#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; my $line_num = 0; my @warnings = (); my @errors = (); my @all_artefacts = (); my %used_names = (); my %used_appears = (); my %used_enums = (); my %found_funcs = (); my %field_type = ( AC => "num", ACC => "num", ANGRY => "num", APPEAR => "str", BERSERK => "bool", BLINK => "bool", BRAND => "enum", CANTELEP => "bool", CHAOTIC => "bool", COLD => "num", COLOUR => "enum", CURSED => "num", DAM => "num", DEX => "num", ELEC => "bool", EV => "num", EVIL => "bool", FIRE => "num", HOLY => "bool", INT => "num", INV => "bool", LEV => "bool", LIFE => "bool", MAGIC => "num", MAPPING => "bool", METAB => "num", MP => "num", MUTATE => "num", NAME => "str", NOISES => "bool", NOSPELL => "bool", NOTELEP => "bool", POISON => "bool", RND_TELE => "bool", SEEINV => "bool", SPECIAL => "bool", SPIRIT => "bool", STEALTH => "num", STR => "num", VALUE => "num", DESC => "str", DESC_END => "str", DESC_ID => "str", TILE => "str", TILE_EQ => "str", TILERIM => "bool", flags => "flags", equip_func => "func", unequip_func => "func", world_reacts_func => "func", fight_func_func => "func", melee_effect_func => "func", launch_func => "func", evoke_func => "func", plus => "num", plus2 => "num", base_type => "enum", sub_type => "enum" ); my %union_name = ( melee_effect => "fight_func", launch => "fight_func" ); my @field_list = keys(%field_type); sub error { my ($artefact, $str) = @_; my $msg = ""; my $name = $artefact->{NAME} || $artefact->{APPEAR} || "NAMELESS"; if ($artefact->{_FINISHING}) { $msg .= "Artefact $name starting at line " . $artefact->{_START_LINE} . ": "; } else { $msg = "Artefact $name at line $line_num: " } $msg .= $str; $artefact->{_ERROR} = 1; push(@errors, $msg); } sub is_number { my ($num) = @_; return ($num =~ /^[+-]?\d+$/); } sub finish_art { my ($artefact) = @_; $artefact->{_FINISHING} = 1; my $must; foreach $must ("NAME", "APPEAR", "OBJ", "COLOUR") { if (!defined($artefact->{$must})) { error($artefact, "Required field '$must' missing"); $artefact->{$must} = "_MISSING_"; } } # Prevent further errors caused by absence of OBJ $artefact->{base_type} ||= ""; $artefact->{sub_type} ||= ""; # Handled later $artefact->{flags} = ""; # Default ego. if (!exists($artefact->{BRAND})) { my $type = $artefact->{base_type} || ""; if ($type eq "OBJ_WEAPONS") { $artefact->{BRAND} = "SPWPN_NORMAL"; } elsif($type eq "OBJ_ARMOUR") { $artefact->{BRAND} = "SPARM_NORMAL"; } else { $artefact->{BRAND} = "0"; } } # Fill in function pointers. my $enum = $artefact->{_ENUM}; my $funcs; if ($found_funcs{$enum}) { $funcs = $found_funcs{$enum}; delete($found_funcs{$enum}); } else { $funcs = {}; } foreach my $func_name ("equip", "unequip", "world_reacts", "fight_func", "evoke") { my $val; if ($funcs->{$func_name}) { $val = "_${enum}_" . $funcs->{$func_name}; } else { $val = "NULL"; } $artefact->{"${func_name}_func"} = $val; } # Default values. my $field; foreach $field (@field_list) { if (!exists($artefact->{$field})) { # Give default values for fields not specified. my $type = $field_type{$field} || ""; if ($type eq "str") { $artefact->{$field} = ""; } elsif($type eq "num" || $type eq "bool") { $artefact->{$field} = "0"; } elsif($type eq "enum") { error($artefact, "No enumeration for field '$field'"); } elsif($type eq "func") { $artefact->{$field} = "NULL"; } else { error($artefact, "Unknown type '$type' for field '$field'"); } } elsif (!defined($artefact->{$field})) { error($artefact, "Field '$field' not defined"); } } my $flags = ""; my $flag; foreach $flag ("SPECIAL", "HOLY", "EVIL", "CHAOTIC") { if ($artefact->{$flag}) { $flags .= "UNRAND_FLAG_$flag | "; } } if ($flags eq "") { $flags = "UNRAND_FLAG_NONE"; } else { chop($flags); chop($flags); chop($flags); } $artefact->{flags} = $flags; delete($artefact->{_FINISHING}); $artefact->{_FINISHED} = 1; } sub process_line { my ($artefact, $line) = @_; # A line can start with whitespace if it's a continuation of a field # with a string value. if ($line =~ /^\s/) { my $prev_field = $artefact->{_PREV_FIELD} || ""; if ($field_type{$prev_field} eq "str") { $line =~ s/^\s*//; $artefact->{$prev_field} .= " " . $line; } else { error($artefact, "line starts with whitespace"); } return; } $artefact->{_START_LINE} ||= $line_num; my ($field, $value) = ($line =~ /([^:]+):\s*(.*)/); $field ||= ""; $value ||= ""; # Strip leading and trailing white space. $field =~ s/^\s*|\s*$//g; $value =~ s/^\s*|\s*$//g; if ($field eq "") { error($artefact, "No field"); return; } if (defined($artefact->{$field})) { error($artefact, "Field '$field' already set"); return; } $artefact->{_PREV_FIELD} = $field; $artefact->{$field} = $value; if ($value eq "") { error($artefact, "Field '$field' has no value"); return; } if ($field eq "BOOL") { my @parts = split(/\s*,\s*/, $value); my $part; foreach $part (@parts) { my $up = uc($part); if ($up eq "CURSED") { # Start out cursed, but don't re-curse. $artefact->{CURSED} = -1; } elsif (!exists($field_type{$up})) { error($artefact, "Unknown bool '$part'"); } elsif ($field_type{$up} ne "bool") { error($artefact, "'$part' is not a boolean"); } else { $artefact->{$up} = 1; } } } elsif ($field eq "OBJ") { my @parts = split(m!/!, $value); if (@parts > 2) { error($artefact, "Too many parts to OBJ"); return; } elsif (@parts == 1) { error($artefact, "Too few parts to OBJ"); return; } if ($parts[0] !~ /^OBJ_/) { error($artefact, "OBJ base type must start with 'OBJ_'"); return; } $artefact->{base_type} = $parts[0]; $artefact->{sub_type} = $parts[1]; } elsif($field eq "PLUS") { my @parts = split(m!/!, $value); if (@parts > 2) { error($artefact, "Too many parts to PLUS"); return; } if (!is_number($parts[0])) { error($artefact, "'$parts[0]' in PLUS is not a number"); return; } if (@parts == 2 && !is_number($parts[1])) { error($artefact, "'$parts[1]' in PLUS is not a number"); return; } $artefact->{plus} = $parts[0]; $artefact->{plus2} = $parts[1] if (@parts == 2); } elsif ($field eq "ENUM") { } else { if (!exists($field_type{$field}) || $field =~ /^[a-z]/) { error($artefact, "No such field as '$field'"); return; } if ($field_type{$field} eq "bool") { error($artefact, "'$field' should be expressed using BOOL"); return; } my $num = is_number($value); my $type = $field_type{$field} || ""; if (($type eq "num" && !$num) || ($type eq "str" && $num)) { error($artefact, "'$value' invalid value type for field '$field'."); return; } } my $enum = ""; if ($field eq "NAME") { if (exists($used_names{$value})) { error($artefact, "Name \"$value\" already used at line " . $used_names{$value}); return; } $used_names{$value} = $line_num; if (!exists($artefact->{_ENUM})) { $enum = $value; $enum =~ s/'//g; # If possible, make the enum literal the part of the name between # double quotes, or the part of the name after " of " or # " of the ". if ($enum =~ /"(.*)"/) { $enum = $1; } elsif ($enum =~ / of (?:the )?(.*)/) { $enum = $1; } $enum = uc($enum); $enum =~ s/[ -]/_/g; } } elsif ($field eq "APPEAR") { if (exists($used_appears{$value})) { error($artefact, "Name '$value' already used at line " . $used_appears{$value}); return; } $used_appears{$value} = $line_num; } elsif ($field eq "ENUM") { if (exists($artefact->{NAME})) { error($artefact, "ENUM must be before NAME"); return; } $enum = "$value"; } if ($enum ne "") { if (exists($used_enums{$enum})) { error($artefact, "Enum \"$enum\" already used by artefact " . "\"$used_enums{$enum}\""); return; } $used_enums{$enum} = $value; $artefact->{_ENUM} = $enum; } } my @art_order = ( "NAME", "APPEAR", "\n", "base_type", "sub_type", "plus", "plus2", "COLOUR", "VALUE", "\n", "flags", "{", "BRAND", "AC", "EV", "STR", "INT", "DEX", "\n", "FIRE", "COLD", "ELEC", "POISON", "LIFE", "MAGIC", "\n", "SEEINV", "INV", "LEV", "BLINK", "CANTELEP", "BERSERK", "\n", "MAPPING", "NOISES", "NOSPELL", "RND_TELE", "NOTELEP", "\n", "ANGRY", "METAB", "MUTATE", "ACC", "DAM", "\n", "CURSED", "STEALTH", "MP", "SPIRIT", "}", "DESC", "\n", "DESC_ID", "\n", "DESC_END", "\n", "equip_func", "unequip_func", "world_reacts_func", "{fight_func_func", "evoke_func" ); sub art_to_str { my ($artefact) = @_; my $indent = 1; my $str = "{\n "; for (my $i = 0; $i < @art_order; $i++) { my $part = $art_order[$i]; if (length($part) == 1) { if ($part eq "{") { $str .= "\n" . (" " x ($indent * 4)) . "{"; $indent++; $str .= "\n" . (" " x ($indent * 4)); } elsif($part eq "}") { $indent--; $str .= "\n" . (" " x ($indent * 4)) . "},"; $str .= "\n" . (" " x ($indent * 4)); } else { $str .= "\n" . (" " x ($indent * 4)); } next; } my $bracketed = 0; if ($part =~ /^{(.*)/) { $part = $1; $str .= "{ "; $bracketed = 1; } if (!defined($field_type{$part})) { print STDERR "No field type for part '$part'\n"; next; } if ($field_type{$part} eq "str") { my $temp = $artefact->{$part}; $temp =~ s/"/\\"/g; $str .= "\"$temp\""; } else { $str .= $artefact->{$part}; } $str .= " }" if ($bracketed); $str .= ", "; } $str .= "\n},\n\n"; return ($str); } sub write_data { unless (open(HEADER, ">art-data.h")) { die "Couldn't open 'art-data.h' for writing: $!\n"; } print HEADER <<"ENDofTEXT"; /* * File: art-data.h * Summary: Definitions for unrandom artefacts. */ /* * This file is automatically generated from art-data.txt via * util/art-data.pl. Do not directly edit this file, but rather change * art-data.txt. * * If the unrandart_entry struct is changed or a new artefact property is * added to artefact_prop_type, then change art-data.pl so that the * art-data.h file it produces matches up with the new structure. */ #ifdef ART_DATA_H #error "art-data.h included twice!" #endif #ifndef ART_FUNC_H #error "art-func.h must be included before art-data.h" #endif #define ART_DATA_H ENDofTEXT my $artefact; my $art_num = 1; foreach $artefact (@all_artefacts) { print HEADER "/* $art_num: UNRAND_$artefact->{_ENUM} */\n"; print HEADER art_to_str($artefact); $art_num++; } close(HEADER); } sub write_enums { unless (open(ENUM_IN, ") { last if (/^#define NO_UNRANDARTS/); $out .= $_; } if (!/^#define NO_UNRANDARTS (\d+)/) { die "Couldn't find NO_UNRANDARTS in artefact.h\n"; } my $orig_num = $1; my $new_num = scalar(@all_artefacts); if ($orig_num == $new_num) { print "Number of unrandarts unchanged.\n"; $out .= $_; } else { print "Number of unrandarts changed from $orig_num to $new_num\n"; $out .= "#define NO_UNRANDARTS $new_num\n"; $changed = 1; } while() { $out .= $_; last if (/^enum unrand_type/); } if (!/^enum unrand_type/) { die "Couldn't find 'enum unrand_type' in artefact.h\n"; } $out .= ; # { $out .= ; # UNRAND_START = 180, my @enum_list = (); while() { last if (/\bUNRAND_LAST\b/); /^\s*(\w+)/; push(@enum_list, $1); } ; # discard "};" # Suck in rest of file undef($/); my $remainder = ; close(ENUM_IN); if (@enum_list != @all_artefacts) { print "Enumeration list changed.\n"; $changed = 1; } else { my $i; for ($i = 0; $i < @enum_list; $i++) { if ($enum_list[$i] ne "UNRAND_$all_artefacts[$i]->{_ENUM}") { print "Enumeration list changed.\n"; $changed = 1; last; } } } if (!$changed) { print "No changes made to artefact.h\n"; return; } print "Updating artefact.h...\n"; unless(open(ENUM_OUT, ">artefact.h")) { die "Couldn't open 'artefact.h' for writing: $!\n"; } print ENUM_OUT $out; my $i; my $longest_enum = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < @all_artefacts; $i++) { my $enum = $all_artefacts[$i]->{_ENUM}; my $len = length($enum); $longest_enum = $len if ($len > $longest_enum); } my $enum; for ($i = 0; $i < @all_artefacts; $i++) { $enum = $all_artefacts[$i]->{_ENUM}; print ENUM_OUT " UNRAND_$enum"; if ($i == 0) { print ENUM_OUT " = UNRAND_START,\n"; } else { print ENUM_OUT ", "; print ENUM_OUT " " x ($longest_enum - length($enum)); print ENUM_OUT "// $all_artefacts[$i]->{NAME}\n"; } } print ENUM_OUT " UNRAND_LAST = UNRAND_$enum\n"; print ENUM_OUT "};\n"; print ENUM_OUT $remainder; close(ENUM_OUT); } sub write_tiles { my $tilefile = "dc-unrand.txt"; print "Updating $tilefile...\n"; die "Can't write to $tilefile\n" if (-e $tilefile && !-w $tilefile); unless (open(TILES, ">$tilefile")) { die "Couldn't open '$tilefile' for writing: $!\n"; } my %art_by_type = (); foreach my $artefact (@all_artefacts) { next if ($artefact->{NAME} =~ /DUMMY/); if ($artefact->{TILE} eq "") { print STDERR "No TILE defined for '$artefact->{NAME}'\n"; next; } # The path always has the form /item/$folder/artefact. my $type = $artefact->{base_type} || ""; my $folder = ""; if ($type eq "OBJ_WEAPONS") { $folder = "weapon"; } elsif ($type eq "OBJ_ARMOUR") { $folder = "armour"; } elsif ($type eq "OBJ_JEWELLERY") { if ($artefact->{sub_type} =~ /RING_/) { $folder = "ring"; } else { $folder = "amulet"; } } else { next; } my $definition = "$artefact->{TILE} UNRAND_$artefact->{_ENUM}"; my $needrim = ($artefact->{TILERIM} ? "1" : "0"); if (defined $art_by_type{$folder}) { if (defined $art_by_type{$folder}{$needrim}) { push @{$art_by_type{$folder}{$needrim}}, $definition; } else { $art_by_type{$folder}{$needrim} = [$definition]; } } else { $art_by_type{$folder} = {$needrim => [$definition]}; } } print TILES << "HEADER_END"; # This file is automatically generated from source/art-data.txt via # util/art-data.pl. Do not directly edit this file, but rather change # art-data.txt. HEADER_END # Output the tile definitions sorted by type (and thus path). foreach my $type (keys %art_by_type) { print TILES "%sdir item/$type/artefact\n"; foreach my $needrim (sort keys %{$art_by_type{$type}}) { print TILES "%rim 1\n" if ($needrim); foreach my $def (@{$art_by_type{$type}{$needrim}}) { print TILES "$def\n"; } print TILES "%rim 0\n" if ($needrim); } print TILES "\n"; } close(TILES); my %parts; foreach my $artefact (@all_artefacts) { next if ($artefact->{NAME} =~ /DUMMY/); if (not(defined $artefact->{TILE_EQ}) || $artefact->{TILE_EQ} eq "") { if ($artefact->{base_type} ne "OBJ_JEWELLERY") { print STDERR "TILE_EQ not defined for '$artefact->{NAME}'\n"; } next; } my $part = "BODY"; if ($artefact->{base_type} eq "OBJ_WEAPONS") { $part = "HAND1"; } elsif ($artefact->{base_type} ne "OBJ_ARMOUR") { next; } elsif ($artefact->{sub_type} =~ /_SHIELD/ || $artefact->{sub_type} =~ /_BUCKLER/) { $part = "HAND2"; } elsif ($artefact->{sub_type} =~ /_CLOAK/) { $part = "CLOAK"; } elsif ($artefact->{sub_type} =~ /_CAP/ || $artefact->{sub_type} =~ /_HAT/) { $part = "HELM"; } elsif ($artefact->{sub_type} =~ /_SHIELD/) { $part = "HAND2"; } elsif ($artefact->{sub_type} =~ /_BOOTS/) { $part = "BOOTS"; } elsif ($artefact->{sub_type} =~ /_GLOVES/) { $part = "ARM"; } if (defined $parts{$part}) { push @{$parts{$part}}, $artefact; } else { $parts{$part} = [$artefact]; } } $tilefile = "dc-player.txt"; unless (open(TILES, "<$tilefile")) { die "Couldn't open '$tilefile' for reading: $!\n"; } my $curr_part = ""; my $content = ; my @lines = split "\n", $content; foreach my $line (@lines) { if ($line =~ /parts_ctg\s+(\S+)/) { $curr_part = $1; next; } next if (not defined $parts{$curr_part}); if ($line =~ /^(\S+)\s+(\S+)/) { my $name = $1; my $enum = $2; foreach my $art (@{$parts{$curr_part}}) { if ($art->{TILE_EQ} eq $name) { $art->{TILE_EQ_ENUM} = "TILEP_".$curr_part."_".$enum; # Don't break from the loop in case several artefacts # share the same tile. } } } } close(TILES); # Create tiledef-unrand.cc for the function unrandart_to_tile(). # Should we also create tiledef-unrand.h this way? $tilefile = "tiledef-unrand.cc"; print "Updating $tilefile...\n"; die "Can't write to $tilefile\n" if (-e $tilefile && !-w $tilefile); unless (open(TILES, ">$tilefile")) { die "Couldn't open '$tilefile' for writing: $!\n"; } print TILES << "HEADER_END"; /* * This file is automatically generated from source/art-data.txt via * util/art-data.pl. Do not directly edit this file, but rather change * art-data.txt. */ #include "AppHdr.h" #include "tiledef-unrand.h" #include "artefact.h" #include "tiledef-main.h" int unrandart_to_tile(int unrand) { switch (unrand) { HEADER_END my $longest_enum = 0; foreach my $artefact (@all_artefacts) { my $enum = $artefact->{_ENUM}; my $len = length($enum); $longest_enum = $len if ($len > $longest_enum); } $longest_enum += length("UNRAND_"); foreach my $artefact (@all_artefacts) { next if ($artefact->{NAME} =~ /DUMMY/); next if ($artefact->{TILE} eq ""); my $enum = "UNRAND_$artefact->{_ENUM}"; print TILES (" " x 4) . "case $enum:" . " " x ($longest_enum - length($enum) + 2) . "return TILE_$enum;\n"; } print TILES (" " x 4) . "default: return -1;\n"; print TILES (" " x 4) . "}\n"; print TILES "}\n\n"; print TILES "int unrandart_to_doll_tile(int unrand)\n{\n"; print TILES (" " x 4) . "switch (unrand)\n"; print TILES (" " x 4) . "{\n"; foreach my $part (sort keys %parts) { print TILES (" " x 4) . "// $part\n"; foreach my $artefact (@{$parts{$part}}) { if (not defined $artefact->{TILE_EQ_ENUM}) { print STDERR "Tile '$artefact->{TILE_EQ}' for part '$part' not " . "found in 'dc-player.txt'.\n"; next; } my $enum = "UNRAND_$artefact->{_ENUM}"; my $t_enum = $artefact->{TILE_EQ_ENUM}; print TILES (" " x 4) . "case $enum:" . " " x ($longest_enum - length($enum) + 2) . "return $t_enum;\n"; } } print TILES (" " x 4) . "default: return -1;\n"; print TILES (" " x 4) . "}\n"; print TILES "}\n\n"; close(TILES); } my %valid_func = ( equip => 1, unequip => 1, world_reacts => 1, melee_effect => 1, evoke => 1 ); sub read_funcs { unless(open(INPUT, ") { if (/^static .* _([A-Z_]+)_(\S+)\s*\(/) { my $enum = $1; my $func = $2; if (!$valid_func{$func}) { push(@warnings, "Unrecognized func '$func' for artefact " . "'$enum'"); next; } $found_funcs{$enum} ||= {}; my $func_list = $found_funcs{$enum}; my $key = $union_name{$func} || $func; $func_list->{$key} = $func; } } close(INPUT); } sub read_data { unless(open(INPUT, ") { chomp; $line_num++; # Skip comment-only lines next if (/^#/); # Strip comments. s/#.*//; # Strip trailing whitspace; leading whitespace indicates the # continuation of a string field. s/\s*$//; if ($_ =~ /^\s*$/) { if ($prev_line !~ /^\s*$/) { finish_art($curr_art); push(@all_artefacts, $curr_art); $curr_art = {}; } } else { process_line($curr_art, $_); } $prev_line = $_; } close(INPUT); if (keys(%$curr_art) > 0) { finish_art($curr_art); push(@all_artefacts, $curr_art); } } ###############################################################3 ###############################################################3 ###############################################################3 chdir("..") if (-e "../art-data.txt"); chdir("source") if (-e "source/art-data.txt"); die "Couldn't find art-data.txt\n" unless (-e "art-data.txt"); die "Couldn't find art-func.h\n" unless (-e "art-func.h"); die "Couldn't find artefact.h\n" unless (-e "artefact.h"); die "Can't read art-data.txt\n" unless (-r "art-data.txt"); die "Can't read art-func.h\n" unless (-r "art-func.h"); die "Can't read artefact.h\n" unless (-r "artefact.h"); die "Can't write to artefact.h\n" unless (-w "artefact.h"); die "Can't write to art-data.h\n" if (-e "art-data.h" && !-w "art-data.h"); read_funcs(); read_data(); if (keys(%found_funcs) > 0) { my $key; foreach $key (keys(%found_funcs)) { push(@warnings, "Funcs for unknown artefact enum $key: " . join(", ", keys(%{$found_funcs{$key}}))); } } if (@warnings > 0) { print STDERR "Warning(s):\n"; my $warn; foreach $warn (@warnings) { print STDERR "$warn\n"; } print STDERR "\n"; } if (@errors > 0) { print STDERR "Error(s) processing art-data.txt:\n\n"; my $err; foreach $err (@errors) { print STDERR "$err\n"; } exit (1); } write_data(); write_enums(); chdir("rltiles"); write_tiles(); exit (0);