,get_tutorial_cols()); return formatted_string::parse_block(result, false); } static formatted_string tutorial_stats_intro() { std::ostringstream istr; // Note: must fill up everything to override the map istr << "" "To the right, important properties of \n" "the character are displayed. The most \n" "basic one is your health, measured as \n" "HP: " << you.hp << "/" << you.hp_max << ". "; if (Options.tutorial_type==TUT_MAGIC_CHAR) istr << " "; istr << "These are your current out \n" "of maximum health points. When health \n" "drops to zero, you die. \n" "Magic: " << you.magic_points << "/" << you.max_magic_points << " is your energy for casting \n" "spells, although more mundane actions \n" "often draw from Magic, too. \n" "Further down, Strength, Dexterity and \n" "Intelligence are shown and provide an \n" "all-around account of the character's \n" "attributes. \n" "" " \n" " --more-- Press Escape to skip the basics\n" " \n" " \n"; return formatted_string::parse_block(istr.str(), false); } static formatted_string tutorial_message_intro() { std::string result; result = "" "This lower part of the screen is reserved for messages. Everything " "related to the tutorial is shown in this colour. If you missed " "something, previous messages can be read again with " "Ctrl-P." "" EOL; result += " --more-- Press Escape to skip the basics"; linebreak_string2(result,get_tutorial_cols()); return formatted_string::parse_block(result, false); } static void tutorial_movement_info() { std::string text = "To move your character, use the numpad; try Numlock both on and off. " "If your system has no number pad, or if you are familiar with the vi " "keys, movement is also possible with hjklyubn. A basic " "command list can be found under ?, and the most " "important commands will be explained to you as it becomes necessary."; mesclr(); print_formatted_paragraph(text, get_tutorial_cols(), MSGCH_TUTORIAL); } // copied from display_mutations and adapted void tut_starting_screen() { int x1, x2, y1, y2; int MAX_INFO = 4; #ifdef TUTORIAL_DEBUG MAX_INFO++; #endif char ch; for (int i=0; i<=MAX_INFO; i++) { x1 = 1; y1 = 1; x2 = get_tutorial_cols(); y2 = get_number_of_lines(); if (i==1 || i==3) { y1 = 18; // message window } else if (i==2) { x2 = 40; // map window y2 = 18; } if (i==0) clrscr(); gotoxy(x1,y1); if (i==0) tut_starting_info(x2).display(); else if (i==1) tutorial_map_intro().display(); else if (i==2) tutorial_stats_intro().display(); else if (i==3) tutorial_message_intro().display(); else if (i==4) tutorial_movement_info(); else { #ifdef TUTORIAL_DEBUG clrscr(); gotoxy(x1,y1); tutorial_debug().display(); #else continue; #endif } ch = c_getch(); redraw_screen(); if (ch == ESCAPE) break; } } // once a tutorial character dies, offer some playing hints void tutorial_death_screen() { Options.tutorial_left = 0; std::string text; mpr( "Condolences! Your character's premature death is a sad, but " "common occurence in Crawl. Rest assured that with diligence and " "playing experience your characters will last longer.\n", MSGCH_TUTORIAL); mpr( "Perhaps the following advice can improve your playing style:", MSGCH_TUTORIAL); more(); if (Options.tutorial_type == TUT_MAGIC_CHAR && Options.tut_spell_counter < Options.tut_melee_counter ) text = "As a Conjurer your main weapon should be offensive magic. Cast " "spells more often! Remember to rest when your Magic is low."; else if (Options.tutorial_type == TUT_BERSERK_CHAR && Options.tut_berserk_counter < 1 ) { text = "Don't forget to go berserk when fighting particularly " "difficult foes. It is risky, but makes you faster " "and beefier. Also try to pray prior to battles so that "; text += god_name(you.religion); text += " will soon feel like providing more abilities."; } else if (Options.tutorial_type == TUT_RANGER_CHAR && 2*Options.tut_throw_counter < Options.tut_melee_counter ) text = "Your bow and arrows are extremely powerful against " "distant monsters. Be sure to collect all arrows lying " "around in the dungeon."; else { int hint = random2(6); // If a character has been unusually busy with projectiles and spells // give some other hint rather than the first one. if (Options.tut_throw_counter + Options.tut_spell_counter >= Options.tut_melee_counter && hint == 0) hint = random2(5)+1; switch(hint) { case 0: text = "Always consider using projectiles, wands or spells before " "engaging monsters in close combat."; break; case 1: text = "Learn when to run away from things you can't handle - this is " "important! It is often wise to skip a particularly dangerous " "level. But don't overdo this as monsters will only get harder " "the deeper you delve."; break; case 2: text = "Rest between encounters. In Crawl, searching and resting are " "one and the same. To search for one turn, press s, " "., delete or keypad-5. " "Pressing 5 or shift-and-keypad-5 will " "let you rest for a longer time (you will stop resting when " "fully healed)."; break; case 3: text = "Remember to use those scrolls, potions or wands you've found. " "Very often, you cannot expect to identify everything with the " "scroll only. Learn to improvise: identify through usage."; break; case 4: text = "If a particular encounter feels overwhelming don't forget to " "use emergency items early on. A scroll of teleportation or a " "potion of speed can really save your bacon."; break; case 5: text = "Never fight more than one monster, if you can help it. Always " "back into a corridor so that they are forced to fight you one " "on one."; break; default: text = "Sorry, no hint this time, though there should have been one."; } } print_formatted_paragraph(text, get_tutorial_cols(), MSGCH_TUTORIAL); more(); mpr( "See you next game!", MSGCH_TUTORIAL); Options.tutorial_events.init(false); } // if a character survives until Xp 5, the tutorial is declared finished // and they get a more advanced playing hint, depending on what they might // know by now void tutorial_finished() { std::string text; Options.tutorial_left = 0; text = "Congrats! You survived until the end of this tutorial - be sure to " "try the other ones as well. Note that the help screen (?) " "will look different from now on. Here's a last playing hint:"; print_formatted_paragraph(text, get_tutorial_cols(), MSGCH_TUTORIAL); more(); if (Options.tut_explored) { text = "Walking around and exploring levels gets easier by using " "auto-explore (Ctrl-O). You can even make Crawl " "automatically pick up interesting items by setting the " "option explore_greedy=true in the init file."; } else if (Options.tut_travel) { text = "There is a convenient way for travelling between far away " "dungeon levels: press Ctrl-G and enter the desired " "destination. If your travel gets interrupted, issueing " "Ctrl-G Enter will continue it."; } else if (Options.tut_stashes) { text = "You can search among all items existing in the dungeon with " "the Ctrl-F command. For example, " "Ctrl-F \"knife\" will list all knives. You can then " "travel to one of the spots. It is even possible to enter words " "like \"shop\" or \"altar\"."; } else { int hint = random2(3); switch (hint) { case 0: text = "The game keeps an automated logbook for your characters. Use " "?: to read it. You can enter notes manually with " "the : command. Once your character perishes, two " "morgue files are left in the /morgue directory. " "The one ending in .txt contains a copy of your logbook. " "During play, you can create a dump file with #."; break; case 1: text = "Crawl has a macro function built in: press ~m " "to define a macro by first specifying a trigger key (say, " "F1) and a command sequence, for example " "Za+.. The latter will make the F1 " "key always zap the spell in slot a at the nearest monster. " "For more information on macros, type ?~."; break; case 2: text = "The interface can be greatly customised. All options are " "explained in the file crawl_options.txt which " "can be found in the /docs directory. The " "options themselves are set in init.txt or " ".crawlrc. Crawl will complain if it can't " "find either file.\n"; break; default: text = "Oops... No hint for now. Better luck next time!"; } } print_formatted_paragraph(text, get_tutorial_cols(), MSGCH_TUTORIAL); more(); for ( long i = 0; i < TUT_EVENTS_NUM; ++i ) Options.tutorial_events[i] = 0; } // occasionally remind religious characters of praying void tutorial_prayer_reminder() { if (Options.tut_just_triggered) return; if (coinflip()) // always would be too annoying { std::string text; text = "Remember to pray before battle, so as to dedicate " "your kills to "; text += god_name(you.religion); text += ". Should the monster leave a corpse, consider " "Dissecting it as a sacrifice to "; text += god_name(you.religion); text += ", as well."; print_formatted_paragraph(text, get_tutorial_cols(), MSGCH_TUTORIAL); } } // occasionally remind injured characters of resting void tutorial_healing_reminder() { if (you.poisoning && 2*you.hp < you.hp_max) { if (Options.tutorial_events[TUT_NEED_POISON_HEALING]) learned_something_new(TUT_NEED_POISON_HEALING); } else { if (Options.tutorial_events[TUT_NEED_HEALING]) learned_something_new(TUT_NEED_HEALING); else if (you.num_turns - Options.tut_last_healed >= 50 && !you.poisoning) { if (Options.tut_just_triggered) return; std::string text; text = "Remember to rest between fights and to enter unexplored " "terrain with full hitpoints and magic. For resting, " "press 5 or Shift-numpad 5."; print_formatted_paragraph(text, get_tutorial_cols(), MSGCH_TUTORIAL); } Options.tut_last_healed = you.num_turns; } } void taken_new_item(unsigned char item_type) { switch(item_type) { case OBJ_WANDS: learned_something_new(TUT_SEEN_WAND); break; case OBJ_SCROLLS: learned_something_new(TUT_SEEN_SCROLL); break; case OBJ_JEWELLERY: learned_something_new(TUT_SEEN_JEWELLERY); break; case OBJ_POTIONS: learned_something_new(TUT_SEEN_POTION); break; case OBJ_BOOKS: learned_something_new(TUT_SEEN_SPBOOK); break; case OBJ_FOOD: learned_something_new(TUT_SEEN_FOOD); break; case OBJ_CORPSES: learned_something_new(TUT_SEEN_CARRION); break; case OBJ_WEAPONS: learned_something_new(TUT_SEEN_WEAPON); break; case OBJ_ARMOUR: learned_something_new(TUT_SEEN_ARMOUR); break; case OBJ_MISSILES: learned_something_new(TUT_SEEN_MISSILES); break; case OBJ_MISCELLANY: learned_something_new(TUT_SEEN_MISC); break; case OBJ_STAVES: learned_something_new(TUT_SEEN_STAFF); break; default: /* nothing to be done */ return; } } static std::string colour_to_tag(int col, bool closed = false) { std::string tag = "<"; if (closed) tag += "/"; tag += colour_to_str(col); tag += ">"; return tag; } void tutorial_first_monster(const monsters& mon) { if (!Options.tutorial_events[TUT_SEEN_MONSTER]) return; unsigned ch; unsigned short col; get_mons_glyph(&mon, &ch, &col); if (ch == ' ') // happens if monster standing on dropped corpse or item return; std::string text = "That "; text += colour_to_tag(col); text += ch; text += " is a monster, usually depicted by a letter. Some typical " "early monsters look like r, g, " "b or K. You can gain " "information about it by pressing x, moving the cursor " "on the monster and then pressing v. To attack it with " "your wielded weapon, just move into it."; print_formatted_paragraph(text, get_tutorial_cols(), MSGCH_TUTORIAL); more(); if (Options.tutorial_type == TUT_RANGER_CHAR) { text = "However, as a hunter you will want to deal with it using your " "bow. Do this as follows: wbff where wb " "wields the bow, and ff fires appropriate ammunition " "(your arrows) at the nearest hostile monster. If you'd like to " "choose a new monster you can type f followed by " "+ or - instead to cycle through the " "available targets. Then press Enter, f " "or . to fire. If you miss, ff fires at " "the previous target again."; print_formatted_paragraph(text, get_tutorial_cols(), MSGCH_TUTORIAL); } else if (Options.tutorial_type == TUT_MAGIC_CHAR) { text = "However, as a conjurer you will want to deal with it using magic. " "Do this as follows: Za. where Za zaps " "the first spell you know, "; text += spell_title(get_spell_by_letter('a')); text += ", and . shoots at the targetted monster (the closest " "hostile monster). To target a different monster, use + " "or - to cycle through the available targets. " "Enter, f or . will fire. If you " "miss, Za followed by any of the aforementioned keys " "will fire at it again."; print_formatted_paragraph(text, get_tutorial_cols(), MSGCH_TUTORIAL); } Options.tutorial_events[TUT_SEEN_MONSTER] = 0; Options.tutorial_left--; Options.tut_just_triggered = 1; } void tutorial_first_item(const item_def& item) { if (!Options.tutorial_events[TUT_SEEN_FIRST_OBJECT] || Options.tut_just_triggered) { return; } unsigned ch; unsigned short col; get_item_glyph(&item, &ch, &col); std::string text = "That "; text += colour_to_tag(col); text += ch; text += " is an item. If you move there and press g or " ", you will pick it up. Generally, items are shown by " "non-letter symbols like %?!\"=()[. Once it is in your " "inventory, you can drop it again with d. Several types " "of objects will usually be picked up automatically."; print_formatted_paragraph(text, get_tutorial_cols(), MSGCH_TUTORIAL); Options.tutorial_events[TUT_SEEN_FIRST_OBJECT] = 0; Options.tutorial_left--; Options.tut_just_triggered = 1; } // Here most of the tutorial messages for various triggers are handled. void learned_something_new(tutorial_event_type seen_what, int x, int y) { // already learned about that if (!Options.tutorial_events[seen_what]) return; // don't trigger twice in the same turn if (Options.tut_just_triggered) return; std::ostringstream text; unsigned ch; unsigned short colour; const int ex = x - you.x_pos + 9; const int ey = y - you.y_pos + 9; int object; switch(seen_what) { case TUT_SEEN_POTION: text << "You have picked up your first potion ('!'). " "Use q to drink (quaff) it."; break; case TUT_SEEN_SCROLL: text << "You have picked up your first scroll ('?'). " "Type r to read it."; break; case TUT_SEEN_WAND: text << "You have picked up your first wand ('/'). " "Type z to zap it."; break; case TUT_SEEN_SPBOOK: get_item_symbol(DNGN_ITEM_BOOK, &ch, &colour); text << "You have picked up a spellbook ('" << static_cast(ch) << "'). You can read it by typing r, " "memorise spells via M and cast a memorised " "spell with Z."; if (!you.skills[SK_SPELLCASTING]) { text << "\nHowever, first you will have to get accustomed to " "spellcasting by reading lots of scrolls."; } break; case TUT_SEEN_WEAPON: text << "This is the first weapon ('(') you've picked up. " "Use w to wield it, but be aware that this weapon " "might train a different skill from your current one. You can " "view the weapon's properties with v."; if (Options.tutorial_type == TUT_BERSERK_CHAR) { text << "\nAs you're already trained in Axes you should stick " "with these. Checking other axes can be worthwhile."; } break; case TUT_SEEN_MISSILES: text << "This is the first stack of missiles (')') you've " "picked up. Darts can be thrown by hand, but other missile types " "like arrows and needles require a launcher and training in " "using it to be really effective. v gives more " "information about both missiles and launcher."; if (Options.tutorial_type == TUT_RANGER_CHAR) { text << "\nAs you're already trained in Bows you should stick with " "arrows and collect more of them in the dungeon."; } else if (Options.tutorial_type == TUT_MAGIC_CHAR) { text << "\nHowever, as a spellslinger you don't really need another " "type of ranged attack, unless there's another effect in " "addition to damage."; } else { text << "\nFor now you might be best off with sticking to darts or " "stones for ranged attacks."; } break; case TUT_SEEN_ARMOUR: text << "This is the first piece of armour ('[') you've " "picked up. Use W to wear it and T to " "take it off again. You can view its properties with " "v."; if (you.species == SP_CENTAUR || you.species == SP_MINOTAUR) { text << "\nNote that as a " << species_name(you.species, 1) << "you will be unable to wear " << (you.species == SP_CENTAUR ? "boots" : "helmets"); } break; case TUT_SEEN_RANDART: text << "Weapons and armour that have unusual descriptions like this " "are much more likely to be of higher enchantment or have " "special properties, good or bad. The rarer the description, " "the greater the potential value of an item."; break; case TUT_SEEN_FOOD: text << "You have picked up some food ('%'). You can eat it " "by typing e."; break; case TUT_SEEN_CARRION: text << "You have picked up a corpse ('%'). When a corpse " "is lying on the ground, you can Dissect with a " "sharp implement. Once hungry you can eat the " "resulting chunks (though they may not be healthy)."; if (Options.tutorial_type == TUT_BERSERK_CHAR) { text << " During prayer you can offer corpses to " << god_name(you.religion) << " by dissecting them, as well."; } break; case TUT_SEEN_JEWELLERY: text << "You have picked up a a piece of jewellery, either a ring " "('=') or an amulet ('\"'). Type " "P to put it on and R to remove it. You " "can view it with v although often magic is " "necessary to reveal its true nature."; break; case TUT_SEEN_MISC: text << "This is a curious object indeed. You can play around with it " "to find out what it does by wielding and " "Evoking it."; break; case TUT_SEEN_STAFF: get_item_symbol(DNGN_ITEM_STAVE, &ch, &colour); text << "You have picked up a magic staff or a rod, both of which are " "represented by '" << static_cast(ch) << "'. Both must be ielded to be of use. " "Magicians use staves to increase their power in certain spell " "schools. By contrast, a rod allows the casting of certain " "spells even without magic knowledge simply by " "Evoking it. For the latter the power depends on " "your Evocations skill."; break; case TUT_SEEN_STAIRS: if (you.num_turns < 1) return; object = env.show[ex][ey]; colour = env.show_col[ex][ey]; get_item_symbol( object, &ch, &colour ); text << "The " << colour_to_tag(colour) << static_cast(ch) << " are some downstairs. You can enter the next (deeper) " "level by following them down (>). To get back to " "this level again, press << while standing on the " "upstairs."; break; case TUT_SEEN_TRAPS: object = env.show[ex][ey]; colour = env.show_col[ex][ey]; get_item_symbol( object, &ch, &colour ); text << "Oops... you just triggered a trap. An unwary adventurer will " "occasionally stumble into one of these nasty constructions " "depicted by ^. They can do physical damage (with " "darts or needles, for example) or have other, more magical " "effects, like teleportation."; break; case TUT_SEEN_ALTAR: object = env.show[ex][ey]; colour = env.show_col[ex][ey]; get_item_symbol( object, &ch, &colour ); text << "The " << colour_to_tag(colour) << static_cast(ch) << " is an altar. You can get information about it by pressing " "p while standing on the square. Before taking up " "the responding faith you'll be asked for confirmation."; break; case TUT_SEEN_SHOP: text << "The " << stringize_glyph(get_screen_glyph(x,y)) << " is a shop. You can enter it by typing " "<<."; break; case TUT_SEEN_DOOR: if (you.num_turns < 1) return; text << "The " << stringize_glyph(get_screen_glyph(x,y)) << " is a closed door. You can open it by walking into it. " "Sometimes it is useful to close a door. Do so by pressing " "c, followed by the direction."; break; case TUT_KILLED_MONSTER: text << "Congratulations, your character just gained some experience by " "killing this monster! Every action will use up some of it to " "train certain skills. For example, fighting monsters "; if (Options.tutorial_type == TUT_BERSERK_CHAR) text << "in melee battle will raise your Axes and Fighting skills."; else if (Options.tutorial_type == TUT_RANGER_CHAR) text << "using bow and arrows will raise your Bows and Ranged Combat " "skills."; else // if (Options.tutorial_type == TUT_MAGIC_CHAR) text << "with offensive magic will raise your Conjurations and " "Spellcasting skills."; if (you.religion != GOD_NO_GOD) { text << "\nTo dedicate your kills to " << god_name(you.religion) << " pray before battle. Note that not all gods " "will be pleased about you doing this."; } break; case TUT_NEW_LEVEL: text << "Well done! Reaching a new experience level is always a nice " "event: you get more health and magic points, and occasionally " "increases to your attributes (strength, dexterity, intelligence)."; if (Options.tutorial_type == TUT_MAGIC_CHAR) { text << "\nAlso, new experience levels let you learn more spells " "(the Spellcasting skill also does this). For now, " "you should try to memorise the second spell of your " "starting book with Mcb, which can then be " "zapped with Zb."; } break; case TUT_SKILL_RAISE: text << "One of your skills just got raised. Type m to take " "a look at your skills screen."; break; case TUT_YOU_ENCHANTED: text << "Enchantments of all types can befall you temporarily. " "Brief descriptions of these appear at the lower end of the stats " "area. Press @ for more details. A list of all " "possible enchantments is in the manual."; break; case TUT_YOU_SICK: learned_something_new(TUT_YOU_ENCHANTED); text << "Corpses can be spoiled or inedible, making you sick. " "Also, some monsters' flesh is less palatable than others'. " "While sick, your hitpoints won't regenerate and sometimes " "an attribute may decrease. It wears off with time (wait with " "5) or you can quaff a potion of healing."; break; case TUT_YOU_POISON: learned_something_new(TUT_YOU_ENCHANTED); text << "Poison will slowly reduce your hp. It wears off with time " "(wait with 5) or you could quaff a potion of " "healing."; break; case TUT_YOU_CURSED: text << "Curses are comparatively harmless, but they do mean that you " "cannot remove cursed equipment and will have to suffer the " "(possibly) bad effects until you find and read a scroll of " "remove curse. Weapons can also be uncursed using enchanting " "scrolls."; break; case TUT_YOU_HUNGRY: text << "There are two ways to overcome hunger: food you started " "with or found, and selfmade chunks from corpses. To get the " "latter, all you need to do is D a corpse with a " "sharp implement. Your starting weapon will do nicely. " "Try to dine on chunks in order to save permanent food."; break; case TUT_YOU_STARVING: text << "You are now suffering from terrible hunger. You'll need to " "eat something quickly, or you'll die. The safest " "way to deal with this is to simply eat something from your " "inventory rather than wait for a monster to leave a corpse."; break; case TUT_MULTI_PICKUP: text << "There's a more comfortable way to pick up several items at the " "same time. If you press , or g twice " "you can choose items from a menu. This takes less keystrokes " "but has no influence on the number of turns needed. Multi-pickup " "will be interrupted by monsters or other dangerous events."; break; case TUT_HEAVY_LOAD: if (you.burden_state != BS_UNENCUMBERED) text << "It is not usually a good idea to run around encumbered; it " "slows you down and increases your hunger."; else text << "Sadly, your inventory is limited to 52 items, and it appears " "your knapsack is full."; text << " However, this is easy enough to rectify: simply drop " "some of the stuff you don't need or that's too heavy to lug " "around permanently."; break; case TUT_ROTTEN_FOOD: text << "One or more of the chunks or corpses you carry has started to " "rot. Few races can digest these safely, so you might just as " "well drop them now."; if (you.religion == GOD_TROG || you.religion == GOD_MAKHLEB || you.religion == GOD_OKAWARU) { text << "\nIf it is a rotting corpse you carry now might be a good " "time to drop and Dissect it during " "prayer (p) as an offer to " << god_name(you.religion) << "."; } break; case TUT_MAKE_CHUNKS: text << "How lucky! That monster left a corpse which you can now " "Dissect. One or more chunks will appear that you can " "then eat. Beware that some chunks may be, " "sometimes or always, hazardous. Only experience can help " "you here."; if (you.duration[DUR_PRAYER] && (you.religion == GOD_OKAWARU || you.religion == GOD_MAKHLEB || you.religion == GOD_TROG || you.religion == GOD_ELYVILON)) { text << "\nNote that dissection under prayer offers the corpse to " << god_name(you.religion) << " - check your god's attitude about this with ^."; } break; case TUT_SHIFT_RUN: text << "Walking around takes less keystrokes if you press " "Shift-direction or / direction. " "That will let you run until a monster comes into sight or " "your character sees something interesting."; break; case TUT_MAP_VIEW: text << "As you explore a level, orientation can become difficult. " "Press X to bring up the level map. Typing " "? shows the list of level map commands. " "Most importantly, moving the cursor to a spot and pressing " ". or Enter lets your character move " "there on its own."; break; case TUT_DONE_EXPLORE: text << "You have explored the dungeon on this level. The downstairs look " "like '>'. Proceed there and press > to " "go down. "; if (Options.tutorial_events[TUT_SEEN_STAIRS]) { text << "In rare cases, you may have found no downstairs at all. " "Try searching for secret doors in suspicious looking spots; " "use s, . or 5 to do so."; } else { text << "Each level of Crawl has three white up and three white down " "stairs. Unexplored parts can often be accessed via another " "level or through secret doors. To find the latter, search " "the adjacent squares of walls for one turn with s " "or ., or for 100 turns with 5 or " "Shift-numpad 5."; } break; case TUT_NEED_HEALING: text << "If you're low on hitpoints or magic and there's no urgent need " "to move, you can rest for a bit. Press 5 or " "shift-numpad-5 to do so."; break; case TUT_NEED_POISON_HEALING: text << "Your poisoning could easily kill you, so now would be a good " "time to quaff a potion of heal wounds or, better " "yet, a potion of healing. If you have seen neither of these so " "far, try unknown ones in your inventory. Good luck!"; break; case TUT_POSTBERSERK: text << "Berserking is extremely exhausting! It burns a lot of nutrition, " "and afterwards you are slowed down and occasionally even pass " "out."; break; case TUT_RUN_AWAY: text << "Whenever you've got only a few hitpoints left and you're in " "danger of dying, check your options carefully. Often, retreat or " "use of some item might be a viable alternative to fighting on."; if (you.species == SP_CENTAUR) text << " As a four-legged centaur you are particularly quick - " "running is an option! "; if (Options.tutorial_type == TUT_BERSERK_CHAR && !you.berserker && !you.hunger) { text << "\nAlso, with " << god_name(you.religion) << "'s support you can use your Berserk ability (a) " "to temporarily gain more hitpoints and greater strength. "; } break; case TUT_YOU_MUTATED: text << "Mutations can be obtained from several sources, among them " "potions, spell miscasts, and overuse of strong enchantments " "like Invisibility. The only reliable way to get rid of mutations " "is with potions of cure mutation. There are about as many " "harmful as beneficial mutations, and most of them have three " "levels. Check your mutations with A."; break; case TUT_NEW_ABILITY: text << "You just gained a new ability. Press a to take a " "look at your abilities or to use one of them."; break; case TUT_WIELD_WEAPON: text << "You might want to wield a more suitable implement " "when attacking monsters."; if (Options.tutorial_type == TUT_RANGER_CHAR && you.inv[ you.equip[EQ_WEAPON] ].sub_type == WPN_BOW) { text << "You can easily switch between weapons in slots a and " "b by pressing '."; } break; case TUT_FLEEING_MONSTER: if (!Options.tutorial_type == TUT_BERSERK_CHAR) return; text << "While unsporting, it is sometimes useful to attack a fleeing " "monster by throwing something after it. To do this, press " "t, choose a throwing weapon, e.g. one of your " "spears, use + to select a monster and press " "., f or Enter. The closest " "monster will be autoselected. If you've got the fire_order " "option set you can directly use ff or " "f+. instead; the game will pick the first weapon " "that fits the option."; break; case TUT_SEEN_MONSTER: case TUT_SEEN_FIRST_OBJECT: break; case TUT_EVENTS_NUM: text << "You've found something new (but I don't know what)!"; } if ( !text.str().empty() ) { std::string s = text.str(); print_formatted_paragraph(s, get_tutorial_cols(), MSGCH_TUTORIAL); } Options.tut_just_triggered = true; Options.tutorial_events[seen_what] = 0; Options.tutorial_left--; } void tut_describe_abilities() { const int bottom_line = (get_number_of_lines() > 30) ? 30 : get_number_of_lines(); textcolor(MAGENTA); gotoxy(1, bottom_line-5); std::string text = "This screen shows your character's set of talents. You can gain new " EOL "abilities via certain items, through religion or by way of mutations. " EOL "Activation of an ability usually comes at a cost, e.g. nutrition or " EOL "Magic power. "; if (you.religion == GOD_TROG) text += "Renounce Religion will make your character leave your god" EOL "(and usually anger said god), while Berserk temporarily increases your" EOL "damage output in melee fights."; formatted_string::parse_block(text, false).display(); }